Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

It's so bad.

No doubt that's why that platform was chosen as the main battle weapon for our armed forces.

The AR-15 is a "Platform?" I have no idea what that means. Lethality is only one of the considerations NATO uses in choosing a standard cartridge.

It is a platform. Just as an AK is, dope.
I thought you were an expert?

Modern Sporting Rifle - AR-15 platform-based rifles
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

I agree completely. You are spot on.
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Absolutely. And that's why they serve no purpose other than to kills lots of folks quickly. No one "Needs" an assault weapon except a cop or the military. I think about where it will end if we allow these things. WTF is next? An M60 machine gun?

If these dopes had their way they would.
I carried one everywhere for three years. They have no clue.

Carried which? An M16 or an M60? What branch did you serve in, where and when? If you don't mind the questions.
They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

5.56 is the NATO round, dope.

.223 Remington vs. 5.56 NATO: What You Don't Know Could Hurt You
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.
You’ll never get rid of 5 shot revolvers or glocks with 10 rounds. Maybe we could say max 7

But I disagree that reloading only takes seconds. Sure it’s possible but I’d still rather ten than twenty at a time.

People should buy what they want now. The value will skyrocket when manufacturers can no longer produce them anymore.

I’m not looking to a solution to this ever happening again.
That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.

I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.
Are you actually saying that they have no experience in this area?
A trauma surgeon knows more about the damage caused by the various types of weapons than anyone else, dope.

You mofos are especially stupid and desperate this go around.
I was hoping it would be affordable healthcare that got young people to vote not this.

Maybe this generation will be less pathetic than the one just before them.

I was blown away by those kids in Parkland. They are smart, articulate, and determined to change the system. I believe them to be serious. I think every generation learns from the previous one and adapts to new challenges.

These kids gave me a good feeling for the future of our country. In many ways they seem more mature than our leaders on both sides. And I think they are sick of empty promises and BS from lawmakers and will hold their feet to the fire.
I'm so proud of them I can't express how much I admire them and how they've handled themselves after this horror show they were forced to live through.

Bravo, kids!!
I hope so but I know a lot of them, too many of them don’t bother to vote. I’ve been telling my nephews 15 and 11 how important voting is. Plant that seed early
I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.
Are you actually saying that they have no experience in this area?
A trauma surgeon knows more about the damage caused by the various types of weapons than anyone else, dope.

You mofos are especially stupid and desperate this go around.
I was hoping it would be affordable healthcare that got young people to vote not this.

Maybe this generation will be less pathetic than the one just before them.

I was blown away by those kids in Parkland. They are smart, articulate, and determined to change the system. I believe them to be serious. I think every generation learns from the previous one and adapts to new challenges.

These kids gave me a good feeling for the future of our country. In many ways they seem more mature than our leaders on both sides. And I think they are sick of empty promises and BS from lawmakers and will hold their feet to the fire.
I'm so proud of them I can't express how much I admire them and how they've handled themselves after this horror show they were forced to live through.

Bravo, kids!!
They are drones who have been progammed to regurgitate exactly what you believe. You're a gullible sucker.
Time to bring that assault gun ban back. It’s time. It’s happening. Oh and it’s true, it’s damn true
They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.
surgeons have little idea what the caliber of the weapon was. Most couldn't tell you if a given bulllet was a .223 or a 30-06.if they held both in their hands.

If I were a surgeon, that would be my first question.

Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?
Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?

I'm not even going to respond. I'll just let this marinate for a while.
In other words, it wouldn't help one bit.

IOW, it's way over your head and not worth arguing further but others will see it and get it immediately.
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

I agree completely. You are spot on.
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Absolutely. And that's why they serve no purpose other than to kills lots of folks quickly. No one "Needs" an assault weapon except a cop or the military. I think about where it will end if we allow these things. WTF is next? An M60 machine gun?

If these dopes had their way they would.
I carried one everywhere for three years. They have no clue.

Carried which? An M16 or an M60? What branch did you serve in, where and when? If you don't mind the questions.

Army. 87- 92. Germany, 3d ID.
I was a platoon gunner for three years. Qualified on everything though.
The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.

They didn't "explain" any such thing. They didn't even attempt to address the lethalities of the various cartridge.

Only a fool would give Obama credit for killing bin Laden. He did nothing to accomplish that goal other than take the credit.

You can't give a rational explanation for anything. You're just a fucking carnival barker. What a waste of life you are.

