Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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You have been implying it. The fact is that a .223 NATO round is one of the least deadly rifle cartridges.

Is there a .223 NATO round, dope?
.223 is the NATO round, you fucking moron.

Actually, 5.56 is the NATO round used in the M-16. .223 is the round used in the civilian version, the AR-15
They're the exact same thing, dumbass.

No, actually they are not. Pressure is the primary difference between the .223 and the 5.56. The .223s are loaded to lower pressures and velocities compared to 5.56. Due to its lower pressure, you can safely fire .223. ammunition in a 5.56 chambered gun; however, the same cannot be said in reverse. It is not safe to fire 5.56 ammunition in a .223 chambered gun.


Of course nearly all weapons of this type are actually chambered for 5.56

AR-15's are.
I'd take it if that's the best we can do but that's not enough. An experienced user can reload in just a few seconds. We need to limit the number of bullets that can be shot in a short period so that a time window exists for escape. I've used the term "field of fire" to describe this and was accused of not knowing about guns at all.

To a Marine, field of fire means a steady stream that must be avoided to survive. Even a single M16 or AR can produce a field of fire and that's what has to be limited. Especially, if there is just one means of escape like a classroom.

A steady barrage of bullets becomes a wall or field that the trapped can't penetrate. We need to limit weapons to those that require reloading after just a few rounds and that takes at least a good ten seconds or more. One that requires the user to take the weapon away from the muzzle pointing down range.

LOL! Perhaps you need to refresh your memory. Here's a link to the Marine Squad Rifle manuel. You should review 5-21 to find out what the Marine Corps has to say about fields of fire. That way, you might be able to create a more believable character. 3-11.2 Marine Rifle Squad.pdf

That's clearing a field of fire not laying one down. Potato Potato
This is all you got?

What, the fact that you're a poser pretending to be a Marine is not good enough for you? You have no credibility.
You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
The "no-fly" list is not compiled using any kind of due process. Therefor, taking anyone's rights away because they appear on this list is a violation of the 5th Amendment. We realize you goose stepping Nazi snowflakes don't give a shit about anything as trivial as the Bill of Rights, but some of us do.
Poor Snowflake

Don’t want to upset the terrorists do you?
NRA has trained you well
Look who is talking, an Obama supporter. His opinion on terrorists is worthless.

Obama was the one who got the biggest terrorist in history, Repug goober. You have no fucking idea what you speak. Better luck next time.

"Obama was the one who got the biggest terrorist in history,"

Well Obama did not literally catch Osama bin Laden, the Military Intelligence and the U.S. Navy SEALs got him but Obama took credit for it because he has that Big Ego of his.

Obama of course released terrorists from Gitmo:


Barack Obama releases 10 Guantanamo Bay inmates before Donald Trump 'loads it up with bad dudes'

Obama and also the moron GWB released terrorists from Gitmo:


Intel report: 121 former Gitmo detainees returned to terrorism
I knew this was coming sooner or later. Then again, weren't you just using dead kids in an effort to push your gun control agenda? Gee, I wonder what could be worse than that?

I don’t see countries with strong gun control constantly burying their children.

Massacre in Nice, France, as truck plows through Bastille Day crowd



That was 2016. How many massacres have we had since then? How many has France had? They will now block roads and use barriers. We do nothing.

France had several massacres last year, and the body count for the Nice massacre was over 200.

What we need to do is allow teachers to carry concealed weapons, but douchebags like you won't allow that.
Good teachers will pack anyway.

"Good teachers will pack anyway."

The Leftist SJW teachers also pack, but they are packing fudge :spinner:
Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists

NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns
New York Daily News is a fake news duplicate of the New York Times. I wouldn't even read what they print.
NRA wants to defend the rights of terrorists to buy the weapons of their choice

Funny. It always seems to me that if you actually have a point, you don't have to lie.
Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists

NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns
New York Daily News is a fake news duplicate of the New York Times. I wouldn't even read what they print.
NRA wants to defend the rights of terrorists to buy the weapons of their choice
The NRA said that? Of course they did not and do not support terrorists. It is spin and that is all it is. But if you can find a quote from a NRA representative saying they support terror that would be different. Should I wait?

