Conservative or liberal? Who cares?

I don't.

Do you? If you do, why?

Is it an American trait to identify so strongly with one camp or the other?
It seems to be so important to declare your political leanings on this forum.

Well said. Why?

I don't know, I was asking if it's a general American characteristic or is it only typical on this site?
From this distance, people in the US seem to be incredibly partisan and passionate about their politics (alliteration unintended) - fanatical even...
Forgive me, but I'm rather skeptical that you really don't care. You tend to be one of the more partisan members of the board. Don't get me wrong, Ill take your word for the matter, but it be nice to see alittle more evidence of it.
I'm a liberal but voting Republican or Democrat doesn't make a difference. They're all the same (another reason why Republicans look bad when they call Barack "Bush Tax Cut Extension" Obama a socialist). Now come November, I'll vote Democrat, just because social conservatives can go to hell.
Forgive me, but I'm rather skeptical that you really don't care. You tend to be one of the more partisan members of the board. Don't get me wrong, Ill take your word for the matter, but it be nice to see alittle more evidence of it.

That maybe true. I hold very stong personal beliefs, values if you will. Does that make me partisan? I hold the Golden Rule as sacrosanct, personal wealth isn't my life goal but I've done better than 90% of Americans and never screwed anyone; I've never allowed anyone to screw me either.
The liberal ideology is the only one that exists in this country. There is no such thing as a conservative vision for the future of the nation, only to oppose whatever the liberal vision is.

That liberal ideal is curing society's ills by social engineering. FAIL
The liberal ideology is the only one that exists in this country. There is no such thing as a conservative vision for the future of the nation, only to oppose whatever the liberal vision is.

That liberal ideal is curing society's ills by social engineering. FAIL

Most of what conservatives are calling "social engineering" today are the same ideas they vigorously supported just a few years ago.
Is it an American trait to identify so strongly with one camp or the other?
It seems to be so important to declare your political leanings on this forum.

Well said. Why?

I don't know, I was asking if it's a general American characteristic or is it only typical on this site?
From this distance, people in the US seem to be incredibly partisan and passionate about their politics (alliteration unintended) - fanatical even...

This message board exposes extremes. There are very few 'liberals' who post and many (too many?) very extreme conservatives. Americans are generally pragmatic, conservatives are not. Please don't judge us by the vitriol you read here.

the above expresses why I find conservatives rather stupid.
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I don't.

Do you? If you do, why?

It makes a great deal of difference to me, although one must define what the words mean. Liberal used to stand for Liberty until the modern-day progressives hijacked that word. (Of course, now they're just called progressives because liberal has become a dirty word.)
Well said. Why?

I don't know, I was asking if it's a general American characteristic or is it only typical on this site?
From this distance, people in the US seem to be incredibly partisan and passionate about their politics (alliteration unintended) - fanatical even...

This message board exposes extremes. There are very few 'liberals' who post and many (too many?) very extreme conservatives. Americans are generally pragmatic, conservatives are not. Please don't judge us by the vitriol you read here.

Republican Budget Cuts Could Hit Tsunami Warning System -

the above expresses why I find conservatives rather stupid.
Well, this post should get the thread humming along nicely...
Well said. Why?

I don't know, I was asking if it's a general American characteristic or is it only typical on this site?
From this distance, people in the US seem to be incredibly partisan and passionate about their politics (alliteration unintended) - fanatical even...

This message board exposes extremes. There are very few 'liberals' who post and many (too many?) very extreme conservatives. Americans are generally pragmatic, conservatives are not. Please don't judge us by the vitriol you read here.

Republican Budget Cuts Could Hit Tsunami Warning System -

the above expresses why I find conservatives rather stupid.

Could you be more partisan? :lol:

This comment (from the link) explains it well:

Bureaucracy 101 - Anytime anyone mentions cuts loudly proclaim that the only room to make cuts is in the most importnat programs, rather then in the bloated bureaucracy.

NOAA requested a 2012 budget $740 million above the 2010 level for a total of $5.4 Billion but if budget cuts have to be made the Tsunami Warning system will be the first to get the axe.
Well said. Why?

I don't know, I was asking if it's a general American characteristic or is it only typical on this site?
From this distance, people in the US seem to be incredibly partisan and passionate about their politics (alliteration unintended) - fanatical even...

This message board exposes extremes. There are very few 'liberals' who post and many (too many?) very extreme conservatives. Americans are generally pragmatic, conservatives are not. Please don't judge us by the vitriol you read here.

Republican Budget Cuts Could Hit Tsunami Warning System -

the above expresses why I find conservatives rather stupid.

the above is why wry makes me laugh. :thup:

keep em coming, big fella
I don't.

Do you? If you do, why?

It makes a great deal of difference to me, although one must define what the words mean. Liberal used to stand for Liberty until the modern-day progressives hijacked that word. (Of course, now they're just called progressives because liberal has become a dirty word.)

Nice spin. Conservative used to mean greed, a deadly sin. Today it means avarice, a tradiitonal value.
I don't know, I was asking if it's a general American characteristic or is it only typical on this site?
From this distance, people in the US seem to be incredibly partisan and passionate about their politics (alliteration unintended) - fanatical even...

This message board exposes extremes. There are very few 'liberals' who post and many (too many?) very extreme conservatives. Americans are generally pragmatic, conservatives are not. Please don't judge us by the vitriol you read here.

Republican Budget Cuts Could Hit Tsunami Warning System -

the above expresses why I find conservatives rather stupid.

the above is why wry makes me laugh. :thup:

keep em coming, big fella

Don't worry about it. Until you post something of substance I will continue to perceive you as a fowl version of CrusaderFrank or Willow Tree.

Oh, in case you didn't get what I meant, I'll be clear. Both CrusaderFrank and Willow Tree are stupid and post idiotgrams; you post glib idiotgrms and nothing of substance too.
Have a nice evening.
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This message board exposes extremes. There are very few 'liberals' who post and many (too many?) very extreme conservatives. Americans are generally pragmatic, conservatives are not. Please don't judge us by the vitriol you read here.

Republican Budget Cuts Could Hit Tsunami Warning System -

the above expresses why I find conservatives rather stupid.

the above is why wry makes me laugh. :thup:

keep em coming, big fella

Don't worry about it. Until you post something of substance I will continue to perceive you as a fowl version of CrusaderFrank or Willow Tree.

i'll endeavor to persevere.
I don't.

Do you? If you do, why?

It makes a great deal of difference to me, although one must define what the words mean. Liberal used to stand for Liberty until the modern-day progressives hijacked that word. (Of course, now they're just called progressives because liberal has become a dirty word.)

Nice spin. Conservative used to mean greed, a deadly sin. Today it means avarice, a tradiitonal value.

Spin? :lol: You're not kidding. :cuckoo:

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