Conservative politicians in Washington have a special message for the middle- class:

Holy Shit! If anyone wasn't aware that the GOP hates the middle class and only cares about sucking corporate cock -- this is your proof you gullible dupe.

This is literally infuriating. My father routinely puts in overtime for extra money. This is nothing but a way to reward companies and squeeze more profit dollars out of employees.

Fake news as the only source for this is Warren..

But then again anyone who cheered and supported Obamacare did the most damage to the middle class ever!

But do you expect from a racist far left drone!

Okay, then here's some links you might like better...............

From the White House link................

The Administration supports H.R. 1180, the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017. H.R. 1180 would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to allow private-sector employers to give their employees the choice to receive paid time off instead of cash payments for each hour of time for which overtime compensation would otherwise be required. The bill would extend to private-sector workers a choice that public-sector employees have long enjoyed.

H.R. 1180 – Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017 (Rep. Roby, R-AL, and 17 cosponsors)

Why you should care about the House's overtime pay bill

Fake news as the only source for this is Warren..

But then again anyone who cheered and supported Obamacare did the most damage to the middle class ever!

But do you expect from a racist far left drone!

Okay, then here's some links you might like better...............

From the White House link................

The Administration supports H.R. 1180, the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017. H.R. 1180 would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to allow private-sector employers to give their employees the choice to receive paid time off instead of cash payments for each hour of time for which overtime compensation would otherwise be required. The bill would extend to private-sector workers a choice that public-sector employees have long enjoyed.

H.R. 1180 – Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017 (Rep. Roby, R-AL, and 17 cosponsors)

Why you should care about the House's overtime pay bill
Well then, sounds like a good law

Please cut and paste the section that back's the claims of the far left!

See how they far left refuses to provide proof and reality?

They just hop on a narrative and run!
I don't know what the far left might do other that what I'm going to provide for your Doubting Thomas Ass, but here's what I found in less than three (3) minutes;

At Section 2 it states;


7 Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

8 (29 U.S.C. 207) is amended by adding at the end the fol9




12 ‘‘(1) GENERAL RULE.—An employee may receive,

13 in accordance with this subsection and in lieu of

14 monetary overtime compensation, compensatory time

15 off at a rate not less than one and one-half hours for

16 each hour of employment for which overtime com17

pensation is required by this section.

18 ‘‘(2) CONDITIONS.—An employer may provide

19 compensatory time to employees under paragraph (1)

20 only if such time is provided in accordance with—

21 ‘‘(A) applicable provisions of a collective

22 bargaining agreement between the employer and

23 the labor organization that has been certified or

24 recognized as the representative of the employees

25 under applicable law; or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 20:45 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 069200 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6203 E:\BILLS\H1180.RH H1180 sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with BILLS


HR 1180 RH

1 ‘‘(B) in the case of an employee who is not

2 represented by a labor organization that has

3 been certified or recognized as the representative

4 of such employee under applicable law, an agree5

ment arrived at between the employer and em6

ployee before the performance of the work and af7

firmed by a written or otherwise verifiable record

8 maintained in accordance with section 11(c)—

9 ‘‘(i) in which the employer has offered

10 and the employee has chosen to receive com11

pensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime

12 compensation; and

13 ‘‘(ii) entered into knowingly and vol14

untarily by such employee and not as a

15 condition of employment.

16 No employee may receive or agree to receive compen17

satory time off under this subsection unless the em18

ployee has worked at least 1,000 hours for the employ19

ee’s employer during a period of continuous employ20

ment with the employer in the 12-month period before

21 the date of agreement or receipt of compensatory time

22 off."

Please cut and paste the section that back's the claims of the far left!

See how they far left refuses to provide proof and reality?

They just hop on a narrative and run!
I don't know what the far left might do other that what I'm going to provide for your Doubting Thomas Ass, but here's what I found in less than three (3) minutes;

At Section 2 it states;


7 Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

8 (29 U.S.C. 207) is amended by adding at the end the fol9




12 ‘‘(1) GENERAL RULE.—An employee may receive,

13 in accordance with this subsection and in lieu of

14 monetary overtime compensation, compensatory time

15 off at a rate not less than one and one-half hours for

16 each hour of employment for which overtime com17

pensation is required by this section.

