Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

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“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.

Guilty until proven innocent? That's your conception of due process? Joseph Stalin would agree.

Oh, you mean like the due process given Obama with Benghazi or Hillary with Emailgate? That due process? What would Stalin say about that? LOL Damned Hypocrites on every issue.
“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.

Guilty until proven innocent? That's your conception of due process? Joseph Stalin would agree.

Oh, you mean like the due process given Obama with Benghazi or Hillary with Emailgate? That due process? What would Stalin say about that? LOL Damned Hypocrites on every issue.

When are you going to understand that "due process" happens "after" someone is charged with a crime--:auiqs.jpg: Now while you certainly wanted it to be "criminal" neither Obama nor Hillary Clinton ever had a grand jury convened to assess criminal charges for any wrong doing against them.

Every President has had their share of Benghazi's. And we can only thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 grieving mothers of 240 U.S. Marines that were killed in Lebanon, and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.


Yet Robert Mueller's Federal Grand Jury filed another 84 criminal indictiments on this Russian investigation just this last week. Now due process comes into play. Rick Gates has now been forced to work with Mueller or go to jail, and pleaded guilty yesterday.
13 Russians Indicted as Mueller Reveals Effort to Aid Trump Campaign
Mueller files new charges against Manafort and Gates - CNNPolitics
Trump campaign aide Rick Gates pleads guilty - CNNPolitics

All the emails you could possibly dig up, don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies.

Last edited:
Ohh.., so my signature is wrong because you say so.
No, because the FACTS say so, which you, misguided by your liberal OMISSION media, were oblivious to.

I'll wager you still don't know the truth about the other false 2016 Hillary TV ads (McCain, Khizir Khan, & outsourcing).

If you want the deprogramming on those, I can supply that too. Ho hum.

You moron...

Trump: ”you gotta see this guy...”


Ah, the voice of North Korea weighs in.,,
I bet when people describe you they say you're "a laugh a minute". Lol
Do some research. You will find that countries with strict gun control do not have unusually high rates of crime, particularly not gun related crime. Your problem is that you are so stupid, your don't realize how dreadfully ignorant you are as well.

Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 -
I don't knowwhat you think your article is supposed to prove. If you think it proves that people withmental illness go on murderous rampages, well duh. However, there are mentally ill people all over the world and always have been. The reason they go on shooting sprees in the US is because they have access to all kinds of weapons. The issue of mass shootings is not mental illness, it is the availability of guns, especially automatic and semi-automatic weapons.

In countries with strict gun control, mentally ill people aren't able to kill dozens of people in just a few minutes because they do not have access to semi-automatic weapons. And in countries with strict control, gun crime does not escalate when guns go out of circulation.
Leftist spew.

That's really all you got, Repug lightweight? That lame-ass retort?
That's all you deserve.
“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.

Guilty until proven innocent? That's your conception of due process? Joseph Stalin would agree.

Oh, you mean like the due process given Obama with Benghazi or Hillary with Emailgate? That due process? What would Stalin say about that? LOL Damned Hypocrites on every issue.
What were Obama or Hillary convicted of?

“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.

Guilty until proven innocent? That's your conception of due process? Joseph Stalin would agree.

Oh, you mean like the due process given Obama with Benghazi or Hillary with Emailgate? That due process? What would Stalin say about that? LOL Damned Hypocrites on every issue.

When are you going to understand that "due process" happens "after" someone is charged with a crime--:auiqs.jpg: Now while you certainly wanted it to be "criminal" neither Obama nor Hillary Clinton ever had a grand jury convened to assess criminal charges for any wrong doing against them.

Every President has had their share of Benghazi's. And we can only thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 grieving mothers of 240 U.S. Marines that were killed in Lebanon, and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.


Yet Robert Mueller's Federal Grand Jury filed another 84 criminal indictiments on this Russian investigation just this last week. Now due process comes into play. Rick Gates has now been forced to work with Mueller or go to jail, and pleaded guilty yesterday.
13 Russians Indicted as Mueller Reveals Effort to Aid Trump Campaign
Mueller files new charges against Manafort and Gates - CNNPolitics
Trump campaign aide Rick Gates pleads guilty - CNNPolitics

All the emails you could possibly dig up, don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies.


"When are you going to understand that "due process" happens "after" someone is charged with a crime--"

What "crime" have you been charged with when you get put on the no-fly list?

“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.

Guilty until proven innocent? That's your conception of due process? Joseph Stalin would agree.

Oh, you mean like the due process given Obama with Benghazi or Hillary with Emailgate? That due process? What would Stalin say about that? LOL Damned Hypocrites on every issue.

When are you going to understand that "due process" happens "after" someone is charged with a crime--:auiqs.jpg: Now while you certainly wanted it to be "criminal" neither Obama nor Hillary Clinton ever had a grand jury convened to assess criminal charges for any wrong doing against them.

Every President has had their share of Benghazi's. And we can only thank God that Democrats didn't drag up 240 grieving mothers of 240 U.S. Marines that were killed in Lebanon, and call Ronald Reagan a murderer.


