"Conservatives" aren't as popular as they thought.

Well yeah, but building a wall, expanding federal courts to deport all the illegals, which would equal the cost of the war on drugs, registering muslims isn't exactly small govt. There's no way to have a single page tax return w/o doing away with middle class tax goodies, but Trump isn't acknowledging it. We aren't short of oil or natl gas.

Regulations? Some regulations are necessary to make private markets transparent, e.g. mortgage market. Some regulations are necessary for health, e.g. Flint. Trump is at best, incoherent.

I'll agree the powers that control the gop don't like him. But then neither do the powers that would fight regulations that fail to do what regulations should do, and instead cloud market transparency. That's a direct reference to the Kochs. I see more demigod than market reformer ... so far. But, I am sure that my state of Miss will go for Donald and Hillary in the primary.

Nobody is saying to register Americans. I'm not sure where you get that from. We need most immigration suspended right now. Immigrants are working Americans citizen aren't .sealing the boarder is not that hard actually the law is already in place, but these crony politicians ignore it. Some Regulations is correct that's the key word isn't it? The establishment, crony capitalist, didn't like Reagan either.

Trump refused to say whether he'd entertain registering muslims and closing mosques. If he can't make his mind there, he's unsuitable for anything. I'd agree sealing the border is doable, but a wall isn't possible nor would it help. Deporting 10.5 people also isn't possible, without doubling or tripling the federal courts. I'd just like the Donald to stop pontificating and start actually making some sense about how he's gonna get this stuff done (beyond 'hiring really smart people")

Don't even try to compare the market theories of goldwater and Reagan to the Donald

Most people began to support Trump for the border illegal issue that's what catapulted him to the top. The registering muslims is a scare tactic. I never said Trump's policies were Reaganesque , although a great America is, and im a Cruz supporter

And a wall is certainly doable and would be helpful in many places, especially urban centers.

And if 10 million people can move here, they can be moved BACK.
Tell me how much deporting 10 million would cost and how many court appearances it'd take. Come on. Put up or stfd.

Depends how Trump decides to do it. Probably less than you think.
Nobody is saying to register Americans. I'm not sure where you get that from. We need most immigration suspended right now. Immigrants are working Americans citizen aren't .sealing the boarder is not that hard actually the law is already in place, but these crony politicians ignore it. Some Regulations is correct that's the key word isn't it? The establishment, crony capitalist, didn't like Reagan either.

Trump refused to say whether he'd entertain registering muslims and closing mosques. If he can't make his mind there, he's unsuitable for anything. I'd agree sealing the border is doable, but a wall isn't possible nor would it help. Deporting 10.5 people also isn't possible, without doubling or tripling the federal courts. I'd just like the Donald to stop pontificating and start actually making some sense about how he's gonna get this stuff done (beyond 'hiring really smart people")

Don't even try to compare the market theories of goldwater and Reagan to the Donald

Most people began to support Trump for the border illegal issue that's what catapulted him to the top. The registering muslims is a scare tactic. I never said Trump's policies were Reaganesque , although a great America is, and im a Cruz supporter

And a wall is certainly doable and would be helpful in many places, especially urban centers.

And if 10 million people can move here, they can be moved BACK.
Tell me how much deporting 10 million would cost and how many court appearances it'd take. Come on. Put up or stfd.

No need to drag people out. You make it hard for them to live here. No Jobs for Illegals, no drivers licenses, no sanctuary cities, it's pretty simple actually.

AND deport all illegals in prison once they serve their time. Don't release them back into the country.
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996

Here is the problem with your synopsis--------------> Conservatives want......in fact need the ruling class out of Washington. It is not as much of the GOP driving Trump, as it is the independents and blue collar Democrats. (I know, you don't believe it. Same is true for Bernie with a bunch of youth mixed in)

Conservatives main concern has always been the spending, deficit, and national debt. (proving conclusively that GW was NOT a conservative) If we are going into debt, it had better be for a very good reason. (like dismantling our former number 1 enemy, the USSR)

Now we conservatives have 2 plains to work on.........Cruz, who will work against the establishment to lower spending, or Trump, who we believe will grow the economy massively because of his business acumen. In either case, the deficit shrinks because of less spending, or massive tax revenue increases.

We can all argue about our societal preferences, AFTER we return solvency to the republic. Why? Because without solvency, there is no society to argue over, and there is no republic within the not to distant future.