18 ‘‘(2) CONDITIONS.—An employer may provide

19 compensatory time to employees under paragraph (1)

20 only if such time is provided in accordance with—

21 ‘‘(A) applicable provisions of a collective

22 bargaining agreement between the employer and

23 the labor organization that has been certified or

24 recognized as the representative of the employees

25 under applicable law; or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 20:45 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 069200 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6203 E:\BILLS\H1180.RH H1180 sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with BILLS


HR 1180 RH

1 ‘‘(B) in the case of an employee who is not

2 represented by a labor organization that has

3 been certified or recognized as the representative

4 of such employee under applicable law, an agree5

ment arrived at between the employer and em6

ployee before the performance of the work and af7

firmed by a written or otherwise verifiable record

8 maintained in accordance with section 11(c)—

9 ‘‘(i) in which the employer has offered

10 and the employee has chosen to receive com11

pensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime

12 compensation; and

13 ‘‘(ii) entered into knowingly and vol14

untarily by such employee and not as a

15 condition of employment.

16 No employee may receive or agree to receive compen17

satory time off under this subsection unless the em18

ployee has worked at least 1,000 hours for the employ19

ee’s employer during a period of continuous employ20

ment with the employer in the 12-month period before

21 the date of agreement or receipt of compensatory time

22 off."
I thought leftists were "pro choice"

Sounds like this proposed law gives workers another option


It's almost as.if our friends on the left can't read


Please cut and paste the section that back's the claims of the far left!

See how they far left refuses to provide proof and reality?

They just hop on a narrative and run!
You don't know the difference between news and opinion?

Says the irony impaired drone!

Please cut and paste the section that back's the claims of the far left!

See how they far left refuses to provide proof and reality?

They just hop on a narrative and run!
I don't know what the far left might do other that what I'm going to provide for your Doubting Thomas Ass, but here's what I found in less than three (3) minutes;

At Section 2 it states;


7 Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

8 (29 U.S.C. 207) is amended by adding at the end the fol9




12 ‘‘(1) GENERAL RULE.—An employee may receive,

13 in accordance with this subsection and in lieu of

14 monetary overtime compensation, compensatory time

15 off at a rate not less than one and one-half hours for

16 each hour of employment for which overtime com17

pensation is required by this section.

18 ‘‘(2) CONDITIONS.—An employer may provide

19 compensatory time to employees under paragraph (1)

20 only if such time is provided in accordance with—

21 ‘‘(A) applicable provisions of a collective

22 bargaining agreement between the employer and

23 the labor organization that has been certified or

24 recognized as the representative of the employees

25 under applicable law; or

VerDate Sep 11 2014 20:45 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 069200 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 6652 Sfmt 6203 E:\BILLS\H1180.RH H1180 sradovich on DSK3GMQ082PROD with BILLS


HR 1180 RH

1 ‘‘(B) in the case of an employee who is not

2 represented by a labor organization that has

3 been certified or recognized as the representative

4 of such employee under applicable law, an agree5

ment arrived at between the employer and em6

ployee before the performance of the work and af7

firmed by a written or otherwise verifiable record

8 maintained in accordance with section 11(c)—

9 ‘‘(i) in which the employer has offered

10 and the employee has chosen to receive com11

pensatory time in lieu of monetary overtime

12 compensation; and

13 ‘‘(ii) entered into knowingly and vol14

untarily by such employee and not as a

15 condition of employment.

16 No employee may receive or agree to receive compen17

satory time off under this subsection unless the em18

ployee has worked at least 1,000 hours for the employ19

ee’s employer during a period of continuous employ20

ment with the employer in the 12-month period before

21 the date of agreement or receipt of compensatory time

22 off."

And what you posted does not fit the far left religious dogma being spewed..

Fake news as the only source for this is Warren..

But then again anyone who cheered and supported Obamacare did the most damage to the middle class ever!

But do you expect from a racist far left drone!

Okay, then here's some links you might like better...............

From the White House link................

The Administration supports H.R. 1180, the Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017. H.R. 1180 would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act to allow private-sector employers to give their employees the choice to receive paid time off instead of cash payments for each hour of time for which overtime compensation would otherwise be required. The bill would extend to private-sector workers a choice that public-sector employees have long enjoyed.

H.R. 1180 – Working Families Flexibility Act of 2017 (Rep. Roby, R-AL, and 17 cosponsors)

Why you should care about the House's overtime pay bill

See how the far left can not produce anything but far left religious dogma?

NBC "news" is another far left religious site!

No matter how you spin it, it is far left religious dogma..

The far left and their media outlets will do what they must because they hate anything not far left!

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