Conservative woman- 30% of men under 30 are either virgins or they have not had sex in one year

I don’t know brother. I always appreciate your postings. But in this modern day and age I wouldn’t be surprised if the number is higher. The countries not what it used to be my friend.
You are correct about the country not being what it used to be. It never is, never has been, and there is no going back. Back during the Vietnam War, and the sixties protests for free speech, race riots, my granddad (and probably yours) said the same thing. I really haven't met any of these grownup people that can find anybody or just don't want to have sex. I really don't care if they don't want to get laid or not. It really is among the least of our problems.
Society (including their parents and teachers) have emasculated these young men. They are taught from birth now that they are entitled white supremacists who are not worthy of being shat upon. Perhaps more pathetic are these young entitled white women who think they know best on everything, and that woke leftist ideas are THE WAY. I mean, when you see one of these chicks foaming at the mouth during a "I AM WOMANYX HEAR ME ROWR!" rallies, do you really get a stiffy? Or, do you want to leap off a fucking cliff as a viable option to staying and listening to her screeching cries for justice? I am taking the fucking cliff.

So you have this group of young people. The males (not men) hate themselves and value beta cuckdom to being a man telling those obnoxious bitches to shut the hell up. The women are obnoxious creepy *****. Thus, both sides are equally repulsive. And it is all because of the fucked up job that parents and society have done to their heads.
Until they get violent.
I thought you live in the state that had legal whorehouses, sex being so popular, you could just buy it if you couldn't find it. I would not have thought violent incels would be a problem there. Be advised it is a Shall Issue, Concealed Carry Permit state and a Stand Your Ground state. So, "Just Say No" to violent incels, and if they insist on being violent, shoot them until they are no longer a threat.
You are correct about the country not being what it used to be. It never is, never has been, and there is no going back. Back during the Vietnam War, and the sixties protests for free speech, race riots, my granddad (and probably yours) said the same thing. I really haven't met any of these grownup people that can find anybody or just don't want to have sex. I really don't care if they don't want to get laid or not. It really is among the least of our problems.
Agreed. It is not an issue and nobody cares about the private lives of others. People getting married much later in life provides for more stability and is a huge benefit to the nation. Wait until one has a job, a house, nice car, plenty of savings long before getting married. Smart and the way things should be. Nothing wrong with getting married in your late 30s.
Here is a podcast headed by a conservative lady. I’ve only listen to her a few times but I really thought that this was a informative eight minute clip. There are men and women interviewed in the clip. Some of the takeaways of course other than the headline wow who would’ve figured that here in 2023 that 30% of men under the age of 30 are either virgins or they have not had sex in one year that’s pretty wild…

Some of the other takeaways this is even from the ladies interview. This is actually a breath of fresh air this isn’t like “the view” these are actually legitimate women who live in the real world. So they were saying that they understand that most men want a virgin, they want a young beautiful woman who has a “cookbook” …. A woman who will be at home to take care of children. ….

…But that many men settle for the scraps they don’t actually get what they want. But they get what they can have. I guess like that old Rolling Stone song “you can’t always get what you want but you get what you need.”

And there was another brilliant point made by one of the young woman on the panel who said “you know what I could go out and go to any bar and get laid guaranteed“ But it is just not the case for men here in 2023.

As for my own takeaways from this video and from similar videos. Look whether you’re a man or a woman it’s very simple ..its about believing in yourself that’s it. You do that you go a long way my friends.

I heard 50% of boys who go off to college and still virgins today. Back in our day, 25% of us were still virgins. I got laid for the first time the summer before I went off to college. So barely. Thank god that girl came along when she did and taught me a thing or two.

I want to watch this reality show

Hulu has just launched Virgin Island, a show that is exactly what you think it is. A tropical island. A bunch of virgins. Lust. Temptation. Probably some sort of clumsy, desperate, fear-filled sexual intercourse. Almost definitely a lot of crying afterwards. This might just be the show your television was invented for.

The first, and perhaps most pressing is: “What sort of virgins are these people looking for anyway?” This is important, because it will directly influence the direction of the series. If it’s about adults who have made the decision to abstain from sex, then it could be fascinating television. Perhaps they will all have to overcome a long-held fear of physical intimacy, in which case the show has the potential to be a sensitive and profound exploration of the obstacles we choose to throw in the way of our own happiness.

Then again, it could be full of a more traditional type of virgin; young people who are absolutely straining at the leash to have sex for the first time. This would make for a much more titillating series, except everyone would have it away with everyone else as soon as they set foot on the island, and the entire series would be over after three seconds.

Question number two is: “How can you be sure these people are virgins?
I doubt that 30% figure very seriously. Of couse, if it's on YouTube it has to be true, right?:auiqs.jpg:
I have 2 nephews one's good with the ladies the other is a virgin. The virgin is overweight. Still I can't believe at all those college parties not one girl has said "oh who is that?" and fucked him. He's cute. But too heavy. No confidence.

And even his skinnier friends don't seem much good with the ladies. When I was their age we all made out with chicks, got numbers, some of us got laid. We all had stories. I chaperoned spring break this year and these boys has no good stories. A couple of them get women or have girlfriends but half of them seem more interested in betting, video games and hanging with their bros. It's weird. I think it's good for all of us. Overpopulation and all. Less people having children. But I know there are reprocussions too from a shrinking population.

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