Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
There is nothing more un-patriotic, or more disgusting, than a conservative. They are the scum of the earth.
I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

Actually, 5.56 is the NATO round used in the M-16. .223 is the round used in the civilian version, the AR-15
They're the exact same thing, dumbass.

No, actually they are not. Pressure is the primary difference between the .223 and the 5.56. The .223s are loaded to lower pressures and velocities compared to 5.56. Due to its lower pressure, you can safely fire .223. ammunition in a 5.56 chambered gun; however, the same cannot be said in reverse. It is not safe to fire 5.56 ammunition in a .223 chambered gun.
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

LOL! Perhaps you need to refresh your memory. Here's a link to the Marine Squad Rifle manuel. You should review 5-21 to find out what the Marine Corps has to say about fields of fire. That way, you might be able to create a more believable character. 3-11.2 Marine Rifle Squad.pdf

That's clearing a field of fire not laying one down. Potato Potato
This is all you got?
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

I agree completely. You are spot on.
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Absolutely. And that's why they serve no purpose other than to kills lots of folks quickly. No one "Needs" an assault weapon except a cop or the military. I think about where it will end if we allow these things. WTF is next? An M60 machine gun?

If these dopes had their way they would.
I carried one everywhere for three years. They have no clue.

Carried which? An M16 or an M60? What branch did you serve in, where and when? If you don't mind the questions.

Army. 87- 92. Germany, 3d ID.
I was a platoon gunner for three years. Qualified on everything though.

Thanks for serving. Yeah, back in my day the Marine Corps required all infantrymen to use every hand held weapon in the arsenal. We only qualified with the rifle (M14 back then) and the 45 cal pistol. But our qualifying for the rifle included 20" dog targets at 500 yds. No other service does that. I think I just broke my arm patting myself on the back LOL I have the utmost respect for all servicemen and women. Let me tell ya some of those woman Marines were tougher than some men. In Boot camp I had mess duty at women's Marine mess hall. They tore me and others a new one if we f'd up.
We already discussed viable safeguards, shit-for-brains. Ban the AR-15 and other assault rifles.

Fuck you. The AR 15 isn't an assault rifle so you can just can your bullshit buddy. Just lie lie lie that you just want "reasonable" gun laws.

All America has to do is duplicate what works for Israel. Since 1974 they have only had two attacks and both times the gunmen were taken out.

The answers are out there. But you don't want answers. You want to use dead childrens bodies that weren't even bagged up yet before you left wing whackos started your banning bullshit.

Fucking evil mother fuckers couldn't even wait till they were bagged up.

I gave you an answer the first time, fucktard. Maybe you didn't get the message, let me repeat -- Ban the AR-15 and other assault rifles.

I don't give a flying fuck about your deranged, simple-minded Repug musings about what is or is not an assault rifle. The bullets from an AR-15 destroy any organ or body part that it comes into close proximity with. The AR-15 is designed to cause maximum damage to the human body, it is a weapon of war. So go fuck yourself.

That's all complete bullshit. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You know nothing about guns. I already proved that.

What part is "bullshit", Repug goober. AR-15s don't cause total destruction of the human body? Are you that fucking stupid?

Look mother fucker. Handguns cause the most damage. Next up knives. THEN you have rifles and shotguns. FBI stats.

Stop the lies will you retread.
So let's just dismiss the massacres of school kids, university students, theatre & concert goers, mall shoppers and other innocents across the country. They don't count because the method of their death doesn't measure up to other measures. That's the most decent and humane way of looking at it, right? NO!
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
There is nothing more un-patriotic, or more disgusting, than a conservative. They are the scum of the earth.

I think that may be the dumbest thing you have ever posted in the 14 years I have known you. So, now I get what you think of me. It's okay. I love you anyhow. Why? Because that's the difference between how you see things, and how I see them. Now, who is scum?
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

LOL! Perhaps you need to refresh your memory. Here's a link to the Marine Squad Rifle manuel. You should review 5-21 to find out what the Marine Corps has to say about fields of fire. That way, you might be able to create a more believable character. 3-11.2 Marine Rifle Squad.pdf

That's clearing a field of fire not laying one down. Potato Potato
This is all you got?
The bottom line is that you didn't know what a "field of fire" is. You thought it had something to do with the rate at which a gun can fire.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.

Did Hannity tell you that? You obviously don't know any high school kids.

We all went to high school, dumbass. You know as well as I do that kids that age are as gullible as you can be.
Not as gullible as you.
ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.

Did Hannity tell you that? You obviously don't know any high school kids.

We all went to high school, dumbass. You know as well as I do that kids that age are as gullible as you can be.
Not as gullible as you.
How am I gullible? When did I ever fall for a single thing you snowflakes say?

On the other hand, you fell for the scripted CNN "town hall" scam hook, line and sinker.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
There is nothing more un-patriotic, or more disgusting, than a conservative. They are the scum of the earth.
With few a few exceptions, yes.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.

Did Hannity tell you that? You obviously don't know any high school kids.

