Conservative publication labels Trump 'unfit for power again' in scathing editorial

I mean you and I know this is the reality but some want to pretend that Trump will be found guilty ( @surda I believe Trump is guilty ) but in reality he is going to keep on going…

This dog and pony show is fooling the slow witted but for me there is no way the Democrats are going to bring charges against Trump and the Republicans will Impeach Biden daily while knowing they lack the votes in the Senate…

I swear I am so over this nonsense…
Make no mistake about it, Trump is guilty as hell and as crooked as they come. Even if the Democrats got the balls to charge him, you and I both know these spineless Republicans will allow him to walk away Scott Free as they have shown in the past. These is a whole new realm politics in America has fallen into and it definitely is not good for the country.
Everyone of you fuckers who fell for yet another massively orchestrated lie about Trump, are demonstratively mentally ill, here we are, with the guy you all rooted on as he was cheated into office, knowing he was cheated into office, and has the entire nation literally in its death throes, and here you fucking evil animals are, still rooting for even more horror and destruction!

What sick, twisted fucks you cretins are, and you know what, November is coming, hell is coming for every fucking one of you! :poke:
Make no mistake about it, Trump is guilty as hell and as crooked as they come. Even if the Democrats got the balls to charge him, you and I both know these spineless Republicans will allow him to walk away Scott Free as they have shown in the past. These is a whole new realm politics in America has fallen into and it definitely is not good for the country.
I truly believe Trump is a Democrat for some reason and he is just playing the GOP as the fools they are…

Oh, I agree those fools would let him walk out and right afterwards he could scream “ I am a Democrat you morons “ and they would do everything to still worship him…

The woman testimony is not solid and you need much more but in the end it matter not and Trump as usual will slither away laughing all the way to the bank!
I truly believe Trump is a Democrat for some reason and he is just playing the GOP as the fools they are…
I agree, this clown was a Democrat up until about 2014.
Oh, I agree those fools would let him walk out and right afterwards he could scream “ I am a Democrat you morons “ and they would do everything to still worship him…

The woman testimony is not solid and you need much more but in the end it matter not and Trump as usual will slither away laughing all the way to the bank!
I agree. I don't know whether she is telling the truth or not, but given the history of Trump and his minions when it comes to telling the truth who knows.
I agree, this clown was a Democrat up until about 2014.

I agree. I don't know whether she is telling the truth or not, but given the history of Trump and his minions when it comes to telling the truth who knows.
He stopped being a Democrat when Obama was elected, but I truly believe he hate the GOP even more and believe this has to do with his loyalty to Nixon…

As for him lying or his staff, well the Sun did come up in the East, so yeah he is still lying…

Trump could come out and state he wanted to overthrow the government, all his comments are lies and he want to be dictator for life and many of his voters would agree with him and state they see nothing wrong with what he want…
In an op-ed this Wednesday, the Editorial Board for the Washington Examiner declared that the testimony Tuesday from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson "ought to ring the death knell for former President Donald Trump’s political career."

"In short, Hutchinson was a conservative Trumpist true believer and a tremendously credible one at that," the Board writes. "She did not overstate things, did not seem to be seeking attention, and was very precise about how and why she knew what she related and about which testimony was firsthand and which was secondhand but able to be corroborated."

As the Board points out, Hutchinson gave compelling accounts about how certain figures in the Trump White House likely knew violence would take place at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and how Trump was uncaring, and even supportive of, rioters chanting for the hanging of then-Vice President Mike Pence.

"She also told, in detail, that Trump repeatedly insisted that he himself should join his supporters at the Capitol — even after being informed the crowd contained armed elements and that it was breaching the perimeter against an undermanned U.S. Capitol Police force."

Wow, let's see what the Trump Humpers think about this.

Cassidy Hutchinson better buckle up, because the Trump Humpers are going to come after her hard.
So much for the insurrectionist thugs not being armed.
I agree, this clown was a Democrat up until about 2014.

