Conservatives are the New Liberals

I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:

1) Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was. Now conservatives hold that opinion.

2) Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color. Now conservaitves believe that.

3) Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference. Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.
This post shows how deluded and out of touch with reality you are. Addressing all the errors here would take too long, but...

1) Absolute? :lol: Hardly. Read opinions of liberal Justices :cuckoo:

2) Misreading of MLK, using one sentence in one speech. geeze!

3) The Right Wing Culture Wars belie this :lol::lol:

could go on but...

As usual some general statements not backed up by facts. That's a big ole fail.

I'll meet your faulty logic and raise you two facts out of context
This post shows how deluded and out of touch with reality you are. Addressing all the errors here would take too long, but...

1) Absolute? :lol: Hardly. Read opinions of liberal Justices :cuckoo:

2) Misreading of MLK, using one sentence in one speech. geeze!

3) The Right Wing Culture Wars belie this :lol::lol:

could go on but...

As usual some general statements not backed up by facts. That's a big ole fail.

I'll meet your faulty logic and raise you two facts out of context
Translation: I've been pwned.

Yes, you have, Dainty.
What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32
What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32

Wow, straw man argument if there ever was one. First you define conservativsm based on what you think, and then criticize others for not being conservative. Way to go.
What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32

Good points. The definition is a bit confusing. For example, i know many Neocons who call themselves Conservatives. But most are all for Big Government. Only slightly less big than Communist/Progressive Democrats. They fully endorse a huge Government involved in everyone's private lives. They don't mind the domestic spying and overall oppression. So i hear ya. The definition of 'Conservative' isn't clearly defined at this point.
Agreed. Especially the belief in "a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color." No Wrongpublican EVER believed this before President Obama took office and shattered the racial barriers in America forever.

President Obama's mere existence cured 80% of racists of their brain-crippled disorder. Fact.

Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

He was talking about you.

Prove it.

All of your posts are the proof.
What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32

Wow, straw man argument if there ever was one. First you define conservativsm based on what you think, and then criticize others for not being conservative. Way to go.

You really are an idiot. If I said black, you would argue white.

It is not a strawman, I used the classic definition of conservatism:



: belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

: dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area


1. the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.

World English Dictionary

2. a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change
What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32

Wow, straw man argument if there ever was one. First you define conservativsm based on what you think, and then criticize others for not being conservative. Way to go.

You really are an idiot. If I said black, you would argue white.

It is not a strawman, I used the classic definition of conservatism:



: belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

: dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area


1. the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.

World English Dictionary

2. a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change

i think the problem is that he is confusing not only liberal and conservative but is pretending that reactionary regressive behavior is somehow liberal.

but then again, it's not like we can expect more from him
What is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect their lives and toil not by paying lip service to it or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing those values. You do it by making their hard earned lessons your easy learned lessons. You do it by respecting and fighting for the policies and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses to our communities and our society.

How did our ancestors craft these policies and programs, were they based on some ideology? I believe they were based on common decency, respect for your neighbors, common sense, experience, trial and error and a strong sense of community.

I was raised in the 1950's. My dad was the sole provider, and my mom was a housewife and mother. We didn't call it 'family values', we called it family. When I came home from school, no matter what kind of day I had, it became brighter as soon as I walked in the door to a 'hi honey' from my mom. It not only brightened my day, it built self worth and a positive self image. All my friends and school mates had a similar story...a father that worked and a mother that stayed home to raise and nurture their children. None of us kids ever knew or even cared what anyone else's father did for a living. None of us had to go without; food, clothing, pets, bikes, baseball gloves, doctor care (our doctor used to come to the house), a quality public education with all the extras; sports, arts, school run ice rink, summer swimming and sports programs etc. But none of us were pampered or spoiled either.

THAT is exactly what I want for my kids and for my grand-kids.

So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.

So, what is conservatism? I don't hear people that call themselves conservatives talk that way or think that way. I don't hear talk of building, I hear talk of tearing down. I don't hear talk of a helping hand, I hear talk of letting them fail. I don't hear talk of the public good, I hear talk about me and mine. I don't hear compassion for fellow citizens, I hear disdain. I never hear them talk about human capital, just mammon. These so called conservatives are ideologues that want to dismantle any shred of community and replace it with SELF interest.

That is not 'conservatism', that is called narcissism.

"You shall rise in the presence of grey hairs, give honor to the aged, and fear God, I am the Lord"
Leviticus 19:32

Wow, straw man argument if there ever was one. First you define conservativsm based on what you think, and then criticize others for not being conservative. Way to go.

