Conservative Commentator Gives Advice On Piercing The Liberal Mind


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Conservative Commentator Gives Advice On Piercing The Liberal Mind [VIDEO]

"...modern leftists, who canā€™t accept the results of Trumpā€™s election, tell themselves they are intellectually and morally ā€œsuperior to the slobs out there in fly over country.ā€ The tired ā€œRussian hackingā€ narrative conveniently explains the electoral anomaly to them..."

"As for the leftā€™s name-calling and smearing, Whittle says it is ā€œdangerous and disgusting.ā€ Dangerous, he says, because by demonizing conservatives, they are legitimizing physical assaults on conservatives. Disgusting, he adds, because when they equate Trump with Adolf Hitler, they have ā€œjust mortally slandered those who were killed by the real Hitler.ā€ He condemns the equating of having to hear an opinion you disagree with to the fingerprints left in concrete by those trying to escape World War II death camps."

"Whittle offers sobering, but realistic, encouragement to conservatives sensing they canā€™t take a break from fighting for liberty. He says of the left, ā€œthey can win; we can lose. Entropy is on their side. Itā€™s easier to take money, than make money. Itā€™s easier to tax a business, than run a business. Democrats are giving away free candy, and Republicans are selling vegetables. Every single day we have to roll the boulder up the hill and our reward for this is we have another day where we have to do it again. If you can be ok with that, you can say, ā€˜not today, they didnā€™t knock our freedoms away today.ā€™ And weā€™ve been doing that for 250 years.ā€

"Whittle explains that Democrats ā€œgaslight,ā€ a form of psychological manipulation to make people doubt reality, when they say Trump is not a legitimate president because the Russians hacked the election.

When it comes to the media, Whittle thinks Trump is like the boy from Hans Christian Andersonā€™s story who said the ā€œemperor had no clothes.ā€ With the news media, who is, according to Whittle, not conducting its role with fairness, their destruction at the masterful hands of Trump couldnā€™t happen to a better group of people, Whittle says."

Spot on! :clap:
Truth is THE DNC never had proof of Russian Hacking or they would have shown it to The Public and won The Election With It.

There is no proof of Russian Hacking or they would impeach Trump with it and use it to completely undermine The Trump Administration, and use it to Take Back The Senate and House.

All they have is FAKE NEWS.
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Where are all these fabled left wingers that did not accept that Trump won the election?

We have many on this site (myself included) and I just don't see any of them say that Trump didn't win the election. So what the fuck is this about?

You want to pierce minds? How about starting by quitting posting ridiculous alt.facts, straw-men arguments and petty nonsense.
Conservative Commentator Gives Advice On Piercing The Liberal Mind [VIDEO]

"...modern leftists, who canā€™t accept the results of Trumpā€™s election, tell themselves they are intellectually and morally ā€œsuperior to the slobs out there in fly over country.ā€ The tired ā€œRussian hackingā€ narrative conveniently explains the electoral anomaly to them..."

"As for the leftā€™s name-calling and smearing, Whittle says it is ā€œdangerous and disgusting.ā€ Dangerous, he says, because by demonizing conservatives, they are legitimizing physical assaults on conservatives. Disgusting, he adds, because when they equate Trump with Adolf Hitler, they have ā€œjust mortally slandered those who were killed by the real Hitler.ā€ He condemns the equating of having to hear an opinion you disagree with to the fingerprints left in concrete by those trying to escape World War II death camps."

"Whittle offers sobering, but realistic, encouragement to conservatives sensing they canā€™t take a break from fighting for liberty. He says of the left, ā€œthey can win; we can lose. Entropy is on their side. Itā€™s easier to take money, than make money. Itā€™s easier to tax a business, than run a business. Democrats are giving away free candy, and Republicans are selling vegetables. Every single day we have to roll the boulder up the hill and our reward for this is we have another day where we have to do it again. If you can be ok with that, you can say, ā€˜not today, they didnā€™t knock our freedoms away today.ā€™ And weā€™ve been doing that for 250 years.ā€

"Whittle explains that Democrats ā€œgaslight,ā€ a form of psychological manipulation to make people doubt reality, when they say Trump is not a legitimate president because the Russians hacked the election.

When it comes to the media, Whittle thinks Trump is like the boy from Hans Christian Andersonā€™s story who said the ā€œemperor had no clothes.ā€ With the news media, who is, according to Whittle, not conducting its role with fairness, their destruction at the masterful hands of Trump couldnā€™t happen to a better group of people, Whittle says."

Spot on! :clap:

Why would you need to outsource for idiocy like that? You are quite capable of producing that yourself.
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Where are all these fabled left wingers that did not accept that Trump won the election?

We have many on this site, myself included and I just don't see any of them say that Trump didn't win the election. So what the fuck is this about?

(BTW, why's a white man giving a 'Black Power' salute? :p)

In a moment of 'false patriotism', when she thought she had the election won, Scandal Skank Hillary Clinton declared, 'To oppose the election results is to undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests'.

Ever since the election was decided, snowflakes - especially on this board - have done little more than just that.

Recounts, Popular Vote, attempts to flip Electoral Voters, intimidation, rioting, looting, arson, firebombing GOP HQs, calls for Impeachment before Trump was sworn in, calls for military coups, calls for assassination, political assassinations carried out by Obama-holdovers, paid protestors showing up at Town Halls.....

Give it a rest're coming across as 'Baghdad Bob'!

"We have not opposed the Trump Presidency.
This is a nasty rumor - We love Trump."

