Conservative Reaction to Communist MSNBC commerial!

I can't believe that people could become so distraught about a promo for an infotainment show. It's a good thing that none of y'all read the Bible:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."
-- Matthew 10:34-36
i don't think Jesus was defending the type of people that live like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah...
I can't believe that people could become so distraught about a promo for an infotainment show. It's a good thing that none of y'all read the Bible:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."
-- Matthew 10:34-36
i don't think Jesus was defending the type of people that live like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah...

Adulterers? :eusa_eh:
Liberal: Communities need to care about their children
Conservative: Gubmints trying to take my kids
Liberal: Communities need to care about their children
Conservative: Gubmints trying to take my kids

it's a bg problem in Northern Africa too, where the promoters of civilization try to get the children into schools, and many tribal Muslims don't want to give up the absolute power of pater familias. This is how the non-western mind often operates.
If all the children belong to ALL of us then we should get a say in whether or not to abort them. just sayin.

Communities absolutely need to care more about their children. We should be promoting:

  • Parenting that includes the father not having six kids with six girls and leaving them all
  • Parenting that includes parents who don't consider the schools and the teevee as the other parent
  • Parenting that includes teaching self-discipline, sincere effort and honesty
  • Parenting that includes understanding the responsibilities of being a parent
  • Parenting that doesn't abdicate parental responsibility to someone else, like, say, The Collective

AS A CULTURE, holding people who have children responsible and accountable for the proper upbringing of the children. Not giving them excuses to abdicate the parenting to someone else, like, say, The Collective.

Keeping standards up for children at all times, so that we don't end up with kids who have higher phony, contrived "self-esteem" than actual skills: Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable

Becoming a culture that expects more from people, rather than a culture that puts its effort into giving them excuses.

Absolutely, we need to care more about our kids. And that starts in the home, not The Collective.

If all the children belong to ALL of us then we should get a say in whether or not to abort them. just sayin.

Actually, in Roe v. Wade, Texas argued essentially that very thing; that the fetus was protected by state interest. And the justices agreed that after the quickening it was within the state' prerogative to interfere for this reason.
MSNBS is so desperate to nullify Fox that it's running full steam ahead with blinders on. Shit like this c9mbined with their nightly HATE fest from 7 to 10 is the reason they are getting stomped

Not really. Frankly, it's choose your hate fest. I watch both PMSNBC and Faux, and find them both equally propagandistic.

I thought this promo was a little silly, but the RIght Wing hysteria over it is even sillier.
Again, here's the transcript:
1. We have never invested as much in public education as we should have, because we have always had a private notion of our children.

2. [Sarcastic] 'Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility.'

3. We never had a collective notion that these are OUR children.

4. So part of it is that we have to break through our private idea that kids belong to their parents, or that kids belong to their families.

5. We must recognize that kids belong to the WHOLE COMMUNITY;

6. Once it is everyone's responsibility, and not just the household, we start making better investments.

First, you need to stop using all the font features like they are crayons in a box. You are getting into serious Mr. Shaman territory of unreadability here.

Second, I haven't seen this much Right Wing Hysteria over a statement since Hillary said, "It takes a village to raise a child". It would be too funny if it weren't so sad.

She is wrong on some key points. We do spend more money per pupil than any other country in the world. But we don't spend it smartly.

Conservatives are to blame in the fact that they insist on limiting federal and state involvement, which means you have a patchwork of quality. The inner city black kid is going to study with outdated textbooks while the suburban kids get new digital books and a Kindle.

LIberals are to blame for their undying fealty to the education unions and their resistance to any kind of reform. So there is plenty of blame to go around.
Here's is Melissa Perry's own defense today:
My inbox began filling with hateful, personal attacks on Monday, apparently as a result of conservative reactions to a recent “Lean Forward” advertisement now airing on MSNBC, which you can view above. What I thought was an uncontroversial comment on my desire for Americans to see children as everyone’s responsibility has created a bit of a tempest in the right’s teapot. Allow me to double down.

One thing is for sure: I have no intention of apologizing for saying that our children, all of our children, are part of more than our households, they are part of our communities and deserve to have the care, attention, resources, respect and opportunities of those communities.

