Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
It’s like you’re on drugs or something.

What 2 Wars did Obama start?

Next they'll say Obama kidnapped the Lindbergh baby. things they say along the lines of Hillary or Obama or whomever is part of the list of talking points that came stock in their Junior Deflector Kits. The author? The dis I mean honorable Devin Nunes. He's always busy making shit up to deflect from the Russia thing and as I understand it, He Works Nights! Now, that is honorable. Not many folks work nights anymore. Have you seen his calling card? It has a picture of a pawn with the legend, "Have Lies-Will Travel"
They are teens who have minds of their own, standing up to what the fuck head GOP is paid off to pass.

Sent from my XT1575 using mobile app
These teens have so much more courage than the adults on the right.

Those teens went on that show knowing they were going to be applauded. The adults supporting gun rights went on that show, knowing they were going to be insulted, vilified, and booed. Which one of those actually required courage?

So, let me understand what you are saying. You believe the teens who were shot at, or were trying to hide in order to keep from being killed, were left wing students trying to suggest lie about their experiences. Though you have no proof of your accusations. And you have never been in their position, never been shot at while having no protection.
Uh, that is way to stupid to convince anyone with a working brain, me boy. Just does not pass the giggle test. And, by the way, there is no question that these kids are way smarter than you. I suspect you know that, and are just plain incapable of comprehending what they went through. But you do have one trait that exceeds those of those kids. You are way more ignorant than they ever were.

If that was you trying to understand what I was saying, you failed miserably, and should immediately report to your nearest high school for remedial reading courses.

Be sure to wear a Kevlar vest.

I see you think you are profound in some way. I have no problem at all understanding what you said. Are you suggesting that you did not intend to say what you did?
By the way, did you actually get through high school?

Well, I AM profound, but I was actually referring to the way that your post bore no resemblance or relation to anything I actually said.
오빤 강남 스타일 :cuckoo:

^^^ that’s Korean for ... you’re fucking insane :cuckoo:


^^^^^^ That's American for "you're a fucking retard, troll"
Oh, well that's why he said; You and the other leftist are seeking to end civil rights, I happen to enjoy being free.

So as you lie, you will be called on your lies.

You ARE a Communist, you are part of the democratic party which seeks to end the United States Constitution and establish a collectivist dictatorship.

You don't get to strip me of civil rights.

You love the insults in lieu of any substance. Still waiting to hear what makes you a rifle expert. Paintball? BB's?
He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

So now you're answering for each other? Since that is the case I'll ask you what he has ever done in re to an assault rifle? One of you will probably give me more wishing I wasn't a Marine or an insult laden non answer or both. Try for once to concentrate and be honest. As long as I'm here, what have you ever done to give you the right to question my service? Nothing, right? Just like to piss and moan? I can understand why someone like you two would find it difficult to believe someone actually was a Marine and fought for his country because the whole idea scares you and baffles you as to what you would have done back then. It's so easy to be a hero online. I don't think either of you have the balls to do what I did. BTW if you'd like to know what I did there's a book based on my unit at Que Son Valley in the summer of 69 called Death Valley, The summer Offensive. It'll give you a taste of what a real patriot will do for his country.


Define "assault rifle?"

BTW, don't Marine's take an oath to defend the Constitution that you're waging war on?

I thought you said I wasn't a Marine. Which is it?

Where did I say that, Comrade?

If you were a Marine you've violated your oath, dishonoring the Corps and yourself. Your acts of treason in attacking the Constitution you swore to uphold bringing eternal shame on you. But you may be a piece of shit like John Kerry who shits on his oath because you have no valor or honor. :dunno:
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

Imagine being articulate and then being attacked by the right for it.

That's how much they hate people of intelligence.

Yeah, it's glorious! I love it. The best part is that will finally show who the Traitors are.

We already know who the traitors are - you.

We know the the FBI illegally wiretapped the opposition party on behalf of you Stalinist democrats in an effort to rig the election. We know that Hillary and the DOJ colluded with Russia to fabricate slander and libel in an effort to rig the election.

We know that traitors Strzok and his bitch in heat Lisa Page conspired to create an "insurance policy" which is this coup you vile scum are engaged in. We know that James Comey obstructed justice by thwarting the the investigation into the criminal acts of Hillary Clinton due to his fear that the investigation would harm her candidacy which he was actively using the FBI to support and promote.

