Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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Mindless emotional drivel. That's what their anguish means to you. That's what they went through and will continue to go through for the rest of their young lives. Congratulations, you have risen to the top of the very bottom of humanity. You've learned from the master. As much as it pains me to think their cries are falling on deaf ears I have to agree. Nothing or certainly next to nothing will change. That's how entrenched the GOP is with the gun lobby. Apparently, the blood of those teens was red but the blood money is mighty green to these toadies. I really hope none of those folks who wallow in that money ever has to bury one of their own before they get the message.

You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
It’s like you’re on drugs or something.

What 2 Wars did Obama start?

You need a new schtick, North Korean troll.

This one ain't working.

How funny watching you project about needing a new schtick when you struggle to post without bitching about communists. :eusa_doh:
You're am idiot kid. I'm not a Republican, and I am not beholden to your evil "gun lobby". Emotionalism always leads to drivel. As I said, the trauma makes it understandable, but it will not make us give up our Constitutional Rights. People like you cannot take them from us either. I don't run on emotion, people that do always fall victim to the next tragedy.

You're too stupid to know that you are being played.

You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
It’s like you’re on drugs or something.

What 2 Wars did Obama start?

You need a new schtick, North Korean troll.

This one ain't working.

How funny watching you project about needing a new schtick when you struggle to post without bitching about communists. :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I thought I knew a lot about anatomy from my college days but that guy is proving me wrong. I never thought some one could actually defecate through his mouth but he does it with every nitwit post. He's a child and we have to understand he can't help himself.

Are you proud of being a sniveling little snipe?

Hey, I didn't violate an oath to defend the Constitution the way you did. You've dishonored the Corps and yourself. You've earned eternal shame.

He's a troll pretending to be a Marine.

It's hard to believe a genuine marine doesn't know what "field of fire" means.

You're at this shit again? Yeah folks, I'm a girl scout and this guy is trying to woo me. Won't leave me alone. It didn't work the last time and it won't work this time either. One trick pony. Kinda cute though.
You're not a Republican? Yeah, sure. Love your little Mr Spock impersonation.

Nope, I'm not. Again, Progressives think that everyone is as partisan as they are. There aren't two parties, just an establishment. They work for the Bankers, not us. Bush took us to two wars. Obama ran as a peace candidate, he was going to get us out of everything. Instead he started two more wars. Why is that do you suppose?
It’s like you’re on drugs or something.

What 2 Wars did Obama start?

You need a new schtick, North Korean troll.

This one ain't working.

How funny watching you project about needing a new schtick when you struggle to post without bitching about communists. :eusa_doh:

Yeah, I thought I knew a lot about anatomy from my college days but that guy is proving me wrong. I never thought some one could actually defecate through his mouth but he does it with every nitwit post. He's a child and we have to understand he can't help himself.

Oh, now you went to college, didja? :lmao:

Are you proud of being a sniveling little snipe?

Hey, I didn't violate an oath to defend the Constitution the way you did. You've dishonored the Corps and yourself. You've earned eternal shame.

He's a troll pretending to be a Marine.

If it isn't pretense, then he violated his oath and is a disgrace to the Corps.

I have quite a few Marines working for me. To a one, they are proud and honorable. For a Marine to violate their oath the way this pile of shit did is something I've never seen.
You're at this shit again? Yeah folks, I'm a girl scout and this guy is trying to woo me. Won't leave me alone. It didn't work the last time and it won't work this time either. One trick pony. Kinda cute though.

If you are an ex-Marine, you're a fucking disgrace. If you once were in the Corps, you vowed to protect the Constitution that you now wage war against.

Here is the oath Marines take;

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

That you violate this oath means either you are gutter scum or a fraud. If you are a fraud, you are still gutter scum.

Fawn took a similar oath to protect and promote Kim Jong Un. Unlike you, Fawn lives up to his oath each and every day.
You're at this shit again? Yeah folks, I'm a girl scout and this guy is trying to woo me. Won't leave me alone. It didn't work the last time and it won't work this time either. One trick pony. Kinda cute though.

If you are an ex-Marine, you're a fucking disgrace. If you once were in the Corps, you vowed to protect the Constitution that you now wage war against.

Here is the oath Marines take;

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

That you violate this oath means either you are gutter scum or a fraud. If you are a fraud, you are still gutter scum.

Fawn took a similar oath to protect and promote Kim Jong Un. Unlike you, Fawn lives up to his oath each and every day.

