Conservative states have stronger economies

California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.

Thanks. I needed that.

How do these people get so delusional?

One hilarious video.

Ya, here's your fucking kullyfornian utopia... dumbass mother fuckers... YOU'RE BROKE... YOU'RE IN DEBT... and your state is being run by MORONS giving away money like it grew on trees to UNIONS AND ILLEGAL ALIENS... you fucking ignorant sons a bitches are your own worst enemies... stupid mother fuckers... you're state is a ECONOMIC SHIT HOLE... EVEN THE LOONY LEFT WEBSITES SAY SO...

California Debt Crisis

California's 'wall of debt' is only a slice of its liability problem - San Jose Mercury News

[ame=]American Economic Crisis in California - YouTube[/ame]
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?

Yep, and it is not a new phenomena. Prior to moving out of the Sooner State, I noticed that there were a significant number of vehicles with California tags there. I guess Conservatives in California got tired of the high cost of living and bad economy there so they moved to a red state. For many it was a shrewd strategy, selling a home in CA for $$$, buying an equivalent one for much less $$ in OK, and having a nice bundle left over.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.

A strong economy's all well and good, but if that doesn't then translate into overall happiness what does it matter? US comes in 17th among 154 countries for overall happiness, and the top 10 are northern European 'socialist-liberal' sorta countries.
Teapublican states have better incentives for businesses, and we all know that when the 1% make more money, everyone benefits because wealth trickles down.

Right, that's why NY, that nasty Teapublican state, is advertising 10 tax free zones trying to re-attract businesses they ran out with their fucked up tax policies.

How are those pebble roads down there?
Perhaps I should open up a chain of auto repair shops.

I've been to chicago, and i'll take pea gravel roads than the pot hole ridden roads there. Also your slums make the south look great.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.

Is access to energy reserves a conservative policy?

If I vote conservative, will they get some oil wells in my state?
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.

California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?

Yep, and it is not a new phenomena. Prior to moving out of the Sooner State, I noticed that there were a significant number of vehicles with California tags there. I guess Conservatives in California got tired of the high cost of living and bad economy there so they moved to a red state. For many it was a shrewd strategy, selling a home in CA for $$$, buying an equivalent one for much less $$ in OK, and having a nice bundle left over.

it aint just Cons. leaving.....
California has the 12th largest economy in the world. Mississippi is somewhere along the lines of Somolia.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?

Yep, and it is not a new phenomena. Prior to moving out of the Sooner State, I noticed that there were a significant number of vehicles with California tags there. I guess Conservatives in California got tired of the high cost of living and bad economy there so they moved to a red state. For many it was a shrewd strategy, selling a home in CA for $$$, buying an equivalent one for much less $$ in OK, and having a nice bundle left over.

And you wind up in Oklahoma? No thanks. It's the Native American word for "shithole"
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.


Here is a clue:

In Hale County, Alabama, nearly 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability.[2] On the day government checks come in every month, banks stay open late, Main Street fills up with cars, and anybody looking to unload an old TV or armchair has a yard sale.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.


South carolina is great, thanks for asking.
Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.


South carolina is great, thanks for asking.
So is South Dakota, with a pretty modest amount of oil. Ditto with Florida(voted for Obama but GOP at state level), Tennessee, and Arizona(lots of wealth coming into those states)

Comparing states by GDP is silly. It's GDP per capita that matters. Also, many of these rich states used to be conservative and many of the poor states used to be liberal(California and Mississippi, respectively, illustrate this).

What we should care about is the dynamic picture, not the static picture. And that's what my data's about. And those who say this is "biased" need to realize that this is just an aggregation of data pertaining to the fiscal situations of each state.
You can question my interpretation, but the link I provided is purely factual.
Right, that's why NY, that nasty Teapublican state, is advertising 10 tax free zones trying to re-attract businesses they ran out with their fucked up tax policies.

How are those pebble roads down there?
Perhaps I should open up a chain of auto repair shops.

I've been to chicago, and i'll take pea gravel roads than the pot hole ridden roads there. Also your slums make the south look great.

I will say that the Republican slums on Long Island are much nicer than the Democratic slums in NYC.
Gee... I wonder what state PLUNDERS the most from it's citizens pockets... oh... imagine that... it's KULLYFORNIA... gotta take care of all those ILLEGAL ALIENS...

How are those pebble roads down there?
Perhaps I should open up a chain of auto repair shops.

I've been to chicago, and i'll take pea gravel roads than the pot hole ridden roads there. Also your slums make the south look great.

I will say that the Republican slums on Long Island are much nicer than the Democratic slums in NYC.

I drive back east every other year or so...usually on the 10 or the 40 through the South. The only place you see any economic activity of scale is in the large cities which are usually the province of democratic mayors as the gun nuts are fond to point out when explaining the crime in large cities.

Most of South Carolina is not worth seeing. Hilton Head and the tourist area of Myrtle Beach are nice. I won a radio contest where the first prize was a week end in Charleston. The second prize was a whole week.
Gee... I wonder what state PLUNDERS the most from it's citizens pockets... oh... imagine that... it's KULLYFORNIA... gotta take care of all those ILLEGAL ALIENS...


This explains why:

Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.


Most of them are feeding your lazy ass.
In the eighties when oil was cheap and the rest of the nation was prospering, states like Texas were in a depression.

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