Conservatives are such HYPOCRITES!!!

I went golfing today:
I was conservative with my putting averaging 1.8 per hole
I was liberal missing fairways, only hit 4
I was a moderate at hitting greens, hitting 9
I shot a conservative 80

Probably keep my politics on the golf course. I'm sorta fed up with this election cycle. I may not vote at all.
I think they're all a bunch of sicko's
Sounds like a great round! I'm getting out this week if it kills me. One prob I have is that the courses near me are at members-only country clubs. There is one upscale golf community but although I love the layout the greens are always in terrible shape. So I spend 90 min. in the car.

I was conservative with my putting averaging 1.8 per hole

That's the money stat.
At CPAC today:


You think isn't armed security there? Really?
Not the point.

The point is the Second Amendment right to bear arms.
Actually dude the term gun free zones usually doesn't refer to private property such as a person's home. Those can be gun free or not gun free depending on the home owner. Government property is usually the same thing.
At CPAC today:


Yo, first? Turn your hat around Dunce? We Conservatives believe in the 2nd Amendment! The problem is the idiots who can`t handle reality in the real World, talking about the Socialist Democrat Party!

View attachment 65954
So believe in the 1st Amendment, but then you don't practice the 1st Amendment in the "Real World?" Then you call Democrats idiots? LMAO!!

You are flashing that anti-gunner Reagan around, apparently you are too young to have known Reagan, still wetting diapers I assume.

Governor Ronald Reagan of California who signed the Mulford Act in 1967, "prohibiting the carrying of firearms on one's person or in a vehicle, in any public place or on any public street." Reagan wrote in a 1975 issue of Guns & Ammo magazine, “who say that gun control is an idea whose time has come.”

Reagan-Metzenbaum bill would have outlawed many thousands of small, all-metal handguns, such as derringers.

The Brady Bill initially struggled for support in Congress, but was gaining ground by the latter days of Reagan’s predecessor, President George H.W. Bush. In a 1991 op-ed for the New York Times, Reagan voiced his support for the Brady Bill, saying the 1981 assassination attempt might have never happened if the Brady Bill had been law.

“Reagan last week declared his support for a bill requiring a seven-day waiting period for handgun purchases. He did so at a George Washington University ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of the shooting that almost killed him and permanently disabled his press secretary, James S. Brady.

“It is called the Brady Bill, and Reagan said Congress should enact it without delay. ‘It's just plain common sense that there be a waiting period to allow local law enforcement officials to conduct background checks on those who wish to buy a handgun,’ the former president said.’”
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At CPAC today:

Do you really think the GOP had a say in this. Go rent an auditorium and let me know if they ask you whether you want guns allowed or not.

False. An organization can, and many times is forced to by the venue, buy event liability insurance.

Freedom isn't free, son.
And local ordinances?
Then why have it there?

Either you live by your principles or you don't.

If you want to excuse this as D.C. proximity convenience over supposedly closely and strongly held values, that's up to you.
I went golfing today:
I was conservative with my putting averaging 1.8 per hole
I was liberal missing fairways, only hit 4
I was a moderate at hitting greens, hitting 9
I shot a conservative 80

Probably keep my politics on the golf course. I'm sorta fed up with this election cycle. I may not vote at all.
I think they're all a bunch of sicko's
Sounds like a great round! I'm getting out this week if it kills me. One prob I have is that the courses near me are at members-only country clubs. There is one upscale golf community but although I love the layout the greens are always in terrible shape. So I spend 90 min. in the car.

I was conservative with my putting averaging 1.8 per hole

That's the money stat.
Easier to shoot a good round now, cause all the grass is still dead. But wait until the rough turns green and grows gnarly. Then low scores will really be a challenge. This course really puts a premium on accuracy.
Ya, I know what ya mean. There;s a few Horsey Set golf courses around here; but I can't afford em.
I pay 550 per year for unlimited golf at Rivers Edge.
At CPAC today:

Do you really think the GOP had a say in this. Go rent an auditorium and let me know if they ask you whether you want guns allowed or not.

False. An organization can, and many times is forced to by the venue, buy event liability insurance.

Freedom isn't free, son.
And local ordinances?
Then why have it there?

Either you live by your principles or you don't.

If you want to excuse this as D.C. proximity convenience over supposedly closely and strongly held values, that's up to you.
Brilliant. I want to have a conference in Chicago, dealing with the problems of Chicago gun crime. But Chicago doesn't allow concealed carry, so we've decided to hold the conference in Denver.

The bottom line is the op is childish crap, period.
At CPAC today:


Oh lord, now they'll not have 'a good guy with a gun to stop the bad guy with a gun'. And as we know by conservative scientific lab work that is the ONLY thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun.

Tell us how that gun free zone works out for you cons. :bye1:
Actually, they are going to have a LOT of good guys to stop those bad guys with guns. Events like this have very heavy security.

Are you done lying yet? Oh, no you are not..

I'm pretty sure the security guards have weapons
Irrelevant. They should all be able to have weapons.

This is what conservatives argue all the time. This is what Gun-Free Zones arguments are all about.

Nope. I have not seen a single conservative here argue that private property or private events should not be able to bar weapons on the premises.

It is interesting that you continued on bloviating your bullshit after it was already pointed out to you:
No hypocrisy, dumbass. Republicans don't have a problem keeping guns out of certain areas as long as those areas are secure. The difference with liberals is that they put the signs up but don't secure the area, thereby inviting disasters.

Where you blatantly failed.
Nope. I have not seen a single conservative here argue that private property or private events should not be able to bar weapons on the premises.


Really? I read all the time on here how stupid private company owners are for not allowing their employees to come to work carrying a gun. Just this week a couple gunners were going off on the lawn service company that had a mass shooting. You missed that eh?

What could the CPAC organizers have been concerned about that they didn't want just anybody to come in with a gun?

What was their concern? Why couldn't the organizers be convinced about how much safer everyone would be if everybody who wanted to could carry their gun into the event?

I bet the venue owners are democrats. Don't ya think?

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