Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 178136

First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

You can still view it here:

Some sound like they would shoot up a school themselves.

And you're calling us deplorable? I hope you realize what you just posted. I think they call that a "low blow."

You are deplorable. You’re lying about these children.

Am I?

I only see people like you exploiting the grief and suffering of those who survived, only to turn right back around and exploit those who died as a means to a political end. You then use that to lie about law abiding gun owners and the actual purpose of the NRA

Don't lecture me, hypocrite. Don't you dare.

I’ve been through some fairly horrific events in my life. I have some idea how people respond to tragedies. Those of us with brains and spines pick ourselves up, and look for some way to make it better. To make sure that we help others so no one has to go through what we’ve just endured.

That’s called “activism”. Most activists have a “Come to Jesus” moment where events change our lives and propel us to act. Parents who have lost children to violence work to change laws to protect their children. Those who are savagely attacked fight for control legislation. That’s how the Brady Act was passed.

You condescending assholes are seeking to delegitimized these kids’ response to this tragedy. It won’t work.

No one is pulling the strings here. These kids starting organizing the moment this horror ended. They’re raising money on a go-fund-me page. The parents and teachers are just getting out of their way.

These kids are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it any more. I’m so impressed.

Youtube removed the video of the Hogg mole stammering and memorizing his lines on film. Apparently it's *bullying* to share a video of a fake victim.

You can still view it here:


You brain-dead conservative, he posted a meme claiming David Hogg was a California student last summer with no citation. That is not “evidence.”

Even worse for you rightwingnut freaks, his meme contained a frame from a video High recorded last summer in which High never claimed to be a student in California.

You nut jobs dream up these wild conspiracies and then go apeshit over them as though your delusions are real.

In a nutshell — you’re fucking nuts. :cuckoo:

What do you call a yearbook from a California highschool with his picture in it?

Hey, Faux, remember when you were calling me stupid because I had an opinion that a picture someone posted wasn't Connecticut as they claimed? What do you call someone who was totally suckered by a fake highschool student claiming to be a victim in the Douglas Highschool shooting? Can you get any dumber than that?

Yes, you can get dumber than that. If you believe that these high school student are “crisis actors”, you are dumber than that.

If you are buying into these right wing conspiracy theories, you are dumber than that.

In the days of social media, you can’t fake this shit. There are 3,000 students and teachers at this school who will say “I don’t know these people”. So if you believe that these people aren’t the real students and their teachers, you are dumber than that.

There are genuine pictures from their yearbooks, student ID cards, drivers licenses, identification from police and other local officials.

Your conspiracy theories are all easily debunked. And you are dumber than a sack of hammers.

They might not be 'Crisis Actors', but they are being exploited and controlled by Communist Democrat assholes. You can bet Soros organizations are behind all the pious public speeches and class walk-outs. I used to live in Broward County, Fl. It's the land of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Broward County's been controlled by corrupt Communists/Democrats for many years. That's why i'm not surprised to see the shameful dog & pony show going on down there. I've seen it before. Democrats are just exploiting dead children and survivors again. They'll do anything to advance their Anti-Constitution Agenda.
Or maybe they’re very passionate about the very real and very traumatic experience they just went through. Or maybe speaking out is cathartic for them. Are you saying the media shouldn’t give them air time?

They're brainwashed dupes being egged on by leftwing parents and teachers. When the incident first happened, there were a couple of students who had a much more dramatic story to tell said that gun control wouldn't have prevented it. You don't ever see those kids on the news since then.

Doesn't fit the Communist/Democrat narrative. Those kids must be silenced. It's only about banning guns. Intelligent common sense thinking Americans understand what the Communists/Democrats are doing with this tragedy. It's so shameful.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 178136

First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

Most have no idea about Crisis Actors. But once they delve into the subject a bit, they become more open-minded as to their existence. Personally, i have no doubt paid Crisis Actors are sent to scenes like the one in Florida. Anything to advance an Agenda.

