Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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"Conservatives" are absolute scum. Everything I once liked about the republicans is gone. Now they are just hypocrites, with all of the bad and none of the good.

Real conservatives have left the GOP.

So, "real conservatives" want to end civil rights and support collectivist dictatorship, then?

Real conservatives want to balance the budget and get the federal debt under control. Good luck getting that out of this administration or this congress.
By "balance the budger" you mean raise taxes, don't you? Thet's what fucking commies want to do, not conservatives.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

By balance the budget, I mean balance the fucking budget.

You mean raise taxes. An orgy of new spending would follow immediately.

I don't care if taxes go up a bit or down a bit, but if you're going to lower taxes, here's a brilliant idea .... LOWER FUCKING SPENDING!!!!

And how much do you post every day? Jesus Christ ... I thought I was bad ..
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.

Yeah, I would like to know that myself. Who are these terrible Democrats that speak about abolishing the 2nd Amendment? Judging by the comments from the mentally ill Repugs on this board, there should be quite a few.

They're much too devious for that. They're not gonna openly push for an outright ban and confiscation of firearms. Communists/Democrats are very patient. They implement their Agenda in increments. Each new gun law passed, is deemed by them to be another step towards their ultimate goal. And we know what their ultimate goal is.

Disarming the Citizenry is major part of the Agenda. Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. You can see it on places like Amazon Prime. Check it out. It might just cause you to question your loyalty to the Communists.

Has anyone ever told you that you are mentally ill and need help? I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that.

You've become one of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots.'

Great documentary that and Agenda 2 both. But they don't want to know the truth.

Yeah, Lenin vowed to create an army of millions of 'Useful Idiots.' Most Democrats call themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' But they're advancing the Communist Agenda. They're Communists.
So, "real conservatives" want to end civil rights and support collectivist dictatorship, then?

Real conservatives want to balance the budget and get the federal debt under control. Good luck getting that out of this administration or this congress.
By "balance the budger" you mean raise taxes, don't you? Thet's what fucking commies want to do, not conservatives.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

By balance the budget, I mean balance the fucking budget.

You mean raise taxes. An orgy of new spending would follow immediately.

I don't care if taxes go up a bit or down a bit, but if you're going to lower taxes, here's a brilliant idea .... LOWER FUCKING SPENDING!!!!

And how much do you post every day? Jesus Christ ... I thought I was bad ..

It will NEVER happen, not EVER.
its probably 70 or more years that parents haven't raised and disciplined their kids properly and then for the last 50 years Public school education has been run by a nest of vipers whose only concern is a paycheck . If only teaching for a pay check teachers will teach anything they are told to teach . I graduated in the mid 60s . ------------------------------------------------------------------- and another observation and comment [ASSUMPTION REALLY] that i think is true . Imported teachers can teach their unamerican values to young American students . Please correct me if i am incorrect .
Of course you’re 100% wrong. We’ve seen how articulate, intelligent and informed the students are at Douglas. That’s the norm with most public high school’s in this country.
They’re smarter than the average deplorable which pisses you off.

A Perfect example of how flucked our Government Schools are. The Communists/Democrats have hijacked our school system. They're using it as a political indoctrination weapon. And it's only gonna get worse. Parents need to seek education alternatives.
More crazed conservative knee-jerk hyperbole. ^^^

Douglas is preparing to reopen this s coming week. At this very moment, my wife, along with a group of other moms, is decorating tissue boxes to donate to the school as a symbol of support and solidarity.

That’s a sign of communism to you, isn’t it. Fess up....

No, but it is a sign of Leftwing stupidity. Just like Hillary's "reset button" embarrassment and just like John Kerry taking James Taylor to France to sing "You've Got a Friend". Shall I go on?

#bringbackourgirls with poor Michelle standing there with a sad look on her face like she was actually doing something worthwhile.

Typical rightwingnut retardation ...

Support is “leftwing stupidity”

Tsk, tsk, them Kleenex, handing a Russian Ambassador a plastic red button, have in James Tylor sing and tweeting isn't really giving support now, is it? It's done to make yourself feel better but does nothing for the real victims.
------------------------------------------------------ yeah , decorated 'kleenex' boxes [chuckle] !!
its probably 70 or more years that parents haven't raised and disciplined their kids properly and then for the last 50 years Public school education has been run by a nest of vipers whose only concern is a paycheck . If only teaching for a pay check teachers will teach anything they are told to teach . I graduated in the mid 60s . ------------------------------------------------------------------- and another observation and comment [ASSUMPTION REALLY] that i think is true . Imported teachers can teach their unamerican values to young American students . Please correct me if i am incorrect .

