Conservative Hypocrisy

GOP/TP who want to pass legislation eliminating the rights of the minority. .

are you afraid to say what legislation you are talking about??
here you go:

A constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, backed by President Bush and conservative groups, was soundly defeated in the Senate yesterday after proponents failed to persuade a bare majority of all senators to support the measure.
Gay Marriage Amendment Fails in Senate

The Republican platform committee approved language on Tuesday seeking a constitutional amendment that would ban abortions with no exceptions for rape, incest, or danger to the life of a pregnant woman
GOP platform committee would ban abortion even to save woman’s life, adding to furor over Senate candidate’s offensive remarks on rape - Politics - The Boston Globe

well then according to your formulation Republicans are evil since they want to ban rights of minorities when protecting those rights is a basic American principle??
are you afraid to say what legislation you are talking about??
here you go:

A constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, backed by President Bush and conservative groups, was soundly defeated in the Senate yesterday after proponents failed to persuade a bare majority of all senators to support the measure.
Gay Marriage Amendment Fails in Senate

The Republican platform committee approved language on Tuesday seeking a constitutional amendment that would ban abortions with no exceptions for rape, incest, or danger to the life of a pregnant woman
GOP platform committee would ban abortion even to save woman’s life, adding to furor over Senate candidate’s offensive remarks on rape - Politics - The Boston Globe

well then according to your formulation Republicans are evil since they want to ban rights of minorities when protecting those rights is a basic American principle??
wow you might have finally said something intelligent.

Republicans are trying to ban the rights of the minority. glad you can finally see that, too bad you cant understand why this is both a terrible idea as well as unconstitutional.
Republicans are trying to ban the rights of the minority. glad you can finally see that, too bad you cant understand why this is both a terrible idea as well as unconstitutional.

can you say how conservatives got to be so evil ABOUT BANNING RIGHTS???

And can you say what the constitution says about it??
Republicans are trying to ban the rights of the minority. glad you can finally see that, too bad you cant understand why this is both a terrible idea as well as unconstitutional.

can you say how conservatives got to be so evil ABOUT BANNING RIGHTS???

And can you say what the constitution says about it??
why does the reason matter, its already been established that conservative are trying to ban or limit the rights of the minority.
why does the reason matter,

dear reason always matter?? Are you a Nazi???

its already been established that conservative are trying to ban or limit the rights of the minority.

so can't say where the Constitution addresses this after all??
the reason why is not part of this discussion. you brought it up as a deflection away from the main topic.

wait, so you want to know where in the constitution it says conservatives are trying to ban or limit the rights of the minority? wow are you really that dumb?
Actually, the war on black and brown people was launched by a Republican named Anslinger who was an FBI man.

He's the one that made the big push to make marijuana illegal. Wanna know why? Because it's primary consumers were Blacks and Hispanics, and Anslinger was looking for a way to lock them up legally. So, by making the thing they used (marijuana) illegal, and scaring all the white people from using it (the movie Reefer Madness), he had a perfect way to lock up all the minorities.

Why else do you think that the marijuana sentences are so Draconian?

Not a word of what you posted is true - so at least you're consistent.

{Dr. Hamilton Wright, a State Department official who from 1908 to 1914 coordinated the domestic and international aspects of the federal antinarcotic campaign, wanted cannabis to be included in drug abuse legislation chiefly because of his belief in a hydraulic model of drug appetites. He reasoned, along with numerous other experts, that if one dangerous drug was effectively prohibited, the addict's depraved desires would switch to another substance more easily available. He felt, therefore, that cannabis should be prohibited in anticipation of the habitual user's shift from opiates and cocaine to hashish. The narcotic reformer's task, then, was to prohibit and control as many dangerous and seductive substances as possible at one time.}

History of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 by David F. Musto

Based on research that has been done since the 60's by doctors and scientists, there is NO EVIDENCE that cannabis is a "gateway" drug, as it is physically non addictive, and there are very few bad side effects, as well as the fact that it is medically beneficial for stuff like Alzheimers, glaucoma, cancer chemo patients, etc.

