Consequences of a Shrinking Global Population

Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.
Really? You despise an entire generation without any cause whatsoever? Very telling about who you are as a person.

The above is rather despicable.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.
Really? You despise an entire generation without any cause whatsoever? Very telling about who you are as a person.

The above is rather despicable.

No cause eh? Good one.
Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.
Really? You despise an entire generation without any cause whatsoever? Very telling about who you are as a person.

The above is rather despicable.

No cause eh? Good one.
Yes, no cause.
Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.
Really? You despise an entire generation without any cause whatsoever? Very telling about who you are as a person.

The above is rather despicable.

No cause eh? Good one.
Yes, no cause.

Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
/——/ Just build more robots. They won’t steal your jewelry or watch while you’re sleeping. Robots: Japan's Future Elderly Care Workers - VR World
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
Trying to frighten and brainwash the masses into taking-in more of your Beaner brothers and sisters? No Sale.

We'll "make do" and "do without", if need be, rather than see Nova Europa turn into Nova Azteca.
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Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
/——/ Just build more robots. They won’t steal your jewelry or watch while you’re sleeping. Robots: Japan's Future Elderly Care Workers - VR World
This guy was complaining that McDonald’s is automating. So what? So what if only five people work at each McDonald’s?

Maybe if we weren’t so overpopulated with poor people we wouldn’t care about minimum wage jobs that poor people need.

And you can’t stop technology. Did we worry about what blacks would do when we invented the cotton gin?
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

Mmm go fuck yourself. Old people have much knowledge. They are to be revered.

PS: I don't want ignorant Africans in charge of their care. I'll put a bullet through my brain if I think that's how I'll wind up. Once a black is a hospital administrator, it's all black from there on out, it's looking like.
No, no it is not right for hood people to be in charge of "caring" for the greatest generation. They are turds, and the people they are in charge of have done more good in 1 month than they'll ever do in their lives.
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Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
/——/ Just build more robots. They won’t steal your jewelry or watch while you’re sleeping. Robots: Japan's Future Elderly Care Workers - VR World
This guy was complaining that McDonald’s is automating. So what? So what if only five people work at each McDonald’s?

Maybe if we weren’t so overpopulated with poor people we wouldn’t care about minimum wage jobs that poor people need.

And you can’t stop technology. Did we worry about what blacks would do when we invented the cotton gin?
/——/ Cotton Gin & tonic. My favorite
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
Trying to frighten and brainwash the masses into taking-in more of your Beaner brothers and sisters? No Sale.
I told republicans this is what they do. Do you remember the republicans said they were just here doing jobs Americans won’t do.

And I knew eventually they would instead of promoting illegal immigration, they would say in order to grow we need more bodies. We aren’t breeding enough they’ll say. All true. But I don’t care about growth.

And there will be some pain to correct our overpopulation problem. It’s true we won’t have enough workers and too many old people for a little while but eventually we won’t be overpopulated

The best thing to do is have a war and only send old people.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

Mmm go fuck yourself. Old people have much knowledge. They are to be revered.

PS: I don't want ignorant Africans in charge of their care. I'll put a bullet through my brain if I think that's how I'll wind up. Once a black is a hospital administrator, it's all black from there on out, it's looking like.
No, no it is not right for hood people to be in charge of "caring" for the greatest generation.
We had to admit my mom to an Alzheimer’s asylum through private healthcare. Long story short it was in Detroit and all black. They turned out to all be wonderful people.

In the all white place we had to move her was not so nice. In fact horrible. And it cost $21k a month.

Also, notice how unkotare doesn’t think to turn to our poor blacks to do these jobs, or even poor whites? He wants to import more cheap labor to do jobs he thinks Americans won’t do.

We have plenty of poor people working at Walmart who would go into taking care of the elderly if it paid better. Why does it pay so little and we paid the place $21k a month? Pay American workers a wage they can raise a family on then Walmart will be the one who can’t find workers.

Stop being a racist toward blacks. This is our opportunity
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

Mmm go fuck yourself. Old people have much knowledge. They are to be revered.

PS: I don't want ignorant Africans in charge of their care. I'll put a bullet through my brain if I think that's how I'll wind up. Once a black is a hospital administrator, it's all black from there on out, it's looking like.
No, no it is not right for hood people to be in charge of "caring" for the greatest generation.
We had to admit my mom to an Alzheimer’s asylum through private healthcare. Long story short it was in Detroit and all black. They turned out to all be wonderful people.

