Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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Page 128. Has anyone defended what the students actually said yet, or is it still just leftist attacking people for daring to challenge what they said?

They don't need defending except from the NRA and those who support it.


I clearly mentioned what they SAID, ie their argument in favor of gun control.

I've asked if anyone has defended what they said.

I will take your post as an admission that you are unable to defend their position.

Defend it to you? I'd sooner hit myself in the cranium with a hammer. The NRA position is every bit as sensible as the Wall. And, that's all I'd get from you because you don't really have an opinion but rather a scripted answer from the GOP and its master (yours too) the NRA. The place with all those NRAholes.
another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.
Page 128. Has anyone defended what the students actually said yet, or is it still just leftist attacking people for daring to challenge what they said?

They don't need defending except from the NRA and those who support it.


I clearly mentioned what they SAID, ie their argument in favor of gun control.

I've asked if anyone has defended what they said.

I will take your post as an admission that you are unable to defend their position.

Defend it to you? I'd sooner hit myself in the cranium with a hammer. The NRA position is every bit as sensible as the Wall. And, that's all I'd get from you because you don't really have an opinion but rather a scripted answer from the GOP and its master (yours too) the NRA. The place with all those NRAholes.

Your complete inability to defend, even discuss what the students actually said is noted.

They are just stupid kids with nothing to add to the debate.

Their victim status does not make them experts.
another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

Got it. YOu don't know.

I understand. YOu like to be dramatic and this gives you an excuse to be very dramatic and emotional.

But, I've called you on the actual content of the OP, and you've got nothing, so, your little game is over.

Run along now.
another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

Got it. YOu don't know.

I understand. YOu like to be dramatic and this gives you an excuse to be very dramatic and emotional.

But, I've called you on the actual content of the OP, and you've got nothing, so, your little game is over.

Run along now.

Do you righties have a handbook? Always the same BS and always the same moronic insults. But when that doesn't work you accuse the opposition of being dramatic. This right after the drama and emotional personal attack and always followed by "run along!" Don't you realize just how predictable an ineffective those lame tactics are when the one you say it to is far superior in intelligence than you are? Let me ask you something? Does that shit ever actually work or do you just wish it would? LOL Don't hold your breath like that! You're turning blue.
another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.
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another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

Got it. YOu don't know.

I understand. YOu like to be dramatic and this gives you an excuse to be very dramatic and emotional.

But, I've called you on the actual content of the OP, and you've got nothing, so, your little game is over.

Run along now.

Do you righties have a handbook? Always the same BS and always the same moronic insults. But when that doesn't work you accuse the opposition of being dramatic. This right after the drama and emotional personal attack and always followed by "run along!" Don't you realize just how predictable an ineffective those lame tactics are when the one you say it to is far superior in intelligence than you are? Let me ask you something? Does that shit ever actually work or do you just wish it would? LOL Don't hold your breath like that! You're turning blue.

I have been asking liberals in this thread to defend or make the argument that the kids advanced.

NONE have even tried.

You are very upset that conservatives are challenging the message of these kids, but when called on it, you are unable to even voice their message.

I asked you what was their message and your "answer" was to insult me.

To answer your message, no, it never works for me.

Asking liberals to actually present their arguments, and then pointing out that they can't, never works.

Because liberals, on some level, know that they are lying.

And since all their friends are lying too, they don't care if a conservative calls them on it, because their friends will all pretend it never happened.

And that's how national gun policy is made.
ROFL! I knew some lying leftwing douche bag would get around to this. It's their stock in trade. The whole reason the leftwing scum put the kids up to demanding gun control is so they could attack anyone who disagreed as "attacking" the victims. That is how fucking sleazy thse vermin are. There is no bar so low that a snowflake won't slither under it.


I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.
They are teens who have minds of their own, standing up to what the fuck head GOP is paid off to pass.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
These teens have so much more courage than the adults on the right.

Those teens went on that show knowing they were going to be applauded. The adults supporting gun rights went on that show, knowing they were going to be insulted, vilified, and booed. Which one of those actually required courage?

So, let me understand what you are saying. You believe the teens who were shot at, or were trying to hide in order to keep from being killed, were left wing students trying to lie about their experiences. Though you have no proof of your accusations. And you have never been in their position, never been shot at while having no protection.
Uh, that is way too stupid to convince anyone with a working brain, me boy? (girl?) Just does not pass the giggle test. And, by the way, there is no question that the kids are way smarter than you. I suspect you know that, and are just plain incapable of comprehending what they went through. But you do have one trait that exceeds those of those kids. You are way more ignorant than they ever were.
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another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.
I guess you caught us. Nobody would believe those kids might have their own opinions about all their friends being killed, Right?
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.
They are teens who have minds of their own, standing up to what the fuck head GOP is paid off to pass.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
These teens have so much more courage than the adults on the right.

Those teens went on that show knowing they were going to be applauded. The adults supporting gun rights went on that show, knowing they were going to be insulted, vilified, and booed. Which one of those actually required courage?

