Conservatives cheering for Russia's naked aggresion

Of course they are. They are for anything that hurts this country. They forget that GW allowed Putin to do the same thing in the Georgian republic in 2008. He got away with it then, and he will get away with it this time. His plan is to reassemble the old Soviet Union.
Naked Aggression.

That's funny considering you're living in a country that has invaded more sovereign nations than any other on the planet.
Of course they are. They are for anything that hurts this country. They forget that GW allowed Putin to do the same thing in the Georgian republic in 2008. He got away with it then, and he will get away with it this time. His plan is to reassemble the old Soviet Union.

And Obama's plan to stop this is? Negotiate the future status of Anchorage in return for Russian assurances?
No, Putin took the measure of the man and found he could make him his bitch.
Obama's now discovering that while he was playing T-Ball, Putin's been playing hard ball.

Poor Obama, whiffling away....
Of course they are. They are for anything that hurts this country. They forget that GW allowed Putin to do the same thing in the Georgian republic in 2008. He got away with it then, and he will get away with it this time. His plan is to reassemble the old Soviet Union.

Oh cry us a frkken river

Your dear wonderful leader is a failure in the eyes of the majority of the people in this country...that means all political affiliation and Bush isn't President with it
Grabbed this and cut-n-paste from top three headlines on Google News on Ukraine developments: (Clean up formatting a bit to improve readability. Non of the text changed.)

Russia reportedly gives Ukraine's forces deadline to surrender in disputed ...
Fox News - *10 minutes ago*
Russia's fleet has ordered Ukraine's forces in the disputed Crimea Peninsula to surrender by 3 a.m. local time or "face a storm," a Ukrainian defense ministry source says. The source spoke to the Interfax news agency, according to Sky News. The threat came ...

Ukraine's outdated and underfunded military no match for Russia
Fox News - *2 minutes ago*
Ukraine's underfunded and outdated military, with Cold War-era technology and salaries to match, would be an anemic deterrent if the Russian invasion of Crimea were to widen into a bigger confrontation, according to a 2012 Ukrainian Ministry of Defense ...

Did Russia's cold warrior read Obama perfectly?
Fox News - *9 minutes ago*
Russia's cold warrior has been studying his on-again, off-again adversary in the White House for more than five years now -- and some lawmakers argue his military incursion in Ukraine shows he's been emboldened by President Obama's actions.
Naked Aggression.

That's funny considering you're living in a country that has invaded more sovereign nations than any other on the planet.
And left them in better shape.


Ask all the Iraqis who have had innocent family members and kids killed how much better shape they're in.

Well at least we leave. How many ethnic groups remain under Russian rule in the "Federation"? How many different languages are spoken under Russian subjugation? Isn't the current crisis all about "protecting" former Russian citizens and and the resulting population of "immigration colonization" by Russia?
No, Crimea has always been Russian. Crimea- do not Ukraine! Ukraine let the rolls to the devil.
Putin can not solve anything and do in Ukraine, it is not our territory. But Crimea Army officers took the oath of the Russia voluntarily today, Sevastopol is a Russian city, and where the Nazis expelled everywhere safely. Where Nazis exist, blood and violence. This is the news from the people who live there, and not from the TV. If Obama wants to let the blood-comes. Obama wants to blood and violence continued? He needs Sevastopol, let take, if he can.
Putin is not to blame. US touch the Russian people, as you do not understand this-there fascists! OMG.....
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still have that comprehension problem I see....

Now, answer the question...what part pertains to a Bedouin in the desert of the Sinai?

It's you have that have the problem.

Once captured by the US military, that person is in the jurisdiction of the United States.

If that's not enough for you..because it should be..the United States is a signatory nation to the Geneva Convention.

The Bush administration had to carve out a rather unique and almost unprecedented approach to torture that hasn't been used since the civil war and call them "Enemy Combatants."

That was profoundly unconstitutional and against the bedrock principles of this country.

Shockingly none of that is true.
The BoR is not a roving shield that protects Americans everywhere under all circumstances. The Geneva Convention is meaningless here. The Bush administration did not engage in torture, no matter how many times the Left invokes the term. The Supreme Court used the term enemy combatants in ex parte Quirin in the 1940s, so there is good precedent for what Bush did. ANd we know it worked because Obama has continued most of his policies.

