Conservatism vs Authoritarianism: The GOP Sturm und Drang

Absolutely correct. The RINOs still have a belief that Democracy, or at least a Democratic Republic can be maintained or saved despite the constant and obvious proof to the contrary provided by the American public (especially the voters).

True Conservatives realize that any form of real Democracy is no longer capable of providing a proper Government or Society for the country. An Authoritarian society is required at least long enough to purge the American populace of its cancerous lesions, reaffirm true American values, and secure our borders/economy.

"An Authoritarian society is required at least long enough to purge the American populace of its cancerous lesions, reaffirm true American values, and secure our borders/economy."

Yes., there is a huge divide between republican who are white supremacists and those who want to retain the plan of the founders to keep the federal government small.
Violent Trump goons united with their fellow traveler neo-nazis, white supremacists, proud boys, q-anon, boogaloo, etc. in attacking democracy, despite the allies of convenience having aspects of their extremism that differ.

The struggle will now unfold between traditional, law-abiding conservatives and the RINOs of Trumpery who perverted the GOP and insist that its now theirs despite its rejection by the American People.
Absolutely correct. The RINOs still have a belief that Democracy, or at least a Democratic Republic can be maintained or saved despite the constant and obvious proof to the contrary provided by the American public (especially the voters).

True Conservatives realize that any form of real Democracy is no longer capable of providing a proper Government or Society for the country. An Authoritarian society is required at least long enough to purge the American populace of its cancerous lesions, reaffirm true American values, and secure our borders/economy.
Thank for proving my point that conservatives deep down have contempt for our constitutional republic. Your post is honest if not deplorable. You have more in common with Putin then with Jefferson. Your post also proves the point that this country increasingly has more in common now with Brazil then Canada or England: All thanks to “Conservatives” like yourself who want to turn our nation into a banana Republic.
How do you explain the left-wing that had Chop Chaz? The people who said they would burn the system down if they don't get what they want?

Or the left-wingers that were attacking a Federal Court building?

Or the left-wingers that were tearing down monuments and memorials around the country, that represent the history of our Democracy?

Why is it that people on the left, consistently accuse others of doing what they themselves have been openly engaging in for years?


"Oh, yeah! Well, what about..."

Your attempt at diversion fails. Feel free to initiate a thread that concerns your alternate topic.
Sure, name a conservative that supports large government, and doesn't support Freedom?

Ben Shapiro? Rush Limbaugh? Thomas Sowell? Milton Friedman?

Can you list even one?

I wouldn’t suggest that those are Conservatives. I would suggest they’re right-leaning Moderstes.

I’m talking about true leaders... King Harald Bluetooth of Denmark, Ghengis Khan, Duke William of Normandy (AKA Jing William I of England).
Thank for proving my point that conservatives deep down have contempt for our constitutional republic....

The Republic has FAILED. It’s been dead for 160 years. it needs to be replaced before it takes the entire nation to Hell with it.
Sure, name a conservative that supports large government, and doesn't support Freedom?

Ben Shapiro? Rush Limbaugh? Thomas Sowell? Milton Friedman?

Can you list even one?

I wouldn’t suggest that those are Conservatives. I would suggest they’re right-leaning Moderstes.

I’m talking about true leaders... King Harald Bluetooth of Denmark, Ghengis Khan, Duke William of Normandy (AKA Jing William I of England).

Right...... Only the most widely know, and widely accepted conservatives in history.

Ok, so let's even roll with that for a second.

Define what a conservative is for me. Because I can't think of how you would define conservative, so that people like those I listed are "moderates". So define what conservatives are in your view.
Thank for proving my point that conservatives deep down have contempt for our constitutional republic....

The Republic has FAILED. It’s been dead for 160 years. it needs to be replaced before it takes the entire nation to Hell with it.
It is because of people like you that faith in our democratic institutions are at a all time low. Grow up and accept the fact that in a democracy your candidate sometimes loses.
Thank for proving my point that conservatives deep down have contempt for our constitutional republic....

The Republic has FAILED. It’s been dead for 160 years. it needs to be replaced before it takes the entire nation to Hell with it.


Name one country that is more wealthy than the US?

What exactly is your definition of "failed" in this case?
It is because of people like you that faith in our democratic institutions are at a all time low. Grow up and accept the fact that in a democracy your candidate sometimes loses.

The Republic was dead long before Biden was even born never mind elected POTUS. I have no use for Democracy on any level and haven’t since before I was even eligible to vote, thanks to the 1990 Connecticut gubernatorial election.
Thank for proving my point that conservatives deep down have contempt for our constitutional republic....

The Republic has FAILED. It’s been dead for 160 years. it needs to be replaced before it takes the entire nation to Hell with it.
It is because of people like you that faith in our democratic institutions are at a all time low. Grow up and accept the fact that in a democracy your candidate sometimes loses.

Take your own advice, before you give it to others.

Name one country that is more wealthy than the US?

What exactly is your definition of "failed" in this case?

This nation has no Moral core. There is no standardized system of values, rigidly enforced (by violence when necessary). The ecenomybis far secondary to Right vs Wrong in determining the success or failure of a nation.

Name one country that is more wealthy than the US?

What exactly is your definition of "failed" in this case?

This nation has no Moral core. There is no standardized system of values, rigidly enforced (by violence when necessary). The ecenomybis far secondary to Right vs Wrong in determining the success or failure of a nation.

