Conservatives are the New Liberals

I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

Your post shows an inability to understand the reality of today's conservatives in congress and the conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

Your last point was correct. Clinton turned the Demos into Republican lite. We now have a one party system with two right wings.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

Your post shows an inability to understand the reality of today's conservatives in congress and the conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

Your last point was correct. Clinton turned the Demos into Republican lite. We now have a one party system with two right wings.

Your post shows an inability to argue coherently rather than just slinging generalities. Calling today's Democrats Republican lite indicates a lack of grasp on reality. They are more like Bolshevik lite.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.
Here is Bush spokesman Ari Fleisher talking about free speech.

On Wednesday, Ari Fleischer, the White House press secretary, denounced Mr. Maher, saying of news organizations, and all Americans, that in times like these "people have to watch what they say and watch what they do."

When the White House later released the official transcript of Mr. Fleischer's briefing, the portion of his comments urging people to "watch what they say" was not included. When that sparked yet another round of discussion over Mr. Fleischer's comments, Anne Womack, an assistant to Mr. Fleischer, said yesterday that the transcript did vary from the remarks Mr. Fleischer made. She called it "a transcription error."

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.
Interesting...didn't know [MENTION=20102]mudwhistle[/MENTION] was a liberal

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.
Unless you're gay (see DOMA) or a Female (See State restrictions on abortion)

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Point out the conservatives who want to go to war and fight the commies in __________.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.
Did we ever find out who was on the VP's energy task force? No? Carry on.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.
Yeah, okay. Can I have a puff on whatever you're smoking. Oh wait, never mind.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

Another bullseye.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

The Democrats and liberals in the party have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes in the general elections. They seem to be doing fine without you.
The progressives chiming in here seem to share the same argument: nuh-uh. It's about as factual as they can get. I know I stuck the right pig by the very loud squealing.

Yes, conservatives today believe what liberals back in the 1960s believed. Progressives believe what Stalinists in the 1930s believed.

That there were no facts in the OP seems to have escaped your tiny mind.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

Your post shows an inability to understand the reality of today's conservatives in congress and the conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

Your last point was correct. Clinton turned the Demos into Republican lite. We now have a one party system with two right wings.

Your post shows an inability to argue coherently rather than just slinging generalities. Calling today's Democrats Republican lite indicates a lack of grasp on reality. They are more like Bolshevik lite.

By Bolshevik lite I assume you mean that todays Democrats are Left wing.

They are not.

Clinton promoted and signed NAFTA. Hardly a lefty thing. He also signed the bill that eliminated the Glass- Segal Act that allowed the housing collapse. These were things Republicans tried to do for some time.

And now we have Obama with the right wing trade pacts and government snooping he's trying to get passed.

Maybe you should define "Bolshevik".
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

I knew you folks would start monkeying around with this word as soon as you discovered that Conservatives had no part in creating this country. guys are NOT Liberals.

I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

You can say whatever you want just stop fucking boo hoo crying about being persecuted when someone responds to you dumb ass.

And you're not going to ignore who I am because you want to feel better. I recognize Italians, Jews, Irish etc as being what they are. You're not going to tell me you are ignoring who and what I am for MY own good.
Yes, the world changes, as did Conservatives.

That's the stupid thing about conservatism, they always want to conserve and keep to traditions. However, the world changes and so conservatives have to adapt. That is why there are so many different kinds of conservatism.

But there's only one kind of liberal because you all march in ideological lockstep. You take marching orders handed down by the party elite.

There are also different kinds of liberalism.
Furthermore, I am not even a neo-liberal.
Your post shows an inability to understand the reality of today's conservatives in congress and the conservative majority on the SCOTUS.

Your last point was correct. Clinton turned the Demos into Republican lite. We now have a one party system with two right wings.

Your post shows an inability to argue coherently rather than just slinging generalities. Calling today's Democrats Republican lite indicates a lack of grasp on reality. They are more like Bolshevik lite.

By Bolshevik lite I assume you mean that todays Democrats are Left wing.

They are not.