That's a pretty unique position since the person in question was a spy.

Spies aren't protected.

FindLaw | Cases and Codes

Thereafter petitioners, with a German citizen, Dasch, proceeded from Germany to a seaport in Occupied France, where petitioners Burger, Heinck and Quirin, together with Dasch, boarded a German submarine which proceeded across the Atlantic to Amagansett Beach on Long Island, New York. The four were there landed from the submarine in the hours of darkness, on or about June 13, 1942, carrying with them a supply of explosives, fuses and incendiary and timing devices. While landing they wore German Marine Infantry uniforms or parts of uniforms. Immediately after landing they buried their uniforms and the other articles mentioned and proceeded in civilian dress to New York City.

And that may have factored into Scailia's twisted mind. Remember he also said that torture was legal because people in custody weren't charged.

Water Boarding is torture in almost all of the civilized world.

Torture is a disgusting practice.

And Obama ended it.
"To work against the interests of the United States, and, indeed, the civilized world, is treason of the highest sort."

First, when Obama kills Anwar Al-Awlaki without giving him his due process rights under the law, who was committing treason? Him or our president? When Obama sends money, weapons, and tanks to Syrian Rebels and Al-Qaeda terrorists; who was it committing treason? Who is it working against American interests?

And when Obama kills children with drone strikes, is he working in the best interests of the civilized world? When he works to weaken us militarily, is he working in our interests?

Keep your trap shut. You can't prove one way or another that conservatives are cheering for another country to slaughter another.

It's called war. Oh' yeah, you right wingers whine about us being too soft with our rules of engagement one second, just to whine about us killing terrorist the next. Like I said Obama can't win. No better then GEORGE BUSH bombing the shit out of Bagdad with jet fighters for years on end. How was that any better1?

The difference between Bush and Obama is that Bush didn't pretend he was using due process to kill people, he simply said it was the best thing under the circumstances. Obama wants to dress it up in pretty words to make himself feel like he is better than Bush. Me not letting him get away with that is not proof that I support what Bush did. You complaining about it is, however, proof you think Obama has the better argument.

That makes you as an enemy of the Constitution as Obama is.

Good thing that YOU are around to call him on it.
I do not believe for one second that anyones's mother is fearing for her life in h Crimea. Where are all these 'many fascists' - other than in the inventive mind of Mr Putin, seeking a pretext for reinforcing the already large numbers of Russian military already in the Crimea perfectly legally.

Which war did your friend die in? WWII? and were they killed by Hitler's or Stalin's murderers?

Yes, but my friend's mom lives in the Crimea, and he is here because it is a single country Russia, and I do not know that you are lying.
I called friends in Kharkiv. They are scared to leave the house, scared to speak their native language.

We have every family has died in any war. Do not believe, I'm not interested in your trust, believe or a not believe- you business.

Where did you get so much anger at Putin and Obama, and why you need Ukraine?

I applaud you coming onto the board and saying your point of view. And like everyone I applaud I am going to disagree with you. ;)

These people are not arriving to protect someone mother. They are there to take land.
When are radical lefties going to hold the democrat party responsible for the skewed foreign policy that allowed Banghazi to happen? The secretary of state told us that global warming was the greatest threat to the world just before the Russians invaded Ukraine.Your guy won the election lefties. Stop acting like losers.
When are radical lefties going to hold the democrat party responsible for the skewed foreign policy that allowed Banghazi to happen? The secretary of state told us that global warming was the greatest threat to the world just before the Russians invaded Ukraine.Your guy won the election lefties. Stop acting like losers.

It's no act.
When are radical lefties going to hold the democrat party responsible for the skewed foreign policy that allowed Banghazi to happen? The secretary of state told us that global warming was the greatest threat to the world just before the Russians invaded Ukraine.Your guy won the election lefties. Stop acting like losers.

Speaking of Benghazi, which took much longer than I expect, coincidence how an election is coming up and there is another foreign crisis in an oil rich country that is playing into the hands of the Republicans. Odd how that keeps happening.

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