Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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A lot of those people at Gitmo were innocent, whether a deranged Repug assfuck like you wants to believe it or not. You can't hold people in jail fucking 10 or more years without a trial. We had no evidence, that's why they were released, as difficult as it is for a mentally deranged fascist such as yourself to believe that. Holding them forever is the Repug way of doing things, but not the decent American way of doing things.
FALSE! They were released because Obama (the JIHADIST) is on their side. He WANTS them to fight for jihad. He's one of them. - as proven by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, his pullout of US troops from Iraq in 2011, and his allowance of ISIS convoys to travel freely on open desert roads (where they were sitting ducks for airstrikes that Obama only pretended to do with his occasional "pinpricks"

Obama released the Gitmo bad boys because he supported them, just like he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow the convoys to move and then raise hell. And then they returned to the battlefield - yeah that's how "innocent" they were.
Imbecile, Republicans control the most of the federal government and they’re not even making an effort to get rid of gun free zones. And why would they when all but one voted aye when it it was put to a vote? And your stupid excuse of a filibuster fails you because Republicans could do away with filibusters if they really wanted to, which they don’t.

As far as state and local jurisdictions, many would follow the federal government’s lead if they were to abolish gun free zones.
:link: When was it that >> "all but one voted aye when it it was put to a vote?" Got a link for that ?
“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.
The NRA has not opposed the 3 day FBI check for gun purchases. Never have.
A lot of those people at Gitmo were innocent, whether a deranged Repug assfuck like you wants to believe it or not. You can't hold people in jail fucking 10 or more years without a trial. We had no evidence, that's why they were released, as difficult as it is for a mentally deranged fascist such as yourself to believe that. Holding them forever is the Repug way of doing things, but not the decent American way of doing things.
FALSE! They were released because Obama (the JIHADIST) is on their side. He WANTS them to fight for jihad. He's one of them. - as proven by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, his pullout of US troops from Iraq in 2011, and his allowance of ISIS convoys to travel freely on open desert roads (where they were sitting ducks for airstrikes that Obama only pretended to do with his occasional "pinpricks"

Obama released the Gitmo bad boys because he supported them, just like he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow the convoys to move and then raise hell. And then they returned to the battlefield - yeah that's how "innocent" they were.
A lot of those people at Gitmo were innocent, whether a deranged Repug assfuck like you wants to believe it or not. You can't hold people in jail fucking 10 or more years without a trial. We had no evidence, that's why they were released, as difficult as it is for a mentally deranged fascist such as yourself to believe that. Holding them forever is the Repug way of doing things, but not the decent American way of doing things.
FALSE! They were released because Obama (the JIHADIST) is on their side. He WANTS them to fight for jihad. He's one of them. - as proven by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, his pullout of US troops from Iraq in 2011, and his allowance of ISIS convoys to travel freely on open desert roads (where they were sitting ducks for airstrikes that Obama only pretended to do with his occasional "pinpricks"

Obama released the Gitmo bad boys because he supported them, just like he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow the convoys to move and then raise hell. And then they returned to the battlefield - yeah that's how "innocent" they were.

Like I unsophisticated, mentally ill Repug like yourself simply can't handle the truth.

Let me explain it to you again, mentally ill little child....We had no evidence those Gitmo detainees did anything wrong. That's why they were released.

Yeah, Obama was on the side of the jihadists....that explains why he killed bin Laden, you fucking idiot. Unsophisticated fucking Repug goober.
A lot of those people at Gitmo were innocent, whether a deranged Repug assfuck like you wants to believe it or not. You can't hold people in jail fucking 10 or more years without a trial. We had no evidence, that's why they were released, as difficult as it is for a mentally deranged fascist such as yourself to believe that. Holding them forever is the Repug way of doing things, but not the decent American way of doing things.
FALSE! They were released because Obama (the JIHADIST) is on their side. He WANTS them to fight for jihad. He's one of them. - as proven by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, his pullout of US troops from Iraq in 2011, and his allowance of ISIS convoys to travel freely on open desert roads (where they were sitting ducks for airstrikes that Obama only pretended to do with his occasional "pinpricks"

Obama released the Gitmo bad boys because he supported them, just like he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow the convoys to move and then raise hell. And then they returned to the battlefield - yeah that's how "innocent" they were.