The fbi hires mentally ill, addicted freaks and they use them to create the problem.

At the Malheur refuge there were at least 15 feds there. I think there were only like 30 total! These nutcases are the ones who brought all the guns in, they're the ones who were giving shooting lessons, they're the ones who were ramping up the rhetoric. Additionally, the feds on the outside were dressing up like *militia* at night and literally TERRORISING the community. They followed kids around, they vandalized, they snuck around the fair grounds...all to create hysteria and fear and to justify their militarized attack on the refuge and the people in it.

These shootings are being created by the FBI. The one in Vegas, the school shootings. That's what the FBI does. It's their purpose.
First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

You never had proof, swine. STOP LYING and STFU.
when you know you've won an argument.

If 'winning' an argument is saying stupid, made up shit to stir up partisan fuckery, then you win all day long, halfwit.
well when one like you can't debate a point, I think the world learns quickly who the stupid surrounds. Now, if you think debate is something you are interested in, then respond to why the children are being exploited? It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're really buying into this crisis actor bullshit?
It's an over-the-top dog & pony show going on down there. Communists/Democrats have no shame. They'll do anything to advance their Agendas. What's going on down there, is pure evil in my opinion. There's nothing lower than exploiting dead children and survivors for political gain.

The NRA and gun companies exploit your fear for profit.

The NRA defends the Constitution. I know that's forbidden by you warped Communists/Democrats, but i fully support it.
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 178136

First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

You never had proof, swine. STOP LYING and STFU.

I'd say the fact that the videos of him getting his lines wrong is proof.
Scumbag communist. We're going to war you know. And you people will die because both sides are going to be aiming for you. Idiots.

Anyone about to go on TV is going to rehearse what they want to say, idiot. They’re nervous and don’t want to blow their only opportunity to speak out.
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.
The NRA defends the Constitution.

No it doesn't. The NRA defends gun manufacturer profits, which aren't intrinsically linked to the Constitution. The NRA does not give a shit about gun owners. All it cares about is corporate profits, like any lobbyist.

I know that's forbidden by you warped Communists/Democrats, but i fully support it.

The NRA defends corporate profits. Nothing more.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

View attachment 178136

First, I want to know who's the low rent asshole who put your attachment together^^^. Someone can't move from California to Florida? "Crisis actor"? I would tell said asshole to provide me proof, or STFU. Conspiracy theorists should all be bitch slapped. They offer nothing to the country's political discourse, nothing. They create pretend drama out of boredom with their small, petty lives, I suppose.

The proof is being yanked from the internet as fast as it goes up.

You people are fools.

You never had proof, swine. STOP LYING and STFU.

I'd say the fact that the videos of him getting his lines wrong is proof.
Scumbag communist. We're going to war you know. And you people will die because both sides are going to be aiming for you. Idiots.

Anyone about to go on TV is going to rehearse what they want to say, idiot. They’re nervous and don’t want to blow their only opportunity to speak out.
LOL, you go on and look human for all to see and not have the interviewer tell you what to say> LOL
jewtube is working overtime to censor every video that shows David Hogg flubbing his scripted lines
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.

You're just mad that their gofundme projects are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars while you were stuck at 0. These kids are simply smarter than you and you're frustrated, Ned.
Conservative playbook

Blame the victim

Liberal playbook, use victims as spokesmen and then whine went anyone challenges what they say.
Pretty fucking rightarded, as usual.

So what’s your moronic point this time? That victims shouldn’t speak out? Or that the media shouldn’t cover them when they do?


My point was clear, that challenging what these kids say is completely called for.

Now, do you want to address that, or would you like to invent some more strawmen to play with by yourself?

Well, your points are clearly 2D partisan nonsense, nothing more. Beyond the brainwashed zealots in this country, no rational person is entertaining ignorant opinions from partisan yahoos exactly like yourself. No one. So, you're not 'challenging' anyone, because with your partisan sentiment you aren't qualified to 'challenge' anyone's statements or opinions. Say all you like. No one is take it to heart, dummy.

