Cons try to destroy the EPA so GOP governors can poison the water

Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What "principles," robbing Peter to pay Paul? Conning the American public into funding an Obama reelection slush fund?
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Like most regressives you seem to be confused on who is responsible to fund those things. Hint, it ain't the feds.

Too bad your bigotry / biases prevent you from understanding the written word. Have someone read my post above slowly to you and you might (MIGHT) be able to comprehend that not all representatives in the federal system reside in the the Congress of the United States. Of course if you really understood COTUS the answer would be obvious (see Sec. IV).
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What's your point? The stimulus passed. So why didn't Obama fix all of our infrastructure problems?
The Jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought.
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What "principles," robbing Peter to pay Paul? Conning the American public into funding an Obama reelection slush fund?

Sorry, to respond to your stupid comment would take me away from my dinner - you may be as dumb as Stephanie and other members of the crazy right wing echo chamber.
How many billions have been collected to go towards infrastructure that never does anything but line pockets? Look! It is crumbling! We must tax you more! As they snicker in the dark as they accept their kickbacks.
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What's your point? The stimulus passed. So why didn't Obama fix all of our infrastructure problems?

Only a dishonest, mendacious asshole (you, for example) would ask such a question.
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What "principles," robbing Peter to pay Paul? Conning the American public into funding an Obama reelection slush fund?

Sorry, to respond to your stupid comment would take me away from my dinner - you may be as dumb as Stephanie and other members of the crazy right wing echo chamber.
Obviously you cant name the principles that the Obama reelection slush fund supported.
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What's your point? The stimulus passed. So why didn't Obama fix all of our infrastructure problems?
The Jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought.

That is an echo of a partisan talking point, stupid and ignorant.
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What's your point? The stimulus passed. So why didn't Obama fix all of our infrastructure problems?
The Jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought.

That is an echo of a partisan talking point, stupid and ignorant.
That is Sarcasm!
Surprise! Another republican governor, Chris Christie has been poisoning the water in New Jersey too. They said it's not as bad as Flint, so no big deal.
Elevated lead levels found in Newark schools' drinking water

The cons on this thread keep trying to defend those slimy GOP governors, and kill the EPA. A vote for a republican is a vote to poison your water, and your air, and the ground. More lead, more CO2, more fracking. More profits for corporations, and fuck the American people.
Surprise! Another republican governor, Chris Christie has been poisoning the water in New Jersey too. They said it's not as bad as Flint, so no big deal.
Elevated lead levels found in Newark schools' drinking water

The cons on this thread keep trying to defend those slimy GOP governors, and kill the EPA. A vote for a republican is a vote to poison your water, and your air, and the ground. More lead, more CO2, more fracking. More profits for corporations, and fuck the American people.

How is Christie responsible when they just discovered it, eh, you fucking douche bag? Did these schools all get built after he became governor?
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.
Thanks for proving my point about the sliminess of the cons.

Here :ahole-1:, have a DRINK from what the DEMORAT EPA has done...stupid mother fucker!

The EPA did that deliberately.
The audacity of the republicans in the Flint hearings yesterday was unconscionable. They are trying to blame the EPA for the leaded water.

Well, the EPA kind of lied about the water so yeah, they have some blame. Normal people understand this. I imagine you will struggle with it.
Last edited:
I would write something in opposition to the initial post...but it is SO stupid it needs nothing from me.

'Evil GOP wants to poison the water, seeks to eliminate EPA protectors'


That would be the same EPA that contaminated thousands of miles of river when they f*ed up with that gold mine contamination spill...afterwhich they and Obama sought to REWARD their incompetence with MORE POWER!?
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Like most regressives you seem to be confused on who is responsible to fund those things. Hint, it ain't the feds.

Too bad your bigotry / biases prevent you from understanding the written word. Have someone read my post above slowly to you and you might (MIGHT) be able to comprehend that not all representatives in the federal system reside in the the Congress of the United States. Of course if you really understood COTUS the answer would be obvious (see Sec. IV).

Sorry hero, my COTUS doesn't have have a Sec. IV, several of the Articles have a Sec. 4. But yes, I know what you were saying, you just have a lousy way of going about saying it, and note to the really clueless, railroads and the electric grid are private for profit companies, improvements should come from their profits, not tax coffers.
The EPA needs to be, maybe not destroyed, but greatly reduced in power. It's an agency that's out of control and not doing the job it was created to do.

As for lead's the responsibility of the local government. There are lead pipes in every water delivery system in the U.S.
The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Looks like this post ^^^ sums up the issue nicely, anyone wonder which party rejected the principles behind the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) (Pub.L. 111–5), commonly referred to as the Stimulus or The Recovery Act, was a stimulus package enacted by the 111th United States Congress in February 2009 and signed into law on February 17, 2009, by President Barack Obama.

