Conservatives are such HYPOCRITES!!!

While inside, they will be railing against "gun-free zones".

CPAC isn't a "gun-free zone". They have armed security guards and police and, quite possibly, Secret Service agents. No one's expected to depend for their safety on the law-abiding goodwill of criminals.

You can't carry a gun into a police station, as a general rule, but I don't think anyone would be dumb enough to refer to THAT as a "gun-free zone". Well, YOU might be.
Where is that 2nd amend.guy when you really need him?
cant have guns because liberals will try to sneak in.
I think we can all agree that if one party member is going to try to shoot another party member it is going to be a liberal doing the shooting.
There are just too many people in a Republican event to be able to police them all.
Democrat event is much easier, there are only 3 or 4 attending and they are too high to shoot anything.

I suspect they're more concerned about assassination attempts on the candidates or other public figures. There's a reason why Presidential candidates are extended Secret Service protection at some point during the campaign.
I'm pretty sure the security guards have weapons

It is my understanding that they also have actual police officers there, as well. And, depending on who's attending, Secret Service agents. I know Donald Trump and, I believe, Ben Carson were extended Secret Service protection, but I'm not sure about the other candidates. Sometimes, there are other attendees to the conference who have Secret Service protection, such as former Presidents and their families.
Are you so ignorant as to not know that the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center is a gun free zone?
Why is CPAC having their big shindig at a gun-free zone?

Most venues of the appropriate size have such rules. The Tucson Convention Center here has no-gun rules, which is kind of funny, since they host the Arizona Gun Show every year.
At CPAC today:


You think isn't armed security there? Really?
Not the point.

The point is the Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Against the right of private property, which the convention venue is. They have every Constitutional right to decide and impose such rules for their own property.
While inside, they will be railing against "gun-free zones". opposed to Democrats requiring attendees to the Democrat National Convention to show ID as they assail Voter ID.
Attending a convention and voting are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.

Excuse me for throwing facts out there RW's ... I'm sure you haven't seen many of them before.

You are splitting hairs. Both are a form of privileged access. Democrats are all about using Government ID for all other facets of accessing Government.
At CPAC today:


Yo, first? Turn your hat around Dunce? We Conservatives believe in the 2nd Amendment! The problem is the idiots who can`t handle reality in the real World, talking about the Socialist Democrat Party!

View attachment 65954

Just curious: Is your oversized sig photo of Reagan a form of compensating? I've had my sig image removed by the mods so many times I gave up, and it wasn't 1/3 the size of yours. But then again I'm not a Republican.

And you're the one wearing a dunce cap....Address the hypocrisy of that sign in the lobby of CPAC.
While inside, they will be railing against "gun-free zones". opposed to Democrats requiring attendees to the Democrat National Convention to show ID as they assail Voter ID.

I realize you saw that on Breitbart, but you really don't think the RNC will require ID to get in? They won't check to see if you're a delegate, press or a volunteer? Just make sure you're not carrying a gun......Really.....
While inside, they will be railing against "gun-free zones". opposed to Democrats requiring attendees to the Democrat National Convention to show ID as they assail Voter ID.

I realize you saw that on Breitbart, but you really don't think the RNC will require ID to get in? They won't check to see if you're a delegate, press or a volunteer? Just make sure you're not carrying a gun......Really.....

Exactly..... The RNC is Consistent in its thinking about IDs. DNC, not so much.
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