Congressman admits saying, 'Liberals hate real Americans'

Yep, you guys been waging war aginst President Bush since 2000. Yep! and I hope if your man gets in office he gets the exact same degree of respect from Republicans. Yes, I wholeheartedly do.

First of all, I voted for Bush twice. Second of all, as I need remind you, I'm a centrist, not a liberal, not a conservative. Do I need to change my name to Centrist? Where are you, Shattered?

Lastly, there is a difference between criticizing Bush and thinking that he is wrong for America (and let's face it, he was) and calling people who don't support your candidate un-American or anti-American. This is no longer Jeffersonianism vs. Hamiltonism or Democrat vs. Republican where they're both good guys and you have to make the choice between two people who both have great ideas for the country. This is calling people who do not support Republicans un or anti-Americans. From Congresswoman Bachmann saying we need some 1950s era McCarthy-like investigation in Congress as to how is pro and who is anti-American, to this numbnut, to Sarah Palin addressing "pro-American" crowds. If these fucking morons will remember, an area of this country that they would consider un-American was viciously attacked 7 years ago and I lost a lot of friends on that day. The story was throughout the country that on that day, we were all New Yorkers. We are ALL Americans, Willow. Now I can sit here and I can have a debate with you over your philosophy of what is best for this country, but in the end we aren't going to change each other's minds and we'll both walk away hopefully learning something new about the other person's ideology. That's how political debate and political elections should be.

Listen, I understand the conservative argument. I understand the liberal argument. They're both great arguments and they both want what's best for this country. Liberals did not say "Those who support President Bush are anti-American" and throw all of his supporters under the bus. On 9/11, every single one of us joined together with President Bush and stood as one nation. I supported him when he sent 60,000 troops into Afghanistan and believe me, I didn't shed one tear when we invaded Iraq to capture Saddam. In 2004, the flip-flopper Kerry had no idea if he voted for or against the war, and his choice of a running-mate was God awfull. I thought it was too risky to change Presidents in a time of war. I was wrong. But voting either way or disagreeing with someone's philosophy over how this country should be run, does not make you less American. In fact, the very freedom that we so cherish to question our leaders and decide if he is or isn't right for this country, I think, makes you MORE American.

The Right is trying to pull out all the stops to scare Americans. I'm surprised they haven't connected Obama with Vladamir Lenin yet or they haven't said America is going to be absorbed into the new USSR. The right is using EVERY single way possible to scare us into voting for McCain... Obama's too risky, Obama's connected to Wright, to Ayres, to this guy, to that guy... he's a socialist, he's going to take away your money and give it to someone else... it's scary to look at some of the things the Republicans are pulling to make us vote for McCain and elections should not be decided upon fear. They should be decided upon who the American people think is best for this country and will lead this country in the right path. Anti-American... what bullshit.

Ed schultz radio show played a guy, sounds like this guy, but he said palin can get r gone.

He said we hate success, hard work, etc. We want to punish god earing bla....

No one is listening except the base.

I lived in Northern Va for a while and its very diverse. There are many people from the middle east, korea, african nations and others. What she means by "Real Virginia" is the rest of the state that is all white and very rural besides VA beach and Hampton.
"liberals hate real Americans,"

He didn't apologize did he? I wouldn't, it's totally true.
Only the extreme right wing part of it. :lol:

Nope, only the extreme left hates the conservatives, any definition of conservatives. Neo, paleo, etc.

Right now, the electorate is looking for something that will change where we are. Obama's campaign certainly, without doubt is selling that. In fact it is real. They truly mean to change things. Hope it works out for all of us. I have serious reservations but appears I'm in the minority.

I'll be pulling for his success.
Nope, only the extreme left hates the conservatives, any definition of conservatives. Neo, paleo, etc.

Right now, the electorate is looking for something that will change where we are. Obama's campaign certainly, without doubt is selling that. In fact it is real. They truly mean to change things. Hope it works out for all of us. I have serious reservations but appears I'm in the minority.

I'll be pulling for his success.

Your not saying that the right doesn't hate anybody do you? Just wondering.
Nope, only the extreme left hates the conservatives, any definition of conservatives. Neo, paleo, etc.

Right now, the electorate is looking for something that will change where we are. Obama's campaign certainly, without doubt is selling that. In fact it is real. They truly mean to change things. Hope it works out for all of us. I have serious reservations but appears I'm in the minority.

I'll be pulling for his success.

Wow. That was very nice of you. Green rep for you. Spread the wealth around. :D

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