We all went to high school, dumbass. You know as well as I do that kids that age are as gullible as you can be.
When do you stop being so gullible, eh, ya fucking moron...?
What do you call a yearbook from a California highschool with his picture in it?

Hey, Faux, remember when you were calling me stupid because I had an opinion that a picture someone posted wasn't Connecticut as they claimed? What do you call someone who was totally suckered by a fake highschool student claiming to be a victim in the Douglas Highschool shooting? Can you get any dumber than that?
... speak up, I can’t hear you. :badgrin:
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

LOL! Perhaps you need to refresh your memory. Here's a link to the Marine Squad Rifle manuel. You should review 5-21 to find out what the Marine Corps has to say about fields of fire. That way, you might be able to create a more believable character. 3-11.2 Marine Rifle Squad.pdf

That's clearing a field of fire not laying one down. Potato Potato
This is all you got?
The bottom line is that you didn't know what a "field of fire" is. You thought it had something to do with the rate at which a gun can fire.

Hey genius, I NEVER said that. Show me where and I'll give you a cookie. So that's what you do, you just make up stuff that wasn't said because it fits whatever BS you're selling? I know it's hard for you to think with the limited capacity and all. I feel I cheated you because I should be paying you rent for the space I seem to occupy in your head. .
ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.

Did Hannity tell you that? You obviously don't know any high school kids.

We all went to high school, dumbass. You know as well as I do that kids that age are as gullible as you can be.
Not as gullible as you.

Not replying to the post. Just wanted to say I love the movie associated with your avatar, Being There. It's in my top 3 all time. Brilliant acting job by the genius, Peter Sellers. I think I've watched it 50 times. LOL "I like to watch, Eve"
I didn't say it was the deadliest, dickhead. Learn to read, fucktard.

You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

5.56 is the NATO round, dope.

.223 Remington vs. 5.56 NATO: What You Don't Know Could Hurt You
In millimeters. That's the same thing as .223, which is in inches, you fucking dumbass.

It's not the same, loser. Read the link.
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings
There is nothing more un-patriotic, or more disgusting, than a conservative. They are the scum of the earth.
Why would anyone make up lies about the victims of a massacre?

That is how low conservatives are willing to sink to sell their agenda of hate
First, I doubt if you have any idea what the majority of teachers want. Second, although people went through school, they don't know what is involved in being a teacher...which is part of what's wrong with Legislatures trying to establish rule for schools...they should allow actual educators handle that. And finally I believe that people like you only want to consider a narrow range of options because you only have one true agenda and that is to take away the rights of others to force them to live as you choose.
I have a very good idea what teachers want. I taught for 30 years. I taught during years when we had to do lockdown drills. I have talked to and dealt with more teachers, parents and students than you can even imagine. Once when teaching a community college night class, I was the object of one disgruntled student's plan to kill me; he brought a gun to school to do that, but was discovered before he did anything. I know the danger. My being armed or another teacher being armed would not have been the solution.You are the one who doesn't know what teachers want. You have no idea what the school environment is like.

If I were working in a school that suddenly allowed teachers to carry guns, I'd quit. If I had kids in such a school, I'd remove them. The vast majority of teachers and parents would do the same. The vast majority of schools do not want teachers carrying guns to school.

I have only one goal: to try to keep our kids safe.

LMAO! Your assumptions are just as wrong as your worldview. You "taught". I teach. Don't presume to speak for current teachers because you are out of touch.

Did you know that the Sheriff of St. Louis county offered firearms training for teachers and there was so much interest that he had to limit the program to 300 teachers? Go peddle your malarkey somewhere else. I know better.
LMAO I only retired last June. I'm hardly out of touch.

I imagine in some very rightwing areas, people are interested, but overall, across the country, most are not in favor of such a program, not teachers and not parents.

You are the one making assumptions.

I am trying as hard as I can not to call you a liar, but you pretend to speak for MOST teachers while it is obvious you don't. So, go drink some tea or whatever you do to pass time and stop posting your illusions on this board.
You are really an asshole. I hope you are not a teacher. That would be really sad for the kids.
I hope they are a teacher.
Young people are being shown that if they speak out, promote what they believe and utilize the first amendment rights they will be demonized and attacked by a radical and extremist faction of America's current political spectrum.

Young people are being shown what they've always been shown, ie. that disagreement is part of being an adult.
The lefties are attacking guns which they want to ban, over the real reason behind the latest shooting.

They are throwing everything and the kitchen sink to ban guns.

Norman, they’re just getting started. 20 years since Columbine and you’ve done NOTHING to stop mass shootings in your schools. Not one thing.

Almost entirely because leftists like you reject every suggestion we make in order to insist on gun bans.
A lot of people get mistreated in our schools these days and we teach that the solution is to be violent. What do we expect?

Treat people with respect and stop teaching people to be tough.


Teach people to be tough, and STOP teaching them that "tough" is defined as "out-of-control violence".
Remember something progressives.

Simply because you are outraged does not automatical qualify you as being right.

A question you might want to ask yourself is why are you not outraged over these 17 dead.

Has it become so commonplace that it does not even register anymore?

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My question is, "Why do you assume outrage equals agreeing with you?"
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