When the flood of vitriolic responses to the ad began, my first reaction was relief. I had spent the entire day grading papers and was relieved that since these children were not my responsibility, I could simply mail the students’ papers to their moms and dads to grade! But of course, that is a ridiculous notion. As a teacher, I have unique responsibilities to the students in my classroom at Tulane University, and I embrace those responsibilities. It is why I love my job.

So those of you who were alarmed by the ad can relax. I have no designs on taking your children. Please keep your kids! But I understand the fear.

We do live in a nation where slaveholders took the infants from the arms of my foremothers and sold them for their own profit. We do live in a nation where the government snatched American Indian children from their families and “re-educated” them by forbidding them to speak their language and practice their traditions.

Ok, let's look at paragraph 1 (in Red):
Most of that hate mail and negative responses came from her own viewers. My grandmother who lives in the house with me watches MSNBC like 24/7. We've been arguing quite often since my departure from the Democratic party in early December (Sandy Hook). My grandmother, still being sharp, realized that the "Communist" paranoia (which she originally thought I was nuts for) is actually well founded. She was the first person to bring the attention of this ad to me, and said she was shocked.

I'm pretty sure this is the same story for many viewers, even if they will continue watching MSNBC. Melissa Harris Perry's time on the tv is quite short, I can guarantee that (UNLESS THIS WAS INTENDED BY MSNBC TO HAVE THIS EFFECT).

Paragraph 2 (In blue):
No one is disputing that. It's How you do it that we are disputing. Also your ad didn't mention a god damn thing that would solve those problems, other than transferring sovereignty over children from the parents to the government. I don't understand how changing the sovereignty would improve their education.

Paragraph 3 (in purple):

Sorry Melissa, but young adults in college ARE NOT CHILDREN. They are their own responsibility. You have obligations to fulfill your contract as a teacher/professor that they are PAYING YOU FOR.

Paragraph 4 (in green):
I know you don't have any intention of taking the children, unless some bureaucrat disapproves of how we are raising and instructing them. Your intention is to transfer lawful sovereignty over children from their parents to the government. Under this system, parents would only be able to keep their children if the government extends that privilege to you; you are completely at their mercy.

Paragraph 5 (in orange):
So since you understand that government only perpetuates evil when given that authority, why would you want to give them that authority again? Are you looking for REPARATIONS (she complained about slavery)?


I am sure this counts as "analysis" in your world.

1. No..most of it did not come from her own viewers. It comes from nuts that read rapid right wing blogs 24/7.

2. Erm, what? No one is disputing that? You folks are disputing that.

3. Really? So we, as a nation, have no interest in their outcomes? :lol: No wonder you folks want to starve them from government funding.

4. Pure insanity.

5. See above.
Progressive Leaders love children, nothing but love from Mao to Stalin to Fidel to Chavez to Obama
Here's is Melissa Perry's own defense today:
My inbox began filling with hateful, personal attacks on Monday, apparently as a result of conservative reactions to a recent “Lean Forward” advertisement now airing on MSNBC, which you can view above. What I thought was an uncontroversial comment on my desire for Americans to see children as everyone’s responsibility has created a bit of a tempest in the right’s teapot. Allow me to double down.

One thing is for sure: I have no intention of apologizing for saying that our children, all of our children, are part of more than our households, they are part of our communities and deserve to have the care, attention, resources, respect and opportunities of those communities.

When the flood of vitriolic responses to the ad began, my first reaction was relief. I had spent the entire day grading papers and was relieved that since these children were not my responsibility, I could simply mail the students’ papers to their moms and dads to grade! But of course, that is a ridiculous notion. As a teacher, I have unique responsibilities to the students in my classroom at Tulane University, and I embrace those responsibilities. It is why I love my job.

So those of you who were alarmed by the ad can relax. I have no designs on taking your children. Please keep your kids! But I understand the fear.

We do live in a nation where slaveholders took the infants from the arms of my foremothers and sold them for their own profit. We do live in a nation where the government snatched American Indian children from their families and “re-educated” them by forbidding them to speak their language and practice their traditions.