Government Schools are only about the indoctrination now. They're no longer properly functioning as institutions of learning. Parents need to seriously consider all education alternatives. Government-schooling isn't the best option for their children.
A Perfect example of how flucked our Government Schools are. The Communists/Democrats have hijacked our school system. They're using it as a political indoctrination weapon. And it's only gonna get worse. Parents need to seek education alternatives.
More crazed conservative knee-jerk hyperbole. ^^^

Douglas is preparing to reopen this s coming week. At this very moment, my wife, along with a group of other moms, is decorating tissue boxes to donate to the school as a symbol of support and solidarity.

That’s a sign of communism to you, isn’t it. Fess up....

No, but it is a sign of Leftwing stupidity. Just like Hillary's "reset button" embarrassment and just like John Kerry taking James Taylor to France to sing "You've Got a Friend". Shall I go on?

#bringbackourgirls with poor Michelle standing there with a sad look on her face like she was actually doing something worthwhile.

Typical rightwingnut retardation ...

Support is “leftwing stupidity”

Tsk, tsk, them Kleenex, handing a Russian Ambassador a plastic red button, have in James Tylor sing and tweeting isn't really giving support now, is it? It's done to make yourself feel better but does nothing for the real victims.
------------------------------------------------------ yeah , decorated 'kleenex' boxes [chuckle] !!

Sadly, those parents are some of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots' too. They've indoctrinated their children on the same Communist dogma. It's very sad.
Yeah, I would like to know that myself. Who are these terrible Democrats that speak about abolishing the 2nd Amendment? Judging by the comments from the mentally ill Repugs on this board, there should be quite a few.

They're much too devious for that. They're not gonna openly push for an outright ban and confiscation of firearms. Communists/Democrats are very patient. They implement their Agenda in increments. Each new gun law passed, is deemed by them to be another step towards their ultimate goal. And we know what their ultimate goal is.

Disarming the Citizenry is major part of the Agenda. Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It lays out the Communist Agenda very clearly. You can see it on places like Amazon Prime. Check it out. It might just cause you to question your loyalty to the Communists.

Has anyone ever told you that you are mentally ill and need help? I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that.

You've become one of Lenin's 'Useful Idiots.'

Great documentary that and Agenda 2 both. But they don't want to know the truth.

Yeah, Lenin vowed to create an army of millions of 'Useful Idiots.' Most Democrats call themselves 'Socialists' or 'Progressives.' But they're advancing the Communist Agenda. They're Communists.

If by Communist you mean govt that cares enough to make policy to include every citizen then I'm Ho Chi Minh.
Again, you've been so indoctrinated to call out Commie! and Stalin! every time someone mentions social programs. And so, while your captors are raping the fiscal landscape in their favor to the tune of a giant giveaway to themselves, you do what you've been conditioned to do. Blame the working man. As you go about voting against your interests and those of the country, you deride anyone who shines a light on the enormous income gap brought on by monetary policy written by and for the super wealthy. And as the monied elite begin the systematic raiding of the social safety net because they can never be too rich and they have to pay for their unmitigated greed somehow, you do their bidding like the stupid little soldiers you've been made into. Well, the pendulum is about to swing the other way in November.
its probably 70 or more years that parents haven't raised and disciplined their kids properly and then for the last 50 years Public school education has been run by a nest of vipers whose only concern is a paycheck . If only teaching for a pay check teachers will teach anything they are told to teach . I graduated in the mid 60s . ------------------------------------------------------------------- and another observation and comment [ASSUMPTION REALLY] that i think is true . Imported teachers can teach their unamerican values to young American students . Please correct me if i am incorrect .

Government Schools are only about the indoctrination now. They're no longer properly functioning as institutions of learning. Parents need to seriously consider all education alternatives. Government-schooling isn't the best option for their children.

