Congress Finally Challenges the Cuba Travel Ban

Was in Sweden years ago, my son went there regularly on business. It’s olay as a country, certainly not where I would want to live. Lots in the news a few years back about people setting off explosives and hand grenades, never did understand that.
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.

No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing ea
No idea what you are talking about.

Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.
/——/So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

Why do you need the Fed Govt to be your nanny? Can you not make choices for yourself?
/——/ I don’t and that’s why I’ll never vote for a democRAT

This whole thread is about the Fed Govt being a nanny state, and you support. Do try and keep up with your own post
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.

Now it is all of a sudden about sanctions , it was not about sanctions when you made this stupid fucking post...So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

The Govt can put sanctions on a country without telling me I am not allowed to go there. With each post you highlight just how big of a statist you are.
/—-/ A travel restriction is a sanction, Dummy.
Why you libtards are hell bent on visiting some shythole is beyond me. Cuba Sanctions
/—-/ A travel restriction is a sanction, Dummy.
Why you libtards are hell bent on visiting some shythole is beyond me. Cuba Sanctions

Yes, I know it is....that does not make ti right. You can have sanctions without travel restrictions.

It is not about Cuba you dumbfuck, it is about the Fed Govt being our nanny. Some of us do not think that is their sadly are not one of them.
Was in Sweden years ago, my son went there regularly on business. It’s olay as a country, certainly not where I would want to live. Lots in the news a few years back about people setting off explosives and hand grenades, never did understand that.
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.

No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing ea
No idea what you are talking about.

Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.

So they aren’t citizens?
/—-/ A travel restriction is a sanction, Dummy.
Why you libtards are hell bent on visiting some shythole is beyond me. Cuba Sanctions

Yes, I know it is....that does not make ti right. You can have sanctions without travel restrictions.

It is not about Cuba you dumbfuck, it is about the Fed Govt being our nanny. Some of us do not think that is their sadly are not one of them.
/——/ Since you can get to Liberal’s Workers Paradise via Mexico it’s only a partial sanction. Why are you he’ll bent on opening a Slave State to US tourists and their money? Makes no sense. Now if the IS placed travel restrictions to all countries I’d be in agreement with you.
/—-/ A travel restriction is a sanction, Dummy.
Why you libtards are hell bent on visiting some shythole is beyond me. Cuba Sanctions

Yes, I know it is....that does not make ti right. You can have sanctions without travel restrictions.

It is not about Cuba you dumbfuck, it is about the Fed Govt being our nanny. Some of us do not think that is their sadly are not one of them.
/——/ Since you can get to Liberal’s Workers Paradise via Mexico it’s only a partial sanction. Why are you he’ll bent on opening a Slave State to US tourists and their money? Makes no sense. Now if the IS placed travel restrictions to all countries I’d be in agreement with you.

One more time it is not about Cuba, it is about the Fed Govt being a nanny...something you seem to need in order to survive.

Not all of us need that
A hoard of illegal aliens is poised at the southern U.S. border and senator Leahy is worried that Americans won't be able to travel to the people's paradise of Cuba? WTF?
Why do you need the Fed Govt to be your nanny? Can you not make choices for yourself?
/——/ I don’t and that’s why I’ll never vote for a democRAT

This whole thread is about the Fed Govt being a nanny state, and you support. Do try and keep up with your own post
/—-/ the US placing sanctions on a Commie dictatorship isn’t a Nanny State. You’re twisting yourself into a pretzel over a non issue.

Now it is all of a sudden about sanctions , it was not about sanctions when you made this stupid fucking post...So the Swedish Government doesn’t give a rat’s patoot what happens to you. Sad.

The Govt can put sanctions on a country without telling me I am not allowed to go there. With each post you highlight just how big of a statist you are.
/—-/ A travel restriction is a sanction, Dummy.
Why you libtards are hell bent on visiting some shythole is beyond me. Cuba Sanctions
You are not sane. :itsok:
Arab, Somali, and Afghani migrants by thousands. Now you understand.

No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing ea
No idea what you are talking about.

Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.

So they aren’t citizens?
You mean percentage-wise?
/----/ " Republican stooge is now claiming to be a Libertarian? "
Sadly your simple mind has let you down again. Your post said "a Conservative, support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?" And my reply is that would be a Libertarian belief, not a Conservative one. I am a conservative and never have been a libertarian. Geeeze you are not very bright.

Well, that makes more sense.

Though you threw me off because the idea that Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go is a Conservative ideal is fucking stupid.

Conservatives used to support small government and limited intervention in our lives...and now you tell me they support the Fed Govt telling us where we can and cannot go.

You sir are no Conservative, you are nothing but a statist.
/---/ OK, I could have been clearer. Sorry. The Government isn't telling me I can't go as much as it's telling Cuba we can't travel there and spend our US dollars. It's to punish Cuba, not Americans. As I pointed out earlier, you can go to Cuba via Mexico, and return home the same way -- if the Cubans don't charge you with being a CIA spy and toss you in prison for life. I don't see anything worthwhile in Cuba to go through the bother. I'd rather spend my time in et Florida Keys and experience the same climate.