And you think what? That a revolution of violence and murder, is going to result in a moral core? What is your solution?
Define what a conservative is for me. Because I can't think of how you would define conservative, so that people like those I listed are "moderates". So define what conservatives are in your view.

Conservatism is an ideology built on the idea that Right and Wrong are stationary, unchanging and incompatible ideals between which there is no grey area. On the side of Right you have traditional values, morals and societal structure. The core of almost every Western nation for more than a Millennium. The ideal of Law and Order, extreme imposition of such, and the understanding thst ANY breach of those things is a direct assault on Society.

... Basically take any extremist Abrahamic or Middle eastern tradition and base it on Morality rather than religion and you have Conservatism.
And you think what? That a revolution of violence and murder, is going to result in a moral core? What is your solution?

The purifying powers of Fire and Blood are the only things that will save this nation. I’m willing to allow you folks the opportunity to leave on your own first, but if you don’t, it’s Fire and Blood.
Thank for proving my point that conservatives deep down have contempt for our constitutional republic....

The Republic has FAILED. It’s been dead for 160 years. it needs to be replaced before it takes the entire nation to Hell with it.
It is because of people like you that faith in our democratic institutions are at a all time low. Grow up and accept the fact that in a democracy your candidate sometimes loses.

Take your own advice, before you give it to others.
Hey idiot, a protest is a far cry from insurrection or calling for an end to to Constitutional Republic.
Define what a conservative is for me. Because I can't think of how you would define conservative, so that people like those I listed are "moderates". So define what conservatives are in your view.

Conservatism is an ideology built on the idea that Right and Wrong are stationary, unchanging and incompatible ideals between which there is no grey area. On the side of Right you have traditional values, morals and societal structure. The core of almost every Western nation for more than a Millennium. The ideal of Law and Order, extreme imposition of such, and the understanding thst ANY breach of those things is a direct assault on Society.

... Basically take any extremist Abrahamic or Middle eastern tradition and base it on Morality rather than religion and you have Conservatism.

How do you get slavery and big government from that?

If you have the idea that freedom is right, and big government is wrong, then Conservatism is the opposite of what you claim.

You said conservatives stand for big government, and repealing freedom, and then defined conservative as something that had nothing to do with either of your prior claims.

That said, all views have some element of believing in an incompatibility with grey areas.

If you don't believe that, name the group that openly support freedom of speech today, that isn't conservative?

Even Ben Shapiro has had left-wing people on his program, but if a left-wing person has Ben Shapiro on, they would be boycotted.

You don't see conservatives protesting guest speakers like cenk uygur. But you do see so-called 'liberals' protesting Ben Shapiro.

So saying that Conservatives are all black and white, and refuse to talk about grey areas, is contradicted by the evidence around us.

Now you are correct that Abrahamic faiths have a belief in truth. You know what other world views have a belief in truth? All of them. All of them do. There isn't a single "no truth" belief system in the world. Abrahamic or otherwise, all belief systems are based on the idea that they know something is true.
And you think what? That a revolution of violence and murder, is going to result in a moral core? What is your solution?

The purifying powers of Fire and Blood are the only things that will save this nation. I’m willing to allow you folks the opportunity to leave on your own first, but if you don’t, it’s Fire and Blood.

Good luck with that.
The Republic has FAILED. It’s been dead for 160 years. it needs to be replaced before it takes the entire nation to Hell with it.
Patriotic Americans do not agree, and Trump goons will be confronted by the forces of law and order.

"During the insurrection at the United States Capitol, the suspect assaulted and used a clear police shield to pin MPD Officer Daniel Hodges in a door jam," the release, shared Friday, says.​
Two photos of the suspect were included in the release, which the police department also shared on Twitter.​
... Hodges, 32, after a video taken during the attack on the Capitol showed him screaming in pain while being crushed in a doorway and beaten up by an angry mob of Trump's supporters. Hodges stood in the way of the violent protesters as they tried to enter the Capitol to stop the 2020 election from being affirmed.​
How do you get slavery and big government from that?

If you have the idea that freedom is right, and big government is wrong, then Conservatism is the opposite of what you claim.

You said conservatives stand for big government, and repealing freedom, and then defined conservative as something that had nothing to do with either of your prior claims.

That said, all views have some element of believing in an incompatibility with grey areas.

If you don't believe that, name the group that openly support freedom of speech today, that isn't conservative?

Even Ben Shapiro has had left-wing people on his program, but if a left-wing person has Ben Shapiro on, they would be boycotted.

You don't see conservatives protesting guest speakers like cenk uygur. But you do see so-called 'liberals' protesting Ben Shapiro.

So saying that Conservatives are all black and white, and refuse to talk about grey areas, is contradicted by the evidence around us.

Now you are correct that Abrahamic faiths have a belief in truth. You know what other world views have a belief in truth? All of them. All of them do. There isn't a single "no truth" belief system in the world. Abrahamic or otherwise, all belief systems are based on the idea that they know something is true.

You’re daft. You continue to compare apoles and draft horses. THESE PEOPLE YOU MENTION ARE NOT CONSERVATIVES!!!! That’s why they allow Liberals on their shows, in their families, and in their country.

I have not suggested thst big government is fine. I believe in properly focused government; under which they have total control of certain things and no control of others. Nor have I advocated slavery, though I do.

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