Conservatives are such HYPOCRITES!!!

I see that conservatives here have no defense for this hypocrisy.

no hypocrisy you dumbass, did you know that all the mass shooters/killers were/are liberscum or muslimes, therefore we Conservatives are trying our best to keep out the scum who could possibly sneak in a weapon of mass destruction, i believe there are a couple posters here who would strap on a bomb belt go into a meeting such as the CPAC and blow him or herself up and kill as many people as possible. so there :asshole: your hypocrisy theory is shot to hell.

ooooh! one more thing :fu:

maybe two, :up_yours: ................................ :asshole:
At CPAC today:


After seeing all the liberal retards crashing rallies can you blame em?
After seeing all the liberal retards crashing rallies can you blame em?

Everyone on here (except you?) Knows liberals are way to scared of guns to actually carry one.

No I would say that the organizers of republican events are scared that some whacked out right wing gunner is gonna shoot the place up because trump got disrespected. Or Cruz isn't the nominee. Or that planned parenthood is still in existence. Or that Obama care is s there. Or someone messed with a repubs Medicaid. Or welfare.

There are so many reasons to be concerned about right wingers with guns.

But a liberal with a gun? Not likely.
After seeing all the liberal retards crashing rallies can you blame em?

Everyone on here (except you?) Knows liberals are way to scared of guns to actually carry one.

No I would say that the organizers of republican events are scared that some whacked out right wing gunner is gonna shoot the place up because trump got disrespected. Or Cruz isn't the nominee. Or that planned parenthood is still in existence. Or that Obama care is s there. Or someone messed with a repubs Medicaid. Or welfare.

There are so many reasons to be concerned about right wingers with guns.

But a liberal with a gun? Not likely.

This particular asinine rant of yours does not have anything to do with rights as it has been pointed out to you continuously that you do not have the right to carry a weapon on private property if the owner of that property chooses not to allow it.
You haven't even attempted to show that this was done by the venue and not by CPAC.

And for the 100th time, why didn't CPAC respect the rights of it's attendees and hold their annual hate-fest in an open-carry state?

They could have gone right over the border into Virginia.
They didn't hold a 'hate fest' and your obvious hackery is preventing you from using your brain. It is clear that the hate is coming directly from you. I have never referenced the venue at all - as the organization holding the event it is perfectly reasonable to restrict what you can and cannot bring into the even as already pointed out to you multiple times. It has nothing to do with rights whatsoever. Further, they are under no obligation to conform to your asinine thoughts about where they hold their event at as well.
At CPAC today:


I'm sure that you would agree that the last thing you or any of your ilk would want is for one of your own to slip there with a gun and start shooting the place up, right? So you see, they're simply protecting you from yourselves, the damage done to your party and causes by an incident such as that would be devastating...

You should fucking thank them.
No hypocrisy, dumbass. Republicans don't have a problem keeping guns out of certain areas as long as those areas are secure. The difference with liberals is that they put the signs up but don't secure the area, thereby inviting disasters.
What areas are secure and who's securing them? Isn't that what Hitler told the Jews? Put your weapons in this bin and go into those secure gas chambers.

Hypocrites and sheep and you don't even trust each other.

You know what will stop a bad guy with a gun? A republican rally full of trigger happy fools.

Lol. First they don't let you have your gun at a rally next they're confiscating your guns. Cons are libs. Who knew
Really amazing how the left wing twists in the wind.

this sign does not establish a "gun free Zone." A gun free zone is defined by law. For an example are public schools they are gun free zones. And how has that worked out?

Real hypocrites rail about gun ownership and carrying a weapon when in fact they either carry one themselves or their body guards carry.
Washington D.C. Concealed Carry Permit Information

People go to CPAC from all over the country, they're not allowed to bring their guns with them. That will change with a republican president.
You're so thick. It's unbelievable.

I've asked multiple times: why did CPAC choose to have their ultra-conservative, gun-loving event where they did, rather than open-carry Arizona or Texas, etc.?

Projecting again are we? For the same reason the Tea Parties went to DC to discuss policies in DC, or ultra-conservative lobbying groups are located in DC, it's because that's where the seat of government is, dumbass. They weren't there to discuss policies in AZ or TX or to seek speakers that made policies in AZ or TX. Ever hear the old saying, if you can't get the mountain to come to you, you go to the mountain?
There was enough guns and security to stop a small army..................

OP epic fail.
At CPAC today:


EPIC hypocrisy isn't it!?

Republicans require gun-free zones for their 'elites' and you can bet they will be whining incessantly about gun-free zones during the CPAC.

According to conservatives every criminal within walking distance will consider this an easy target. Will Bundy supporters and other militia members form up outside with their snipers and make the bad guys 'pry it from their cold dead hands'.

They had it covered fool.

"At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this morning, attendees stood in line for up to two hours to get in. They were already registered (the usual cause for long CPAC lines), and had attended events on Thursday. But they still had to go through one of three metal detectors, causing long delays. The extra security, unprecedented in my five years of attending CPAC, was due to one man, former presidential candidate Ben Carson.

Both Carson and Donald Trump were awarded Secret Service protection in early November and, as the day wore on, guards wearing Kevlar vests marked "Secret Service" showed up in front of the media entrance. Former Secret Service director Ralph Basham told the Washington Post that such a detail costs taxpayers roughly $40,000 per day."
No hypocrisy, dumbass. Republicans don't have a problem keeping guns out of certain areas as long as those areas are secure. The difference with liberals is that they put the signs up but don't secure the area, thereby inviting disasters.

libs think theres no guns in there- they are that stupid.
Only by site security, not attendees. And it's not about guns/no guns, it's about Constitutional rights.

Your rather specious argument is with the Secret Service that are assigned to protect then Presidential candidate Dr Ben Carson.
I see that conservatives here have no defense for this hypocrisy.

You can't bring a gun to a GOP candidate rally, either.

no defense?

let's talk about the Secret Service, the guys that are charged with protecting the President. They are also charged with protecting presidential candidates, even Comrade Bernie has a Secret Service detail.

SO, Secret Service rules for candidates supersedes the desire of some CPAC members to carry weapons.

But I do have to admit, very solid troll attempt on conservatives

8/10, will read again
I don't believe Bernie is a guest at CPAC this year.

Do the Cubans get SS protection yet? Kasich?

Why aren't conservatives arguing for SS to allow guns at these events? We're being told all the time by conservatives that a good guy with a gun is preferable to have around.

The SS are the good guys with the guns.
After seeing all the liberal retards crashing rallies can you blame em?

Everyone on here (except you?) Knows liberals are way to scared of guns to actually carry one.

No I would say that the organizers of republican events are scared that some whacked out right wing gunner is gonna shoot the place up because trump got disrespected. Or Cruz isn't the nominee. Or that planned parenthood is still in existence. Or that Obama care is s there. Or someone messed with a repubs Medicaid. Or welfare.

There are so many reasons to be concerned about right wingers with guns.

But a liberal with a gun? Not likely.

After all, all Muslin jihadists are right wingers, huh!

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