Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Top Seven Political Gaffes of 2018


She’s the best thing to happen to Trump since Hillary was nominated to run against him.

Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Top Seven Political Gaffes of 2018.

Gatorbreath runnng in to attack me for quoting his heartthrob in 3..2..

Yyyyyeah again sorry to break this to ya but holding opinions at variance with those of the butthurt blogstaff at TownHall, and being offered a place to live, are not "gaffes". It just ain't what the word means.

You might consider actually reading the links you plop in here before they embarrass you.

And the butthurt obsession with a Rep-elect three thousand miles away continues....
You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.
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You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.
Based on the number of threads

Republicans fear her
You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.

Nanci Pelosi isn't much better...
You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.
Based on the number of threads

Republicans fear her
Mizz Cortez, what is a Staph Infection?:.,......Cortez: OK, a staff infection?, well, like, I believe a staff infection is like when someone who is on a staff with other human beings, like gets an infection, and like, then he or she has to be sent home so like he/she wont infect the others on the staff?
You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.

You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.
Based on the number of threads

Republicans fear her

Keep believing that. I hear it helps when the voices get too loud.

Using that standard, you guys were absolutely petrified about Sarah Palin. Mouth foaming, leave the lights on at night, never be alone ever terrified.
You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.
Based on the number of threads

Republicans fear her

You would think by their obsession SHE was taking the gavel on January 3rd and not Pelosi.
This just illustrates the fear factor Republicans have....just how effective Trump has been at making them scared of damn near everything.

I say we start a GoFundMe page for a free "Depends Bank" for Trumpanzees so they can stay dry and comfortable in the final stages of the Trump Take Down.
She’s the best thing to happen to Trump since Hillary was nominated to run against him.

Congresswoman-Elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Top Seven Political Gaffes of 2018.

Gatorbreath runnng in to attack me for quoting his heartthrob in 3..2.. is a right wing partisan hack site for Trump losers.
Grow the fuck up.
This woman makes your junk shrink even more than Hillary, admit it.
You can’t deny the moonbat said those things so you attack the messenger.

Typical Leftard response.
You Trumpbots are really are. All you do is pick on the weakest links.

This is a 29 year old, rookie politician who has got some grandiose ideas about things.

So what?

Sure...she is idealistic and many of those ideals will have to be planed down when reality sinks in (like guaranteed jobs and free schooling for everyone). And you could pick on Pelosi or one of the other FAR more seasoned lib politicians, who deserve lots of attacks for corruption and the like.

But pick on this fresh-faced rookie....who has a lot of good ideas about some things and seems to genuinely want to make America better (realistic or not).


Bunch of faceless/nameless cowards who take pot shots at idealistic, young people from the safety of sitting behind a computer screen.

Loser trolls the lot of you.

Thank god (barring a war) your cowardly/bullying bunch will be gone from politics by 2020 at the latest.
Based on the number of threads

Republicans fear her

You would think by their obsession SHE was taking the gavel on January 3rd and not Pelosi.
This just illustrates the fear factor Republicans have....just how effective Trump has been at making them scared of damn near everything.

I say we start a GoFundMe page for a free "Depends Bank" for Trumpanzees so they can stay dry and comfortable in the final stages of the Trump Take Down.
Yeah, terrified of her.

I give Pelosi a month before she bitch slaps AOC to shut up and delete her Twitter account.

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