Okay, but why are Americans allowed to visit and spend money in China but not Cuba? China is every bit as dictatorial and oppressive as Cuba, if not a bit more so. Where does the government get off telling anyone where they can go on a vacation, as long as they are not going there for criminal purposes?
Because China owns your asses
No, please tell me why Swedish citizens like blowing ea
No idea what you are talking about.

Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.

So they aren’t citizens?
You mean percentage-wise?

If they are citizens they are Swedish citizens. In America once you become a citizen, you are an American.
No idea what you are talking about.

Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.

So they aren’t citizens?
You mean percentage-wise?

If they are citizens they are Swedish citizens. In America once you become a citizen, you are an American.
I understand that but how should I know who is and who isn't "a citizen". And I don't really care. If his name is Adbul and he can't speak Swedish worth a shit then he ain't a Swede as far as I am concerned.
A hoard of illegal aliens is poised at the southern U.S. border and senator Leahy is worried that Americans won't be able to travel to the people's paradise of Cuba? WTF?
/——/ Libtards have romantic wet dreams about oppressive communist dictatorships that somehow level the playing field so everyone is equally miserable. They see charm in a peasant lifestyle void of any luxury items. That’s reserved for the dictators.
Cuba is a shithole, why do you want to go there?

Why do you support the Fed Govt telling you where you can and cannot go?

Is that really the sort of thing a Conservative should support?

You can go to that shithole if you'd like.
Plenty of stupid Americans go to that and other shitholes every year.
Go for it.
Post your pics.

You did not answer the question...

Why do you support the Fed Govt telling its citizens where they can and cannot go?

Is that really the sort of thing a Conservative should support?

Sorry that Cuba is a shithole.
Let us know all about your visit.

You did not answer the question...

Why do you support the Fed Govt telling its citizens where they can and cannot go?

Is that really the sort of thing a Conservative should support?
I would believe that our government might want the Cuban government to fall and a new one replaces it that is closer to Western ideas or ways. Propping up a communist nation may be questionable. We gave China the keys to the city and they have embraced it with a Communist/Sweatshop Capitalist system.
A hoard of illegal aliens is poised at the southern U.S. border and senator Leahy is worried that Americans won't be able to travel to the people's paradise of Cuba? WTF?
/——/ Libtards have romantic wet dreams about oppressive communist dictatorships that somehow level the playing field so everyone is equally miserable. They see charm in a peasant lifestyle void of any luxury items. That’s reserved for the dictators.
So why doesn't the government forbid Americans from visiting Detroit?
I would believe that our government might want the Cuban government to fall and a new one replaces it that is closer to Western ideas or ways. Propping up a communist nation may be questionable. We gave China the keys to the city and they have embraced it with a Communist/Sweatshop Capitalist system.
Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government. Washington was content with Cuba being strangled by the American Mafia and is still punishing Cuba for cleaning house. One more democratic nation the U.S. has destroyed.
I would believe that our government might want the Cuban government to fall and a new one replaces it that is closer to Western ideas or ways. Propping up a communist nation may be questionable. We gave China the keys to the city and they have embraced it with a Communist/Sweatshop Capitalist system.
Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government. Washington was content with Cuba being strangled by the American Mafia and is still punishing Cuba for cleaning house. One more democratic nation the U.S. has destroyed.

Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government.

Poor Castro, he didn't really want to be a Commie...…...
Sorry not sure what happened. Why are Swedish citizens blowing each other up?
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.

So they aren’t citizens?
You mean percentage-wise?

If they are citizens they are Swedish citizens. In America once you become a citizen, you are an American.
I understand that but how should I know who is and who isn't "a citizen". And I don't really care. If his name is Adbul and he can't speak Swedish worth a shit then he ain't a Swede as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree, if they are citizens in America, whatever they speak, whatever the race, color or religion, they are Americans.
Cuba only began leaning that far left when the U.S. boycotted and blockaded Cuba's democratic government.

Poor Castro, he didn't really want to be a Commie...…...
You have a lot of reading to do if you want to catch up. Castro wasn't a Communist. He was friends with the U.S. before his revolution and he wanted to remain friends. He thought the U.S. would be pleased with him for throwing out the American mafia. He was shocked when the U.S. went against him.
We are not blowing each other up. Those are strictly the aforementioned migrants. Only rarely is a Swede injured.

So they aren’t citizens?
You mean percentage-wise?

If they are citizens they are Swedish citizens. In America once you become a citizen, you are an American.
I understand that but how should I know who is and who isn't "a citizen". And I don't really care. If his name is Adbul and he can't speak Swedish worth a shit then he ain't a Swede as far as I am concerned.

I respectfully disagree, if they are citizens in America, whatever they speak, whatever the race, color or religion, they are Americans.
You disagree that I do not consider a person Swedish if his name is Abdul and he cannot speak Swedish? There is nothing to disagree with. If I think so then that is what I think. Anyway, the U.S. doesn't have a specific culture, we do.

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