Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 178136

First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

Most have no idea about Crisis Actors. But once they delve into the subject a bit, they become more open-minded as to their existence. Personally, i have no doubt paid Crisis Actors are sent to scenes like the one in Florida. Anything to advance an Agenda.

Is there any hard proof you can supply to me of these 'crisis actors'?
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Are you saying that the shooter was NOT a "well regulated militia"?
Sadly, you're a brainwashed Useful Idiot. The Communists/Democrats own you. The NRA defends the Constitution. It's y'all who attack it every day.

Who told you the NRA "defends the Constitution"? Because you certainly didn't come to that conclusion on your own.
Broward County, Fl. is a Communist/Democrat-controlled Hellhole. It's the land of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. You know, the one who rigged the Democratic Party Primaries for her buddy Hillary Clinton? So the dog & pony show you're seeing there, shouldn't surprise anyone.

Communists/Democrats are once again exploiting dead children to advance their Anti-Constitution agenda. They're coaxing the survivors to do the pious public speeches, and walk out of class. It's all well-organized by Soros organizations. It's shameful.

To all you RW gun nuts. You own this guy, not us. Every time he posts, he is speaking for you!

I lived in Broward County, Fl. It's been controlled by corrupt Communists/Democrats for many years. It's the land of Debbie Wasserman Schultz for God sake. So i'm not surprised by the shameful dog & pony show they're putting on down there. I've seen it before. They're exploiting dead children and survivors to advance their Agenda. It's the ultimate shameful act.
it's what hitler did.
who confiscated the guns during hitler? hmmmmmmmmmm

Is “during hitler” something we all should know?
The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

You never had proof, swine. STOP LYING and STFU.
when you know you've won an argument.

If 'winning' an argument is saying stupid, made up shit to stir up partisan fuckery, then you win all day long, halfwit.
Isn't that exactly what you are doing, snowflake?

No, as a matter of fact it isn't, snowflake.
I'll disagree.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
Surviving a school shooting doesn't excuse one from being called out for:

1: Using the graves of their friends as a soap box to spread propaganda.

2: Spreading false information.

3: Appealing to emotion instead of using a solid argument, grounded by facts, to disarm other possible victims.

I think what's sick here is using victim status to excuse one's self from criticism.

the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton
This statement stems entirely from the fact that some amount of FBI officials disagreed with the treatment of Hillary's case, as it was mishandled horribly. This does not serve as evidence supporting your statement, making your statement an assertion with no evidence.

Not only that, but you're mixing up Republican and Conservative again. The Republicans are almost entirely Establishment shills, pretending to be the only alternative to the ever-leftward-advancing Democratic Party. I'm pointing this out not because Conservatives aren't criticizing these survivors for spewing leftist propaganda, they are, but because you're using these terms interchangeably due to your tendency to be easily confused.
I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?
Nice spin..but no---the shootings provoked the response..but no one went out and shot some kids to promote an agenda. No-one is 'using dead kids' to promote anything--as to what can be worse..surely you the answer is staring us in the face and has been for some time.

The conservative backlash against these victims..who dare to speak out--is nothing short of contemptible...period. One need only peruse the thread titles see some of the worst offenders. Posting made up shyte..or shyte that is spun to present one point of view--helps no-one--and besmirching the character of victims to advance an anti-gun control the worst.

Not that this is new...there are still idiots who believe that the Sandy Hook shootings were made up.

Of course Democrats using dead kids to promote their agenda, you lying piece of shit. When did Dims ever shy away from doing that? Are you trying to claim Dims actually have scruples and ethics?
Hmm..I'm claiming that you are an idiot...not that everyone who reads d you does not see that anyway. Those who see the world in shades of conspiracy are drains on our resources,,and should be purged from our gene pool.

Most people, regardless of political party..have scruples and ethics--only the monomaniacal followers of mindless rhetoric give up their favor of ideological expediency. you.
why's he an idiot? Why don't you articulate something of value then?
I guess that would be in the eye of the beholder. I like to think I hold up my end of the's just hard to define the argument, sometimes. Attacking children is indefensible--either with a gun..or with lies and made up innuendo. Those who engage in it..are beneath contempt.

I would hope that the preceding statement offers something of value--but I'm sure there are those who consider it dribble.

No the end, we all have to look ourselves in the mirror---I'm glad that I see a man still capable of compassion staring back out at me.
Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

That's right! After you Democrats get done killing millions of babies at your Holy Shrine of Planned Parenthood, then kill more innocent children in your godless "gun-free-zones" so that attackers know just where to go for their helpless sitting ducks, we Conservatives line up to point out how the Left is using the remaining survivors as political pawns now to be spokes models for their national effort to blame the guns. Just remember one thing Radar, the guns didn't kill those kids, you did.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>abortion deflection (what's the deal with that anyways....why with the RW in control of all three branches of government is there still legalized abortion?)

Simple. Special interests. There is an entire industry in Washington DC and half the people there are special interests lobbying for their pet interest. They have more influence than the taxpayers, because IT'S A GIVEN the people will pay their taxes, but lobbyists have money to go straight into lawmakers pockets------ on BOTH sides of the isle. Shame to say that is how politics work in America: FOR SALE to the highest bidder.