We know that crooked Loretta Lynch illegally and secretly met with Bill Clinton to strategize how the DOJ could fix the election.

d maybe, just maybe you'll have balls enough to admit you were taken in by a second story man.

But I doubt that will ever happen because the indoctrination you all fell for lock stock and Bullshit is intense and complete as evidenced by how many times you repeat all the talking points and how loudly you call out Commie, and Stalinist! It's really quite amusing and oh so telling.

I remember how Patricia Hearst said, "Call me Tanya!" I think the same subversion is at work with you Trump cultists. Stockholm Syndrome. You've been captured and captivated by folks a lot smarter than you.

And when those folks are led by someone as stupid as your cult leader that's really quite revealing and for me, a constant source of amusement. Better than the circus, because the ringmaster is a clown.

What you are is a traitor.

You either are an Ex-Marine who shit all over his oath, or you are a liar who claims stolen valor.

Either way you're a disreputable pile of shit.
You love the insults in lieu of any substance. Still waiting to hear what makes you a rifle expert. Paintball? BB's?
He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

So now you're answering for each other? Since that is the case I'll ask you what he has ever done in re to an assault rifle? One of you will probably give me more wishing I wasn't a Marine or an insult laden non answer or both. Try for once to concentrate and be honest. As long as I'm here, what have you ever done to give you the right to question my service? Nothing, right? Just like to piss and moan? I can understand why someone like you two would find it difficult to believe someone actually was a Marine and fought for his country because the whole idea scares you and baffles you as to what you would have done back then. It's so easy to be a hero online. I don't think either of you have the balls to do what I did. BTW if you'd like to know what I did there's a book based on my unit at Que Son Valley in the summer of 69 called Death Valley, The summer Offensive. It'll give you a taste of what a real patriot will do for his country.


Define "assault rifle?"

BTW, don't Marine's take an oath to defend the Constitution that you're waging war on?

I thought you said I wasn't a Marine. Which is it?

Where did I say that, Comrade?

If you were a Marine you've violated your oath, dishonoring the Corps and yourself. Your acts of treason in attacking the Constitution you swore to uphold bringing eternal shame on you. But you may be a piece of shit like John Kerry who shits on his oath because you have no valor or honor. :dunno:

Maybe some day you will do something you can be proud of for the rest of your life but first you have to break away from your all day troll fest and do something beside run your mouth. What have you ever done that brought honor or valor to your name?

It's easy to shoot from the hip and accuse others of all kinds of horse hockey but it's a little harder to get off your ass and actually do something for your fellow man or your country. I suspect you've never done anything that one could consider a sacrifice or an act of courage. Otherwise you wouldn't be sniping from the comfort of your easy chair. And, BTW there's no such thing as an ex Marine.
You get nothing, dipshit. There are no communists,


What a fucking retard, even as Stalinists go.

and stalinists are way gone, me boy. You simply are a con troll, and love having someone to tell you what to believe. As is normal for con trolls. But it is funny to here you suggest that communists and stalinists are lurking out there, me boy. Stupid, but funny.

Yeah, you who spend your time attacking the Bill of Rights with a desire to end the Constitution while you spew demands of a collectivist system to create fairness through redistribution of wealth in your obedience to an international movement have no similarity to Stalinists.... :eusa_whistle:

Standard Disclaimer: Just because you are a dumbfuck who fails to grasp basic economic and political principles does not change the reality that what you and your filthy party promote is Stalinism.
You get nothing, dipshit. There are no communists,


What a fucking retard, even as Stalinists go.

and stalinists are way gone, me boy. You simply are a con troll, and love having someone to tell you what to believe. As is normal for con trolls. But it is funny to here you suggest that communists and stalinists are lurking out there, me boy. Stupid, but funny.

Yeah, you who spend your time attacking the Bill of Rights with a desire to end the Constitution while you spew demands of a collectivist system to create fairness through redistribution of wealth in your obedience to an international movement have no similarity to Stalinists.... :eusa_whistle:

Standard Disclaimer: Just because you are a dumbfuck who fails to grasp basic economic and political principles does not change the reality that what you and your filthy party promote is Stalinism.

Do those Trump hats really have a tinfoil lining? If not, they should.
They've spouted nothing but mindless emotional drivel. It is to be expected because of the trauma, but they will have no effect at all.

Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
It’s like you’re on drugs or something.

