Conservative states have stronger economies

Kentucky's always been one of the poorest states of the union, and it's been voting D for over a century. And they still have a D governor and half of their legislature is Democrat. Yes, it's conservative at the federal level, but not at the state level where it counts for their prosperity. Conversely, "liberal" states like Virginia, Florida, and Wisconsin have solid GOP legislatures and governors(sans Virginia thanks to McDonnell's corruption) despite voting D at a federal level, explaining their recent prosperity.

Tell that to Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell. Republicans actually holds a majority in the Kentucky Senate. Republicans also hold both of the state's U.S. Senate seats and four of the six U.S. House seats.

Slave Politics and Conservative Unionism in Kentucky

Democrats at the state level in Kentucky tend to think of themselves as conservative and independent. But understanding the history of the GOP and the Democratic Party, it becomes pretty clear why.

Before we can go any further, you do understand that in the middle 60's, when blacks joined the Democratic Party, conservatives freaked out and left the party to swell the ranks of the GOP which is why it's 90% white today. Understand that and you being to understand the politics of that part of the deep south. You do understand that, right? Because your comment above seems to indicate something else entirely.
Freedom in the 50 States 2013 | Economic Freedom | Mercatus Center

Kentucky's economic freedom rankings are mediocre, as are its fiscal freedom rankings. It may have had "conservative" Democrats, but they didn't manage the state well like the GOP does in states like North and South Dakota.

Notice the state senators and four of the house are Republicans. Why do you think that is? Democrats in Kentucky are probably more conservative than liberal. Conservative means following conservative policies. Failed conservative policies. You can't stand still, that's why they fail. Kentucky is 90% white. That's why blacks didn't scare conservatives out of the Democratic Party. There just aren't that many.
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No it doesn't, but this does...

Illegal Aliens Cost California Over Ten Billion Annually
State's "cheap labor" costs average household $1,183 a year

Illegal Aliens Cost California $10.5 Billion Annually

Gee and the illegals in Texas cost them nothing? Really? Were you born stupid?
Anyway...the reason the income tax is low or non-existent is because property taxes are so high...

Thread fail. But hey, you're used to it.

In a State like Kalifornia, a decent, three bedroom split with 2,000 sq ft living like mine might cost you as much as $400K +.

My house was just appraised (please, don't confuse 'appraised' with 'assessed') at $200K.

The IDENTICAL House in Kalifornia might cost double that. Easy.

So if they're taxing at a lower millage rate, they're not collecting any less money.

Especially when you consider the density rate in California is fairly high.

And, OBTW. My Taxes last year IIRC, were around $1,800.

Not bad. Not bad at all. Ask a typical New Yawker or New Joisey-ite what he or she pays..... I'm talking TENS of Thousands.

And their Income Tax is out of sight.

I went up to see a buddy of mine from the Army several years ago on Long Island. Successful guy.

He was telling me about his house that he lived that was valued at $450k and his taxes were so high on it that he was thinking of selling ($7,500 more or less) so I drove up there and we talked, reminisced and generally talked shit and told lies.

Anyway...... His house was a piece of shit. An old 100 year old Frame house that you got sea-sick walking on because the floors were so out of level, the basement was moldy and smelled, the plumbing looked like it came from Rikers and the stairs creaked like something out of a 1950's Horror Movie and the windows leaked like a nylon stocking.

He came down to see me a few Months after and he was AMAZED at the houses down here that were so much better made, better looking, modern construction with 10 and 12 foot ceilings, CBS Construction, R24 insulation (with mine, I also had a chopper gun shoot a shitload of insulation on top of it).

Not all money is created equal, people. It buys a whole lot more in some places than it does in others. Gotta support those lazy fucks who keep voting dimocrap scum into office, doncha know.

And we have no State Income Tax in Florida.

But we do have this....


While New Yawk has this...


I promised myself last time I was there that I would never set foot in that festering pushole of a diseased, scumbag, dimocrap infested malaria swamp ever again.

