Congress Is Partly to Blame for Embassy Attack--Get the Word out on the Internet!!

Aug 7, 2012
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The republican Congress is partly to blame for cutting the security budget and overall budget to the State Dept. As a consequence of the republican congress not giving Obama what he requested security was in a state of flux with downsizing, shuffling personnel, etc.[-X While all repubs are blaming Obama, will they also lay the blame on the republican Congress? Nah....

Rep. Connolly: State Dept. Budget Cuts Partly to Blame for 9/11 Libya Attack

Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.), in an interview with Washington, D.C., radio station WTOP on Monday, stood by comments he made that Congress deserves some of the blame for the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others because it failed to give President Obama all the money he had requested for embassy security – and had cut the State Department’s budget overall.


Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va): Absolutely, Congress in the last few years, especially has consistently cut President Obama’s request for security for our embassies and consulates overseas. And it has also consistently cut the overall budget for the State Department, and I think that's a contributing factor to slowing down our ability to sort of harden and fortify embassies and other facilities abroad so they are as safe as they can be.
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That's a pretty lame argument but then again O is still trying to peddle a grainy video as the cause.
Get the word out!! Twitter, Facebook and everywhere!

The republican Congress is partly to blame for cutting the security budget and overall budget to the State Dept. As a consequence of the republican congress not giving Obama what he requested security was in a state of flux with downsizing, shuffling personnel, etc.[-X While all repubs are blaming Obama, will they also lay the blame on the republican Congress? Nah....

Rep. Connolly: State Dept. Budget Cuts Partly to Blame for 9/11 Libya Attack

Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va.), in an interview with Washington, D.C., radio station WTOP on Monday, stood by comments he made that Congress deserves some of the blame for the deaths of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others because it failed to give President Obama all the money he had requested for embassy security – and had cut the State Department’s budget overall.


Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-Va): Absolutely, Congress in the last few years, especially has consistently cut President Obama’s request for security for our embassies and consulates overseas. And it has also consistently cut the overall budget for the State Department, and I think that's a contributing factor to slowing down our ability to sort of harden and fortify embassies and other facilities abroad so they are as safe as they can be.

Some things are so dumb all you can do is sigh in weariness when people try to use them to win arguments.

You just made them look really smart.
Wow!! The republicans syncopants on this forum are out to lunch and amazingly hypocritical!

Obama lied as they would have you believe but Congress holds no responsiblity. ONLY Obama!?? Amazing!

I know this will be met with non-answers and cutsie posters by the right but...

The CIA intercepted chatter about the attacks saying the attack was spontaneous based on the protests at the Cairo embassy which were about the offensive video.

Then somewhere in time after that, they intercepted some more chatter saying the attacks were planned by a local militia with al Qaeda's help.

Therefore, because of the lag between intercepts, the president was given incomplete information and it took some days for everything to be pieced together about the possible militia and al Qaeda connection.

I had posted a really long informational post about this when my internet went down and I lost everything. I will try to post links and more detail later but right now I have to deal with my ebay auctions which I also was in the process of posting and lost them all before getting them online! Grrrrrr...

But the bottom line is that is sounds pretty much like what I suspected. Lagging communication and intercepts. If people are objective they can see that and they should know that all intelligence information is incomplete and it has to be pieced together often over a period of time.

It WAS NOT deliberate lying!

And I trust Hillary completely!

I know now all her fans now don't like her and believe the propaganda the intelligence committee is putting out and their letters with questions that can't yet be answered.

In addition, like I posted above, the republican Congress cut $300 million from the State Dept.'s security budget so the State Dept. was in the process of re-shuffling personnel and re-assigning when this took place.

Now, I'd like State Dept. for $500, Alex!


American intelligence operatives also assisted State Department contractors and Libyan officials in tracking shoulder-fired missiles taken from the former arsenals of the former Libyan Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces; they aided in efforts to secure Libya’s chemical weapons stockpiles; and they helped train Libya’s new intelligence service, officials said.

The F.B.I. has sent investigators — many from its New York field office — to Benghazi, but they have been hampered by the city’s tenuous security environment and the fact that they arrived more than a day after the attack occurred, according to senior American officials.

Complicating the investigation, the officials said, is that many of the Americans who were evacuated from Benghazi after the attack are now scattered across Europe and the United States. It is also unclear, one of the officials said, whether there was much forensic evidence that could be extracted from the scene of the attacks.
Everything is THE fault of Republicans, Obama could get ObamaCare rammed down our throats, but can't get money for more Security
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So, while Congress is assigning blame, they don't share in it? How convenient!
Aren't you the same assbonnet who cheered the regime preparing for war in Lybia?

<Checks CP>...Yup, you are.


Wow! You have definite problems with comprehension. No one is cheering for war. I'm cheering for the fact that we may be retaliateing (seeking the only justice we can over there since these scumbags are hiding--likely among women and children).

We aren't going to war and I would oppose that. We are maybe going to retaliate. But you don't know or want to know the difference.