Clinton promoted and signed NAFTA. Hardly a lefty thing. He also signed the bill that eliminated the Glass- Segal Act that allowed the housing collapse. These were things Republicans tried to do for some time.

And now we have Obama with the right wing trade pacts and government snooping he's trying to get passed.

Maybe you should define "Bolshevik".

Maybe you should realize:
NAFTA was signed about 20 years ago
Bill Clinton hasnt been president since the 90s.
Barack Obama is the president, Nancy Pelosi is the House minority leader and Harry Reid the Senate Majority leader.
They have skewered the legislative process, upended the rule of law, sought to gag dissenters, imposed a mandate to buy a product on the people, put new mandates on business, inserted themselves into almost every economic relationship that exists, all the while rewarding their friends.
Yes, that's what tyrants and dictators do.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

You can say whatever you want just stop fucking boo hoo crying about being persecuted when someone responds to you dumb ass.

And you're not going to ignore who I am because you want to feel better. I recognize Italians, Jews, Irish etc as being what they are. You're not going to tell me you are ignoring who and what I am for MY own good.

Hitting the 420 early today? That was incoherent even for you.
Your post shows an inability to argue coherently rather than just slinging generalities. Calling today's Democrats Republican lite indicates a lack of grasp on reality. They are more like Bolshevik lite.

By Bolshevik lite I assume you mean that todays Democrats are Left wing.

They are not.

Clinton promoted and signed NAFTA. Hardly a lefty thing. He also signed the bill that eliminated the Glass- Segal Act that allowed the housing collapse. These were things Republicans tried to do for some time.

And now we have Obama with the right wing trade pacts and government snooping he's trying to get passed.

Maybe you should define "Bolshevik".

Maybe you should realize:
NAFTA was signed about 20 years ago
Bill Clinton hasnt been president since the 90s.
Barack Obama is the president, Nancy Pelosi is the House minority leader and Harry Reid the Senate Majority leader.
They have skewered the legislative process, upended the rule of law, sought to gag dissenters, imposed a mandate to buy a product on the people, put new mandates on business, inserted themselves into almost every economic relationship that exists, all the while rewarding their friends.
Yes, that's what tyrants and dictators do.

I see. In your mind the world started in 2009.

Did not the right wing supreme court rule that we can vote? But those votes don't have to be counted if the election is going the "wrong" way. (Bush v. Gore)

Did they not also say that the richer you are the more voice you have in the nation's affairs?

Tell me more about how it's Obama, Pelosi and Reid skewing the system all by themselves.
By Bolshevik lite I assume you mean that todays Democrats are Left wing.

They are not.

Clinton promoted and signed NAFTA. Hardly a lefty thing. He also signed the bill that eliminated the Glass- Segal Act that allowed the housing collapse. These were things Republicans tried to do for some time.

And now we have Obama with the right wing trade pacts and government snooping he's trying to get passed.

Maybe you should define "Bolshevik".

Maybe you should realize:
NAFTA was signed about 20 years ago
Bill Clinton hasnt been president since the 90s.
Barack Obama is the president, Nancy Pelosi is the House minority leader and Harry Reid the Senate Majority leader.
They have skewered the legislative process, upended the rule of law, sought to gag dissenters, imposed a mandate to buy a product on the people, put new mandates on business, inserted themselves into almost every economic relationship that exists, all the while rewarding their friends.
Yes, that's what tyrants and dictators do.

I see. In your mind the world started in 2009.

Did not the right wing supreme court rule that we can vote? But those votes don't have to be counted if the election is going the "wrong" way. (Bush v. Gore)

Did they not also say that the richer you are the more voice you have in the nation's affairs?

Tell me more about how it's Obama, Pelosi and Reid skewing the system all by themselves.

Deflection isnt a river in Egypt either. Address my points or admit you've got nothing and lost the debate.
Maybe you should realize:
NAFTA was signed about 20 years ago
Bill Clinton hasnt been president since the 90s.
Barack Obama is the president, Nancy Pelosi is the House minority leader and Harry Reid the Senate Majority leader.
They have skewered the legislative process, upended the rule of law, sought to gag dissenters, imposed a mandate to buy a product on the people, put new mandates on business, inserted themselves into almost every economic relationship that exists, all the while rewarding their friends.
Yes, that's what tyrants and dictators do.

