Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

And thank you for making my point. You just judged 100+ million gun owners based off the acts of a few mass murderers.

Maybe TemplarKormac should be banned from the USA until he learns to respect America and the constitution.

There are so many countries to choose from where guns are banned. The murders are as high as ever, but that doesn't matter because after all it's much more important that guns are banned.
There are over 40 million young people aged 10 - 19, in the US. You’re judging the intelligence and capability of all 40 million young people based on the actions of fewer than 100.
Consider my trap sprung.

So, if it is unfair to judge the many because of the actions of a few...

Why do you leftists commit the same fault against gun owners and people who support the 2nd Amendment? After every mass shooting it's this way.

I'm genuinely curious.

SNAP!! That’s the trap snapping on your scrawny neck.

No one one the left is accusing all gun owners of being dangerous or irresponsible. That may be how you portray the left, but it’s a fallacy in your thinking, and clinging to it is exacerbating the problem.

What the left has consistently been saying is to keep guns and weapons out of the hands of dangerous people. If you’re on the “no fly list” you should not be able to buy a gun. That should be a no-brainer. Background checks for ALL gun purchases.

Of course background checks are only as good as the information in the data bases and what we’ve seen is that these data bases are woefully incomplete.

No underage person should be able to buy a semi-automatic weapon or hand gun. Period. Or larg magazine clips. Girls can’t get birth control without their parents’ permission, but they can buy an AR-15. Again, this makes no sense. You can’t drink, drive, buy cigarettes, booze or birth control pills until you are of age. Why should guns be any different.

There should be some sort of tracking how many weapons an individual buys. The Las Vegas shooter spread his purchases out across several states so the extent of his atesrnal wasn’t known

Make no mistake, doing nothing is not an option.

I don't see what one has to do with the other? In my opinion, people like you suffer from a lack of information and give uneducated opinions. But hey, when teenagers get it through their heads that Tide pods are not edible, then we can take them seriously on gun control.
Sorry to burst your bubble , highly educated and successful Engineer with heavy analytical skills and ................... a gun owner ! pistol and rifle
There are over 40 million young people aged 10 - 19, in the US. You’re judging the intelligence and capability of all 40 million young people based on the actions of fewer than 100.
Consider my trap sprung.

So, if it is unfair to judge the many because of the actions of a few...

Why do you leftists commit the same fault against gun owners and people who support the 2nd Amendment? After every mass shooting it's this way.

I'm genuinely curious.

SNAP!! That’s the trap snapping on your scrawny neck.

No one one the left is accusing all gun owners of being dangerous or irresponsible. That may be how you portray the left, but it’s a fallacy in your thinking, and clinging to it is exacerbating the problem.

What the left has consistently been saying is to keep guns and weapons out of the hands of dangerous people. If you’re on the “no fly list” you should not be able to buy a gun. That should be a no-brainer. Background checks for ALL gun purchases.

Of course background checks are only as good as the information in the data bases and what we’ve seen is that these data bases are woefully incomplete.

No underage person should be able to buy a semi-automatic weapon or hand gun. Period. Or larg magazine clips. Girls can’t get birth control without their parents’ permission, but they can buy an AR-15. Again, this makes no sense. You can’t drink, drive, buy cigarettes, booze or birth control pills until you are of age. Why should guns be any different.

There should be some sort of tracking how many weapons an individual buys. The Las Vegas shooter spread his purchases out across several states so the extent of his atesrnal wasn’t known

Make no mistake, doing nothing is not an option.

Doing nothing about 30 people deaths over a year is completely acceptable, and the default course of action. That's such an outlier. This being said the teachers and the FBI absolutely should do something because being as negligent as they were can't be good.

50.000 people die of drugs every year, where are your with "doing nothing is not an option". No, no, no, in fact, we must put more of them into the hands of the kids seems to be the mantra. Go preach elsewhere with your hypocritical far left bullshit.
Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

And thank you for making my point. You just judged 100+ million gun owners based off the acts of a few mass murderers.

Maybe TemplarKormac should be banned from the USA until he learns to respect America and the constitution.

There are so many countries to choose from where guns are banned. The murders are as high as ever, but that doesn't matter because after all it's much more important that guns are banned.

False. The US had the highest murder rate of any first world nation, and the highest rate of gun ownership.

Your murder rate is five times that of Europe and higher than Africa.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

You brain-dead conservative, he posted a meme claiming David Hogg was a California student last summer with no citation. That is not “evidence.”

Even worse for you rightwingnut freaks, his meme contained a frame from a video High recorded last summer in which High never claimed to be a student in California.

You nut jobs dream up these wild conspiracies and then go apeshit over them as though your delusions are real.

In a nutshell — you’re fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

What do you call a yearbook from a California highschool with his picture in it?

Hey, Faux, remember when you were calling me stupid because I had an opinion that a picture someone posted wasn't Connecticut as they claimed? What do you call someone who was totally suckered by a fake highschool student claiming to be a victim in the Douglas Highschool shooting? Can you get any dumber than that?

Yes, you can get dumber than that. If you believe that these high school student are “crisis actors”, you are dumber than that.

If you are buying into these right wing conspiracy theories, you are dumber than that.

In the days of social media, you can’t fake this shit. There are 3,000 students and teachers at this school who will say “I don’t know these people”. So if you believe that these people aren’t the real students and their teachers, you are dumber than that.

There are genuine pictures from their yearbooks, student ID cards, drivers licenses, identification from police and other local officials.

