Conservatives are the New Liberals

Conservatives criticize Liberals, and then try to act as if they are Liberals. In their hearts, they must know that we are right.

You've missed the entire point.

Today's conservatives are what liberals used to be.

Today's liberals are what Stalinists used to be.

Yes, the world changes, as did Conservatives.

That's the stupid thing about conservatism, they always want to conserve and keep to traditions. However, the world changes and so conservatives have to adapt. That is why there are so many different kinds of conservatism.
You've missed the entire point.

Today's conservatives are what liberals used to be.

Today's liberals are what Stalinists used to be.

Yes, the world changes, as did Conservatives.

That's the stupid thing about conservatism, they always want to conserve and keep to traditions. However, the world changes and so conservatives have to adapt. That is why there are so many different kinds of conservatism.

While there is one type of progressices because party orthodoxy commands killing off any other.
And conservatives began believing all that at the exact same moment...amazing!


Before that...CRICKETS...
Someone utterly unable to form his own opinions probably shouldn't be telling other people what they believe.

I argued with plenty of 'new conservatives' when Bush was in office. NONE of them were calling for less government. These are the very same 'less government' conservatives who gave us the 'patriot act and fatherland security.

Sure you did.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

Bull pucky to all of that....but the one I bolded has me laughing so hard, my tears are running down my legs.....

That's because you're a brainwashed moron.
You've missed the entire point.

Today's conservatives are what liberals used to be.

Today's liberals are what Stalinists used to be.

Yes, the world changes, as did Conservatives.

That's the stupid thing about conservatism, they always want to conserve and keep to traditions. However, the world changes and so conservatives have to adapt. That is why there are so many different kinds of conservatism.

But there's only one kind of liberal because you all march in ideological lockstep. You take marching orders handed down by the party elite.

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