I see. In your mind the world started in 2009.

Did not the right wing supreme court rule that we can vote? But those votes don't have to be counted if the election is going the "wrong" way. (Bush v. Gore)

Did they not also say that the richer you are the more voice you have in the nation's affairs?

Tell me more about how it's Obama, Pelosi and Reid skewing the system all by themselves.

Deflection isnt a river in Egypt either. Address my points or admit you've got nothing and lost the debate.

Give me a valid point and I'll respond.
I see. In your mind the world started in 2009.

Did not the right wing supreme court rule that we can vote? But those votes don't have to be counted if the election is going the "wrong" way. (Bush v. Gore)

Did they not also say that the richer you are the more voice you have in the nation's affairs?

Tell me more about how it's Obama, Pelosi and Reid skewing the system all by themselves.

Deflection isnt a river in Egypt either. Address my points or admit you've got nothing and lost the debate.

Give me a valid point and I'll respond.
bah b;ah Bush lied us into war! 9/11 was an inside job blah blah
go fuck yourself, you low information loser.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:

1) Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was. Now conservatives hold that opinion.

2) Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color. Now conservaitves believe that.

3) Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference. Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.
This post shows how deluded and out of touch with reality you are. Addressing all the errors here would take too long, but...

1) Absolute? :lol: Hardly. Read opinions of liberal Justices :cuckoo:

2) Misreading of MLK, using one sentence in one speech. geeze!

3) The Right Wing Culture Wars belie this :lol::lol:

could go on but...
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:

1) Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was. Now conservatives hold that opinion.

2) Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color. Now conservaitves believe that.

3) Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference. Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.
This post shows how deluded and out of touch with reality you are. Addressing all the errors here would take too long, but...

1) Absolute? :lol: Hardly. Read opinions of liberal Justices :cuckoo:

2) Misreading of MLK, using one sentence in one speech. geeze!

3) The Right Wing Culture Wars belie this :lol::lol:

could go on but...

As usual some general statements not backed up by facts. That's a big ole fail.
Great post. Post of the Year so far. People need to stop confusing classic Liberals with today's Communist/Progressive Democrats. There is a big difference. Classic Liberals would relate more to a guy like Ron Paul. The Communists/Progressives have hijacked the Democratic Party. It is what it is.
The progressives chiming in here seem to share the same argument: nuh-uh. It's about as factual as they can get. I know I stuck the right pig by the very loud squealing.

Yes, conservatives today believe what liberals back in the 1960s believed. Progressives believe what Stalinists in the 1930s believed.

Why go back to the 1930's? We can see what Stalinists believed when they had their own 'tea party' movement in the late 1980's when Gorbachev tried to liberalize Soviet society...

Soviet Conservatives Try to Turn Back the Clock on Gorbachev's Policies

Russian conservatives, uneasy with the liberalization of Soviet society under Mikhail S. Gorbachev, have seized on the country's experiment in more democratic elections as a chance to fight for a return to more authoritarian ways.

A Disparate Alliance

The conservatives are a disparate alliance, including xenophobic fringe groups, like Pamyat, as well as large numbers of less extreme nationalists who yearn for what they see as the simple values of Old Russia and the Orthodox church.

'I Am a Stalinist'

''We brought our case to the people, and the outcome speaks for us,'' said Mr. Zherbin, whose group regards the liberalization of Soviet society as a conspiracy by Jews, Masons and Westernizers.

Prominent among the speeches and the placards at conservative political gatherings is support for Pamyat (Russian for ''memory''), which has been repeatedly criticized in the Soviet press for anti-Semitism.

While many candidates and voters say they view the elections to the new Congress of Deputies as a way to further the candor and freedoms allowed by the Soviet leader, conservatives in this city and around the country were boasting last week that they had already succeeded in blocking the nomination of several prominent people regarded as liberals.

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