Conservative states have stronger economies

Data Dump Americans for Economic Freedom | Americans for Economic Freedom |

Look at the stats. Conservative policies work. Liberal ones don't. Ask yourself this: would you rather support Texas/North Dakota policies or California/Illinois policies? That's basically what we're looking at here with the 2 parties at a statewide level.

There are almost no solid liberal states that are doing well with regards to unemployment/income growth right now. It's truly a red state recovery.


Most of them are feeding your lazy ass.

They are subsidized to do so.

The fact is that we are a nation that depends on one another. One area growing faster is not surprising when the income levels are different. The general expectation is that places with lower labor costs will grow faster than those with higher ones.

The areas that have higher average earning will have to make bigger investments in education to maintain that higher income level.

To assume these trends are a result of conservative policies is pretty ridiculous. Although certain economic policies work better or worse based on the situation.
California has the resources and land diversity to be its own country, but liberals have moved in and fucked things up with a welfare state and high taxes. There is a reason why many ex-Californians live in Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and, lower living costs and lower taxes.

My family's homestate of NC has been invaded by people escaping NJ, CT and NY. The stupid thing is many of those idiots are bringing their liberal voting beliefs to a conservative state to fuck it up like they did back "home."

Liberals are nothing but cock roaches...
Conservative State Mentality...
It doesn't matter what people are living through, it's the balance sheet that matters.

If the balance sheet is right, things generally are well. One should not have to apologize for that belief.

So following that logic to the end, if corporations are making record profits, then the people working there are making record salaries.

In fact, that's true. In Red States, the salaries for the common worker is at a "record" low. Guess your plan worked. Prosperity through lower wages.
Uh-Huh...NOW? Consider their DEBT and ability to repay it, and consider the people LEAVING in droves.

NOT so bright now, is it?

You never sat in LA traffic. There are stretches of Mississisppi or however you spell it wher there are literally no exits for dozens of miles...there is nothing to see.

Fuck you're stupid.

Did you just argue traffic as a great economic indicator, and then call someone stupid? Wow.

Actually, if you think about it, traffic is a great economic indicator. Try to figure out why. If you can't, ask and I'll explain it. It's so fucking obvious.
You never sat in LA traffic. There are stretches of Mississisppi or however you spell it wher there are literally no exits for dozens of miles...there is nothing to see.

Fuck you're stupid.

Did you just argue traffic as a great economic indicator, and then call someone stupid? Wow.

I would rank intelligent infrastructure in my top 5 concerns.

What is "intelligent infrastructure"? Details?
Teapublican states have better incentives for businesses, and we all know that when the 1% make more money, everyone benefits because wealth trickles down.

Right, that's why NY, that nasty Teapublican state, is advertising 10 tax free zones trying to re-attract businesses they ran out with their fucked up tax policies.

Due to a lack of regulation, business in Texas is exploding:

Explosion in Texas forces evacuations | Fox News

West explosion retrospective

The Explosion At Texas City - CBS News

Entire town of Milford, Texas, evacuated after fiery explosion

In Texas, business is literally "booming".
I think the stupid fuck liberals here DON'T KNOW that liberal NY is running TV ads on FOXNews telling businesses they "promise" not to tax them for 10 years if they move/comeback to NY.
Teapublican states have better incentives for businesses, and we all know that when the 1% make more money, everyone benefits because wealth trickles down.

Right, that's why NY, that nasty Teapublican state, is advertising 10 tax free zones trying to re-attract businesses they ran out with their fucked up tax policies.

Due to a lack of regulation, business in Texas is exploding:

Explosion in Texas forces evacuations | Fox News

West explosion retrospective

The Explosion At Texas City - CBS News

Entire town of Milford, Texas, evacuated after fiery explosion

In Texas, business is literally "booming".

Dean-O...don't forget about West Virginia last month....seems the guy who founded the company had some brushes with the law and drugs.

No regulation=shenanigans like that.
I think the stupid fuck liberals here DON'T KNOW that liberal NY is running TV ads on FOXNews telling businesses they "promise" not to tax them for 10 years if they move/comeback to NY.

States do even more than that to try and promote state growth. It is a horrible trend at the state level but if other states are doing it then there is little to no reason for a state not to do it. It is the type of economic policy that makes no sense at the national level but makes sense for the individual states. want to bring up "liberal business people" and their crimes....we can start with Solyndra then move on to that former Gov of NJ stealing billions from investors, etc....:cuckoo:

Right, that's why NY, that nasty Teapublican state, is advertising 10 tax free zones trying to re-attract businesses they ran out with their fucked up tax policies.

Due to a lack of regulation, business in Texas is exploding:

Explosion in Texas forces evacuations | Fox News

West explosion retrospective

The Explosion At Texas City - CBS News

Entire town of Milford, Texas, evacuated after fiery explosion

In Texas, business is literally "booming".

Dean-O...don't forget about West Virginia last month....seems the guy who founded the company had some brushes with the law and drugs.