Your conspiracy theories are all easily debunked. And you are dumber than a sack of hammers.

They might not be 'Crisis Actors', but they are being exploited and controlled by Communist Democrat assholes. You can bet Soros organizations are behind all the pious public speeches and class walk-outs. I used to live in Broward County, Fl. It's the land of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Broward County's been controlled by corrupt Communists/Democrats for many years. That's why i'm not surprised to see the shameful dog & pony show going on down there. I've seen it before. Democrats are just exploiting dead children and survivors again. They'll do anything to advance their Anti-Constitution Agenda.
Or maybe they’re very passionate about the very real and very traumatic experience they just went through. Or maybe speaking out is cathartic for them. Are you saying the media shouldn’t give them air time?

They're brainwashed dupes being egged on by leftwing parents and teachers. When the incident first happened, there were a couple of students who had a much more dramatic story to tell said that gun control wouldn't have prevented it. You don't ever see those kids on the news since then.

what a sad excuse for a human being
No one one the left is accusing all gun owners of being dangerous or irresponsible.

Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

Americans? Which Americans are you referring to? Who?

Yes, this is you accusing all Americans of being dangerous and irresponsible. Please, cut the crap, okay? You're not fooling anyone.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

GOP can no longer claim to be the party of Lincoln
I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?

More dead kids!
I'm convinced that's exactly what you want.

You being convinced of such a vile thought proves 3 things.

1. Your powers of perception are an illusion that exists only in your head.

2. You are a lowlife POS...

3. ...just like the current President of the U.S.A who displays his woeful ignorance multiple times every single day.
Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

And thank you for making my point. You just judged 100+ million gun owners based off the acts of a few mass murderers.

Maybe TemplarKormac should be banned from the USA until he learns to respect America and the constitution.

There are so many countries to choose from where guns are banned. The murders are as high as ever, but that doesn't matter because after all it's much more important that guns are banned.

False. The US had the highest murder rate of any first world nation, and the highest rate of gun ownership.

I doubt that you would pick a first world country... USA is well below world average.

Besides, what you are stating is a ridiculously misleading statistics. The murder rate is so high only because of the blacks, which other first world countries don't have. 13% committing 52% of the homicides is what drags the murder rate up. Correcting for that fact, we have the same rate as Netherlands - very low.

Among blacks the homicide rate is the same as in an African country. I am not sure if this is because of genes or liberal plantation policy. At least the latter can be fixed.
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Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

And thank you for making my point. You just judged 100+ million gun owners based off the acts of a few mass murderers.

Maybe TemplarKormac should be banned from the USA until he learns to respect America and the constitution.

There are so many countries to choose from where guns are banned. The murders are as high as ever, but that doesn't matter because after all it's much more important that guns are banned.

False. The US had the highest murder rate of any first world nation, and the highest rate of gun ownership.

"First world nation"

Nice qualifier. But we compare every nation on the planet, we get something completely different.

Gun Violence: How The U.S. Compares With Other Countries
1. Your powers of perception are an illusion that exists only in your head.

No. This is a case of you suffering from a classic case of self projection.

2. You are a lowlife POS...

Gee... I've been called worse. Go ahead, call me fat. See if I care.

3. ...just like the current President of the U.S.A who displays his woeful ignorance multiple times every single day.

Ooh you compared me to Trump! What a compliment!
Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

And thank you for making my point. You just judged 100+ million gun owners based off the acts of a few mass murderers.

Maybe TemplarKormac should be banned from the USA until he learns to respect America and the constitution.

There are so many countries to choose from where guns are banned. The murders are as high as ever, but that doesn't matter because after all it's much more important that guns are banned.

False. The US had the highest murder rate of any first world nation, and the highest rate of gun ownership.

"First world nation"

Nice qualifier. But we compare every nation on the planet, we get something completely different.

Gun Violence: How The U.S. Compares With Other Countries

I already responded to this misleading twist of the statistics. Had you only read...

In case you don't, maybe we can get you a free one way ticket?
No one one the left is accusing all gun owners of being dangerous or irresponsible.

Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

Americans? Which Americans are you referring to? Who?

Yes, this is you accusing all Americans of being dangerous and irresponsible. Please, cut the crap, okay? You're not fooling anyone.

Irony and sarcasm are totally wasted on you.

You said you couldn’t listen to these kids until all teenager stopped eating Tide Pods. If teenagers can’t be trusted to be thoughtful and intelligent until all 41,000,000 of them learn not eat Tide, them maybe gun owners can’t be trusted either until all of them learn not to commit mass murder.

One statement is just as logical as the other.
Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.

And thank you for making my point. You just judged 100+ million gun owners based off the acts of a few mass murderers.

Maybe TemplarKormac should be banned from the USA until he learns to respect America and the constitution.

There are so many countries to choose from where guns are banned. The murders are as high as ever, but that doesn't matter because after all it's much more important that guns are banned.

False. The US had the highest murder rate of any first world nation, and the highest rate of gun ownership.

"First world nation"

Nice qualifier. But we compare every nation on the planet, we get something completely different.

Gun Violence: How The U.S. Compares With Other Countries

I already responded to this misleading twist of the statistics. Had you only read...

In case you don't, maybe we can get you a free one way ticket?
o dont you drag me into

Not trying to. I should have made that a private message. Just pointing out , to the only person on the board who knows for sure, an example of the toxicity loosed by a woman who didn’t want to admit she lost. You should reconsider your leadership who have encouraged and spread this mentality.
I promise you the lie is much larger than this silly USMB claim. Don’t fall for it.

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