You wanna know the REAL "gateway drug"? It's alcohol, because not only can it become physically addictive, but it also has effects on the brain that reduces inhibitions.
Someone said that the OP had no proof that his/her claims of the growth of government under Republican Administrations so I thought I've give them some reading material for tonight:

From the Mises Institute in Austria: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

The Free Market: The Sad Legacy of Ronald Reagan

Even Ford and Carter did a better job at cutting government. Their combined presidential terms account for an increase of 1.4%—compared with Reagan's 3%—in the government's take of "national income." And in nominal terms, there has been a 60% increase in government spending, thanks mainly to Reagan's requested budgets, which were only marginally smaller than the spending Congress voted.

From Yahoo Answers:

If Reagan had the highest growth in government in terms of gdp since FDR why do people attribute his good? - Yahoo! Answers

- As governor, Reagan oversaw the largest tax increase in Californian history. Democratic Governor Jerry Brown cut back the tax rate when he came to office.

- As president, Reagan expanded the federal government by about 90%. Reagan allowed the welfare state to enlarge and the military budget to explode, causing monstrous budget deficits and government growth that dwarfs government growth under Clinton, even when Clinton had a Democratic Congress.

- In 1988, Reagan’s last year in office, outlays as a percent of GDP were running at 21.3% with a deficit of 3.1% of GDP. The budget deficit over Reagan’s eight years averaged 4.2% and ran as high as 6.0% in 1983. ( In 1980, the last year of Jimmy Carter’s presidency, government outlays were running at 21.7% of GDP and the budget deficit was 2.7% of GDP.)

And from the Economist - a conservative British magazine with connection to the Rothschild Family:

Economic policy: Spot the socialists | The Economist

And from the Business Insider comes a chart from the Department of Commerce:

One More Must-See Chart On Government Spending Under Obama And Reagan - Business Insider

Note the spending chart shows that government grew under every Republican administration and shrank under Democrats.

And here's another source:

Krugman: Reagan Embraced Big Government More Than Obama | TPMDC

There are pages and pages of links to sources which indicate that the Republicans from Reagan forward are the worst when it comes to increasing the size of government and government spending.
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Republicans from Reagan forward are the worst when it comes to increasing the size of government and government spending.

does a liberal really lack the IQ to understand what would happen if Democrats were as eager to sign the pledge as Republicans????
why does the reason matter,

dear reason always matter?? Are you a Nazi???

its already been established that conservative are trying to ban or limit the rights of the minority.

so can't say where the Constitution addresses this after all??
the reason why is not part of this discussion. you brought it up as a deflection away from the main topic.

wait, so you want to know where in the constitution it says conservatives are trying to ban or limit the rights of the minority? wow are you really that dumb?

For the forth time, yes, the gay minority that wants to get married. Answer or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
dear reason always matter?? Are you a Nazi???

so can't say where the Constitution addresses this after all??
the reason why is not part of this discussion. you brought it up as a deflection away from the main topic.

wait, so you want to know where in the constitution it says conservatives are trying to ban or limit the rights of the minority? wow are you really that dumb?

For the forth time, yes, the gay minority that wants to get married. Answer or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
so are you saying that it needs to say in the constitution that gays are allowed to get married? can you point to where in the constitution is says that that right is reserved solely for straight couples?

apparently you don't understand the way rights work.
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so are you saying that it needs to say in the constitution that gays are allowed to get married?

yes obviously and of course it would need to say that before you could say it was in the Constitution.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!!
so are you saying that it needs to say in the constitution that gays are allowed to get married?

yes obviously and of course it would need to say that before you could say it was in the Constitution.

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow!!!
i never made the claim that it was in the constitution. however, it doesnt state in the constitution that the right to get married is reserved for heterosexual couples only. so why are you even making this argument?

it does say however that in the 14th amendment due process clause states: No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

so how is treating gays differently acceptable? only because you assume they are immoral? the constitution doesnt deal with morality, it deals with legality.
so how is treating gays differently acceptable?

too stupid!! Gays are different so they can be treated differently. Young people are different too so they can be treated differently too by the Constitution!!

See why we say slow, so very very slow??
young people are not different, under that law they do not gain certain rights until they reach a certain age. however when they reach that age they are given those rights automatically. your argument is terrible and pointless.

you just advocated treating certain classes of citizens differently in the eyes of the law because they are different. why dont we just go back to the days of separate but equal? no more interracial marriage, back to making blacks sit in the back of the bus. yup great times.

you think im slow??? this just shows that you are in fact retarded. dont go full retard, everyone knows you never go full retard.
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