Congress Moves To Ban Child Sex Dolls

If you want to protect children how about stopping school shootings by taking away peoples 2nd amendment rights.

You're all over the map, dude. Go annoy someone else

You have the 1st amendment, and the 2nd amendment. You end up going against against both of them in order to vigorously protect children.

You're pretty much an idiot...anyone that approves of child sex dolls and virtual child porn is someone I'd rather keep far away from me and my children
Yeah...this is a no brainer. Good name for the bill though, CREEPER Act

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls

Congress is moving to ban child sex dolls in the United States, following in the footsteps of other countries which have outlawed their importation.

In an email to the Weekly Standard, Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) declared, “When I saw articles on the issues of child sex dolls abroad, I knew I had to act immediately to stop the proliferation of them within the United States.”

As reported by the Weekly Standard, Donovan “has proposed the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act to ban their import and make possession of them illegal,” citing his career of “locking up pedophiles.”

“Every case has stayed with me — there is no situation where a child was hurt or victimized that doesn’t leave your thoughts,” Donovan proclaimed, adding, “I will do everything possible to stop crimes against children.”

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls | Breitbart

That there even needs to be a bill says a lot about how far we've fallen in this country.
What does gun grabbing have to do with whether or not child sex dolls will stop paedos sexually abusing children (or exacerbate the issue) - the topic of the thread!

There's an overriding issue of whether or not the law is even constitutional. Whether the law will be effective becomes moot if the law is thrown out.
You're pretty much an idiot...anyone that approves of child sex dolls and virtual child porn is someone I'd rather keep far away from me and my children
The US Supreme court approved virtual child porn 6-3.

Keep your kids out of washington.

And anyone that watches it.....certainly a pedophile. Or even defends it
That there even needs to be a bill says a lot about how far we've fallen in this country.
Totally agree. It is a sign of how broken this society has become and the many factors that come into play in what types of things have brought in that brokenness are not even being discussed when these type issues are brought up.
That there even needs to be a bill says a lot about how far we've fallen in this country.
Totally agree. It is a sign of how broken this society has become and the many factors that come into play in what types of things have brought in that brokenness are not even being discussed when these type issues are brought up.

Society and morals in this nation have went straight to the shitter
And anyone that watches it.....certainly a pedophile. Or even defends it

Interning the japanese during WWII seemed like a good idea at the time.

N.C. just prosecuted a teenage couple for making child porn — of themselves

N.C. just prosecuted a teenage couple for making child porn — of themselves

Is it possible to sexually exploit one’s self?

That question is one of many conundrums in the recent case of a teenage North Carolina couple charged with making and distributing child pornography.

Their alleged crime: snapping and sending nude photos — of themselves.

Sheriff’s deputies examined the cellphone of Cormega Copening, a star football player who was then 16 years old.

What they did find, however, were consensually taken nude photos of Copening and his girlfriend, Brianna Denson, also 16 at the time.

All told, prosecutors charged Copening with five felony counts of sexually exploiting a minor: two for taking nude selfies, two more for sending them to his girlfriend, and one for possessing an explicit photo of Denson on his phone. Denson, meanwhile, was charged with two felony counts of sexual exploitation of a minor: one for taking a nude selfie and another for sending it to Copening.

The felony charges meant that Copening faced up to 10 years in prison, if convicted; Denson faced up to four. They also could have been labeled sex offenders for life.
And anyone that watches it.....certainly a pedophile. Or even defends it

Interning the japanese during WWII seemed like a good idea at the time.

N.C. just prosecuted a teenage couple for making child porn — of themselves

N.C. just prosecuted a teenage couple for making child porn — of themselves

Is it possible to sexually exploit one’s self?

That question is one of many conundrums in the recent case of a teenage North Carolina couple charged with making and distributing child pornography.

Their alleged crime: snapping and sending nude photos — of themselves.

Sheriff’s deputies examined the cellphone of Cormega Copening, a star football player who was then 16 years old.

What they did find, however, were consensually taken nude photos of Copening and his girlfriend, Brianna Denson, also 16 at the time.

All told, prosecutors charged Copening with five felony counts of sexually exploiting a minor: two for taking nude selfies, two more for sending them to his girlfriend, and one for possessing an explicit photo of Denson on his phone. Denson, meanwhile, was charged with two felony counts of sexual exploitation of a minor: one for taking a nude selfie and another for sending it to Copening.

The felony charges meant that Copening faced up to 10 years in prison, if convicted; Denson faced up to four. They also could have been labeled sex offenders for life.

Cripes stop quoting me with your nonsense already
Cripes stop quoting me with your nonsense already

Two 16 year olds were charged with felony counts of child pornography. They were selfies. They could charge even younger children for doing the same thing. The idea is not to throw out the baby with the bath water.
That there even needs to be a bill says a lot about how far we've fallen in this country.
Totally agree. It is a sign of how broken this society has become and the many factors that come into play in what types of things have brought in that brokenness are not even being discussed when these type issues are brought up.