Dipshit is just a con troll. Incapable of rational conversation. Bereft of integrity, class, or any interest in addressing honesty. Worse than a clock. Cause a clock is correct twice per day. Total wast of space. About as useless as a stuffed pig. Tries to suggest he knows everything, but knows NOTHING AT ALL.

Other than that, I like him just fine.
Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Bullshit yet again. You've already been informed of this mistake several times, yet you keep repeating this like the little Repug cry baby pussy that you are.

Why are you lying?

Oh, you're a Stalinist, got it.

A .223 is a small caliber - a .22
Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.

By "explained," you mean lied through their fucking teeth.

You Stalinists get this way anytime you have dead children - which you so love. You get filled with lust for ending civil rights and think that this time, you'll be able to end America and recreate Stalins USSR..

Well, you're stupid, evil, and a fucking liar - a democrat in other words.
View attachment 178644
Trump was caught holding these notes, which reminded him to say:

“I hear you.”

You know who would have never needed that reminder?

Barack Obama

Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs.

Barack Obama

LOL, the "Teleprompter Kid"? That's hilarious.

Yes, the teleprompter kid who used to teach Constitutional law. The teleprompter kid who on his worst day is 500 times smarter and wiser than Trump.

That's the person your unremarkable ass is attempting to ridicule. Good job, Repug goober.

Your "boy" is an affirmative Action Community Organizer. He visited all 57 States and acknowledged a "Corpseman". Obama like ALL other Presidents was a handpicked puppet. He worked for the same Bankers that they all work for.
Link ??? he got into Harvard vis affirmative action.
We both know you’re lying because I’ve caught you in dozens of them.

LOL< you've have never once "caught" me in a lie kid. First, I don't lie, and second you aren't smart enough.
The hell you don’t lie. Even after you were informed you had the wrong name, you continued to try to push the lie that the shooter was a registered Democrat...

There is an active shooter at a Florida Highschool

And you’re ignorant too. You were actually trying to say this guy...


... is this guy ...


And speaking of ignorance, there was also your post claiming David Hogg, a senior at Douglas, actually graduated 3 years ago from a school in California.

Between your lies and your ignorance, you post a boatload of bullshit.
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.
No offense taken as I consider conservatives to be actual idiots, liars and infantile. So naturally, I neither believe the names they call me nor care as I consider the source.

G’head, tell me again how David Hogg graduated from Redondo Shores HS in 2015.


That was a classic!
How would that prove you're not an idiot?
It proves you are. So g’head, tell me again how David Hogg graduated from Redondo Shores HS in 2015.... what are you afraid of?
All you did was echo what said ... There are probably a couple of fringe on the left who want that but they don’t set the agenda for the vast majority.

Sadly, you really are a Useful Idiot. You don't fully understand what the Communist/Democrat Agenda is. It isn't about banning 'Bump-Stocks' and AR's. It's about a complete ban and confiscation. Communists/Democrats want to destroy the US Constitution.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.
Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.

By "explained," you mean lied through their fucking teeth.

You Stalinists get this way anytime you have dead children - which you so love. You get filled with lust for ending civil rights and think that this time, you'll be able to end America and recreate Stalins USSR..

Well, you're stupid, evil, and a fucking liar - a democrat in other words.

People also have a right to live, dickhead. Your self-absorbed, precious "right" to own a military style weapon does not take precedent over the lives of thousands of Americans.

We liberals are sick of this shit. I will call you out on your evil Repug NRA bullshit every day, you worthless piece of shit.
They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

Actually, 5.56 is the NATO round used in the M-16. .223 is the round used in the civilian version, the AR-15
Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.

By "explained," you mean lied through their fucking teeth.

You Stalinists get this way anytime you have dead children - which you so love. You get filled with lust for ending civil rights and think that this time, you'll be able to end America and recreate Stalins USSR..

Well, you're stupid, evil, and a fucking liar - a democrat in other words.

Where did I lie? This ought to be good.
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

LOL! Perhaps you need to refresh your memory. Here's a link to the Marine Squad Rifle manuel. You should review 5-21 to find out what the Marine Corps has to say about fields of fire. That way, you might be able to create a more believable character. 3-11.2 Marine Rifle Squad.pdf
The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

5.56 is the NATO round, dope.

.223 Remington vs. 5.56 NATO: What You Don't Know Could Hurt You
In millimeters. That's the same thing as .223, which is in inches, you fucking dumbass.
The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

Actually, 5.56 is the NATO round used in the M-16. .223 is the round used in the civilian version, the AR-15
They're the exact same thing, dumbass.
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