Congress overturns incandescent light bulb ban

Having fought against any item laden with mercury in my lifetime, yes conservative and a conservationist, I can't beleive so many of you are buying into this shit. Let alone the whole "ban it for the planet janet" bs I am witnessing.
Having fought against any item laden with mercury in my lifetime, yes conservative and a conservationist, I can't beleive so many of you are buying into this shit. Let alone the whole "ban it for the planet janet" bs I am witnessing.

Well speaking as a scientist, Incandescents are relatively harmless.

The most dangerous thing about it is the risk of fire. The gas used inside the bulb of an incandescent is a non-reactive gas that is almost completely harmless. Except Radon, but they don't use that. :D
Mercury rocks your soul.

Break a lightbulb and call a hazmet team.

In humans, approximately 80% of inhaled mercury vapor is absorbed via the respiratory tract, where it enters the circulatory system and is distributed throughout the body. Chronic exposure by inhalation, even at low concentrations in the range 0.7–42 μg/m3, has been shown in case control studies to cause effects such as tremors, impaired cognitive skills, and sleep disturbance in workers.

Acute inhalation of high concentrations causes a wide variety of cognitive, personality, sensory, and motor disturbances.

The most prominent symptoms include tremors (initially affecting the hands and sometimes spreading to other parts of the body), emotional lability (characterized by irritability, excessive shyness, confidence loss, and nervousness), insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular changes (weakness, muscle atrophy, muscle twitching), headaches, polyneuropathy (paresthesia, stocking-glove sensory loss, hyperactive tendon reflexes, slowed sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities), and performance deficits in tests of cognitive function.

Your government at work for you.:badgrin:
Having fought against any item laden with mercury in my lifetime, yes conservative and a conservationist, I can't beleive so many of you are buying into this shit. Let alone the whole "ban it for the planet janet" bs I am witnessing.

Well speaking as a scientist, Incandescents are relatively harmless.

The most dangerous thing about it is the risk of fire. The gas used inside the bulb of an incandescent is a non-reactive gas that is almost completely harmless. Except Radon, but they don't use that. :D

I'm no science chick. I'm the rock n roller side of the family. I defer to my hubby on a continuos basis when it comes to science.
Having fought against any item laden with mercury in my lifetime, yes conservative and a conservationist, I can't beleive so many of you are buying into this shit. Let alone the whole "ban it for the planet janet" bs I am witnessing.

Well speaking as a scientist, Incandescents are relatively harmless.

The most dangerous thing about it is the risk of fire. The gas used inside the bulb of an incandescent is a non-reactive gas that is almost completely harmless. Except Radon, but they don't use that. :D

Mercury is harmless?
Having fought against any item laden with mercury in my lifetime, yes conservative and a conservationist, I can't beleive so many of you are buying into this shit. Let alone the whole "ban it for the planet janet" bs I am witnessing.

Well speaking as a scientist, Incandescents are relatively harmless.

The most dangerous thing about it is the risk of fire. The gas used inside the bulb of an incandescent is a non-reactive gas that is almost completely harmless. Except Radon, but they don't use that. :D

Mercury is harmless?

I wasn't talking about CFL's, was I now?
go with the LED versions people. Yes, they are way more expensive, but prices will come down eventually. Also, they generate almost no heat to speak of, are just as bright, will last practically forever, and use a tiny fraction of the electricity conventional 'Edison' bulbs do.

What's with the happy moment over generating no heat?

Pennsylvania should have you happy that anything generates heat. I'm today at a high of minus 5 C tomorrow is going to be a balmy plus 2 C and the lows are in the double digits.

I want heat. I need heat. When it actually hits minus 20 C and it does out here and that's the high for the day, do you think I care about anything other than heating the house?

you plan on using incandescent bulbs to heat your home?
I wasn't talking about CFL's, was I now?

Incandescent's have Mercury.

That's actually incorrect, they do not contain mercury. However the production of an incandescent bulb has a larger mercury footprint than a CFL.

My apologies I was talking about the Compact Fluorescent Lights

cf_bulb.jpg TCP MSDS CFL rev SS.pdf
Once again, glad to see Congress has it's eye on what this country really needs

Hell with passing a budget, they cant be bothered with attacking the debt problem. What this country really needs is light bulbs and a Canadian pipeline

With this and other posts, you illustrate the falacy of your signature....We all want what is best for America.......we just don't agree on what it is.
What's crazy is the sick fucks actually thought banning them was a good idea to begin with, what the hell are we paying these people for?
I guess Obama got wind that the rest of us where catching on to his backroom corruption deals with Jeffery immelt and GE. GE would stand to make Billions off of legislation banning incandescent light bulbs.
[ame=]GE CORRUPTION: How GE Intends to Make Money from Stimulus Package and Obama Administration - YouTube[/ame]
What's crazy is the sick fucks actually thought banning them was a good idea to begin with, what the hell are we paying these people for?
I guess Obama got wind that the rest of us where catching on to his backroom corruption deals with Jeffery immelt and GE. GE would stand to make Billions off of legislation banning incandescent light bulbs.
GE CORRUPTION: How GE Intends to Make Money from Stimulus Package and Obama Administration - YouTube

The ban was signed in by a republican president. George Bush Jr. in fact.
Laughing at all the 100W light bulb hoarders.

As I would assume you would be laughing at those who suffer from S.A.D. who had a hard time finding natural light light bulbs after all this bullshit started??

Actually... at the place I work, we have a guy that has Seasonal Affective Disorder. They use a lamp that is about 3 ft square that he sits in his recliner in front of.... the lamps used for SAD are not incandescent... they are a full spectrum lamp that are actually closer to Florescent.
What's crazy is the sick fucks actually thought banning them was a good idea to begin with, what the hell are we paying these people for?
I guess Obama got wind that the rest of us where catching on to his backroom corruption deals with Jeffery immelt and GE. GE would stand to make Billions off of legislation banning incandescent light bulbs.
GE CORRUPTION: How GE Intends to Make Money from Stimulus Package and Obama Administration - YouTube

The ban was signed in by a republican president. George Bush Jr. in fact.

Like I said, the left. Bush was as much of a progressive as the rest of them.

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