Conservatives and Liberals


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
The debate between the Conservatives and Liberals has been going on in the culture I am dmost familar with...for five hundred years, at least, maybe eight hundred years...back to William Wallace the Braveheart.

That is the Scottish/English history--commonly called Anglo-Saxons and Normans.

That's Classical Liberalism--which has done much good in our history.

But classical liberalism has morphed into having perfected the art of borrowing money our children and grand-children will have to pay buy votes giving 51 percent of the voters Free Stuff.

Classical liberalism has become....though they will not admit it yet...Socialism.

These reckless empirics have not considered what will happen when the money gets cut off. Their 51% was never going to pay it back anyway....only the taxpayers have to worry about that.

The Liberals are winning at great costs. They are mortgaging our children future to buy votes.

It Seems we ought to have a debate about whether the traditional Balance between the alter egos of human nature...the Conservative Nature and the Liberal Nature...have not been thrown badly off by the Liberals/Socialists...who borrow money from the next generation...on the grounds of compassion....which they use to buy votes today.
The debate is real simple. At my birth, ultimately who is responsible for me? Liberals are selfish and very narcissistic. They feel that it is the natural born right of a non-productive person to allocate (tax...steal) $$$$$ from the more productive elements of society, for themselves. Then they try to justify it with arguments that usually revolve around attempting to place a guilt trip on the more productive members of the tribe. "Your selfish...your racist...your an uneducated fool." But in the end it boils down to this at election time: "Casting you vote based on the money in my wallet is socialism...casting your vote based on the money in your wallet is capitalism." Liberals like to vote to spend the hard earned money of others on wasteful government programs, that will require the hiring of liberals as government workers to enforce the program that has been created. Socialism.
Old political labels don't work. The American Founding Fathers were the most liberal political force in world history. JFK was a conservative compared to today's radical left wing democrats. Today's liberal is yesterday's nazi or fascist.
The two party system has failed. In fact it wasn't even a part of the Founders grand design.
Classic liberal statement and title of a Hillary Clinton book goes far to explain the difference between the two:"It Takes a Village to Raise a Child." Village being code for "government." No, it takes good parents and societal structures that allow the family to flourish.
The debate between the Conservatives and Liberals has been going on in the culture I am dmost familar with...for five hundred years, at least, maybe eight hundred years...back to William Wallace the Braveheart.

That is the Scottish/English history--commonly called Anglo-Saxons and Normans.

That's Classical Liberalism--which has done much good in our history.

But classical liberalism has morphed into having perfected the art of borrowing money our children and grand-children will have to pay buy votes giving 51 percent of the voters Free Stuff.

Classical liberalism has become....though they will not admit it yet...Socialism.

These reckless empirics have not considered what will happen when the money gets cut off. Their 51% was never going to pay it back anyway....only the taxpayers have to worry about that.

The Liberals are winning at great costs. They are mortgaging our children future to buy votes.

It Seems we ought to have a debate about whether the traditional Balance between the alter egos of human nature...the Conservative Nature and the Liberal Nature...have not been thrown badly off by the Liberals/Socialists...who borrow money from the next generation...on the grounds of compassion....which they use to buy votes today.
Classical liberalism has morphed into neo-classical liberalism and then libertarianism, and still retains its original adherence to limited government and individual liberties. Classical liberals, like conservatives, held the libertarian view that the market is a self-regulating machine that delivers, in course, prosperity and opportunity to all.

Modern liberals, though they embrace the virtues of nature left to its own device, will not allow nature in civilization. Our classical liberal founders built a government on a foundation of natural law; that is, a government that does not impose on the people. Modern liberals believe that to ensure an equality of circumstance, the government must intervene. The problem with modern liberalism, of course, is that an equality of circumstance is not an element of the natural law, and so these liberals distort the course of nature; i.e.; they erect an idealized civilization rather than a realistic one.

An arbitrary society, of course, requires more resources, and so modern liberals are impoverishing us. Such is the lesson from history that we never learn.

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