People also have a right to live, dickhead. Your self-absorbed, precious "right" to own a military style weapon does not take precedent over the lives of thousands of Americans.

We liberals are sick of this shit. I will call you out on your evil Repug NRA bullshit every day, you worthless piece of shit.

Yes, people do have a right to live Comrade. Though you and yours have killed more people than any other group in human history. Some 200 million peace time civilians murdered by those who ran governments of the type you promote.

I love how you Stalinists - supporters of Planned Parenthood which exist only to kill children - pretend that you have some sort of moral high ground, or some sort of moral compass at all.

Yes, I proudly support the NRA and will increase how much I donate, as you vile scum redouble you vicious attacks on civil rights.

You are a follower of Josef Stalin, lying is a foundational part of what you are. The current lie you rodents are squealing on behalf of George Soros and his international Marxist cabal is that you just want to disarm the peasants in the USA "fo da chillenz"

These same children who you and your evil Comrades did your best to kill while they were still in the womb. If anyone is killing children, it's going to be you by allah. What's that old saying; "when a baby dies a democrat get their horns?"

But as I said, you're a shameless and filthy liar, as is the way of democrats. You don't seek to merely disarm your victims. you piles of shit are fighting a much broader war to end all civil rights. You create "safe spaces" where white people are prohibited by you racist fucks. You have your "hate speech" laws where you can put people in prison for using words not approved of by the party. Your assault on religions other than your beloved Islam is legendary, "Bake the cake slave."

Did you say something to me, mentally ill fucktard? What is your deranged fascination with Stalin? When you write something idiotic like that, I'm not going to read it.

Do not reply to me. You really are mentally ill and you give me the creeps. You are obviously a total Repug NRA asshole. I also feel sorry for you because it's obvious that you are paranoid, live in constant fear, and you are truly mentally ill.
How many times are you going to be lied to by Schumer, Pelosi, etc. before you wake the fuck up.
You know nothing about the NRA, or the gun control measures they have supported (ex. Grassley bill, Cornyn bill, Project Exile, etc) You're probably so dumb that you support the gun-free zone idiocy that has gotten hundreds of people killed.
I do my own thinking thank you. I can see clearly the NRA is a terrorist organization and this POS president is in their grips. He actually asked his sons, Beavis and Butthead, what he should do with the gun problem in this country
You voted for this buffoon.

The NRA is not a terrorist organisation, WTF you need to get a grip you are completely losing it.
They are a terrorists best friend

You do not know even what a terrorist is or you would not post such a stupid comment.

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists

NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns
For the same reason they oppose other appropriate firearm regulatory measures: the NRA’s idiotic slippery slope fallacy that common sense gun laws today mean ‘confiscation’ tomorrow.
For the same reason they oppose other appropriate firearm regulatory measures: the NRA’s idiotic slippery slope fallacy that common sense gun laws today mean ‘confiscation’ tomorrow.
If that were true, then why did they support "Project Exile", the Grassley gun control bill, and the Cornyn gun control bill ? Back to the drawing board for you.
I don't blame the children. They are indoctrinated at an early age in schools and by the press and 15 year old kids are being rushed all the way to DC for left winged rallies only days after the shooting instead of letting them have a period for grieving and seeking consolers to help deal with their PTSD.

They have no real idea about what really goes on and the fact that government buildings all over the country have metal detectors and armed guards to keep them safe. However, the government cares nothing about the public schools and their safety. This disdain for the children can be seen with the insane debt the government is building for their future.
Republicans control the House, Senate and Executive branch. If what you’re saying were true, they would simply do away with gun-free zones.

Most gun-free zones are imposed by state and local law, or by the choice of the property owner.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that if someone proposed a law doing away with gun-free zones in the House or Senate, the left would filibuster their asses off.
Imbecile, Republicans control the most of the federal government and they’re not even making an effort to get rid of gun free zones. And why would they when all but one voted aye when it it was put to a vote? And your stupid excuse of a filibuster fails you because Republicans could do away with filibusters if they really wanted to, which they don’t.

As far as state and local jurisdictions, many would follow the federal government’s lead if they were to abolish gun free zones.
The left sees no value in kids but the right does. Come on dude. Dont make me laugh. The left is working for a brighter future for kids. The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons.