Yet Robert Mueller's Federal Grand Jury filed another 84 criminal indictiments on this Russian investigation just this last week. Now due process comes into play. Rick Gates has now been forced to work with Mueller or go to jail, and pleaded guilty yesterday.
13 Russians Indicted as Mueller Reveals Effort to Aid Trump Campaign
Mueller files new charges against Manafort and Gates - CNNPolitics
Trump campaign aide Rick Gates pleads guilty - CNNPolitics

All the emails you could possibly dig up, don't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies.


"When are you going to understand that "due process" happens "after" someone is charged with a crime--"

What "crime" have you been charged with when you get put on the no-fly list?

The end is near and the Rats are abandoning the sinking ship of fools. It's glorious to see.
The poster and I were talking about an M16.

Oh, well that's why he said;
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Why do you feel it's so important to sound like some sort of expert? That's your schtick?

You and the other leftist are seeking to end civil rights, I happen to enjoy being free.

So as you lie, you will be called on your lies.

I'm not impressed with all your bluster and name calling. Everybody who disagrees with you righties is either a Commie or a Stalinist or ? Sure sign that you've really got nothing to say. Just curious, what's your military background? Mr Nomenclature.

You ARE a Communist, you are part of the democratic party which seeks to end the United States Constitution and establish a collectivist dictatorship.

You don't get to strip me of civil rights.

You love the insults in lieu of any substance. Still waiting to hear what makes you a rifle expert. Paintball? BB's?
He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.
Tell us some more about the .223 NATO round, retard. :laugh2:
“NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns”

Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA lied about this issue, of course.

And that lie was to place those on a no-fly list in the NICS database would ‘violate’ their right to due process, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

The fact is that the law authorizing background checks has a provision affording those denied a gun purchase an appeals process – if the FBI can’t justify the denial within three business days, the denial is rescinded, no rights violated, no due process withheld.

Guilty until proven innocent? That's your conception of due process? Joseph Stalin would agree.

Oh, you mean like the due process given Obama with Benghazi or Hillary with Emailgate? That due process? What would Stalin say about that? LOL Damned Hypocrites on every issue.
What were Obama or Hillary convicted of?

Nothing, because there was no crime. But Fox Noise sure didn't adhere to it. But now all we hear is how UNFAIR the Fake News is to poor Donny. It's not a nothingburger. Mueller has all the ingredients, the patty, the onions, the ketchup, the bun and now all he needs is THE CHEESE. The big fat, yellow and orange Cheese.
The poster and I were talking about an M16.

Oh, well that's why he said;
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Why do you feel it's so important to sound like some sort of expert? That's your schtick?

You and the other leftist are seeking to end civil rights, I happen to enjoy being free.

So as you lie, you will be called on your lies.

I'm not impressed with all your bluster and name calling. Everybody who disagrees with you righties is either a Commie or a Stalinist or ? Sure sign that you've really got nothing to say. Just curious, what's your military background? Mr Nomenclature.

You ARE a Communist, you are part of the democratic party which seeks to end the United States Constitution and establish a collectivist dictatorship.

You don't get to strip me of civil rights.

You love the insults in lieu of any substance. Still waiting to hear what makes you a rifle expert. Paintball? BB's?

I love facts.

For too long you leftists have gotten away with denying what it is you are and what you are doing.

I have been shooting since I was a child. I started with .22's and have expanded to nearly every caliber and type.

From your perspective as a Marxist, which of the following is an "assault rifle" and must be banned?



Explain your answer
The poster and I were talking about an M16.

Oh, well that's why he said;
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Why do you feel it's so important to sound like some sort of expert? That's your schtick?

You and the other leftist are seeking to end civil rights, I happen to enjoy being free.

So as you lie, you will be called on your lies.

I'm not impressed with all your bluster and name calling. Everybody who disagrees with you righties is either a Commie or a Stalinist or ? Sure sign that you've really got nothing to say. Just curious, what's your military background? Mr Nomenclature.

You ARE a Communist, you are part of the democratic party which seeks to end the United States Constitution and establish a collectivist dictatorship.

You don't get to strip me of civil rights.

You love the insults in lieu of any substance. Still waiting to hear what makes you a rifle expert. Paintball? BB's?
He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

So now you're answering for each other? Since that is the case I'll ask you what he has ever done in re to an assault rifle? One of you will probably give me more wishing I wasn't a Marine or an insult laden non answer or both. Try for once to concentrate and be honest. As long as I'm here, what have you ever done to give you the right to question my service? Nothing, right? Just like to piss and moan? I can understand why someone like you two would find it difficult to believe someone actually was a Marine and fought for his country because the whole idea scares you and baffles you as to what you would have done back then. It's so easy to be a hero online. I don't think either of you have the balls to do what I did. BTW if you'd like to know what I did there's a book based on my unit at Que Son Valley in the summer of 69 called Death Valley, The summer Offensive. It'll give you a taste of what a real patriot will do for his country.


Define "assault rifle?"