In the all white place we had to move her was not so nice. In fact horrible. And it cost $21k a month.

Also, notice how unkotare doesn’t think to turn to our poor blacks to do these jobs, or even poor whites? He wants to import more cheap labor to do jobs he thinks Americans won’t do.

We have plenty of poor people working at Walmart who would go into taking care of the elderly if it paid better. Why does it pay so little and we paid the place $21k a month? Pay American workers a wage they can raise a family on then Walmart will be the one who can’t find workers.

Stop being a racist toward blacks. This is our opportunity

Hey fuck you, Silly Boo Boo, I'm from the real world, bitch.

Get Snarkey and I'll sic ChrisL on ya.

Yeah, she owns you right proper.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

Mmm go fuck yourself. Old people have much knowledge. They are to be revered.

PS: I don't want ignorant Africans in charge of their care. I'll put a bullet through my brain if I think that's how I'll wind up. Once a black is a hospital administrator, it's all black from there on out, it's looking like.
No, no it is not right for hood people to be in charge of "caring" for the greatest generation.
We had to admit my mom to an Alzheimer’s asylum through private healthcare. Long story short it was in Detroit and all black. They turned out to all be wonderful people.

In the all white place we had to move her was not so nice. In fact horrible. And it cost $21k a month.

Also, notice how unkotare doesn’t think to turn to our poor blacks to do these jobs, or even poor whites? He wants to import more cheap labor to do jobs he thinks Americans won’t do.

We have plenty of poor people working at Walmart who would go into taking care of the elderly if it paid better. Why does it pay so little and we paid the place $21k a month? Pay American workers a wage they can raise a family on then Walmart will be the one who can’t find workers.

Stop being a racist toward blacks. This is our opportunity

Hey fuck you, Silly Boo Boo, I'm from the real world, bitch.

Get Snarkey and I'll sic ChrisL on ya.

Yeah, she owns you right proper.
Yea she does. I'd fuck that old bat.

But seriously, I'm starting to sound like a Trump supporter here. We need to fix our economy. We have too many people and not enough jobs. That means wages are being kept low. If nursing homes can't find good help for the wages they are willing to pay then they need to raise wages, not look to import more cheap labor from 3rd world countries.

I'm all for allowing immigrants with skills come to this country to do work we need but what unkotare is suggesting is we need to bring in a bunch of cheap labor to take care of our elderly, because to them that low wage and living in America is worth doing that shit job. He didn't even think about paying poor Americans more to do the job.

Republicans are starting to flip already as I predicted. Soon they will be all for legal immigration from the same shit holes they didn't want coming here last year. It will be legal so Republicans will say they only disliked illegal immigration. Only the die hard racists will continue to object but they'll be marginalized.

And don't expect people from Australia and Canada to want to come here. They got it just as good as we do now. Now the only immigrants that want to come here are currently living in shit hole countries.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
Trying to frighten and brainwash the masses ....

Yes. You sound like Democrats who said the sky would fall if Trump was elected.

But I agree we can't afford to cheat care workers. Currently they are underpaid. We under value that job imo. We should pay them $20 hr. People who work at Walmart or McDonald's now used to go work for Ford, GM and Chrysler. Good paying jobs. They work at Walmart because there are no good paying jobs now. What if being a care worker paid more? People at McDonald would quit and go get a better job.

Then we wouldn't cry about this

Former McDonald's USA CEO: Robots to Replace People in the Service Industry Going Forward
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers

...Old people have much knowledge. They are to be revered.

I never suggested otherwise.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
Trying to frighten and brainwash the masses into taking-in more of your Beaner brothers and sisters? No Sale.
I told republicans this is what they do. Do you remember the republicans said they were just here doing jobs Americans won’t do.

And I knew eventually they would instead of promoting illegal immigration, they would say in order to grow we need more bodies. We aren’t breeding enough they’ll say. All true. But I don’t care about growth.

And there will be some pain to correct our overpopulation problem. It’s true we won’t have enough workers and too many old people for a little while but eventually we won’t be overpopulated

The best thing to do is have a war and only send old people.

Another stupid post from Bobobrainless. There is no “overpopulation problem.”

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