So, let me understand what you are saying. You believe the teens who were shot at, or were trying to hide in order to keep from being killed, were left wing students trying to suggest lie about their experiences. Though you have no proof of your accusations. And you have never been in their position, never been shot at while having no protection.
Uh, that is way to stupid to convince anyone with a working brain, me boy. Just does not pass the giggle test. And, by the way, there is no question that these kids are way smarter than you. I suspect you know that, and are just plain incapable of comprehending what they went through. But you do have one trait that exceeds those of those kids. You are way more ignorant than they ever were.

If that was you trying to understand what I was saying, you failed miserably, and should immediately report to your nearest high school for remedial reading courses.

Be sure to wear a Kevlar vest.
With few a few exceptions, yes.

And if you Stalinists ever take power, death camps will be waiting for the conservatives.

We get it.

You get nothing, dipshit. There are no communists, and stalinists are way gone, me boy. You simply are a con troll, and love having someone to tell you what to believe. As is normal for con trolls. But it is funny to here you suggest that communists and stalinists are lurking out there, me boy. Stupid, but funny.
another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.
From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.
Nobody does, asshole. Their leftwing parents and teachers put them up to it. The only opinions they have are the ones their parents and teachers have drilled into them. This thing is a scam, a con, a fraud.
They are teens who have minds of their own, standing up to what the fuck head GOP is paid off to pass.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
These teens have so much more courage than the adults on the right.

Those teens went on that show knowing they were going to be applauded. The adults supporting gun rights went on that show, knowing they were going to be insulted, vilified, and booed. Which one of those actually required courage?

So, let me understand what you are saying. You believe the teens who were shot at, or were trying to hide in order to keep from being killed, were left wing students trying to suggest lie about their experiences. Though you have no proof of your accusations. And you have never been in their position, never been shot at while having no protection.
Uh, that is way to stupid to convince anyone with a working brain, me boy. Just does not pass the giggle test. And, by the way, there is no question that these kids are way smarter than you. I suspect you know that, and are just plain incapable of comprehending what they went through. But you do have one trait that exceeds those of those kids. You are way more ignorant than they ever were.

If that was you trying to understand what I was saying, you failed miserably, and should immediately report to your nearest high school for remedial reading courses.

Be sure to wear a Kevlar vest.

I see you think you are profound in some way. I have no problem at all understanding what you said. Are you suggesting that you did not intend to say what you did?
By the way, did you actually get through high school?
What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
As pointed out to me by another poster yesterday !!the only good thing about changing the age from 18 to 21 if that happens is that these young punks will be diminishing their own Firearms RIGHTS and Freedoms and that is funny . ------------------------------- Plus on a different subject , and the little i know about buying marijuana in legal state run marijuana stores is that if you use marijuana you have given away your Gun RIGHTS . And i think that in order to buy pot you have to show State issued identification . So . to me it looks like these young emotionally driven punks are happy to screw themselves 2 ways . ------------- just a comment but its amusing if my reasoning is accurate .
another teacher example --- --- and theres hundreds , thousands of example of your teacher union buddies out there WThing .

From what I've seen and heard from those wonderful kids they are much smarter than those who came up with this tactic of blaming the victim by despicable politicians and those who love them.

Those kids didn't come by that knowledge and poise by themselves. They were taught very well. What I took away from their words and actions is that our country will be in very good hands once we get past the era of stupid.

And, we're almost there, thanks in large part to the one real investigation of Russian interference in our democracy. Ol' Carp Lips is feeling the heat and it shows. Very revealing of what goes on in the Mad, I mean White House.

What have they said that is so smart?

You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

They are victims. They deserve sympathy and care.

They do not deserve the right to dictate national policy.

If they make an argument regarding policy, that argument will be challenged.

Challenging an argument is not attacking the person making the argument.

If they don't wan to be challenged, they should have not taken the stand they have taken.

If YOU didn't want them challenged, you should not have put them forth as spokesmen for your partisan agenda.
They are teens who have minds of their own, standing up to what the fuck head GOP is paid off to pass.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
These teens have so much more courage than the adults on the right.

Those teens went on that show knowing they were going to be applauded. The adults supporting gun rights went on that show, knowing they were going to be insulted, vilified, and booed. Which one of those actually required courage?

So, let me understand what you are saying. You believe the teens who were shot at, or were trying to hide in order to keep from being killed, were left wing students trying to suggest lie about their experiences. Though you have no proof of your accusations. And you have never been in their position, never been shot at while having no protection.
Uh, that is way to stupid to convince anyone with a working brain, me boy. Just does not pass the giggle test. And, by the way, there is no question that these kids are way smarter than you. I suspect you know that, and are just plain incapable of comprehending what they went through. But you do have one trait that exceeds those of those kids. You are way more ignorant than they ever were.

If that was you trying to understand what I was saying, you failed miserably, and should immediately report to your nearest high school for remedial reading courses.

Be sure to wear a Kevlar vest.

I see you think you are profound in some way. I have no problem at all understanding what you said. Are you suggesting that you did not intend to say what you did?
By the way, did you actually get through high school?

It saddens me that you might be an example of the American Educational System. CNN ran the show. CNN gave them the talking points. Sure, in 4 days a bunch of High School kids were able to organize a Nationwide March .
You wouldn't recognize it.

They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
It’s like you’re on drugs or something.

What 2 Wars did Obama start?
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