You really are an idiot. If I said black, you would argue white.

It is not a strawman, I used the classic definition of conservatism:



: belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

: dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area


1. the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.

World English Dictionary

2. a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change

It was a complete strawman. Conservatives vary so there is no one definition. Just for starters. Secondly, today's conservatives are yesterday's liberals. Which was the point of this thread, in case you missed something else.
Wow, straw man argument if there ever was one. First you define conservativsm based on what you think, and then criticize others for not being conservative. Way to go.

You really are an idiot. If I said black, you would argue white.

It is not a strawman, I used the classic definition of conservatism:



: belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

: dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area


1. the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.

World English Dictionary

2. a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change

i think the problem is that he is confusing not only liberal and conservative but is pretending that reactionary regressive behavior is somehow liberal.

but then again, it's not like we can expect more from him

Oh look little miss faux attorney pretending to contribute.
I think the problem is you are pretending to be something you're not: intelligent. It shows.

Every position I outlined was at one time consistent with liberal Democrat thinking but now is assoiciated with conservatives.
Wow, straw man argument if there ever was one. First you define conservativsm based on what you think, and then criticize others for not being conservative. Way to go.

You really are an idiot. If I said black, you would argue white.

It is not a strawman, I used the classic definition of conservatism:



: belief in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society

: dislike of change or new ideas in a particular area


1. the disposition to preserve or restore what is established and traditional and to limit change.

World English Dictionary

2. a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change

It was a complete strawman. Conservatives vary so there is no one definition. Just for starters. Secondly, today's conservatives are yesterday's liberals. Which was the point of this thread, in case you missed something else.

I just gave you the classic definition from 3 different dictionaries. The truth of the matter is Reagan was no conservative. He trashed everything our ancestors built. He was a radical regressive who tried to bring back the Gilded Age.

“Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. Reagan was an ideological inflection point, ending a 50-year liberal ascendancy and beginning a 30-year conservative ascendancy."
Charles Krauthammer
As usual some general statements not backed up by facts. That's a big ole fail.

I'll meet your faulty logic and raise you two facts out of context
Translation: I've been pwned.

Yes, you have, Dainty.

Not one of your points in the OP is backed up by just threw a bunch of loony opinions about "liberals" and "conservatives" how in the hell do you have any right to call out any "faulty logic"
Agreed. Especially the belief in "a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color." No Wrongpublican EVER believed this before President Obama took office and shattered the racial barriers in America forever.

President Obama's mere existence cured 80% of racists of their brain-crippled disorder. Fact.

Well, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.

-- Ronald Reagan

He was talking about you.

Prove it.
Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that humor excites in those who lack it.

-- George Saintsbury

He was talking about you, too. :lol:
And conservatives began believing all that at the exact same moment...amazing!


Before that...CRICKETS...
Someone utterly unable to form his own opinions probably shouldn't be telling other people what they believe.

I argued with plenty of 'new conservatives' when Bush was in office. NONE of them were calling for less government. These are the very same 'less government' conservatives who gave us the 'patriot act and fatherland security.
I know you'll have trouble comprehending this simple fact, but not all conservatives agree with each other. We don't insist on groupthink and rigid lockstep. We're not progressives.
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

Don't worry...

When "progressive" returns to being the epithet it should be, bed wetters will disassociate themselves from that.

If being "conservative" ever becomes trendy, count of the bed wetters to hijack that term.

Remember Obama comparing himself to Reagan? :rofl:
I know some of you are old enough to remember the liberalism of the 1960s. So you remember a time when:
Liberals believed the First Amendment was absolute and people should be able to say what they want regardless of how offensive it was.

Now conservatives hold that opinion.

Liberals believed in the goal of a race-blind society, where someone would be judged on his character rather than skin color.

Now conservaitves believe that.

Liberals believed in individual freedom to decide important issues without government interference.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in an America that was engaged in the world and a force for good, helping those oppressed by communist dictatorships find their freedom.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the press as the Fourth Estate, whose role was to inform the people and act as a check on a government.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in a genderless society where women were hired on the basis of their qualifications alone.

Now conservatives believe that.

Liberals believed in the ideal of free and fair elections that were by the rules and above board beyond reproach.

Now conservatives believe that.

For most of the old time liberals, they didnt leave the Democrat Party, the Democrat Party left them.

I knew you folks would start monkeying around with this word as soon as you discovered that Conservatives had no part in creating this country. guys are NOT Liberals.

You are not entitled to your own reality.

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