Conservative of the Year Named


"You conservatives" Sealy, get off the crack.

I figured most of you who have read about 5 of my posts would know I am far from a Conservative (least the way it is defined today).

I am not a Democrat either, though I could be defined as a Liberal for my good portion Liberal views. I would consider myself a mix of Liberal and Libertarian however.

I endorsed Chuck Hagel as the best conservative out there. I said I'd vote for him perhaps but I need to see his complete political positions first.

I love his stance on the War in Iraq though and agree with him that Bush is quite reckless in foreign policy as well.
he's not on crack, he's just a total moron
Bobo, this is why you are a moron

Bobby was saying Hagel BECAUSE of that bullshit

Well it's not bullshit. Bush has been quite reckless with his foreign policy during his time in office.

The War on Terror is a joke.

How are the following wars going:

The War on Cancer

The War on Poverty

The War on Drugs

Last I checked? Pretty bad.

You can't destroy terror, it is an idea and ideas are bulletproof. Rather, what you can destroy is the ignorance given to citizens of country by it's leaders that America is out to destroy them. Though I will be the first to admit that America doesn't help it's cause when it kills innocents, bombs asprin factories (Clinton) among other things.
Well it's not bullshit. Bush has been quite reckless with his foreign policy during his time in office.

The War on Terror is a joke.

How are the following wars going:

The War on Cancer

The War on Poverty

The War on Drugs

Last I checked? Pretty bad.

You can't destroy terror, it is an idea and ideas are bulletproof. Rather, what you can destroy is the ignorance given to citizens of country by it's leaders that America is out to destroy them. Though I will be the first to admit that America doesn't help it's cause when it kills innocents, bombs asprin factories (Clinton) among other things.
your list of "wars" is interesting
since the use of the word "war" was not the same as it is in the war on terror
but you knew that already and are playing semantical games

btw, the "war" on Cancer is going well, they find new cures all the time and more and more people are winning that war
:cuckoo: Obama said his family was off limits....he also said Palin's family was off limits. And last time I checked, Obama regularly did interviews on meet the press and other media shows during the campaign.... Palin was hidden away until her interview with Charles Gibson, in which she looked like a moron for not knowing what the Bush Doctorine was. :lol:

and the "army" of attorney's and pressmen story is just crap and you know it.
Here is a something you might have missed, from the guy that invented "the Bush doctrine"
Charles Krauthammer - Charlie Gibson's Gaffe -

Looks like you fell for the media spin on that one.
You are in good company though, so did a whole lot of other people.

"You conservatives" Sealy, get off the crack.

I figured most of you who have read about 5 of my posts would know I am far from a Conservative (least the way it is defined today).

I am not a Democrat either, though I could be defined as a Liberal for my good portion Liberal views. I would consider myself a mix of Liberal and Libertarian however.

I endorsed Chuck Hagel as the best conservative out there. I said I'd vote for him perhaps but I need to see his complete political positions first.

I love his stance on the War in Iraq though and agree with him that Bush is quite reckless in foreign policy as well.

You are a far left looneytick!
I don't recall them sending an army of dirt diggers at campaign contributors' expense to dig up dirt and cause problems. Particularly after saying they weren't interested in waging "that sort" of campaign. I'm pretty sure it would have been reported if it had happened.

You're naive.
How can she not be a conservative? You are aware of what she did with the finances of Alaska, right?

Ravi, you don't even know what a conservative is. Everytime someone comes along who has sensible views who calls themselves a conservative, you proclaim that that person isn't a conservative at all.

It's ludicrous.

Yup. She taxed the hell out of the oil companies and redistributed it to the people of Alaska. LOL! Gotta love a real conservative.
This is awesome.

May Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, George Bush, Rush Limbaugh, and Newt Gingrich remain the face of the republican party for years to come! :clap2:

Yep, that means Democrat victory.
It has been explained in several threads already and you dumb fucks just ignore it.

Some characteristics of a Conservative politically would be a

1) a belief that Government can not answer ever question nor provide for every need and should be only as big as absolutely needed.

2) People are responsible for their actions and their welfare. The Government is not responsible to provide a safety net,that is the job of the Citizenry through charity.

3) The Government should not tax and spend unless it has a defined and legal purpose for doing so. Taxes belong to the people not the Government. Collecting them and using them is a duty that must be shown to be required.

4) Less regulation and less laws, only creating laws and regulations when needed and proven to be required.

5) Obeying and following the Documents and laws that grant power to the Government, not inventing new powers without going to the people for authority through the Amendment process.

Those just off the top of my head.

But you still voted for, and still support Bush. :lol:
obama's hired a private 767 to fly his little ass to Hawaii.. how's that for environmental concerns??? :lol::lol::lol::lol: and rented a house that costs 60 grand a week, where the fuck does he get all his money? Do senators make that much money?

Now are you really that stupid? Obama is a very successful author.

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