Conservatives and Liberals: A little more civility please

The country is great but the Obama administration isn't and Clinton clearly had no idea how to help the country recover from Obama.

If only Obama hadn't helped the country recover from GW.
Did he? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, when Obama took office the civilian participation rate in the US (those 16 and over who were working or looking for work) was 66.2% and now it is 62.7%. That means that about 9.5% of the US labor force became so discouraged about finding a job during the Obama years that they stopped looking and are no longer counted in the unemployment rate. If this 9.5% who lost all hope of finding a job during the Obama years were counted as among the unemployed, we would have an unemployment rate of about 13%, not the 4.6% Democrats are touting. These are the people the Democrats forgot about and they are among the people who have turned to Trump for help.

I'm not going to get into inventing statistics with you since many "citizens" now just make up their own "facts" claiming anything they don't wish to be so as bogus. GW Bush gave us Obama. We all know where we were 8 years ago.
These are statistics from Obama's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Check for yourself.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Are we bailing out banksters hon?
I'm not sure either one of us knows what you intended to say, but if you check the government statistics from the link I provided, you will see that we have a 13% unemployment rate if you include all the Americans who gave up hope of finding a job during the Obama years as among the unemployed.
Conservatives and Liberals: A little more civility please

As liberals continue to demonstrate - not possible.
After 8 solid years of the worst kind of behavior... do you think they're going to stop at the chance to return that and more on the worst kind of president?

How about you remove your fat ass from politics if you don't care to hear about it.
This all depends on what is considered a real job. Ten bucks an hour is a slap in the face.
Do we really want to unite? Why? Its more fun this way. Division will only grow. It isn't all that harmful.
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:

Well the display of 'good manners' ended after election night. Didn't you hear? Trump totally won the popular vote and he didn't scapegoat brown people at all for his over 2 million vote loss.

Civility, sure. Who doesn't want that? However this place is poison and it's never going to happen at USMB.
You mean the Trump landslide?

There's no such thing. He won the election on a technicality, just like Bush the first time.
Are you retarded? The electoral college isn't a technicality. It's the only way to win a presidential race.

The electoral college is a sham that needs to end. Trump lost the most important part of democratic elections, votes.
Not really a constitutional sort, are you.

You think the presidential selection process was supposed to be governed by popular will? You've fallen for the sham, Liberal.
Doesn't have to be any wrongdoing, could just be a close election. She's conceded, it's a done deal, don't worry yourself over it. The Clinton campaign doesn't have much of a choice. If Stein gets her recount they are going to want to be involved in it. It's called politics.
It's called dirty politics, it's called lying to voters, which is a fair characterization of Clinton's entire political career.

There is no lie. They stated they do not believe the results of any recount are going to change the election. That doesn't mean that if a recount takes place they aren't going to want to ensure votes are counted accurately.

Hell, Trump wins and he can't even be satisfied with the results.

We saw over the past 8 years how many americans cannot lose with any grace or dignity, now we know they cannot even win and be good sports about it. This is a very unhealthy society, and it's getting worse and will probably continue to.

"they cannot even win and be good sports about it"

What are you talking about? Over 90% of the "Stink" in here is coming from Democrats!

In the previous 2 election I wasn't upset with the fact my side lost, it was more about who was elected. I was concerned about Barry O'Bama himself because I believed him when he said he would "fundamentally change America" (Keyword here was fundamentally). I recognized that he is a silver-tongued Socialist and was fearful that he might be the first shot fired in the loss of our Republic.

That's where I stand, and I don't believe I am alone.

"In the previous 2 election I wasn't upset with the fact my side lost, it was more about who was elected.

Isn't that convenient. Well, perhaps that's what they're going on about. Maybe they're not upset with the fact their side lost, maybe it's more about who was elected.

Learn to read and comprehend. I said who (Obama, Socialist), not what (Democrat or Black).

Anymore foolish retorts?
Americas Motta should be profits before people. It fits perfectly. Factual as well.
Without profits where will the $$ come from to give people a hand-out? Without profits how are business supposed to expand or invest to grow the economy and/or hire more employees? Need I go on?

You're not thinking this thru very well are you
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:

Well the display of 'good manners' ended after election night. Didn't you hear? Trump totally won the popular vote and he didn't scapegoat brown people at all for his over 2 million vote loss.

Civility, sure. Who doesn't want that? However this place is poison and it's never going to happen at USMB.
You mean the Trump landslide?

There's no such thing. He won the election on a technicality, just like Bush the first time.
The EC is how we, a republic, elect presidents. How is that a technicality?
Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:

Well the display of 'good manners' ended after election night. Didn't you hear? Trump totally won the popular vote and he didn't scapegoat brown people at all for his over 2 million vote loss.

Civility, sure. Who doesn't want that? However this place is poison and it's never going to happen at USMB.
You mean the Trump landslide?

There's no such thing. He won the election on a technicality, just like Bush the first time.
The EC is how we, a republic, elect presidents. How is that a technicality?

As I already said, left wingers view the Constitution as a "technicality."
You mean the Trump landslide?

There's no such thing. He won the election on a technicality, just like Bush the first time.
Are you retarded? The electoral college isn't a technicality. It's the only way to win a presidential race.

The electoral college is a sham that needs to end. Trump lost the most important part of democratic elections, votes.
Win a majority and pass a constitutional amendment...until then, shut the fuck up...thanks....

May not need a constitutional amendment to render the EC meaningless. In the mean time I'll keep pointing out that Trump is unpopular and lost the popular vote by over 2 million people
Point out your ignorance all you want. It takes 3/4ths of the states to amend the Constitution. Now look at the election map and think about the possibilities of that ever happening.
It's called dirty politics, it's called lying to voters, which is a fair characterization of Clinton's entire political career.

