Congress just found the dumbest way to avoid a government shutdown.


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2009
“Congress just found the dumbest way to avoid a government shutdown”:

Regarding BBC's article entitled “U.S. House Speaker passes bill to avert shutdown with Democratic support” describing Speaker Michael Johnson's proposal for getting past the entire November 17, 2023, federal government shutdown deadline.
The proposal's for scheduling a series of approaches to shutdown deadlines for various specifically named federal government agencies in the year of 2024; (i.e. trading one 2023 deadline with a series of2024 deadlines).
Madeline Halpert's last line was “After all, this is Washington, if something seems stupid now just wait a little bit It will get dumber”.

In Johnson and Congress's defense, I can't really disagree with anything that may actually be “ad hoc” feasible and preferable to an actual shutdown. Respectfully, Supposn
Link to: Congress just found the dumbest way to avoid a government shutdown (
Load shedding. This isn't a power grid, it's the government. A bunch of asshole politicians and government workers. Shut it down completely if you can't get our finances in order. Our "representatives", Dems and Reps, do whatever they think they need to do with our money to stay in power. The will of the people, at least on the Rep side, is not a factor in budget policy.
Load shedding. This isn't a power grid, it's the government. A bunch of asshole politicians and government workers. Shut it down completely if you can't get our finances in order. Our "representatives", Dems and Reps, do whatever they think they need to do with our money to stay in power. The will of the people, at least on the Rep side, is not a factor in budget policy.
Burgermeister, you share Donald Trump's advocacy of preferring our federal government's “shutdown” if Republicans in Congress are unable to pass their preferred version of our federal budget? Regardless of the consequential short and longer term affects upon the value of the U.S. dollar?
In that case you're both personifications of political and economic ignorance.
Burgermeister, you share Donald Trump's advocacy of preferring our federal government's “shutdown” if Republicans in Congress are unable to pass their preferred version of our federal budget? Regardless of the consequential short and longer term affects upon the value of the U.S. dollar?
In that case you're both personifications of political and economic ignorance.
Trump's 2021 Budget was $4T. Bidens Budgets have been about $7T. Rating agencies just downgraded US debt. Interest on the Debt is exploding. Chair Powell is being nice when he calls US budgets "unsustainable". If the dollar crashes we're toast.

So Republicans either cut spending or we're toast.
Burgermeister, you share Donald Trump's advocacy of preferring our federal government's “shutdown” if Republicans in Congress are unable to pass their preferred version of our federal budget? Regardless of the consequential short and longer term affects upon the value of the U.S. dollar?
In that case you're both personifications of political and economic ignorance.
LOL. Talk about economic ignorance. You think creditors prefer an applicant who continues to spend after they exceeded their credit limit? BTW, the word you were looking for is effects, not affects.
Trump's 2021 Budget was $4T. Bidens Budgets have been about $7T. Rating agencies just downgraded US debt. Interest on the Debt is exploding. Chair Powell is being nice when he calls US budgets "unsustainable". If the dollar crashes we're toast.

So Republicans either cut spending or we're toast.
Politicians don't care. It's a get all you can while you can before it crashes mentality.
I have an idea.

How about we do not spend over what we collect in taxes?

It is called a balanced budget. It is a real thing. It is not a unicorn or BIGFOOT. It is a real thing.
. If the dollar crashes we're toast.

So Republicans either cut spending or we're toast.
Afraid so .
But also bring the Israel misunderstanding into the equation .
If the nicer guys push hard and escalate , the US will collapse -- they will be over run militarly , but , regardless , no resources once nobody touches their effective prommissory notes . Pariah State.

No money to pay interest on debt or save the $ collapse .
This will then set off a global chain reaction and push us all backwards ,perhaps even a century or two .

The big question .
Is that matters moving out of control , or , will it be deliberate ?
Afraid so .But also bring the Israel misunderstanding into the equation .
If the nicer guys push hard and escalate , the US will collapse -- they will be over run militarily , but , regardless , no resources once nobody touches their effective promissory notes . Pariah State. No money to pay interest on debt or save the $ collapse .
This will then set off a global chain reaction and push us all backwards ,perhaps even a century or two .

The big question .
Is that matters moving out of control , or , will it be deliberate ?
Interesting take on things. Rooting for the collapse of the USA?! WTF?
The US still has a $28T GDP and that is climbing.
If Congress cuts spending and raises taxes to cover the reduced spending we're fine.
Its hard to believe that people in DC are really that fucking stupid.
Mike Johnson is breathing a sigh of relief...
Mike dodged the first bullet by giving the dems what they want. A plain vanilla two month extension,

In January is when the shit hits the fan.

