Congressman following white supremacists on Twitter. Oh yeah, its not Steve King

Does this Congressman deserves to hold office?

  • Yeah, white supremacists need love too!

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • No, he should be voted out.

    Votes: 8 50.0%
  • All he did was follow them, no big deal.

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
I don't really care. He's not my representative. Unlike you apparently, I am not so arrogant as to think I need to go around telling other people who they should vote for. If you pointed to a guy from Ohio like that, I would likely vote against that person. But Arizona is who needs to consider such things.

Just like I don't tell people in New York they should vote out AOC for being racists and an idiot. Or the people of Minnesota what they should do with Ilhan Omar.

But the real question is, since you are on here saying you should determine who other people, do or do not vote for, based on racism....

Where is your thread on Ilhan Omar? She has said twice as much racists stuff herself, than a twitter account someone in office has followed. Which is worse.... Being a congressman that sees someone else saying Jews are bad, or being a person in congress and openly saying Jews are hypnotizing the world, and have duel loyalty?
Ilhan Omar is a nice, young Muslim lady, elected to office by her constituents who's been unfairly attacked and maligned by the insidious forces of the American political rightwing due to their Islamophobic tendencies.

I pray for her safety and her success and I wish her nothing but the best.
I'm white and I'm a nationalist, still unclear why that's bad. please explain. dems are the true white supremists. every fking one of you. you love the blacks being oppressed in their liberal cities, Ferguson, Detroit, LA, Chicago, New York. Baltimore. you all are the true supremists. you all like to project your evil shit by making foolish comments about nationalism. We patriots and Nationalists won't let you get away with it. I will call you out every day if I have to. How many blacks you oppress today?

BTW, Abraham Lincoln freed the blacks and Trump gave them jobs. I'm still waiting for a demoloser accomplishment for blacks. go for it big guy!!!

That is the issue that Libs have. They only associate with people they agree with. About a third of the folks I follow on Twitter I disagree with. Hell, I follow AOC. By your (lack of) logic I am a socialist.

I tried to follow AOC on Twitter. I just couldn’t take her pompous attitude anymore. But more to your point, I follow a lot of people I disagree agree with on Twitter.

Perhaps he just prefers to know his enemies, but I suppose that's too simple of an explanation.

An extremely conservative congressman in an extremely conservative congressional district is watching over his enemies who are white supremacists?

Yeah, you gotta' be sniffing the whitest glue to believe that.

It is not unreasonable.

It would be like Obama following ISIS on twitter, he'd just be keeping tabs on the enemy, right?

It is very unreasonable.

You’re such a douche. Do you have any tangible evidence that conservatives are by in large white supremacists like you’re implying?
I'm white and I'm a nationalist, still unclear why that's bad. please explain. dems are the true white supremists. every fking one of you. you love the blacks being oppressed in their liberal cities, Ferguson, Detroit, LA, Chicago, New York. Baltimore. you all are the true supremists. you all like to project your evil shit by making foolish comments about nationalism. We patriots and Nationalists won't let you get away with it. I will call you out every day if I have to. How many blacks you oppress today?

BTW, Abraham Lincoln freed the blacks and Trump gave them jobs. I'm still waiting for a demoloser accomplishment for blacks. go for it big guy!!!
President Barack Hussein Obama organically rose to the Presidency by starting at the bottom and working his way up. Just like self-professed conservatives CLAIM to want happen.

First he worked his way through a great education, excelled, then instead of seeking money and power, he opted to be a community organizer, which incidentally led him to the ULTIMATE seat of power, The President of the United States of America.

During his time coming up, he met the woman of his dreams, another well educated and accomplished young black woman, on her own path to great things, and together were an unstoppable force. Obama, as well as being a great leader and motivator, is an excellent father, son, husband, and all-around member of his community, he became a Senator, did his service, then ran for Office, and won.

While President of the United States of America, Barack Obama was met with unprecedented opposition from the Republican party, who vowed to attack and stop him from any form of success at any and all costs, even if that meant going against their own best interests and/or agreeing to do things they already did.

Obama handled all that, and excelled, and gave the American people a record-breaking healthcare bill that gave many under-served Americans access to affordable healthcare.

Despite Republican lies, attacks and garbage, they're still unable to fully undo what Obama did.

And he stood up to all the opposition's marshaled forces that they could muster.Obama did all this with a smile on his face and w/o breaking a sweat.

All this time, due to his policies, the economy was improving, and hitting record-breaking milestones in Wall street and main street, so much so that the current President was able to claim that this is THE BEST economy EVER!! Just one day after he was elected.

Yeah, Obama did a bang-up job and EVERY American can be proud to have had him as his President, especially after such a COLOSSAL failure as the Bush II Administration.

You can't keep a good black man down, bitch. Deal with it.
Nonsense. You only appreciate people that think as you do.