What 2 Wars did Obama start?

You need a new schtick, North Korean troll.

This one ain't working.
He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

So now you're answering for each other? Since that is the case I'll ask you what he has ever done in re to an assault rifle? One of you will probably give me more wishing I wasn't a Marine or an insult laden non answer or both. Try for once to concentrate and be honest. As long as I'm here, what have you ever done to give you the right to question my service? Nothing, right? Just like to piss and moan? I can understand why someone like you two would find it difficult to believe someone actually was a Marine and fought for his country because the whole idea scares you and baffles you as to what you would have done back then. It's so easy to be a hero online. I don't think either of you have the balls to do what I did. BTW if you'd like to know what I did there's a book based on my unit at Que Son Valley in the summer of 69 called Death Valley, The summer Offensive. It'll give you a taste of what a real patriot will do for his country.


Define "assault rifle?"

BTW, don't Marine's take an oath to defend the Constitution that you're waging war on?

I thought you said I wasn't a Marine. Which is it?

Where did I say that, Comrade?

If you were a Marine you've violated your oath, dishonoring the Corps and yourself. Your acts of treason in attacking the Constitution you swore to uphold bringing eternal shame on you. But you may be a piece of shit like John Kerry who shits on his oath because you have no valor or honor. :dunno:

Maybe some day you will do something you can be proud of for the rest of your life but first you have to break away from your all day troll fest and do something beside run your mouth. What have you ever done that brought honor or valor to your name?

It's easy to shoot from the hip and accuse others of all kinds of horse hockey but it's a little harder to get off your ass and actually do something for your fellow man or your country. I suspect you've never done anything that one could consider a sacrifice or an act of courage. Otherwise you wouldn't be sniping from the comfort of your easy chair. And, BTW there's no such thing as an ex Marine.

Are you proud of shitting on your oath to defend the Constitution?
So now you're answering for each other? Since that is the case I'll ask you what he has ever done in re to an assault rifle? One of you will probably give me more wishing I wasn't a Marine or an insult laden non answer or both. Try for once to concentrate and be honest. As long as I'm here, what have you ever done to give you the right to question my service? Nothing, right? Just like to piss and moan? I can understand why someone like you two would find it difficult to believe someone actually was a Marine and fought for his country because the whole idea scares you and baffles you as to what you would have done back then. It's so easy to be a hero online. I don't think either of you have the balls to do what I did. BTW if you'd like to know what I did there's a book based on my unit at Que Son Valley in the summer of 69 called Death Valley, The summer Offensive. It'll give you a taste of what a real patriot will do for his country.


Define "assault rifle?"

BTW, don't Marine's take an oath to defend the Constitution that you're waging war on?

I thought you said I wasn't a Marine. Which is it?

Where did I say that, Comrade?

If you were a Marine you've violated your oath, dishonoring the Corps and yourself. Your acts of treason in attacking the Constitution you swore to uphold bringing eternal shame on you. But you may be a piece of shit like John Kerry who shits on his oath because you have no valor or honor. :dunno:

Maybe some day you will do something you can be proud of for the rest of your life but first you have to break away from your all day troll fest and do something beside run your mouth. What have you ever done that brought honor or valor to your name?

It's easy to shoot from the hip and accuse others of all kinds of horse hockey but it's a little harder to get off your ass and actually do something for your fellow man or your country. I suspect you've never done anything that one could consider a sacrifice or an act of courage. Otherwise you wouldn't be sniping from the comfort of your easy chair. And, BTW there's no such thing as an ex Marine.

Are you proud of shitting on your oath to defend the Constitution?

Are you proud of being a sniveling little snipe?

Are you proud of being a sniveling little snipe?

Hey, I didn't violate an oath to defend the Constitution the way you did. You've dishonored the Corps and yourself. You've earned eternal shame.

Yeah, because first you have to take an oath. What have you done? I defended my country and you defend a bunch of traitors trying to destroy it. Now That's valor and honor eh snipe?

Yeah, because first you have to take an oath. What have you done? I defended my country and you defend a bunch of traitors trying to destroy it. Now That's valor and honor eh snipe?

You defended your country, then came back and betrayed it?

How shameful.

Still waiting to hear what you've ever done. From your posts and their maturity I suppose you aren't old enough to join the military so it can't be that. But I can excuse your posts because at that age you don't know any better.
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