There is no lie. They stated they do not believe the results of any recount are going to change the election. That doesn't mean that if a recount takes place they aren't going to want to ensure votes are counted accurately.

Hell, Trump wins and he can't even be satisfied with the results.

We saw over the past 8 years how many americans cannot lose with any grace or dignity, now we know they cannot even win and be good sports about it. This is a very unhealthy society, and it's getting worse and will probably continue to.

"they cannot even win and be good sports about it"

What are you talking about? Over 90% of the "Stink" in here is coming from Democrats!

In the previous 2 election I wasn't upset with the fact my side lost, it was more about who was elected. I was concerned about Barry O'Bama himself because I believed him when he said he would "fundamentally change America" (Keyword here was fundamentally). I recognized that he is a silver-tongued Socialist and was fearful that he might be the first shot fired in the loss of our Republic.

That's where I stand, and I don't believe I am alone.

"In the previous 2 election I wasn't upset with the fact my side lost, it was more about who was elected.

Isn't that convenient. Well, perhaps that's what they're going on about. Maybe they're not upset with the fact their side lost, maybe it's more about who was elected.

Learn to read and comprehend. I said who (Obama, Socialist), not what (Democrat or Black).

Anymore foolish retorts?

"Isn't that convenient. Well, perhaps that's what they're going on about. Maybe they're not upset with the fact their side lost, maybe it's more about who was elected."

As in " ... maybe it's more about who was elected."

If only Obama hadn't helped the country recover from GW.
Did he? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, when Obama took office the civilian participation rate in the US (those 16 and over who were working or looking for work) was 66.2% and now it is 62.7%. That means that about 9.5% of the US labor force became so discouraged about finding a job during the Obama years that they stopped looking and are no longer counted in the unemployment rate. If this 9.5% who lost all hope of finding a job during the Obama years were counted as among the unemployed, we would have an unemployment rate of about 13%, not the 4.6% Democrats are touting. These are the people the Democrats forgot about and they are among the people who have turned to Trump for help.

I'm not going to get into inventing statistics with you since many "citizens" now just make up their own "facts" claiming anything they don't wish to be so as bogus. GW Bush gave us Obama. We all know where we were 8 years ago.
These are statistics from Obama's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Check for yourself.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Are we bailing out banksters hon?
I'm not sure either one of us knows what you intended to say, but if you check the government statistics from the link I provided, you will see that we have a 13% unemployment rate if you include all the Americans who gave up hope of finding a job during the Obama years as among the unemployed.
Umm, no that's not at all what it means. A drop in the labor force participation rate just means that the labor force is not growing as fast as the population. And a drop in the labor force simply means fewer people are trying to work. Discouragement is a very small part of that. And it has been dropping

Conservatives and Liberals: The election is over. I think both sides need to stop inflaming this situation. Democrats need to stop the protests, show business tours, and accept the results of the election. Republicans need to stop the name calling, trash talking and other "in your face" behavior. I know it's too much to ask for American voters to behave like civilized people, but hope springs eternal.

Both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton displayed good manners and respect in their speeches immediately after the election. Maybe American voters should do the same.:bye1:
What about those from Mexican descent? Should they also be civil? Or only the "good" ones?

Donald Trump on June 16, 2015, "When Mexico sends it people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
Did he? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, when Obama took office the civilian participation rate in the US (those 16 and over who were working or looking for work) was 66.2% and now it is 62.7%. That means that about 9.5% of the US labor force became so discouraged about finding a job during the Obama years that they stopped looking and are no longer counted in the unemployment rate. If this 9.5% who lost all hope of finding a job during the Obama years were counted as among the unemployed, we would have an unemployment rate of about 13%, not the 4.6% Democrats are touting. These are the people the Democrats forgot about and they are among the people who have turned to Trump for help.

I'm not going to get into inventing statistics with you since many "citizens" now just make up their own "facts" claiming anything they don't wish to be so as bogus. GW Bush gave us Obama. We all know where we were 8 years ago.
These are statistics from Obama's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Check for yourself.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Are we bailing out banksters hon?
I'm not sure either one of us knows what you intended to say, but if you check the government statistics from the link I provided, you will see that we have a 13% unemployment rate if you include all the Americans who gave up hope of finding a job during the Obama years as among the unemployed.
Umm, no that's not at all what it means. A drop in the labor force participation rate just means that the labor force is not growing as fast as the population. And a drop in the labor force simply means fewer people are trying to work. Discouragement is a very small part of that. And it has been dropping

Nonsense. The labor force participation rate is the percentage of the labor force that is either working or looking for work; it has nothing to do with the actual size of the labor but with the percent that is either working or looking for work. The participation rate has dropped steadily since Obama took office, and unless you believe all the people who stopped looking for work either won the lottery or had a rich uncle that died, it means they lost hope of finding a job in the Obama economy. So all those people who gave up should be counted as unemployed, which means America has a higher unemployment rate today than it did when Obama first took office. This is why Trump's promise to stop jobs from leaving for low wage countries and to bring back some of those that have left resonated through Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and turned these blue states red. It was these forgotten Americans that don't even show up in the unemployment rates and were ignored by Obama and Clinton who made Trump president.
Liberals should give Trump the same courtesy conservatives gave Obama when he was inaugurated.

"not born here!" "commie!" "he owns the economy now!" "he's not my president!" "muslim!" "his wife is fat!"

etc, etc, etc.

Looks like comrade Trump, besides his well known love of Putin, has some real communist questions.

Donald Trump's father-in-law is a Communist who looks exactly like him

And from a conservative website named mrconservative:

Bombshell Details About Melania Trump’s Past Come To Light

Of course conservatives are fine with Donald's communism. Isn't that right comrades?

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