Society and morals in this nation have went straight to the shitter
It didn't happen overnight it has gotten increasingly worse over the years and the people turned a blind eye whether in purpose or in ignorance makes no difference at this point. I have to agree with what some of the naysayers are saying about Christianity when I look at the situation on a local level where so called Christians are attempting to jump the title on our land or on a whole throughout the country where people are refusing to help and care for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ because they belong to a different sect and have other precepts. Some people believe they are entitled and have the right to overcome others for various reasons that they seem to make justifications for in their own minds. That covers all classes and sects today, it is not limited to just one or another. As far as pedos go if they are truly pedos I don't have a problem locking them away somewhere but lets find out what is causing all these sexual misfits and deviants out there. What are the contributing factors that go along with what they do. Like Atrazine, We know it is altering sexual organs in frogs. Pretty obvious that these chemical hormone disrupters are playing a part in all the crap going down. I have a family member that is an addict and it tears him up emotionally that he is. He battles it always but his parents were both druggies when he was conceived so that and his environment played a big part in what he became over the years. That along with all the other negative factors put in the mix created a miserable person that is still a viable human under the right circumstances. His parents parents were off in the mental department in areas so it is like it all accumulated with him and it makes him miserable but he doesn't know how to fix it. There are a lot of people like that out there today and they look perfectly normal from outside appearances but they aren't because inside they are broken whether spiritually or physiologically that all plays a piece and a part.
Yeah...this is a no brainer. Good name for the bill though, CREEPER Act

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls

Congress is moving to ban child sex dolls in the United States, following in the footsteps of other countries which have outlawed their importation.

In an email to the Weekly Standard, Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) declared, “When I saw articles on the issues of child sex dolls abroad, I knew I had to act immediately to stop the proliferation of them within the United States.”

As reported by the Weekly Standard, Donovan “has proposed the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act to ban their import and make possession of them illegal,” citing his career of “locking up pedophiles.”

“Every case has stayed with me — there is no situation where a child was hurt or victimized that doesn’t leave your thoughts,” Donovan proclaimed, adding, “I will do everything possible to stop crimes against children.”

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls | Breitbart
Democrats are going to really hate Congress now.
^ supported Roy Moore
What about it? :cuckoo:
Thanks. I knew you’d have no issue with sexual assault on a child.
If you want to protect children how about stopping school shootings by taking away peoples 2nd amendment rights.

You're all over the map, dude. Go annoy someone else

You have the 1st amendment, and the 2nd amendment. You end up going against against both of them in order to vigorously protect children.

You're pretty much an idiot...anyone that approves of child sex dolls and virtual child porn is someone I'd rather keep far away from me and my children

Why would anyone approve of child sex dolls and virtual child porn? If someone has no problem with child sex dolls and ANY type of child porn including virtual child porn then they must have inappropriate feelings toward children, normal peoples do not think child sex dolls and virtual child porn are okay.
That there even needs to be a bill says a lot about how far we've fallen in this country.
Totally agree. It is a sign of how broken this society has become and the many factors that come into play in what types of things have brought in that brokenness are not even being discussed when these type issues are brought up.

Society and morals in this nation have went straight to the shitter

Not just in America Sassy they want to do the same to all of the Western world, by destroying all moral norms and by destroying morality itself including the abandonment of teaching children right from wrong, the insane Leftist Maniacs call this Progress, Non-Leftist Maniacs call this Regression the returning to the times when peoples were basically feral and there was no differentiation between Man and Animal, one of the things that differentiates Man from Animal is that Man can tell the difference between right and wrong.
Yeah...this is a no brainer. Good name for the bill though, CREEPER Act

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls

Congress is moving to ban child sex dolls in the United States, following in the footsteps of other countries which have outlawed their importation.

In an email to the Weekly Standard, Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) declared, “When I saw articles on the issues of child sex dolls abroad, I knew I had to act immediately to stop the proliferation of them within the United States.”

As reported by the Weekly Standard, Donovan “has proposed the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act to ban their import and make possession of them illegal,” citing his career of “locking up pedophiles.”

“Every case has stayed with me — there is no situation where a child was hurt or victimized that doesn’t leave your thoughts,” Donovan proclaimed, adding, “I will do everything possible to stop crimes against children.”

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls | Breitbart
Slick Willy fans will be disappointed
Yeah...this is a no brainer. Good name for the bill though, CREEPER Act

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls

Congress is moving to ban child sex dolls in the United States, following in the footsteps of other countries which have outlawed their importation.

In an email to the Weekly Standard, Rep. Dan Donovan (R-NY) declared, “When I saw articles on the issues of child sex dolls abroad, I knew I had to act immediately to stop the proliferation of them within the United States.”

As reported by the Weekly Standard, Donovan “has proposed the Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots (CREEPER) Act to ban their import and make possession of them illegal,” citing his career of “locking up pedophiles.”

“Every case has stayed with me — there is no situation where a child was hurt or victimized that doesn’t leave your thoughts,” Donovan proclaimed, adding, “I will do everything possible to stop crimes against children.”

Report: Congress Moves to Ban Child Sex Dolls | Breitbart
Democrats are going to really hate Congress now.
^ supported Roy Moore
What about it? :cuckoo:
Joe “senile” bidet likes to molest the real thing...
If you want to protect children how about stopping school shootings by taking away peoples 2nd amendment rights.

You're all over the map, dude. Go annoy someone else

You have the 1st amendment, and the 2nd amendment. You end up going against against both of them in order to vigorously protect children.

You're pretty much an idiot...anyone that approves of child sex dolls and virtual child porn is someone I'd rather keep far away from me and my children
You know, I can understand the rationale behind, though I am not sure I agree because even if it is virtual and not real, it is still revolting. They say that if pervs focus on the fake, they won’t act on it in real life...but is there any evidence to support that?

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