Connecticut shows why they want gun registraton so bad.

You don't confiscate weapons from the same number of people "because they may be a threat". You lock up mentally ill people because they are a danger to themselves and others.

Yes you do

It is like a restraining order in effect until you sort out the facts.
In this case, you have persons who the people around them are relating a definable threat

He keeps saying he is going to kill people.
See what he posted on the internet?
He keeps talking about killing himself

Take away his guns while the claims are being investigated
Yes you do

It is like a restraining order in effect until you sort out the facts.
In this case, you have persons who the people around them are relating a definable threat

He keeps saying he is going to kill people.
See what he posted on the internet?
He keeps talking about killing himself

Take away his guns while the claims are being investigated
No. If he is enough of a danger to have weapons seized, he is enough of a danger to be confined.
It is if they were prescribed by both your Psychologist and Shrink during one of your judge ordered weekly visits
One gets those meds with OUT a judge's order dumbass. just taking meds is not a disqualification to owning firearms
One gets those meds with OUT a judge's order dumbass. just taking meds is not a disqualification to owning firearms
SSRIs are what Adam Lanza was on and the Nutjob who shot Chris Kyle ( Along with over half the High Profile shooters of the last 25 years )
Judge orders you to see shrink or Psychologist or both ( they prescribe meds )
No judges do not order most people to see shrinks I never had a judge order me to do so nor did any of the hundreds of people being seen at the office I go too
SSRIs are what Adam Lanza was on and the Nutjob who shot Chris Kyle ( Along with over half the High Profile shooters of the last 25 years )
S0 what people take aspirin and shoot places up gonna say they are disqualified too?
Yes.....a nut stole a gun and murdered children in an undefended school.
These people don't give a damn about gun crime victims. If they did, they'd be screaming 24/7 about the holocaust in the inner cities. They'd CHEERFULLY welcome the deaths of a hundreds of thousands of Americans who would resist confiscation. They'd say it was for the "greater good". All I can say is when they decide to come to the door to collect, it's going to be a REALLY bad time to be a cop.

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