The truth is what it is, and if nothing else, we conservatives are pragmatic!
Reagan wasn't a conservative either, yet conservatives like to put his picture on their pillows to sleep with at night.....
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996

Here is the problem with your synopsis--------------> Conservatives want......in fact need the ruling class out of Washington. It is not as much of the GOP driving Trump, as it is the independents and blue collar Democrats. (I know, you don't believe it. Same is true for Bernie with a bunch of youth mixed in)

Conservatives main concern has always been the spending, deficit, and national debt. (proving conclusively that GW was NOT a conservative) If we are going into debt, it had better be for a very good reason. (like dismantling our former number 1 enemy, the USSR)

Now we conservatives have 2 plains to work on.........Cruz, who will work against the establishment to lower spending, or Trump, who we believe will grow the economy massively because of his business acumen. In either case, the deficit shrinks because of less spending, or massive tax revenue increases.

We can all argue about our societal preferences, AFTER we return solvency to the republic. Why? Because without solvency, there is no society to argue over, and there is no republic within the not to distant future.

The truth is what it is, and if nothing else, we conservatives are pragmatic!
Reagan wasn't a conservative either, yet conservatives like to put his picture on their pillows to sleep with at night.....

crazy talk.
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996

Ronald Reagan was pretty popular actually
Yes because he wasnt a criminal scumbag and was roud of americans and america. the press treated him like shit and laughed st him, though...all the way through two terms. because.theyre idiots. who ironically think theyre smart.
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996

Here is the problem with your synopsis--------------> Conservatives want......in fact need the ruling class out of Washington. It is not as much of the GOP driving Trump, as it is the independents and blue collar Democrats. (I know, you don't believe it. Same is true for Bernie with a bunch of youth mixed in)

Conservatives main concern has always been the spending, deficit, and national debt. (proving conclusively that GW was NOT a conservative) If we are going into debt, it had better be for a very good reason. (like dismantling our former number 1 enemy, the USSR)

Now we conservatives have 2 plains to work on.........Cruz, who will work against the establishment to lower spending, or Trump, who we believe will grow the economy massively because of his business acumen. In either case, the deficit shrinks because of less spending, or massive tax revenue increases.

We can all argue about our societal preferences, AFTER we return solvency to the republic. Why? Because without solvency, there is no society to argue over, and there is no republic within the not to distant future.

The truth is what it is, and if nothing else, we conservatives are pragmatic!
Reagan wasn't a conservative either, yet conservatives like to put his picture on their pillows to sleep with at night.....

crazy talk.
No, pillow talk, and you pronounce it like an educated Englishman...
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996

Looked at Hillary's numbers lately?

It's sad they need to dig up some stuff to try and show how they are supposedly: THE ONE. liberalism is mental disorder that is nasty and ugly too
I see you caught it with conciseness...
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996
Sorry...I can't identify with your guy...or any of his BS. My extended family are and have been very productively employed for over 30 years. Their children are now graduating from college with marketable degrees. They still cling to God, Guns and quality spirits. They are fed up with the current aimless, confused leadership in DC and are looking for a drastic change in direction...properly managed. They are willing and anxious to give a new leader a shot. But that leader better hit the ground running. Enough of the unachieved goals and empty promises. Let's get serious.
This article is so rich. I've been saying the same thing albeit no where near as good :) Great article and a must read for everyone.

How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996

Here is the problem with your synopsis--------------> Conservatives want......in fact need the ruling class out of Washington. It is not as much of the GOP driving Trump, as it is the independents and blue collar Democrats. (I know, you don't believe it. Same is true for Bernie with a bunch of youth mixed in)

Conservatives main concern has always been the spending, deficit, and national debt. (proving conclusively that GW was NOT a conservative) If we are going into debt, it had better be for a very good reason. (like dismantling our former number 1 enemy, the USSR)

Now we conservatives have 2 plains to work on.........Cruz, who will work against the establishment to lower spending, or Trump, who we believe will grow the economy massively because of his business acumen. In either case, the deficit shrinks because of less spending, or massive tax revenue increases.

We can all argue about our societal preferences, AFTER we return solvency to the republic. Why? Because without solvency, there is no society to argue over, and there is no republic within the not to distant future.

The truth is what it is, and if nothing else, we conservatives are pragmatic!
Reagan wasn't a conservative either, yet conservatives like to put his picture on their pillows to sleep with at night.....

crazy talk.
No, pillow talk, and you pronounce it like an educated Englishman...

Yes, crazy talk.

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