Where are all these fabled left wingers that did not accept that Trump won the election?

We have many on this site (myself included) and I just don't see any of them say that Trump didn't win the election. So what the fuck is this about?

You want to pierce minds? How about starting by quitting posting ridiculous alt.facts, straw-men arguments and petty nonsense.

:itsok: You've been watching too much liberal TV news.
" the masterful hands of trump?"
Those tiny hands are good for only one thing. Grabbing women's pussies.
What a load of crap the OP is.
Seems more to me like Trump can't accept his own victory given how incessantly and pathetically he brags about it.
Pierce the liberal mind? That sounds like drilling for air.
Politics Is a Spitball Fight at a Prep School

You used a homophone of heir. The fact that they are bossy snobs with a Born to Rule attitude should have made you identify what the New Left has always been all about. Cut off the spoiled-putrid brats at age 18 and both overbearing wings of the aristocracy will flap away into the clouds they think they are looking down upon us from.
Where are all these fabled left wingers that did not accept that Trump won the election?

We have many on this site, myself included and I just don't see any of them say that Trump didn't win the election. So what the fuck is this about?
View attachment 114461

(BTW, why's a white man giving a 'Black Power' salute? :p)

In a moment of 'false patriotism', when she thought she had the election won, Scandal Skank Hillary Clinton declared, 'To oppose the election results is to undermine the pillars on which our democracy rests'.

Ever since the election was decided, snowflakes - especially on this board - have done little more than just that.

Recounts, Popular Vote, attempts to flip Electoral Voters, intimidation, rioting, looting, arson, firebombing GOP HQs, calls for Impeachment before Trump was sworn in, calls for military coups, calls for assassination, political assassinations carried out by Obama-holdovers, paid protestors showing up at Town Halls.....

Give it a rest're coming across as 'Baghdad Bob'!

View attachment 114462
"We have not opposed the Trump Presidency.
This is a nasty rumor - We love Trump."


So no, you cannot actually show liberals denying that Trump won the election.

You've found a VERY long way to say it.
So no, you cannot actually show liberals denying that Trump won the election.
yeah, the pictures of idiot snowflake after idiot snowflake holding up signs that declare Trump is NOT their President, the endless sea of snowflakes arguing how Hillary was the rightful President because she won some insignificant poll didn't prove it ... to YOU snowflake.

So no, you cannot actually show liberals denying that Trump won the election.
yeah, the pictures of idiot snowflake after idiot snowflake holding up signs that declare Trump is NOT their President

"Not my president" is a standard fare expression used by both left and right whenever they don't like who made it to the White House and DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHO WON THE ELECTION and is the POTUS.
Still denying that the Russians tampered wh the election ??

If that's what you think , then yes you're a dopey flyover hick .
Conservative Commentator Gives Advice On Piercing The Liberal Mind [VIDEO]

"...modern leftists, who canā€™t accept the results of Trumpā€™s election, tell themselves they are intellectually and morally ā€œsuperior to the slobs out there in fly over country.ā€ The tired ā€œRussian hackingā€ narrative conveniently explains the electoral anomaly to them..."

"As for the leftā€™s name-calling and smearing, Whittle says it is ā€œdangerous and disgusting.ā€ Dangerous, he says, because by demonizing conservatives, they are legitimizing physical assaults on conservatives. Disgusting, he adds, because when they equate Trump with Adolf Hitler, they have ā€œjust mortally slandered those who were killed by the real Hitler.ā€ He condemns the equating of having to hear an opinion you disagree with to the fingerprints left in concrete by those trying to escape World War II death camps."

"Whittle offers sobering, but realistic, encouragement to conservatives sensing they canā€™t take a break from fighting for liberty. He says of the left, ā€œthey can win; we can lose. Entropy is on their side. Itā€™s easier to take money, than make money. Itā€™s easier to tax a business, than run a business. Democrats are giving away free candy, and Republicans are selling vegetables. Every single day we have to roll the boulder up the hill and our reward for this is we have another day where we have to do it again. If you can be ok with that, you can say, ā€˜not today, they didnā€™t knock our freedoms away today.ā€™ And weā€™ve been doing that for 250 years.ā€

"Whittle explains that Democrats ā€œgaslight,ā€ a form of psychological manipulation to make people doubt reality, when they say Trump is not a legitimate president because the Russians hacked the election.

When it comes to the media, Whittle thinks Trump is like the boy from Hans Christian Andersonā€™s story who said the ā€œemperor had no clothes.ā€ With the news media, who is, according to Whittle, not conducting its role with fairness, their destruction at the masterful hands of Trump couldnā€™t happen to a better group of people, Whittle says."

Spot on! :clap:

LOL, only a fool and/or a liar believes all liberals are identical, believe the same thing and can't accept the results of trump's election. IN FACT, it is the fools/liars on the USMB who can't accept trump lost the popular vote (which he did by millions) who claim differently!

The Narcissist-in-Chief is such a liar, who can't accept the reality that he does not have a mandate and lost by an enormous amount of actual votes; the poster of the OP who does nothing more than echo the Liar-in-Chief's fantasy is a biddable hack and a troll in training, sure to be denied a license to troll by the Chamber of Trolls.
Truth is THE DNC never had proof of Russian Hacking or they would have shown it to The Public and won The Election With It.

There is no proof of Russian Hacking or they would impeach Trump with it and use it to completely undermine The Trump Administration, and use it to Take Back The Senate and House.

All they have is FAKE NEWS.
They really don't have proof of most of their claims.

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