Careful there, you'll pop an artery. To be called a pile of shit by someone like you is another badge I'll wear with honor. Do you and Hun work as a moronic tag team? I know each of you think you're a wit but in the case of you two in particular, two halves don't make a whole. Now to the Constitution. You support and defend someone who is the biggest domestic enemy this country has ever seen. And, you support and defend the use of military weapons by morons and sickos and bow down to the NRA. Our streets have become Dodge City and the NRA laughs all the way to the bank. I've never seen a bigger domestic enemy than Trump and the NRA except for the idiots who don't see it. BTW, what have you ever done in your whole miserable life to defend your country? When you defend Trump and deny the Russian invasion of our democracy, you are the very definition of a traitor. You're just not intelligent enough to see it. BTW there's no such thing as an ex Marine.
"We have to stay focused on the true villain of this story: the diabolical AR-15 that hijacked poor Nikolas Cruz and USED him to carry out the slaughter it had always dreamed of in its cold, black heart."

[Who said that? :cuckoo:

Most here just laugh at you because you're so nuts.

You whined that I "bitch" about you Communists.

I'm sure not going to praise you piles shit.

Particularly not those like you who are agents of foreign governments trolling the internet with the intent of creating dissension in the American electorate.

That turd of a witch hunter, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada has indicted Russians for doing what you do each and every day.

(Apparently the dumb fuck thinks posting on Facebook is a crime, if it opposes the party.)
You're at this shit again? Yeah folks, I'm a girl scout and this guy is trying to woo me. Won't leave me alone. It didn't work the last time and it won't work this time either. One trick pony. Kinda cute though.

If you are an ex-Marine, you're a fucking disgrace. If you once were in the Corps, you vowed to protect the Constitution that you now wage war against.

Here is the oath Marines take;

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

That you violate this oath means either you are gutter scum or a fraud. If you are a fraud, you are still gutter scum.

Fawn took a similar oath to protect and promote Kim Jong Un. Unlike you, Fawn lives up to his oath each and every day.

Careful there, you'll pop an artery. To be called a pile of shit by someone like you is another badge I'll wear with honor. Do you and Hun work as a moronic tag team? I know each of you think you're a wit but in the case of you two in particular, two halves don't make a whole. Now to the Constitution. You support and defend someone who is the biggest domestic enemy this country has ever seen. And, you support and defend the use of military weapons by morons and sickos and bow down to the NRA. Our streets have become Dodge City and the NRA laughs all the way to the bank. I've never seen a bigger domestic enemy than Trump and the NRA except for the idiots who don't see it. BTW, what have you ever done in your whole miserable life to defend your country? When you defend Trump and deny the Russian invasion of our democracy, you are the very definition of a traitor. You're just not intelligent enough to see it. BTW there's no such thing as an ex Marine.

Of course you do. You have no honor, so you revel in the distaste decent folk have for you.
You're at this shit again? Yeah folks, I'm a girl scout and this guy is trying to woo me. Won't leave me alone. It didn't work the last time and it won't work this time either. One trick pony. Kinda cute though.

If you are an ex-Marine, you're a fucking disgrace. If you once were in the Corps, you vowed to protect the Constitution that you now wage war against.

Here is the oath Marines take;

"I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

That you violate this oath means either you are gutter scum or a fraud. If you are a fraud, you are still gutter scum.

Fawn took a similar oath to protect and promote Kim Jong Un. Unlike you, Fawn lives up to his oath each and every day.

Careful there, you'll pop an artery. To be called a pile of shit by someone like you is another badge I'll wear with honor. Do you and Hun work as a moronic tag team? I know each of you think you're a wit but in the case of you two in particular, two halves don't make a whole. Now to the Constitution. You support and defend someone who is the biggest domestic enemy this country has ever seen. And, you support and defend the use of military weapons by morons and sickos and bow down to the NRA. Our streets have become Dodge City and the NRA laughs all the way to the bank. I've never seen a bigger domestic enemy than Trump and the NRA except for the idiots who don't see it. BTW, what have you ever done in your whole miserable life to defend your country? When you defend Trump and deny the Russian invasion of our democracy, you are the very definition of a traitor. You're just not intelligent enough to see it. BTW there's no such thing as an ex Marine.

Of course you do. You have no honor, so you revel in the distaste decent folk have for you.

What have you ever done for your country? In order to accuse someone of dishonor you should at least have some honor of your own. Above and beyond just being a whining child.

What have you ever done for your country? In order to accuse someone of dishonor you should at least have some honor of your own. Above and beyond just being a whining child.

What have I done for my country? Defended the Constitution from traitors like you, to start with.

Really? How? By acting like a baby when you get your clock cleaned? Can't beat me on the issues so you try to wish me away. He's not a Marine, he's this and he's that. It's so easy to trip you up and get under your thin skin that it's a pleasure to do it. Still waiting for your honorable service. I'll bet you were a cub scout. That's honorable. Were you a Cub Scout? Well, that's special...
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