Conservative states have stronger economies


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.

Are there any countries that are successful running on conservative policies?
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.

And what states contribute most to the U.S.'s GDP?
Were all the red states to have contiguous boundaries it would be easier to imagine a civil war wherein the blue states marched on the red states in search of plunder. As it is the only possibility is that some blue state will somehow try to tax the residents of a next-door red state and set off something nasty that would quickly become a federal crisis. Possibly one severe enough to cause Comrade Obama to postpone all elections.

Then do His all to keep the top spinning.
Were all the red states to have contiguous boundaries it would be easier to imagine a civil war wherein the blue states marched on the red states in search of plunder. As it is the only possibility is that some blue state will somehow try to tax the residents of a next-door red state and set off something nasty that would quickly become a federal crisis. Possibly one severe enough to cause Comrade Obama to postpone all elections.

Then do His all to keep the top spinning.

Why don't Red States just leave, not sure Blue States would try to stop them
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?
Were all the red states to have contiguous boundaries it would be easier to imagine a civil war wherein the blue states marched on the red states in search of plunder. As it is the only possibility is that some blue state will somehow try to tax the residents of a next-door red state and set off something nasty that would quickly become a federal crisis. Possibly one severe enough to cause Comrade Obama to postpone all elections.

Then do His all to keep the top spinning.

Illinois is believed to have plenty of "plunder" in the New Albany shale, but the democrats and their enviro-whack buddies are doing everything they can to stop hydraulic fracturing before the first damn well is drilled.
Conservative State Mentality...
It doesn't matter what people are living through, it's the balance sheet that matters.
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.

Thanks. I needed that.

How do these people get so delusional?

One hilarious video.

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Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.

Underdeveloped states can have an easier time growing than states that already have a high average income. If a state is too rural it will still probably struggle to grow unless they find oil or natural gas like ND did. Look at the backwards nations in the ME who are super rich because they have oil.

Also forgot, NC invested a lot in education and it has paid off.
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Teapublican states have better incentives for businesses, and we all know that when the 1% make more money, everyone benefits because wealth trickles down.
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?

it still kicks Miss ass T.....latest list i saw said Cal even with its problems is still no. one....Miss was like 35.....
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.
A little advice, do not base your opinion on data from the Heritage Foundation or Americans for Economic freedom. It would be like me posting a study run by The Daily Kos. Both are slanted and twist statistics to fit their agendas, con or progressive. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?

You never sat in LA traffic. There are stretches of Mississisppi or however you spell it wher there are literally no exits for dozens of miles...there is nothing to see.

Fuck you're stupid.

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