I agree. I don't know whether she is telling the truth or not, but given the history of Trump and his minions when it comes to telling the truth who knows.
None of this matters to the trump 5th Ave crowd. They're in to the end because they think it's way worse to admit they've been following a con-man.
After the swearing in of the New Congress in 2023 it will be over and bet you a wooden nickel that Trump will not be charged and the investigation will be closed down…
So you are admitting that Republicans (if they win) will shut down an investigation of crimes? Well, THAT'S interesting.
Make no mistake about it, Trump is guilty as hell and as crooked as they come. Even if the Democrats got the balls to charge him, you and I both know these spineless Republicans will allow him to walk away Scott Free as they have shown in the past. These is a whole new realm politics in America has fallen into and it definitely is not good for the country.
They are just as guilty.
In an op-ed this Wednesday, the Editorial Board for the Washington Examiner declared that the testimony Tuesday from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson "ought to ring the death knell for former President Donald Trump’s political career."

"In short, Hutchinson was a conservative Trumpist true believer and a tremendously credible one at that," the Board writes. "She did not overstate things, did not seem to be seeking attention, and was very precise about how and why she knew what she related and about which testimony was firsthand and which was secondhand but able to be corroborated."

As the Board points out, Hutchinson gave compelling accounts about how certain figures in the Trump White House likely knew violence would take place at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and how Trump was uncaring, and even supportive of, rioters chanting for the hanging of then-Vice President Mike Pence.

"She also told, in detail, that Trump repeatedly insisted that he himself should join his supporters at the Capitol — even after being informed the crowd contained armed elements and that it was breaching the perimeter against an undermanned U.S. Capitol Police force."

Wow, let's see what the Trump Humpers think about this.

Cassidy Hutchinson better buckle up, because the Trump Humpers are going to come after her hard.
Oooh, another “conservative“ tells us we shouldn’t support Trump.

LOL how many times are you losers going to repeat this tactic that has never worked?
In an op-ed this Wednesday, the Editorial Board for the Washington Examiner declared that the testimony Tuesday from former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson "ought to ring the death knell for former President Donald Trump’s political career."

"In short, Hutchinson was a conservative Trumpist true believer and a tremendously credible one at that," the Board writes. "She did not overstate things, did not seem to be seeking attention, and was very precise about how and why she knew what she related and about which testimony was firsthand and which was secondhand but able to be corroborated."

As the Board points out, Hutchinson gave compelling accounts about how certain figures in the Trump White House likely knew violence would take place at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and how Trump was uncaring, and even supportive of, rioters chanting for the hanging of then-Vice President Mike Pence.

"She also told, in detail, that Trump repeatedly insisted that he himself should join his supporters at the Capitol — even after being informed the crowd contained armed elements and that it was breaching the perimeter against an undermanned U.S. Capitol Police force."

Wow, let's see what the Trump Humpers think about this.

Cassidy Hutchinson better buckle up, because the Trump Humpers are going to come after her hard.

Why do they label some publications "conservative" when we never use the "liberal" label? The short answer is that we (correctly) assume all publications lean liberal until they prove otherwise.
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So tell us Trump Humpers what does she have to gain by lying?

If 2 other folks testify and pretty much say the same things as she has stated will you believe it then or just call them liars as well.
Well Hillary kept the russian collusion story going for a while.
So let's set the stage here. President Trump was CONVINCED, based on a large number of real factors and anomalies that the election had been stolen from him, and was keen to do anything possible to stop or slow down the certification of the results.

Now look at the way he acted during the time in question. Did he want those demonstrators to raise hell? CERTAINLY! This was a few scant months after Leftist demonstrators did BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage and faced no real penalty for it.

Now look at the fact that NONE OF THESE DEMONSTRATORS WAS ARMED! Nobody was killed. The injuries that took place were not serious, and were typical of what police endure in similar circumstances.

HAVE A LITTLE FUCKING PERSPECTIVE! Do you think Hillary Clinton would have simply meekly walked away under those circumstances? You are out of your fucking mind if you do.

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