And the GOP cares so much for students, it appoints a Cabinet Secretary with zero credentials just like almost every cabinet dept. And the Trump gang cares so much about students that they call them paid shills when they speak out about school safety and the dreaded Gun Control. The whitehouse and the entire GOP quickly come to the aid of, not the students, but the f'in NRA.
its probably 70 or more years that parents haven't raised and disciplined their kids properly and then for the last 50 years Public school education has been run by a nest of vipers whose only concern is a paycheck . If only teaching for a pay check teachers will teach anything they are told to teach . I graduated in the mid 60s . ------------------------------------------------------------------- and another observation and comment [ASSUMPTION REALLY] that i think is true . Imported teachers can teach their unamerican values to young American students . Please correct me if i am incorrect .

Was that teacher/Coach who used himself as a shield to save the students lives only there for a paycheck? I guess teachers are just selfish and care only for the high paid jobs they studied their asses off to get? Man, it's really impressive what the Russians and their minions in the capitol have accomplished. Do you folks get a check for your support of Russia? I certainly hope it's more than teachers get.
You ask about the MALE teacher / coach , well he just did what he was supposed to do . ----------- but these teachers in my link are just there for paychecks and young stiffies and they will teach anything that lefty administration tells them to teach for a paycheck WThing . --- --- what kinda school do you teach in WThing .
its probably 70 or more years that parents haven't raised and disciplined their kids properly and then for the last 50 years Public school education has been run by a nest of vipers whose only concern is a paycheck . If only teaching for a pay check teachers will teach anything they are told to teach . I graduated in the mid 60s . ------------------------------------------------------------------- and another observation and comment [ASSUMPTION REALLY] that i think is true . Imported teachers can teach their unamerican values to young American students . Please correct me if i am incorrect .

Government Schools are only about the indoctrination now. They're no longer properly functioning as institutions of learning. Parents need to seriously consider all education alternatives. Government-schooling isn't the best option for their children.

And the GOP cares so much for students, it appoints a Cabinet Secretary with zero credentials just like almost every cabinet dept. And the Trump gang cares so much about students that they call them paid shills when they speak out about school safety and the dreaded Gun Control. The whitehouse and the entire GOP quickly come to the aid of, not the students, but the f'in NRA.
---------------------------------------------------------- GO Betsy DeVoss !!
and its also MALE teachers that prey on young flesh and work for a paycheck and who will teach any agenda that the administration tells them to teach WThing .
"Conservatives" are absolute scum. Everything I once liked about the republicans is gone. Now they are just hypocrites, with all of the bad and none of the good.

Real conservatives have left the GOP.

So, "real conservatives" want to end civil rights and support collectivist dictatorship, then?

Real conservatives want to balance the budget and get the federal debt under control. Good luck getting that out of this administration or this congress.

Ah, so your undying support for ISIS Barry was the way he lowered the debt and balanced the budget? :lmao:

The SUBJECT Comrade, is the desire you and your fellow Bolsheviks have to put an end to civil rights.

When you spew your Soros fueled hatred of Conservatives, what you are really doing is expressing your hatred of Americans. Hey, I get it, you hate America and dream of ending the Constitution.

What makes you think I supported Obama, dumbass?

My bet, based on your immature name calling, is that you still can't vote yet.
Great, so maybe you can name the Democrats who are pushing to ban the 2nd Amendment where pismoe failed.
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Lifelong loyal Communists.
Hillary and Putin hate each other. Obama put sanctions on russia, and trump loves putin and wont sanction russia.
More crazed conservative knee-jerk hyperbole. ^^^

Douglas is preparing to reopen this s coming week. At this very moment, my wife, along with a group of other moms, is decorating tissue boxes to donate to the school as a symbol of support and solidarity.

That’s a sign of communism to you, isn’t it. Fess up....

No, but it is a sign of Leftwing stupidity. Just like Hillary's "reset button" embarrassment and just like John Kerry taking James Taylor to France to sing "You've Got a Friend". Shall I go on?

#bringbackourgirls with poor Michelle standing there with a sad look on her face like she was actually doing something worthwhile.

Typical rightwingnut retardation ...