BTW, don't Marine's take an oath to defend the Constitution that you're waging war on?
What demented sick bastards, just a few months ago they were supporting a child molester for senate , now this and like Pavlov's dogs their rank and file trash repeats it

"The conservative movement has two new enemies: the FBI and the survivors of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. At far-right Gateway Pundit, Lucian Wintrich managed to package them into one stark raving headline, casting aspersions on 17-year-old survivor David Hogg by noting his father is a retired FBI agent, and accusing him of having been coached on "anti-Trump lines" due to being suspiciously articulate and repeating himself a few times in a taped interview.
Before I explain what's going on, just consider the depravity of Wintrich's smear for a moment. It's a dizzying demonstration of the moral abomination the conservative propaganda machine has become.

conservatives dealt with this the same way they deal with everything: by dreaming up an unhinged conspiracy theory. Suddenly, conservatives from Sean Hannity on down began braying that the FBI — composed overwhelmingly of middle-aged Republican men who furiously despised Hillary Clinton, and whose major significant electoral action was then-director James Comey giving Trump a huge leg up a week before election day — was part of a Deep State conspiracy to undermine the president."

Conservatives are now attacking survivors of school shootings

No surprise--this is FOX NEWS today.

Fox news journalist threaten to quit


Fox News is nothing more than a cheap tabloid magazine--made for fools that just want to hear the news they want to hear. 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, all out lies and enough conspiracy stories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Oh look, a paid troll from a foreign nation gets in the ring.

Remember, paid trolls are only bad if they aren't serving the Soros international Communist cabal...
Ohh.., so my signature is wrong because you say so.
No, because the FACTS say so, which you, misguided by your liberal OMISSION media, were oblivious to.

I'll wager you still don't know the truth about the other false 2016 Hillary TV ads (McCain, Khizir Khan, & outsourcing).

If you want the deprogramming on those, I can supply that too. Ho hum.

You moron...

Trump: ”you gotta see this guy...”


Ah, the voice of North Korea weighs in.,,

The North Korean paid troll puts up the same level of substance as always
Ohh.., so my signature is wrong because you say so.
No, because the FACTS say so, which you, misguided by your liberal OMISSION media, were oblivious to.

I'll wager you still don't know the truth about the other false 2016 Hillary TV ads (McCain, Khizir Khan, & outsourcing).

If you want the deprogramming on those, I can supply that too. Ho hum.

You moron...

Trump: ”you gotta see this guy...”


Ah, the voice of North Korea weighs in.,,

The North Korean paid troll puts up the same level of substance as always

It’s adorable how you protest that as though more is needed to show what a flaming nut job you are.
The end is near and the Rats are abandoning the sinking ship of fools. It's glorious to see.

Oh yes, your Coup is working Comrade 13 Russians indicted who can never be tried. These Russians are charged with posting stuff on Facebook, which apparently now is a crime...

I guess it's not posting on Facebook that is a crime, it's WHAT you post. Supporting Donald Trump is a criminal act according to our Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada.

But these were RUSSIAN trolls you cry, not like the good a pure trolls here, Oreo the Canadian troll paid by the Soros syndicate to try and influence American elections with an incessant barrage of leftist propaganda that he posts on Twitter, Facebook, and here. And what of the North Korean, Fawn?

Ah, but speech is only outlawed which is against the party, da Comrade?

And of course we have the 13 year old SEC violations that the Witch Hunt has levied against Manafort.

Sure, they don't have a fucking thing to do with Russian collusion or Donald Trump, but the Witch Hunt is there to persecute and create fear, not to investigate.

Oh, but you Traitors sure have Donald Trump now. :thup:

You can just smell the victory of being able to put an end to the Constitution once and for all...

It's glorious, right traitor?
The poster and I were talking about an M16.

Oh, well that's why he said;
Maybe a better term is suppressive fire. An AR excels at that role.

Why do you feel it's so important to sound like some sort of expert? That's your schtick?

You and the other leftist are seeking to end civil rights, I happen to enjoy being free.

So as you lie, you will be called on your lies.

I'm not impressed with all your bluster and name calling. Everybody who disagrees with you righties is either a Commie or a Stalinist or ? Sure sign that you've really got nothing to say. Just curious, what's your military background? Mr Nomenclature.

You ARE a Communist, you are part of the democratic party which seeks to end the United States Constitution and establish a collectivist dictatorship.

You don't get to strip me of civil rights.

You love the insults in lieu of any substance. Still waiting to hear what makes you a rifle expert. Paintball? BB's?
He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

He knows the difference between an AR-15 and an M-16. You don't.
Tell us some more about the .223 NATO round, retard. :laugh2:

The 5.56? What do you want to know?

Nothing, because there was no crime. But Fox Noise sure didn't adhere to it. But now all we hear is how UNFAIR the Fake News is to poor Donny. It's not a nothingburger. Mueller has all the ingredients, the patty, the onions, the ketchup, the bun and now all he needs is THE CHEESE. The big fat, yellow and orange Cheese.

No crime traitor?

22 Hillary Clinton emails declared 'top secret' by State Dept.

That corrupt actors from the Obama administration obstructed justice in their attempt to rig the presidential election doesn't alter the fact that Hillary committed hundreds of felonies in the email scandal.
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