Are you for retaliation (justice) or not?

with him it's not the buck stops here, it's pass the damn buck I didn't know anything about it

why would want someone like this as President?
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Wow!! The republicans syncopants on this forum are out to lunch and amazingly hypocritical!

Obama lied as they would have you believe but Congress holds no responsiblity. ONLY Obama!?? Amazing!

I know this will be met with non-answers and cutsie posters by the right but...

The CIA intercepted chatter about the attacks saying the attack was spontaneous based on the protests at the Cairo embassy which were about the offensive video.

Then somewhere in time after that, they intercepted some more chatter saying the attacks were planned by a local militia with al Qaeda's help.

Therefore, because of the lag between intercepts, the president was given incomplete information and it took some days for everything to be pieced together about the possible militia and al Qaeda connection.

I had posted a really long informational post about this when my internet went down and I lost everything. I will try to post links and more detail later but right now I have to deal with my ebay auctions which I also was in the process of posting and lost them all before getting them online! Grrrrrr...

But the bottom line is that is sounds pretty much like what I suspected. Lagging communication and intercepts. If people are objective they can see that and they should know that all intelligence information is incomplete and it has to be pieced together often over a period of time.

It WAS NOT deliberate lying!

And I trust Hillary completely!

I know now all her fans now don't like her and believe the propaganda the intelligence committee is putting out and their letters with questions that can't yet be answered.

In addition, like I posted above, the republican Congress cut $300 million from the State Dept.'s security budget so the State Dept. was in the process of re-shuffling personnel and re-assigning when this took place.

Now, I'd like State Dept. for $500, Alex!


American intelligence operatives also assisted State Department contractors and Libyan officials in tracking shoulder-fired missiles taken from the former arsenals of the former Libyan Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces; they aided in efforts to secure Libya’s chemical weapons stockpiles; and they helped train Libya’s new intelligence service, officials said.

The F.B.I. has sent investigators — many from its New York field office — to Benghazi, but they have been hampered by the city’s tenuous security environment and the fact that they arrived more than a day after the attack occurred, according to senior American officials.

Complicating the investigation, the officials said, is that many of the Americans who were evacuated from Benghazi after the attack are now scattered across Europe and the United States. It is also unclear, one of the officials said, whether there was much forensic evidence that could be extracted from the scene of the attacks.

Who is the Chief fucking Executive, who is supposed to be in charge of Executive Branch matters like embassy security, you sorry-assed hack?

Bet the shitheel can find a sack full of payola cash for his thug comrades at SEIU, though.
So, while Congress is assigning blame, they don't share in it? How convenient!
Aren't you the same assbonnet who cheered the regime preparing for war in Lybia?

<Checks CP>...Yup, you are.


Wow! You have definite problems with comprehension. No one is cheering for war. I'm cheering for the fact that we may be retaliateing (seeking the only justice we can over there since these scumbags are hiding--likely among women and children).

We aren't going to war and I would oppose that. We are maybe going to retaliate. But you don't know or want to know the difference.

Are you for retaliation (justice) or not?

So, we didn't want to send troops in right away, after the attack, to secure the scene, because we didn't have 'permission' of the Libyans. But we can retaliate now, well after the fact?
Aren't you the same assbonnet who cheered the regime preparing for war in Lybia?

<Checks CP>...Yup, you are.


Wow! You have definite problems with comprehension. No one is cheering for war. I'm cheering for the fact that we may be retaliateing (seeking the only justice we can over there since these scumbags are hiding--likely among women and children).

We aren't going to war and I would oppose that. We are maybe going to retaliate. But you don't know or want to know the difference.

Are you for retaliation (justice) or not?

So, we didn't want to send troops in right away, after the attack, to secure the scene, because we didn't have 'permission' of the Libyans. But we can retaliate now, well after the fact?
Boiking wants war...There's no other way to interpret the turn of events.
thread title - did that come from the latest talking points memo?
Obamabots are just as bad as OBama, they will FIND any excuse for his failures

Wow! You have definite problems with comprehension. No one is cheering for war. I'm cheering for the fact that we may be retaliateing (seeking the only justice we can over there since these scumbags are hiding--likely among women and children).

We aren't going to war and I would oppose that. We are maybe going to retaliate. But you don't know or want to know the difference.

Are you for retaliation (justice) or not?

So, we didn't want to send troops in right away, after the attack, to secure the scene, because we didn't have 'permission' of the Libyans. But we can retaliate now, well after the fact?
Boiking wants war...There's no other way to interpret the turn of events.

You are amazingly dense. It takes time to find the targets and gather all the information or would you prefer we had just sent a couple of nukes over that way to cover all bases? Yikes! You are unbelievable. And you're allowed to vote? Do you even have a clue about intelligence gathering? I suppose not since you don't have any.:D
Budgets cuts do not make terrorists attack us.

Terrorists are to blame for the attack on the embassy.

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