Ah, feeling persecuted, white boy?


Again, would you give the benefit of the doubt if Obama followed ISIS on twitter?

Or do you have to take a powder again?

Let's see, I'm supposed to play your games of semantics and made up scenarios, yet I'm the one dispensing opinions that are not thought out? I usually give the benefit of the doubt until all the information is fully digested. I'm just nutty that way.

I assume you want me to believe Obama would be a terrorist for following ISIS on Twatter just as you feel Gosar is a white supremacist for following avowed white supremacists on the same platform. Is this the flavor of outrage and ultimate conclusion you're looking for?

Why can't you just answer the question?

Gosar has met with bigots in Europe, blamed a jew for the Charlottesville rally and follows white supremacists on twitter. Yeah, he's probably just keeping tabs on his enemies.

I've met him. He's a fucking wackaloon conspiracy theorist of the highest order and is about as sharp as a marble. Oddly enough, so are a lot of avowed white supremacists, so perhaps that's why he follows them. If you're going for character assassination, focus on that.
Your opinion is noted, thanks.

Yeah, step away, your best option.

My best option? For what?

This thread.

Ah, so a difference of opinion isn't welcomed in your little bubble. Got it.

I appreciate well thought out opinions,

To you the only “well thought out opinions” come from your progressive masters. And of course you come here to parrot their “well thought out opinions”.
President Barack Hussein Obama organically rose to the Presidency by starting at the bottom and working his way up

When you said THE BOTTOM, you meant it....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Pope, of course, isn’t the first conservative voice to make such claims about the president’s personal life. In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”

In fall 2012, gossip columnist turned Tea Party author Jerome Corsi alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene."

Just how dishonest are Democrats??

My best option? For what?

This thread.

Ah, so a difference of opinion isn't welcomed in your little bubble. Got it.

I appreciate well thought out opinions,

Nonsense. You only appreciate people that think as you do.

Ah, feeling persecuted, white boy?

Feeling racist? You should
When you said THE BOTTOM, you meant it....

Obama Was A Cocaine-Using Gay Hustler, Says Woman Who Claims To Have Been Hawaiian Classmate | HuffPost

"“He always portrayed himself as a foreign student,” Pope said. “Girls were never anything that he ever was interested in ... He would get with these older white gay men, and this is how we just pretty much had the impression that that’s how he was procuring his cocaine.”

She then notes, “In other words, he was having sex with these older white guys and that’s how he was getting this cocaine to be able to freebase.”

Pope, of course, isn’t the first conservative voice to make such claims about the president’s personal life. In May, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire implied Obama was “openly gay” or “better yet, openly bisexual” in a News With Views broadcast, nothing that the president’s “face seems to really light up when he begins to talk about the gay agenda.”

In fall 2012, gossip columnist turned Tea Party author Jerome Corsi alleged that the president had been actively involved in Chicago’s gay bar and bathhouse scene."

Just how dishonest are Democrats??

From the article folks...

A woman who claims to have been a classmate delivered some bizarre claims about President Barack Obama in an interview.

As Right Wing Watch first reported,...

Anybody else spot at least 2 reasons to TOTALLY debunk this claptrap? Don't worry, I provided hints.
David Duke seems fitting. Only you’re obviously not as intelligent
That's what I thought...


I don't really care. He's not my representative. Unlike you apparently, I am not so arrogant as to think I need to go around telling other people who they should vote for. If you pointed to a guy from Ohio like that, I would likely vote against that person. But Arizona is who needs to consider such things.

Just like I don't tell people in New York they should vote out AOC for being racists and an idiot. Or the people of Minnesota what they should do with Ilhan Omar.

But the real question is, since you are on here saying you should determine who other people, do or do not vote for, based on racism....

Where is your thread on Ilhan Omar? She has said twice as much racists stuff herself, than a twitter account someone in office has followed. Which is worse.... Being a congressman that sees someone else saying Jews are bad, or being a person in congress and openly saying Jews are hypnotizing the world, and have duel loyalty?
Ilhan Omar is a nice, young Muslim lady, elected to office by her constituents who's been unfairly attacked and maligned by the insidious forces of the American political rightwing due to their Islamophobic tendencies.

I pray for her safety and her success and I wish her nothing but the best.
There is nothing nice about her.

She is a Jew hater. She also supports Genital Mutilation, and The Genocide of The Black Race through Planned Parenthood and Abortions.

She is Ameriphoic, Jewaphobic, Christophobic, and Caucasianaphobic.
I don't really care. He's not my representative. Unlike you apparently, I am not so arrogant as to think I need to go around telling other people who they should vote for. If you pointed to a guy from Ohio like that, I would likely vote against that person. But Arizona is who needs to consider such things.

