Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.

I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.
Are you actually saying that they have no experience in this area?
A trauma surgeon knows more about the damage caused by the various types of weapons than anyone else, dope.

You mofos are especially stupid and desperate this go around.
I was hoping it would be affordable healthcare that got young people to vote not this.

Maybe this generation will be less pathetic than the one just before them.

Every generation is more pathetic than the last.

Every generation is more pathetic than the last.

In your family?

No doubt.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Anyone who attacks civil rights deserves a response.

It is sad you Stalinists have manipulated the Tide Pod Challenge generation into furthering your agenda of ending America, but if they enter the political arena with the intent of waging civil war, they are fair game.
I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Bullshit yet again. You've already been informed of this mistake several times, yet you keep repeating this like the little Repug cry baby pussy that you are.
That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.

I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

It's so bad.

No doubt that's why that platform was chosen as the main battle weapon for our armed forces.

The AR-15 is a "Platform?" I have no idea what that means. Lethality is only one of the considerations NATO uses in choosing a standard cartridge.
Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Bullshit yet again. You've already been informed of this mistake several times, yet you keep repeating this like the little Repug cry baby pussy that you are.

What "mistake?"
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

I agree completely. You are spot on.
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.
The "no-fly" list is not compiled using any kind of due process. Therefor, taking anyone's rights away because they appear on this list is a violation of the 5th Amendment. We realize you goose stepping Nazi snowflakes don't give a shit about anything as trivial as the Bill of Rights, but some of us do.
Poor Snowflake

Don’t want to upset the terrorists do you?
NRA has trained you well
Look who is talking, an Obama supporter. His opinion on terrorists is worthless.

Obama was the one who got the biggest terrorist in history, Repug goober. You have no fucking idea what you speak. Better luck next time.
Obama didn't do jack shit. He took the credit, and did nothing more.

Why didn't Bush get him, fucktard? He had over 7 years.

You got nothing, lightweight. You suck at this shit. Go put your children in a school with armed teachers, you fucking hypocritical piece of shit.
It took years of detective work to track him down. Obama had nothing to do with that.
That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.

I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the same thing you said to me. Tell us, where did you get your seemingly endless knowledge of assault weapons that you can accuse everybody else of ignorance on the subject, even a combat Marine?
Why wouldn't I tell you the same thing? It's a simple fact. I accuse turds like you of ignorance because you display it in such abundance.

Being a marine doesn't make you an expert on all the weapons in the world. It only means you know how to operate and maintain the one you were issued.
I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

I agree completely. You are spot on.
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Absolutely. And that's why they serve no purpose other than to kills lots of folks quickly. No one "Needs" an assault weapon except a cop or the military. I think about where it will end if we allow these things. WTF is next? An M60 machine gun?
Absolutely wrong.

Obviously the rifle round has a much higher velocity. It literally explodes organs along the wound path.

What a bullet does to a human body

"There is a tremendous difference in the amount of energy associated with a bullet from an AR-15 rifle and that of a handgun, he said. Nikolas Cruz, the shooting suspect who opened fire on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people, used an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, according to local police.

If a bullet from a handgun strikes a liver, it injures the organ by poking a hole and causing tissue disruption around the path of the bullet. More specifically, a 9-millimeter handgun creates a hole that disrupts three quarters of an inch around the bullet's path, Smock said.

"But with a rifle round, you have massive tissue disruption," Smock said. "Rather than three quarters of an inch around the wound path, it is disrupted three to four inches around that same tissue."

That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.

I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.
surgeons have little idea what the caliber of the weapon was. Most couldn't tell you if a given bulllet was a .223 or a 30-06.if they held both in their hands.

If I were a surgeon, that would be my first question.
I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.

They didn't "explain" any such thing. They didn't even attempt to address the lethalities of the various cartridge.

Only a fool would give Obama credit for killing bin Laden. He did nothing to accomplish that goal other than take the credit.
Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.
That might be true of a hunting rilfe using bullets designed to mushroom or fragment, but an AR-15 has much less power than a hunting rifle. If you're using a NATO round, and many do because they are so plentiful and cheap, then it isn't going to mushroom.

I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.
surgeons have little idea what the caliber of the weapon was. Most couldn't tell you if a given bulllet was a .223 or a 30-06.if they held both in their hands.

If I were a surgeon, that would be my first question.

Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?
I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

That's the same thing you said to me. Tell us, where did you get your seemingly endless knowledge of assault weapons that you can accuse everybody else of ignorance on the subject, even a combat Marine?
Why wouldn't I tell you the same thing? It's a simple fact. I accuse turds like you of ignorance because you display it in such abundance.

Being a marine doesn't make you an expert on all the weapons in the world. It only means you know how to operate and maintain the one you were issued.

One of the first things you've said that I agree with. I'm not an expert. But a year and a half using one gives me a minimum of knowledge of what they can do. You however do what you just accused me of. Playing expert while displaying no real knowledge of the weapon. And, as I've said before, I may indeed be full o' shit but I'm an iron clad turd that's doesn't react to weaklings or their piss poor excuses for intimidation. Now, excuse me I've gotta be somewhere and so I'll "Flush!"
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

I agree completely. You are spot on.
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Absolutely. And that's why they serve no purpose other than to kills lots of folks quickly. No one "Needs" an assault weapon except a cop or the military. I think about where it will end if we allow these things. WTF is next? An M60 machine gun?

If these dopes had their way they would.
I carried one everywhere for three years. They have no clue.
I'm sure you know much more than a trauma surgeon who teaches this, loser.

Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.
surgeons have little idea what the caliber of the weapon was. Most couldn't tell you if a given bulllet was a .223 or a 30-06.if they held both in their hands.

If I were a surgeon, that would be my first question.

Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?
Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?

I'm not even going to respond. I'll just let this marinate for a while.
Surgeons don't know jack shit about firearms and ballistics, moron. Surgeons don't teach it.

They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.
surgeons have little idea what the caliber of the weapon was. Most couldn't tell you if a given bulllet was a .223 or a 30-06.if they held both in their hands.

If I were a surgeon, that would be my first question.

Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?
Why would you care? How would that help you treat the victim?

I'm not even going to respond. I'll just let this marinate for a while.
In other words, it wouldn't help one bit.
They treat the wounds, you fucking imbecile. They know precisely which guns cause the most damage. And the AR-15 is by far one of the deadliest, which is why it was originally designed for war.

The AR-15 is not the deadliest by any stretch of the imagination. Such statement prove that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Hutch Starkey and Wickerthing already explained how you're wrong about the AR-15. You're willfully ignorant.

I wish I could say that you choose to be a fucking Repug imbecile, but I think it just comes naturally to you're intellectually dishonest, worthless ass. You can't even give Obama credit for getting rid of the biggest terrorist in history after Bush failed for 7 years. You're utterly fucking worthless.

They didn't "explain" any such thing. They didn't even attempt to address the lethalities of the various cartridge.

Only a fool would give Obama credit for killing bin Laden. He did nothing to accomplish that goal other than take the credit.

You can't give a rational explanation for anything. You're just a fucking carnival barker. What a waste of life you are.
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