This fucker is crazy!
A lot of those people at Gitmo were innocent, whether a deranged Repug assfuck like you wants to believe it or not. You can't hold people in jail fucking 10 or more years without a trial. We had no evidence, that's why they were released, as difficult as it is for a mentally deranged fascist such as yourself to believe that. Holding them forever is the Repug way of doing things, but not the decent American way of doing things.
FALSE! They were released because Obama (the JIHADIST) is on their side. He WANTS them to fight for jihad. He's one of them. - as proven by Major Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, his pullout of US troops from Iraq in 2011, and his allowance of ISIS convoys to travel freely on open desert roads (where they were sitting ducks for airstrikes that Obama only pretended to do with his occasional "pinpricks"

Obama released the Gitmo bad boys because he supported them, just like he colluded with al Baghdadi to allow the convoys to move and then raise hell. And then they returned to the battlefield - yeah that's how "innocent" they were.

Like I unsophisticated, mentally ill Repug like yourself simply can't handle the truth.

Let me explain it to you again, mentally ill little child....We had no evidence those Gitmo detainees did anything wrong. That's why they were released.

Yeah, Obama was on the side of the jihadists....that explains why he killed bin Laden, you fucking idiot. Unsophisticated fucking Repug goober.

Seriously, who keeps leaving the door open and letting this sort of trash blow in?
Like I unsophisticated, mentally ill Repug like yourself simply can't handle the truth.

Let me explain it to you again, mentally ill little child....We had no evidence those Gitmo detainees did anything wrong. That's why they were released.

Yeah, Obama was on the side of the jihadists....that explains why he killed bin Laden, you fucking idiot. Unsophisticated fucking Repug goober.
Are you dense ? They returned to the battlefield. Many were captured again. As for bin Laden, Obama didn't do that, the SEALS did. Even if Obama had a minor hand in it, that's a small price for him to pay to give leftist robots like you a talking point, while he was letting ISIS run roughshod in Iraq, and Hasan to kill 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood.

When you get your head out of your unsophisticated, programmed, lefty, robot ass, come back and post some more. :rolleyes:
Like I unsophisticated, mentally ill Repug like yourself simply can't handle the truth.

Let me explain it to you again, mentally ill little child....We had no evidence those Gitmo detainees did anything wrong. That's why they were released.

Yeah, Obama was on the side of the jihadists....that explains why he killed bin Laden, you fucking idiot. Unsophisticated fucking Repug goober.
Are you dense ? They returned to the battlefield. Many were captured again. As for bin Laden, Obama didn't do that, the SEALS did. Even if Obama had a minor hand in it, that's a small price for him to pay to give leftist robots like you a talking point, while he was letting ISIS run roughshod in Iraq, and Hasan to kill 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood.

When you get your head out of your unsophisticated, programmed, lefty, robot ass, come back and post some more. :rolleyes:

Yeah? Show me the evidence. You're full of shit.

Why did Bush give up the search for bin Laden? Why didn't Bush get him? Maybe Bush was the jihadist.

So Roosevelt and Truman also deserve no credit for winning WWII. Is that what you stupid Repug ass is saying?
Like I unsophisticated, mentally ill Repug like yourself simply can't handle the truth.

Let me explain it to you again, mentally ill little child....We had no evidence those Gitmo detainees did anything wrong. That's why they were released.

Yeah, Obama was on the side of the jihadists....that explains why he killed bin Laden, you fucking idiot. Unsophisticated fucking Repug goober.
Are you dense ? They returned to the battlefield. Many were captured again. As for bin Laden, Obama didn't do that, the SEALS did. Even if Obama had a minor hand in it, that's a small price for him to pay to give leftist robots like you a talking point, while he was letting ISIS run roughshod in Iraq, and Hasan to kill 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood.

When you get your head out of your unsophisticated, programmed, lefty, robot ass, come back and post some more. :rolleyes:

Yeah? Show me the evidence. You're full of shit.

Why did Bush give up the search for bin Laden? Why didn't Bush get him? Maybe Bush was the jihadist.

So Roosevelt and Truman also deserve no credit for winning WWII. Is that what you stupid Repug ass is saying?
Mohammed Ismail
  • First identified as a former captive who had returned to the battlefield in Testimony before Congress on Monday May 14, 2007.[7]According to Reuters summary of their testimony:
"Released from Guantanamo in early 2004, he was recaptured four months later in May while participating in an attack on U.S. forces near Kandahar. When captured, Ismail carried a letter confirming his status as a Taliban member in good standing."