And I won't.

The people who live there.... They deserve it

Florida also had the Gulf Oil Spill.

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

Senate Republicans block BP investigation

With Joe Barton's BP apology, Republicans' points lost in oblivion -

House Republican leaders quickly recognized the political peril of Representative Barton's charge that Congress owed BP an apology for White House pressure on the firm to establish a $20 billion escrow fund – a “shakedown” – to help victims of the spill. They gave the Texas Republican an ultimatum: Apologize for the apology – and quickly – or lose his position as top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
California survives solely on taxing the crap out of the wealthy. And there are a lot of wealthy people here cuz the weather is awesome.

So thank them for saving California. It's their tax increase that's paying down the debt.

Oh and nice wiki stats on the 12th largest economy. Lolol.
Oh and the wealthy are not one bit responsible for the debt but they still got stuck with the bill.
Yep, and it is not a new phenomena. Prior to moving out of the Sooner State, I noticed that there were a significant number of vehicles with California tags there. I guess Conservatives in California got tired of the high cost of living and bad economy there so they moved to a red state. For many it was a shrewd strategy, selling a home in CA for $$$, buying an equivalent one for much less $$ in OK, and having a nice bundle left over.

it aint just Cons. leaving.....
I'll bet you're right. Oklahoma is a great destination for anyone who wants to own a nice home but at only a fraction of the cost of an equivalent home in California. I lived in Tulsa, but I'm sure Oklahoma City is just as great. Plus there is the added benefit of living in a predominately conservative city.

i live in Orange County which is still mostly Conservative.....5.5 % going on in many places.....a guy like Dean would love it here.....
Oh and the wealthy are not one bit responsible for the debt but they still got stuck with the bill.

They paid to elect Bush.

The reality is that the wealthy usually give money to both candidates. Democrat and republican. They cover all their bases.

But that's not why California is in debt. It's been run by democrats for decades and they spent more than they took in just like the Feds are doing and have done for decades.

It's not hard to figure out.
it aint just Cons. leaving.....
I'll bet you're right. Oklahoma is a great destination for anyone who wants to own a nice home but at only a fraction of the cost of an equivalent home in California. I lived in Tulsa, but I'm sure Oklahoma City is just as great. Plus there is the added benefit of living in a predominately conservative city.

i live in Orange County which is still mostly Conservative.....5.5 % going on in many places.....a guy like Dean would love it here.....

I've thought of leaving cuz of the high cost of living and taxes.
Oh and the wealthy are not one bit responsible for the debt but they still got stuck with the bill.

They paid to elect Bush.

The reality is that the wealthy usually give money to both candidates. Democrat and republican. They cover all their bases.

But that's not why California is in debt. It's been run by democrats for decades and they spent more than they took in just like the Feds are doing and have done for decades.

It's not hard to figure out.

and they have been told that before......
I'll bet you're right. Oklahoma is a great destination for anyone who wants to own a nice home but at only a fraction of the cost of an equivalent home in California. I lived in Tulsa, but I'm sure Oklahoma City is just as great. Plus there is the added benefit of living in a predominately conservative city.

i live in Orange County which is still mostly Conservative.....5.5 % going on in many places.....a guy like Dean would love it here.....

I've thought of leaving cuz of the high cost of living and taxes.

i will be hopefully before the year is cant retire here unless you are wealthy or have a great retirement income....i dont want to,but i dont think i will have a choice....its like the State says...."thanks for working all these years and paying taxes and that your retired get the fuck out.....
In 2013 Texas was ranked number one for the ninth straight year. The 12 highest ranked states had one thing in common: Republican governors. Three of the top four had another commonality: no personal state income tax.
No doubt a no tax/low tax policy along with a family friendly climate allows for a strong economy regarding the highest 12 ranked states. As folks keep moving to red states, their economies will only get stronger.

There's a nice table from one of the OP links:

2013 Best & Worst States for Business | | Chief Executive Magazine

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