Just like I don't tell people in New York they should vote out AOC for being racists and an idiot. Or the people of Minnesota what they should do with Ilhan Omar.

But the real question is, since you are on here saying you should determine who other people, do or do not vote for, based on racism....

Where is your thread on Ilhan Omar? She has said twice as much racists stuff herself, than a twitter account someone in office has followed. Which is worse.... Being a congressman that sees someone else saying Jews are bad, or being a person in congress and openly saying Jews are hypnotizing the world, and have duel loyalty?
Ilhan Omar is a nice, young Muslim lady, elected to office by her constituents who's been unfairly attacked and maligned by the insidious forces of the American political rightwing due to their Islamophobic tendencies.

I pray for her safety and her success and I wish her nothing but the best.
There is nothing nice about her.

She is a Jew hater. She also supports Genital Mutilation, and The Genocide of The Black Race through Planned Parenthood and Abortions.

She is Ameriphoic, Jewaphobic, Christophobic, and Caucasianaphobic.

Did you see her complaining about the stigma attached to Al Qaeda?
I'm white and I'm a nationalist, still unclear why that's bad. please explain. dems are the true white supremists. every fking one of you. you love the blacks being oppressed in their liberal cities, Ferguson, Detroit, LA, Chicago, New York. Baltimore. you all are the true supremists. you all like to project your evil shit by making foolish comments about nationalism. We patriots and Nationalists won't let you get away with it. I will call you out every day if I have to. How many blacks you oppress today?

BTW, Abraham Lincoln freed the blacks and Trump gave them jobs. I'm still waiting for a demoloser accomplishment for blacks. go for it big guy!!!
President Barack Hussein Obama organically rose to the Presidency by starting at the bottom and working his way up. Just like self-professed conservatives CLAIM to want happen.

First he worked his way through a great education, excelled, then instead of seeking money and power, he opted to be a community organizer, which incidentally led him to the ULTIMATE seat of power, The President of the United States of America.

During his time coming up, he met the woman of his dreams, another well educated and accomplished young black woman, on her own path to great things, and together were an unstoppable force. Obama, as well as being a great leader and motivator, is an excellent father, son, husband, and all-around member of his community, he became a Senator, did his service, then ran for Office, and won.

While President of the United States of America, Barack Obama was met with unprecedented opposition from the Republican party, who vowed to attack and stop him from any form of success at any and all costs, even if that meant going against their own best interests and/or agreeing to do things they already did.

Obama handled all that, and excelled, and gave the American people a record-breaking healthcare bill that gave many under-served Americans access to affordable healthcare.

Despite Republican lies, attacks and garbage, they're still unable to fully undo what Obama did.

And he stood up to all the opposition's marshaled forces that they could muster.Obama did all this with a smile on his face and w/o breaking a sweat.

All this time, due to his policies, the economy was improving, and hitting record-breaking milestones in Wall street and main street, so much so that the current President was able to claim that this is THE BEST economy EVER!! Just one day after he was elected.

Yeah, Obama did a bang-up job and EVERY American can be proud to have had him as his President, especially after such a COLOSSAL failure as the Bush II Administration.

You can't keep a good black man down, bitch. Deal with it.
It's good to see there are still Black Men who support Uncle Toms like Barak Obama, who supports The Genocide of his fellow Black Americans.

Why do you support Black Genocide?
I don't really care. He's not my representative. Unlike you apparently, I am not so arrogant as to think I need to go around telling other people who they should vote for. If you pointed to a guy from Ohio like that, I would likely vote against that person. But Arizona is who needs to consider such things.

Just like I don't tell people in New York they should vote out AOC for being racists and an idiot. Or the people of Minnesota what they should do with Ilhan Omar.

But the real question is, since you are on here saying you should determine who other people, do or do not vote for, based on racism....

Where is your thread on Ilhan Omar? She has said twice as much racists stuff herself, than a twitter account someone in office has followed. Which is worse.... Being a congressman that sees someone else saying Jews are bad, or being a person in congress and openly saying Jews are hypnotizing the world, and have duel loyalty?
Ilhan Omar is a nice, young Muslim lady, elected to office by her constituents who's been unfairly attacked and maligned by the insidious forces of the American political rightwing due to their Islamophobic tendencies.

I pray for her safety and her success and I wish her nothing but the best.
There is nothing nice about her.

She is a Jew hater. She also supports Genital Mutilation, and The Genocide of The Black Race through Planned Parenthood and Abortions.

She is Ameriphoic, Jewaphobic, Christophobic, and Caucasianaphobic.

Did you see her complaining about the stigma attached to Al Qaeda?
She has financially and morally supported Islamic Jihadists. She is no friend of America. She should go back to Somalia, her and all The America hating Somalis with her.

Any of them that wants to denounce allah and jihad and pledge allegiance to America can stay.
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