

Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
There are two types of consequences I'm going to talk about. Both concern the invasion of Iraq, more or less, but also American foreign policy in general.

The first is the consequences of invading Iraq in 2003 is the attacks on people. The attacks on military bases or recruitment offices within the US, or other such attacks. This sort of attack makes the US feel less safe, mainly because it is less safe, thanks to Bush invading Iraq and also the whole "war on terror" malarkey which basically vilified Muslims no matter who they are, even US Muslims, even those who had voted for Bush.

Of course this process has been in place for much longer than Bush, we can go back to WW2 and continuing to the present day to see this in place, hence 9/11 and other such attacks like against the USS Cole. But this has amplified in recent years since the invasion of Iraq.

The other type of consequences is similar to what you can read here:

Bush Walker Trump criticize gun ban in recruiting offices - Yahoo News UK

Bush, Walker, Trump criticize gun ban in recruiting offices"

The right made the "war on terror" a personal one with Muslims, and it's caused these problems. But it's funny how it always seems to BENEFIT the right.
More Muslims attacking the US, ISIS etc has meant that there is a need for more wars in the Middle East, which means paying more money for weapons which means good old GOP contributors making more profits.
Also, with these attacks it allows you to be more "pro-gun", another right wing policy.
It also allows for such laws as the "patriot act" which was anything but, but again, was something the right wanted and something they got.

They claim to be pro-US constitution, so they need wars and fear in order to be able to reduce those rights they don't like, those freedoms that aren't convenient for them, and make laws they will claim are essential to "protect Americans", but protecting Americans is the last thing they actually want, otherwise they'd never have started this ridiculous situation in the first place.
Yeah, that's the way it is. It suits those who benefit from mayhem.

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