No regulation=shenanigans like that.

Uh, even your fellow liberal kooks running NY realize taxing businesses to death forces them to states with zero or less taxes. This is common fucking sense, which you don't have.

At least they are now being honest that they fucked up the economy of NY. :eusa_whistle:

I think the stupid fuck liberals here DON'T KNOW that liberal NY is running TV ads on FOXNews telling businesses they "promise" not to tax them for 10 years if they move/comeback to NY.

States do even more than that to try and promote state growth. It is a horrible trend at the state level but if other states are doing it then there is little to no reason for a state not to do it. It is the type of economic policy that makes no sense at the national level but makes sense for the individual states.
Southern states are growing fast because they're starting at a much lower base. The northeast part of the country is already quite developed and basically hit their ceilings.

In regards to Texas and North Dakota...fossil fuels plays a huge role there. Alaska without fossil fuels would actually be the poorest state in the country, bar none.

If you look at the map, states like New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, and the west coast all have high growth rates as well, that's because they are also starting at a low base. Also population growth in those areas plays a part too. Many of those states have democratic governments.

It's rarely...RARELY...a simple matter of "Republican Government/Democratic Government" = "Success/Failure"

Demographic trends and how much the states have to begin with matters much more.

Uh, even your fellow liberal kooks running NY realize taxing businesses to death forces them to states with zero or less taxes. This is common fucking sense, which you don't have.

At least they are now being honest that they fucked up the economy of NY. :eusa_whistle:

I think the stupid fuck liberals here DON'T KNOW that liberal NY is running TV ads on FOXNews telling businesses they "promise" not to tax them for 10 years if they move/comeback to NY.

States do even more than that to try and promote state growth. It is a horrible trend at the state level but if other states are doing it then there is little to no reason for a state not to do it. It is the type of economic policy that makes no sense at the national level but makes sense for the individual states.

Like I said it makes sense one state at a time as it provides a benefit to the state. At the national level it just undermines and distorts the tax code while providing little to no net benefit.
Look at the liberal "wannabe" elitist. :cuckoo:

Yeah, Florida, Texas, Georgia and North Carolina are sooooooo backwards compared to NJ and NY. :eusa_whistle:

Shut the fuck up, shit eater.

Southern states are growing fast because they're starting at a much lower base. The northeast part of the country is already quite developed and basically hit their ceilings.

In regards to Texas and North Dakota...fossil fuels plays a huge role there. Alaska without fossil fuels would actually be the poorest state in the country, bar none.

If you look at the map, states like New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, and the west coast all have high growth rates as well, that's because they are also starting at a low base. Also population growth in those areas plays a part too. Many of those states have democratic governments.

It's rarely...RARELY...a simple matter of "Republican Government/Democratic Government" = "Success/Failure"

Demographic trends and how much the states have to begin with matters much more.
Uh, high FEDERAL corporate TAX rates drives companies to India, China, Canada, Mexico, etc.

Good god you are fucking stupid.


Uh, even your fellow liberal kooks running NY realize taxing businesses to death forces them to states with zero or less taxes. This is common fucking sense, which you don't have.

At least they are now being honest that they fucked up the economy of NY. :eusa_whistle:

States do even more than that to try and promote state growth. It is a horrible trend at the state level but if other states are doing it then there is little to no reason for a state not to do it. It is the type of economic policy that makes no sense at the national level but makes sense for the individual states.

Like I said it makes sense one state at a time as it provides a benefit to the state. At the national level it just undermines and distorts the tax code while providing little to no net benefit. want to bring up "liberal business people" and their crimes....we can start with Solyndra then move on to that former Gov of NJ stealing billions from investors, etc....:cuckoo:

Dean-O...don't forget about West Virginia last month....seems the guy who founded the company had some brushes with the law and drugs.

No regulation=shenanigans like that.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush? | PolitiFact

The Energy Department's loan guarantee program was created as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, passed by a Republican-controlled Congress and signed by Bush.

Another GOP disaster started under Bush that Republicans want to blame on Obama. The only thing they want to take credit for is taking out Bin Laden. Something they literally had nothing to do with.
You stupid fuck pile of shit....Solyndra never got approved when Bush was in office, it was REJECTED for being a future failure/high risk.:cuckoo: Dumbfucks under Obama thought it was a GREAT idea and approved it, especially since the people making millions were liberal supporters. want to bring up "liberal business people" and their crimes....we can start with Solyndra then move on to that former Gov of NJ stealing billions from investors, etc....:cuckoo:

Dean-O...don't forget about West Virginia last month....seems the guy who founded the company had some brushes with the law and drugs.

No regulation=shenanigans like that.

Did the program that funded the Solyndra loan start under George W. Bush? | PolitiFact

The Energy Department's loan guarantee program was created as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, passed by a Republican-controlled Congress and signed by Bush.

Another GOP disaster started under Bush that Republicans want to blame on Obama. The only thing they want to take credit for is taking out Bin Laden. Something they literally had nothing to do with.

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