"The right wants them gunned down with automatic weapons."

No and it's the Leftist Activists who are using tragic deaths and standing on the corpses to push their Agenda, their long time Agenda which is to outlaw guns. The Leftists love all these school shootings, they have been basically orgasmic across Twitter and all other Social Media, they think nothing of the victims they just use them.
So why do the survivors say that the cons what them gunned down?

Well if they are saying that they are wrong, perhaps CNN scripted that for them also to say that Conservatives want them gunned down, you know like CNN scripted the Town Hall thing and one of the survivors said they scripted it and now he's being attacked by yes Leftists for saying CNN scripted it.
I dont argue with conspiracy theories.

The "town hall" meeting being scripted is not a theory. It's a proven fact.
Actually its a proven hoax. Probably Russian in origin.
99.999% of NRA members are law abiding.

I know, the Leftists who are completely hysterical and unhinged literally think that not only is the NRA personally arming all these mass killers but are actually DIRECTING them to go and kill people, read most of Baz Ares OPs about this he repeatedly says this is what the NRA are doing. It's at the point where it's difficult to have any type of rational discussion with this crowd, they're just too far gone.
Rational discussion? Says the guy that just interjected a conspiracy theory. :rolleyes:

No the Conspiracy Theory is what Leftists are commenting that the NRA is basically personally arming all these mass killers so they can go out and kill people, the NRA are not doing that of course but Leftists being so totally unhinged now think they are.
No the conspiracy theory is claiming that CNN is scripting, the story about the shooting was on news sites before it actually happened, that the shooting never happened being a false flag, and the kids were actors. All illiterate right wing claims.

So you think the kid that SAID CNN scripted his questions is lying?

Why did the NRA block the addition of those on the Do Not Fly list to the list not to sell guns?

THE NRA wants to ensure the open flow of guns to terrorists
The "no-fly" list is not compiled using any kind of due process. Therefor, taking anyone's rights away because they appear on this list is a violation of the 5th Amendment. We realize you goose stepping Nazi snowflakes don't give a shit about anything as trivial as the Bill of Rights, but some of us do.
Poor Snowflake

Don’t want to upset the terrorists do you?
NRA has trained you well
Look who is talking, an Obama supporter. His opinion on terrorists is worthless.

Obama was the one who got the biggest terrorist in history, Repug goober. You have no fucking idea what you speak. Better luck next time.

"Obama was the one who got the biggest terrorist in history,"

Well Obama did not literally catch Osama bin Laden, the Military Intelligence and the U.S. Navy SEALs got him but Obama took credit for it because he has that Big Ego of his.

Obama of course released terrorists from Gitmo:


Barack Obama releases 10 Guantanamo Bay inmates before Donald Trump 'loads it up with bad dudes'

Obama and also the moron GWB released terrorists from Gitmo:


Intel report: 121 former Gitmo detainees returned to terrorism

A lot of those people at Gitmo were innocent, whether a deranged Repug assfuck like you wants to believe it or not. You can't hold people in jail fucking 10 or more years without a trial. We had no evidence, that's why they were released, as difficult as it is for a mentally deranged fascist such as yourself to believe that. Holding them forever is the Repug way of doing things, but not the decent American way of doing things.

Obama reinvigorated the campaign to get bin Laden after Bush gave up. Obama gave the final order to get bin Laden. Hence, Obama deserves the credit for both of these decisions.

Using your juvenile logic, Roosevelt and Truman deserve no credit for helping win WWII, because they were not on the battlefield. There is absolutely no depth or quality of thought in that unremarkable brain of yours. Which clearly explains why are you a vicious nasty little Repug.
“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.
Imbecile, Republicans control the most of the federal government and they’re not even making an effort to get rid of gun free zones. And why would they when all but one voted aye when it it was put to a vote? And your stupid excuse of a filibuster fails you because Republicans could do away with filibusters if they really wanted to, which they don’t.

As far as state and local jurisdictions, many would follow the federal government’s lead if they were to abolish gun free zones.
:link: When was it that >> "all but one voted aye when it it was put to a vote?" Got a link for that ?
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