Here's another >>

Abu-Zakariya al-Britani, also known as Jamal Udeen Al-Harith, murdered a number of Iraqi soldiers and killed himself via murder-bombing in 2017.[75] The BBC reported that Tony Blair personally was involved with getting Abu-Zakariya freed from Guantanamo in 2004.[76][77] The UK government paid $1 million as compensation to Abu-Zakariya al-Britani for his stay at Guantanamo.[78]

Plenty more if you need them >>

Lists of former Guantanamo Bay detainees alleged to have returned to terrorism - Wikipedia

At least four freed Gitmo detainees have returned to terrorism this year, US says | VICE News 4_2016.pdf
Yeah? Show me the evidence. You're full of shit.

Why did Bush give up the search for bin Laden? Why didn't Bush get him? Maybe Bush was the jihadist.

So Roosevelt and Truman also deserve no credit for winning WWII. Is that what you stupid Repug ass is saying?
HA HA. Why do you ask idiotic questions ? I said nothing about WWII. As for Bush, I'm no fan of him, but at least he didn't let an Army officer seditiously run jihadist Koran drivel, all over troops in a US Army fort for a year, instead of making him obey orders, and do his job normally.
Like I unsophisticated, mentally ill Repug like yourself simply can't handle the truth.

Let me explain it to you again, mentally ill little child....We had no evidence those Gitmo detainees did anything wrong. That's why they were released.

Yeah, Obama was on the side of the jihadists....that explains why he killed bin Laden, you fucking idiot. Unsophisticated fucking Repug goober.
Are you dense ? They returned to the battlefield. Many were captured again. As for bin Laden, Obama didn't do that, the SEALS did. Even if Obama had a minor hand in it, that's a small price for him to pay to give leftist robots like you a talking point, while he was letting ISIS run roughshod in Iraq, and Hasan to kill 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood.

When you get your head out of your unsophisticated, programmed, lefty, robot ass, come back and post some more. :rolleyes:

From your article:

The number of Obama's releases confirmed to have reentered terrorism now stands at eight. That means 4.4 percent of the 182 detainees released by Obama are confirmed of reengaging in terrorism.

The number of detainees released under Bush suspected of reengaging in terrorism decreased from 75 to 74. One detainee released by Bush who was confirmed to have returned to terrorism is now dead, bringing the total number of deceased confirmed terrorists to 31.

It sounds to me like Bush is the "jihadist", dolt. Not that a responsible adult like myself blames Bush for releasing them. There was no evidence to hold them, you see, as I explained to your mentally ill ass before. That was the responsible adult decision, you juvenile mentally ill dumb fuck.
Yeah? Show me the evidence. You're full of shit.

Why did Bush give up the search for bin Laden? Why didn't Bush get him? Maybe Bush was the jihadist.

So Roosevelt and Truman also deserve no credit for winning WWII. Is that what you stupid Repug ass is saying?
HA HA. Why do you ask idiotic questions ? I said nothing about WWII. As for Bush, I'm no fan of him, but at least he didn't let an Army officer seditiously run jihadist Koran drivel, all over troops in a US Army fort for a year, instead of making him obey orders, and do his job normally.

Why do Roosevelt and Truman deserve credit, but not Obama? Please explain it to me. You're a full of shit mentally ill Repug. You've got no game, no facts, and no intellect.
Yeah? Show me the evidence. You're full of shit.

Why did Bush give up the search for bin Laden? Why didn't Bush get him? Maybe Bush was the jihadist.

So Roosevelt and Truman also deserve no credit for winning WWII. Is that what you stupid Repug ass is saying?
HA HA. Why do you ask idiotic questions ? I said nothing about WWII. As for Bush, I'm no fan of him, but at least he didn't let an Army officer seditiously run jihadist Koran drivel, all over troops in a US Army fort for a year, instead of making him obey orders, and do his job normally.

Yeah, even though Bush was a horrible President, he wasn't batshit crazy enough for your mentally ill Repug ass. You want a total Repug fucktard that plays with his feces, like Trump. I totally understand.
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