But I find it hard to equate how on the one hand, democrats and Libs can be so animated over the killing of a small handful of kids, then TURN RIGHT AROUND and petition to keep Planned Parenthood open killing millions of babies for convenience to be sold for medical research. Maybe if Planned Parenthood collected dead school kids and dissected them for parts, organs and medical research, the Left might finally see things differently and understand their own hypocrisy?
I lived in Broward County, Fl. It's been controlled by corrupt Communists/Democrats for many years. It's the land of Debbie Wasserman Schultz for God sake. So i'm not surprised by the shameful dog & pony show they're putting on down there. I've seen it before. They're exploiting dead children and survivors to advance their Agenda. It's the ultimate shameful act.
it's what hitler did.
who confiscated the guns during hitler? hmmmmmmmmmm

Is “during hitler” something we all should know?
you should if you know the history.

“During hitler” is a time period?
First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

You never had proof, swine. STOP LYING and STFU.
when you know you've won an argument.

If 'winning' an argument is saying stupid, made up shit to stir up partisan fuckery, then you win all day long, halfwit.

I've dismissed their call for more gun control and challenge you to make defend their position/argument.

YOur inability to do that, is me winning the argument.

You don't get to define the parameters of a national debate, sorry. You're not the unique snowflake you think you are. Your 'win' is as empty as your head. :abgg2q.jpg:
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.

You're just mad that their gofundme projects are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars while you were stuck at 0. These kids are simply smarter than you and you're frustrated, Ned.
well perhaps the fbi should do their job then?

What does that have to do with latching onto idiotic conspiracy theories?
I’ve been through some fairly horrific events in my life. I have some idea how people respond to tragedies. Those of us with brains and spines pick ourselves up, and look for some way to make it better. To make sure that we help others so no one has to go through what we’ve just endured.

By taking other people's right to self defense away? Yeah. No. You don't know jackshit. I tried to kill myself twice, with a knife. In the midst of all of my mental problems, I have contemplated many ways to kill myself without the need of a gun. It is a cruel use of a brilliant mind. If you think guns are the problem, you are sadly mistaken. The only reason I still live is the value I place on my life, now that I have experienced the horrors of attempted suicide. But I digress.

Did it ever occur to you that a combination of laws permitting use of firearms for self defense and stricter gun regulations could be what makes it better? It isn't one or the other. It can be both! But people like you only want a one sided solution. I don't. I want both sides to get something meaningful and positive out of this.

Moving on.

That’s called “activism”. Most activists have a “Come to Jesus” moment where events change our lives and propel us to act. Parents who have lost children to violence work to change laws to protect their children. Those who are savagely attacked fight for control legislation. That’s how the Brady Act was passed.

Activism? Activism is the cause for all the political division we see today. It doesn't heal, it wounds, it maims, it divides. Instead of being an activist, think for yourself, don't let the leaders of a political party tell you what to fight for. As long as you keep fighting for one sided solutions, your "activism" is meaningless.

You condescending assholes are seeking to delegitimized these kids’ response to this tragedy. It won’t work.
Hmm, no. What's condescending is for you to use the grieving and the dead to talk down to the rest of us. In essence, telling those of us who support the Second Amendment that we don't care about the children when they are killed with a firearm. Who do you think you are? An oracle? Can you see into our souls and sense our very thoughts and feelings?

Don't you think it hurts us when children die at the hands of a mentally ill mass murderer? Oh wait, you don't. You're an "activist". And I'll let you in on something: Activism tainted by political bias does not equate to caring about anyone. Except for yourself.

No one is pulling the strings here. These kids starting organizing the moment this horror ended. They’re raising money on a go-fund-me page. The parents and teachers are just getting out of their way.

Me and my grandmother donated to that GoFundMe page. So, let's get that out of the way.

If you think Democrats are beyond pulling the strings of suffering and grieving children and teenagers to push absolute gun control, you are once again sadly mistaken.

These kids are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more. I’m so impressed.

Spare me your gawking.
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why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.

You're just mad that their gofundme projects are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars while you were stuck at 0. These kids are simply smarter than you and you're frustrated, Ned.
well perhaps the fbi should do their job then?

What does that have to do with latching onto idiotic conspiracy theories?
I have no idea. what does it? the fbi failed those 17 victims.
Closed for moderation. Major troll fest. MIGHT re-open..

27 Posts deleted. If you received a post deletion WITHOUT a warning, consider yourself warned. You will get one if this thread is further abused. FOUR warnings issued. TWO thread bans.

Stay ON the topic and OFF of each other.

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I don't see what one has to do with the other? In my opinion, people like you suffer from a lack of information and give uneducated opinions. But hey, when teenagers get it through their heads that Tide pods are not edible, then we can take them seriously on gun control.

39 stupid kids in all of the US have eaten Tide Pods this year. 53 in all of last year.

There are over 40 million young people aged 10 - 19, in the US. You’re judging the intelligence and capability of all 40 million young people based on the actions of fewer than 100.

The number of teens eating Tide Pods has doubled, despite YouTube and Amazon's efforts to dissuade

This from the same people who constantly tell us that you cannot judge the millions of law abiding gun owners who have never killed anyone, based of the actions of the nearly 10,000 using guns to murder people each year. Or the handful of mass shooters each year.

Incidentally, there were more mass shooters in the US last year than the teenagers eating Tide Pods - 427 in total.

Mass Shooting Tracker

Maybe gun ownership should be banned in the US until Americans grow up and learn not to commit mass murder.
There are over 40 million young people aged 10 - 19, in the US. You’re judging the intelligence and capability of all 40 million young people based on the actions of fewer than 100.
Consider my trap sprung.

So, if it is unfair to judge the many because of the actions of a few...

Why do you leftists commit the same fault against gun owners and people who support the 2nd Amendment? After every mass shooting it's this way.

I'm genuinely curious.
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