Ok, let's look at paragraph 1 (in Red):
Most of that hate mail and negative responses came from her own viewers. My grandmother who lives in the house with me watches MSNBC like 24/7. We've been arguing quite often since my departure from the Democratic party in early December (Sandy Hook). My grandmother, still being sharp, realized that the "Communist" paranoia (which she originally thought I was nuts for) is actually well founded. She was the first person to bring the attention of this ad to me, and said she was shocked.

I'm pretty sure this is the same story for many viewers, even if they will continue watching MSNBC. Melissa Harris Perry's time on the tv is quite short, I can guarantee that (UNLESS THIS WAS INTENDED BY MSNBC TO HAVE THIS EFFECT).

Paragraph 2 (In blue):
No one is disputing that. It's How you do it that we are disputing. Also your ad didn't mention a god damn thing that would solve those problems, other than transferring sovereignty over children from the parents to the government. I don't understand how changing the sovereignty would improve their education.

Paragraph 3 (in purple):

Sorry Melissa, but young adults in college ARE NOT CHILDREN. They are their own responsibility. You have obligations to fulfill your contract as a teacher/professor that they are PAYING YOU FOR.

Paragraph 4 (in green):
I know you don't have any intention of taking the children, unless some bureaucrat disapproves of how we are raising and instructing them. Your intention is to transfer lawful sovereignty over children from their parents to the government. Under this system, parents would only be able to keep their children if the government extends that privilege to you; you are completely at their mercy.

Paragraph 5 (in orange):
So since you understand that government only perpetuates evil when given that authority, why would you want to give them that authority again? Are you looking for REPARATIONS (she complained about slavery)?


I am sure this counts as "analysis" in your world.

1. No..most of it did not come from her own viewers. It comes from nuts that read rapid right wing blogs 24/7.

2. Erm, what? No one is disputing that? You folks are disputing that.

3. Really? So we, as a nation, have no interest in their outcomes? :lol: No wonder you folks want to starve them from government funding.

4. Pure insanity.

5. See above.

And see my post above.
As someone who does not have children and does not want them, it's not my responsibility to care for your brats. You raise them. It's enough that I pay for schools I will/would not ever use and the dozens of other flunky programs your favorite protection racket has set up.

Be responsible for your own children. It's not my responsibility to care for, or invest in them.
As someone who does not have children and does not want them, it's not my responsibility to care for your brats. You raise them. It's enough that I pay for schools I will/would not ever use and the dozens of other flunky programs your favorite protection racket has set up.

Be responsible for your own children. It's not my responsibility to care for, or invest in them.

Libertarian heaven
As someone who does not have children and does not want them, it's not my responsibility to care for your brats. You raise them. It's enough that I pay for schools I will/would not ever use and the dozens of other flunky programs your favorite protection racket has set up.

Be responsible for your own children. It's not my responsibility to care for, or invest in them.

Libertarian heaven

Individual rights heaven, moron. I'm not your fucking slave or serf.
I can't believe that people could become so distraught about a promo for an infotainment show. It's a good thing that none of y'all read the Bible:

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law--a man's enemies will be the members of his own household."
-- Matthew 10:34-36
i don't think Jesus was defending the type of people that live like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah...

Adulterers? :eusa_eh:
No gays, and adulterers.
IMHO: Maybe the reporter mispoke or was misinterpreted as some say. But what came out of her mouth plays right into to the idea that many on the far left would like to take parental responsibilty away from parents who raise their children with right-wing values.

As a parent myself, I welcome the assistance of my family, my neighbors, and my community - as long as they can respect the fact that I am the parent and they don't seek to undermine my parental responsibilities.

If she only meant to say that communities have a vested interest and should assist parents (without usurping them) then perhaps she chose her words poorly and I can see past that. But if she is promoting communalizing parental responsibility, I could not disagree more.
As someone who does not have children and does not want them, it's not my responsibility to care for your brats. You raise them. It's enough that I pay for schools I will/would not ever use and the dozens of other flunky programs your favorite protection racket has set up.

Be responsible for your own children. It's not my responsibility to care for, or invest in them.

I agree that other people's children are not your "respojnsibility." But to suggest that everyone in the community does not have a vested interest in all our children is very short-sighted. You are going to pay, one way or another. Either on the law enforcement/penal side of things, or on the social services end, or (best option imho) on the education/mentoring end.

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