The GOP House will insist on major spending cuts with policy requirements that the dems will choke on.

I'm betting that we will get a major government shutdown...
Mike dodged the first bullet by giving the dems what they want. A plain vanilla two month extension,

In January is when the shit hits the fan.

The GOP House will insist on major spending cuts with policy requirements that the dems will choke on.

I'm betting that we will get a major government shutdown...
I'll bet against you.
Trump's 2021 Budget was $4T. Bidens Budgets have been about $7T. Rating agencies just downgraded US debt. Interest on the Debt is exploding. Chair Powell is being nice when he calls US budgets "unsustainable". If the dollar crashes we're toast.

So Republicans either cut spending or we're toast.

Trump’s 2021 budget had no bailouts for anyone, no infrastructure spending, and failed to properly fund education, infrastructure, the IRS, immigration courts, and the State Department.

Your post talks about how much money Biden spent, but fails to mention how much additional tax money Biden is bringing in to cover the additional expenditures. Or what that deficit is buying.

If your neighbour increases his mortgage and builds an addition on his house, and upgrades his plumbing, wiring, and HVAC in the main house, he’s increased the value of his property by substantially more money than he borrowed, making the debt a good investment.

But if you take out a new mortgage and use the money to buy a new sports car and take the family on a 3 month tour of Europe, you’ve blown the money and have nothing to show for it.

Joe Biden’s debt increases bought infrastructre investments, created good paying jobs, and improved supply lines and transportation bottlenecks, and increased efficiency for the IRS. Trumps deficits funded stock buybacks and eroded the USA’s credit rating.
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As near as I can figure, there are 8 that want to cut spending and 427 that want to keep spending until the dollar collapses.
Here's an idea, lets borrow and SPEND our kids money, their kids money, and their kid's, kid's, kid's money for the next 10 generations. Party on, sucks to be future generations.
Trump’s 2021 budget had no bailouts for anyone, no infrastructure spending, and failed to properly fund education, infrastructure, the IRS, immigration courts, and the State Department.

Your post talks about how much money Biden spent, but fails to mention how much additional tax money Biden is bringing in to cover the additional expenditures. Or what that deficit is buying.

If your neighbor increases his mortgage and builds an addition on his house, and upgrades his plumbing, wiring, and HVAC in the main house, he’s increased the value of his property by substantially more money than he borrowed, making the debt a good investment.

But if you take out a new mortgage and use the money to buy a new sports car and take the family on a 3 month tour of Europe, you’ve blown the money and have nothing to show for it.

Joe Biden’s debt increases bought infrastructure investments, created good paying jobs, and improved supply lines and transportation bottlenecks, and increased efficiency for the IRS. Trumps deficits funded stock buybacks and eroded the USA’s credit rating.
You missed the point. The interest on the Debt is more than we're paying for defense, and climbing fast.
We simply can't afford Biden's $7T budget and keep adding $2T-$3T a year to the Debt
Right now every American citizen owes $100,000 as our share of the Debt

The Budget Deficit doesn't lie, and right now its saying STOP SPENDING. Even Chair Powell said the current spending is "unsustainable".

2024 is going to be a very rocky year...
Here's an idea, lets borrow and SPEND our kids money, their kids money, and their kid's, kid's, kid's money for the next 10 generations. Party on, sucks to be future generations.
It won't go that far. Our credit rating just got downgraded. The party is officially over.
We just need the 427 DC clowns who don't know it to realize what's happening.
There is no more can to kick down the road...
LOL. Talk about economic ignorance. You think creditors prefer an applicant who continues to spend after they exceeded their credit limit? BTW, the word you were looking for is effects, not affects.
Burgermeister, of course the extents of many things are considered in terms of proportional comparatives. Among such comparisons between a federal government shutdown or other means of undermining the values of U.S. dollars, we should consider:
  1. How many days the U,S. Treasury fails to pay all of our federal government's financial obligations, the additional amounts those late payments when they will eventually be paid, and the additional costs of all other borrowing which will be due to our shutdowns depreciating our nation's credit rating. Due to any federal shutdowns there are also direct and indirect additional costs to all, (from federal down to village) governments, and to persons and other entities within the private sectors of USA's economy. Doubting or failing to appreciate the enormous costs due to a U.S. federal government shutdown indicates substantial ignorance of both economics and politics.
  2. or in comparison to how many additional U.S. dollars our government's printing and/or otherwise being circulated;
  3. or in comparison to how much additional wealth our government's borrowing and what will be the interest rates we're obliged to pay for those additional loans.

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