Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.


Four lies in a short opening post, and the leftist losers have managed to stretch the thread out to nearly 300 posts.

I'm impressed.

Who would have thought one would see the day when the 'Conservatives' would be cheering for the naked aggression of Russia? It seems that if they think that it might in any way be a detriment to our President, they are for it. Even to the extent of cheering for the re-instatement of the old Russian and Soviet empire.

There is a name for this, and it is treason. To work against the interests of the United States and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort. These are the people that would have joined the Bund. An embarrassment to our nation, an embarrassment to humanity.

I'm just noting O's incompetence once again as he fails to fulfill our obligations to the 1994 budapest memorandum that we signed with ukraine.
If Obama was smart (which he isn't), he would ask for the exact opposite thing that he needs. This way, the Republicans will do exactly what he needs done.

I agree with the premise of the OP. The Republicans' hatred for Obama is so blind these days that they will even work against the interests of our country as long as they can find a way to damage Obama in the process. They would rather hurt America than help Obama.
No one is cheering Russia's naked aggression. We're cheering President Putin's making a fool out of Chicken Kiev obama. The ordinary person under obama's tyranny can't do it. Thankfully someone is.

You are just the type of asshole that the OP is about. The President is objecting to the naked aggression on the part of Russia. If he and the other leaders of the civilized nations of the world formulate a plan that backs the Russians up, you would oppose that because you want the US to lose as long as President Obama is President. That is damnably treasonous. No other word for it.
Where is the cheering for the naked aggression of Putin?

Put up or shut up.

The Putin love is everywhere.

One of USMB's Right-Wing "thinkers":

Obama needs to go on the Dave Letterman Show and give Putin a real stern talking to. Maybe even appear on The View too!
And left them in better shape.


Ask all the Iraqis who have had innocent family members and kids killed how much better shape they're in.

Well at least we leave. How many ethnic groups remain under Russian rule in the "Federation"? How many different languages are spoken under Russian subjugation? Isn't the current crisis all about "protecting" former Russian citizens and and the resulting population of "immigration colonization" by Russia?

Rationalizing our naked aggression by saying that even though we killed thousands of innocents is somehow better than the naked aggression of other countries is a bit of a stretch isn't it?

Can't we be honest in the least bit and recognize that The US "outrage" about the aggression of other countries is hypocritical at best?
The wingnuts pine for Putin's iron fist, and admire him taking strong positions, even illegal.

But they hate it when a Democratic president even suggests using his authority, fully legal.

None of them will try to explain it. They can't!
It's all they have is Putin . They have no serious candidate to run ,the have lost the American people with all the horse shit that flows from GOP & tea party . Come next election the GOP will only have faux & Putin to back them .........good luck with that !

how can they be so bitter? :( OH!!! :shock: That's right. Fox/GOPTV sells hate & fear everyday. :tinfoil:

Fox is providing the Republican hawks the platform to argue for war with Russia.

Did Russia?s cold warrior read Obama perfectly? | Fox News
"I think Putin is playing chess, and I think we're playing marbles. And I don't think it's even close," House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., told "Fox News Sunday."
... But Republicans nevertheless are blaming Obama in part for Putin's aggression, pointing to a series of steps, or missteps, over the last five years.
Rogers said the first was the controversial 2009 decision to abandon a missile-defense agreement with Poland and the Czech Republic. The administration argued at the time that it no longer needed the infrastructure to counter Iran and could make do by upgrading existing interceptors.

But Russia was watching.

"It caused huge problems for our allies and emboldened the Russians," Rogers said. "And it really has been a downhill slide."
Romney stood by his claim that Russia is a "geopolitical foe."
"The Russian government has felt free to intervene militarily in Ukraine because the United States, along with Europe, has failed to make clear there would be serious, potentially irreparable consequences to such action," Sen. Bob Corker, top Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, said in a statement Thursday.

If it were up to the Republicans there would be bombers in the air right now.
The wingnuts pine for Putin's iron fist, and admire him taking strong positions, even illegal.

But they hate it when a Democratic president even suggests using his authority, fully legal.

None of them will try to explain it. They can't!

No it's funny that the president of a country who has no problem killing kids with drones is telling threatening other countries over their actions.
Naked Aggression.

That's funny considering you're living in a country that has invaded more sovereign nations than any other on the planet.
And left them in better shape.


Ask all the Iraqis who have had innocent family members and kids killed how much better shape they're in.
As opposed to Saddam's acid baths and starving people so he could build his palaces and military? Depends who you ask but you said nation.
And left them in better shape.


Ask all the Iraqis who have had innocent family members and kids killed how much better shape they're in.
As opposed to Saddam's acid baths and starving people so he could build his palaces and military? Depends who you ask but you said nation.

Yeah OK we're killers of innocents but we have right on our side.

Do you even listen to the shit you say?

Face it we are THE most aggressive country on the planet and we delude ourselves that somehow it's OK while we threaten any other country that does exactly what we do.
If Obama was smart (which he isn't), he would ask for the exact opposite thing that he needs. This way, the Republicans will do exactly what he needs done.

I agree with the premise of the OP. The Republicans' hatred for Obama is so blind these days that they will even work against the interests of our country as long as they can find a way to damage Obama in the process. They would rather hurt America than help Obama.

I'd ask for proof of any of that but we both know there isn't.
Figured out what "redacted" means yet?

Ask all the Iraqis who have had innocent family members and kids killed how much better shape they're in.
As opposed to Saddam's acid baths and starving people so he could build his palaces and military? Depends who you ask but you said nation.

Yeah OK we're killers of innocents but we have right on our side.

Do you even listen to the shit you say?

Face it we are THE most aggressive country on the planet and we delude ourselves that somehow it's OK while we threaten any other country that does exactly what we do.

It was war, dumbshit. In war people get killed. Show me a war where people didnt get killed.
Iceweasel is correct: we are the only country to leave other countries better off than when we got there. Iraq is better off. Japan is better off. Germany is better off. We go to war not to aggrandize ourselves but to help others.
You dont like America? Leave. Head to Iran. I hear they never invade other countries.
Yeah OK we're killers of innocents but we have right on our side.

Do you even listen to the shit you say?

Face it we are THE most aggressive country on the planet and we delude ourselves that somehow it's OK while we threaten any other country that does exactly what we do.
Like helping to rebuild Japan and Germany. Ask South Korea if they want us to leave. No, not everything was/is OK but I don't agree we're the force of evil you do.

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