I certainly challanged these kids call for more gun control.

NO lefty has defended what the kids said.

So, by the normal rules of debate, they have been refuted.

Your partisan pap doesn't change that.

Yeah, you really showed those grieving families dummy. And at such a perfect time, too. Most rational folks know who is in control of the issue, and it ain't the democrats. The 2nd Amendment won't be repealed any time in the near future.

But you sure showed them, buddy. Showed how you can be non compassionate, completely lacking of empathy and overall douchy human being for the sake of strutting your partisanship. Bravo, you piece of shit.

BTW, what partisan pap did I say, dummy? Do you possess reading comprehension, or can I safely assume you're seriously impaired in some other way, jethro?

This adolescent behavior is why you're considered deplorables to the entire world. History will be less than kind to your ilk.
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.

You're just mad that their gofundme projects are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars while you were stuck at 0. These kids are simply smarter than you and you're frustrated, Ned.
well perhaps the fbi should do their job then?
The NRA defends the Constitution.

No it doesn't. The NRA defends gun manufacturer profits, which aren't intrinsically linked to the Constitution. The NRA does not give a shit about gun owners. All it cares about is corporate profits, like any lobbyist.

I know that's forbidden by you warped Communists/Democrats, but i fully support it.

The NRA defends corporate profits. Nothing more.

Sadly, you're a brainwashed Useful Idiot. The Communists/Democrats own you. The NRA defends the Constitution. It's y'all who attack it every day.
Bull fucking shit. .

No, you're the one full of bullshit here. Your fallacy of "responsible gun ownership" is the bullshit here. The fact is that every single gun owner is inherently negligent, and it's only a matter of time before you act irresponsibly either by letting your guns get stolen, giving your gun to someone dangerous, accidentally hurting yourself or others, or losing your gun because you're fat, lazy, and stupid and cannot manage your own firearms. All of that is far more likely to happen than you ever using your gun in self-defense.

They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own.

Yes, they are. Unlike you, they don't need corporate sponsors to astroturf on their behalf.

For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.

They're being egged on by your negligence and irresponsibility when it comes to your personal mismanagement of your firearms and your lack of responsibility and accountability. Gun owners are the most negligent, irresponsible people in this country. You can't even keep track of your guns at any given time. As many as 600,000 of those guns are stolen every year from people exactly like you. Not even 90% of those gun owners report those guns as stolen. So it's all that shit that eggs these kids on; you and all gun owners have been unable to prove yourselves capable of handling the responsibility of gun ownership. That's why we are where we are today.
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.
Liar. Prove it---and parents helping their children deal with this via activism--are some pretty smart people. Egged on...I guess you mean if anyone agrees with them..they're being egged on? A drive to the capital..I guess that would count for facilitated?


You do realize that people like you perpetuate the victimization of these kids by demonizing them and their motives for your own base ideas?
why the children are being exploited?

These kids are doing this on their own. They're not being exploited. Exploiting kids is what Conservatives do a la Roy Moore and Dennis Hastert. Even the guy on the landing page picture of the Trump-internet dating site, OK Stupid, is a child molester.

It seems to me the grownups like you can't debate and have their hands on the children parroting their view.

You're the ones who refuse to have a debate about gun control; you always end up hiding behind a very questionable interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Or you just completely abandon the thread.

Bull fucking shit. They sure as hell aren't doing it on their own. For one thing, why aren't they in school? They are being egged on and facilited by leftwing teachers and parents.
Liar. Prove it---and parents helping their children deal with this via activism--are some pretty smart people. Egged on...I guess you mean if anyone agrees with them..they're being egged on? A drive to the capital..I guess that would count for facilitated?


You do realize that people like you perpetuate the victimization of these kids by demonizing them and their motives for your own base ideas?
so are the parents having their kids run their finances now? when they do that, then I'll listen to them.
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