Support is “leftwing stupidity”

Tsk, tsk, them Kleenex, handing a Russian Ambassador a plastic red button, have in James Tylor sing and tweeting isn't really giving support now, is it? It's done to make yourself feel better but does nothing for the real victims.
Oh? How is that not supporting them?


supports (plural noun)

  1. a thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright:

    synonyms: pillar · post · prop · upright · crutch · plinth · brace ·
    buttress · base · substructure · foundation · underpinning
    • the action or state of bearing the weight of something or someone or of being so supported:
      "she clutched the sideboard for support"
  2. material assistance: "
Please note that it means doing something real not symbolic. Symbolism is simply done to make the person outside the problem feel better about themselves. Support means doing something substantial.
Only if you ignore all the definitions of support...

Definition of support
transitive verb
1: to endure bravely or quietly : bear
2a (1) : to promote the interests or cause of
(2) : to uphold or defend as valid or right : advocate
  • supports fair play

(3): to argue or vote for
  • supported the motion to lower taxes
b (1) : assist, help
  • bombers supported the ground troops

(2) : to act with (a star actor)
(3) : to bid in bridge so as to show support for
c : to provide with substantiation : corroborate
  • support an alibi
3a : to pay the costs of : maintain
  • support a family
b : to provide a basis for the existence or subsistence of
  • the island could probably supportthree
  • —A. B. C. Whipple
  • support a habit
4a : to hold up or serve as a foundation or prop for
b : to maintain (a price) at a desired level by purchases or loans; also : to maintain the price of by purchases or loans
5: to keep from fainting, yielding, or losing courage : comfort
6: to keep (something) going
------------------------------------------------------------------- here you go Faun --- No One Wants to Ban or Confiscate Guns huh? These Quotes from Anti Gun Leaders Say Otherwise --- see 'feinstein' as she speaks in the video Faun
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Lifelong loyal Communists.
Hillary and Putin hate each other. Obama put sanctions on russia, and trump loves putin and wont sanction russia.
------------------------------------------------------------ 'i think i remember hearing that 'mrobama' put sanctions on Russia just as TRUMP was getting ready to enter Presidential Office after he won the election over 'illary' . The purpose of those sanctions was to hurt the new President Trump and to limit TRUMPS options and choices . Concerning sanction on the Russians , TRUMP should do as he thinks is best rather than follow 'mrobama' DMuck .
Those are the same 3 you named before. You do realize you don’t keep adding another three every time you link that article, right? It’s always just going to be the same 3 people.

No offense intended, but you are what Lenin called a 'Useful Idiot.' You're helping advance the Communist Agenda. You may call yourself a 'Socialist' or 'Progressive', but you're a Communist. And you don't have to be a Useful Idiot your entire life. There's still time. You really should reconsider your loyalty to the Communists.

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Lifelong loyal Communists.
Hillary and Putin hate each other. Obama put sanctions on russia, and trump loves putin and wont sanction russia.
------------------------------------------------------------ 'i think i remember hearing that 'mrobama' put sanctions on Russia just as TRUMP was getting ready to enter Presidential Office after he won the election over 'illary' . The purpose of those sanctions was to hurt the new President Trump and to limit TRUMPS options and choices . Concerning sanction on the Russians , TRUMP should do as he thinks is best rather than follow 'mrobama' DMuck .
Sanctions on Russia hurt Trump? please elaborate.
You ask about the MALE teacher / coach , well he just did what he was supposed to do . ----------- but these teachers in my link are just there for paychecks and young stiffies and they will teach anything that lefty administration tells them to teach for a paycheck WThing . --- The big list: Female teachers with students --- what kinda school do you teach in WThing .

Just what he was supposed to do? He was heroic. While cops and security waited outside he put himself in harms way. There's no love greater than one you put your life in jeopardy for. He did what his heart told him to do. For you to sit back and paint all teachers with your broad, ignorant brush is to bring dishonor to them. They deserve our respect and admiration. BTW when is Trump gonna do what he's supposed to do? Took him over a year to admit his comrade Vladimir fucked with our democracy. And you righties ignore all the evidence of collusion and Trump's protectionist attitude toward his master. The amazingly articulate and dedicated kids that survived that NRA fest showed me that our future is secure once we rid ourselves of the yellow cancer in the white house.
'mrobama' tried to cement his 'obama' sanctions on Russia in place to hinder and HURT President Trumps options . I think that TRUMP is ignoring 'mrobamas' sanctions and will do as he likes and thinks is best DMuck .
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