What's your point? The stimulus passed. So why didn't Obama fix all of our infrastructure problems?
The Jobs were not as shovel ready as we thought.

That is an echo of a partisan talking point, stupid and ignorant.
That is Sarcasm!

Yes, sometimes sarcasm is used by the stupid and ignorant, though they are unaware of that fact.
The audacity of the republicans in the Flint hearings yesterday was unconscionable. They are trying to blame the EPA for the leaded water. Michigan governor Rick Snyder is blaming the EPA and everybody else, instead of excepting the responsibility which is totally his. He claims ignorance of the problem for two years, when the EPA was dogging him about it the whole time.
And the cons in congress that have been trying to destroy the EPA, are trying to blame the EPA instead of their republican governor. This is going to blow up in their faces. This will expose the cons as the dirty polluters they are. Cons should lose control of the senate and the house this year. If they don't, this country deserves to be poisoned by them.
The EPA poisoned Flint. They should be captured and imprisoned.
The EPA needs to be, maybe not destroyed, but greatly reduced in power. It's an agency that's out of control and not doing the job it was created to do.

As for lead's the responsibility of the local government. There are lead pipes in every water delivery system in the U.S.

No the EPA needs to go. They've used the federal courts to expand their own power by not defending decisions made in accordance with the law. Don't believe me, just google "EPA sue and settle".
Cons, whine and gnash your teeth all you want, we aren't going back to 1886. You can get close though, go turn off your electricity, put the toilet out back, and sit in your house with nothing but candles every night. I know most of you don't read so you can stare at the wall more than usual.

And voila!
Are you really this delusional? Where did you check your brain, and do you still have the chit to get it back?

This is not the EPA's fault, or the governor's fault, or the financial manager's fault. It is the fault of the elected politicians over the years in Flint (mainly Democrats) who, year after year, declined to replace the aging and dangerous infrastructure, hoping that when "catastrophe" happened, they would already be enjoying their stolen government pensions and someone later could be blamed.

The many "warnings" that were sounded over the past year were lost among hundreds of other warnings that state and federal executives get every day, only a few of which can be taken seriously due to the sheer volume of them (remember, the "warnings" about 9/11?).

And what, exactly, is this catastrophe? No one has died, no one has actually gotten seriously sick, and a bunch of people have a bit of residual lead in their bodies that could in the future result in some minor problems - but probably will just dissipate in time. A lot of people are going through a lot of aggravation now, and the various taxpayers are paying a lot of money, which is just a down payment on what will ultimately have to be spent to get acceptable drinking water to this God-forsaken town. It would probably be cheaper to give every housing unit a portable filter and live with it that way. Or just re-locate everyone.

It ain't a partisan thing. It is a matter of politicians who don't want to give their constituents any bad news because they are afraid it will cost them their positions in the next election. This should have been fixed decades ago, and it would have cost a ton of money then, but it's been delayed and the results are more serious. But not catastrophic by any means. Nobody died. Nobody even got seriously sick.

The rhetoric, that's what's partisan.

Term limits.

The anti tax hysteria / movement has prevented the efforts of responsible pols to renew, repair, or replace our nation's infrastructure. The infection spread by Grover Norquist and the Republican Party has harmed our nation, almost to the point that transportation is becoming third worldly.

Until responsible representatives do the right thing, something not always popular, we will continue to defer maintenance of the electric grid, bridges, tunnels, roadways, rail roads and other critical components necessary in the 21st Century. Those who worry about the debt our children may inherit would be better served by putting tax dollars into providing for the neglect of the past.

If the roof is not repaired or replaced timely, the home and those it protects will soon suffer. The cost to replace a home is many times more costly than a new roof. Only fools vote for those who keep kicking the can down the road.

Like most regressives you seem to be confused on who is responsible to fund those things. Hint, it ain't the feds.

Too bad your bigotry / biases prevent you from understanding the written word. Have someone read my post above slowly to you and you might (MIGHT) be able to comprehend that not all representatives in the federal system reside in the the Congress of the United States. Of course if you really understood COTUS the answer would be obvious (see Sec. IV).

Sorry hero, my COTUS doesn't have have a Sec. IV, several of the Articles have a Sec. 4. But yes, I know what you were saying, you just have a lousy way of going about saying it, and note to the really clueless, railroads and the electric grid are private for profit companies, improvements should come from their profits, not tax coffers.

Sec. 4 of Art. IV. Good catch, I wrote too fast so thanks for making my point clear.

You're wrong by stating the Electric Grid and RR's are all for profit private sector enterprises, In the United States, a public utility district (PUD) is a special-purpose district or other governmental jurisdiction that provides public utilities (such as electricity, natural gas, sewage treatment, waste collection/management, wholesale telecommunications, water) to the residents of that district.


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