Connecticut shows why they want gun registraton so bad.

not every gun uses high velocity ammo & multi round magazines either.

But they have been around for generations.........without a problem until the current time of family destruction by the policies of the democrat party.

And even then, number of nuts who committed mass public shootings in 2021?

6....not all the six used rifles.....

Your fear of this rifle is need professional help.

Trump ended rule to block mentally ill from getting guns​

The action was one of his earliest as president.
February 15, 2018, 1:41 PM

President Donald Trump has often pointed to mental illness as the underlying cause for mass shootings, but one of his earliest actions as president was to undo a regulation that would have made it more difficult for people with a known mental illness to buy guns.

Nearly a year ago, on Feb. 28, 2017, President Trump signed H.J. Res. 40, effectively ending the Social Security Administration's requirement to enter the names of people who receive mental health benefits into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. This is the database used by the FBI to determine who is able to purchase firearms.

President Trump has addressed the nation about mass shootings four times throughout his time in office. On Thursday, President Trump tweeted that the shooter involved in Florida’s Parkland High School tragedy showed signs of being “mentally disturbed,” and urged for greater awareness for similar cases...
Trump ended rule to block mentally ill from getting guns

Just because someone may be getting mental health benefits in no way means they are mentally ill.

Simply being diagnosed as mentally ill doesn’t put anyone on the NICS database maintained by the FBI. Instead a person has to be deemed mentally ill by a Colorado judge and then the State Court Administrator sends that information to the FBI.

And I'll repeat simply receiving mental health services is NOT the same as being mentally ill.
If there is a verifiable complaint from a parent, spouse, teacher, employer or someone with immediate knowledge, your guns are removed while the complaint is investigated

Those people are not qualified to make mental health diagnoses.
If that’s the case, you will temporarily lose your guns while the complaint is investigated.

Better safe than sorry
So then we should throw everyone who ha s ever had a complaint filed against them in jail while charges are investigated too.

You have it backwards.

The proof has to come BEFORE a person's rights are taken away not after
Just because someone may be getting mental health benefits in no way means they are mentally ill.

Simply being diagnosed as mentally ill doesn’t put anyone on the NICS database maintained by the FBI. Instead a person has to be deemed mentally ill by a Colorado judge and then the State Court Administrator sends that information to the FBI.

And I'll repeat simply receiving mental health services is NOT the same as being mentally ill.

They aren't serious...they simply see this as another way they can keep normal people from owning and carrying guns......they know that the psychiatric community is more and more captured by their left wing minions each day, and that once they can get mental health as a road block to gun ownership, those minions will fall right in line...
eugene stoner knew exactly how insane it was for the AR-15 be allowed for the general public to own one.
So insane that he helped Colt market the Civilian version ( Semi Auto SP1 variant ) in late 1963 prior to his largest Military contracts after the Air Force trials and only 4 years after the Firearm was a prototype invention .
So insane that he helped Colt market the Civilian version ( Semi Auto SP1 variant ) in late 1963 prior to his largest Military contracts after the Air Force trials and only 4 years after the Firearm was a prototype invention .
The AR 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for a 5.56 mm or .223 round.
The AR 15 is no different than any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for a 5.56 mm or .223 round.
Yes , except it’s evil and black
eugene stoner knew exactly how insane it was for the AR-15 be allowed for the general public to own one.
Please point to the weapon of war and tell us why the other one isn't.

They tell us they just want to know who owns the guns.....that they want to ban.

Sure, they will grandfather your rifle under the law......if you register it.....until it comes time for them to ban them........then that grandfather provision was just a lie to get you to register your rifle.....

In other words, without any explanation of how his plan would work or promote public safety, Lamont is proposing to make tens of thousands of state citizens who complied in good faith with the registration requirements into criminals, with their guns summarily declared contraband and subject to seizure. To make matters worse, the authorities would already know who and where those citizens are.


If anyone desires to prohibit possible actions by their State to infringe upon their Firearms Rights in the least bit ...
Encourage your State Legislature to write an ironclad unambiguous Amendment to your State's Constitution.

Our State did ... The vote on the Amendment went to the People ... And it passed with a 74% margin.
Problem Solved ... :thup:


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